< 2 Hamuera 12 >

1 Na ka tonoa a Natana e Ihowa ki a Rawiri: a ka tae atu ia ki a ia, ka mea ki a ia, Tokorua nga tangata i te pa kotahi; he taonga o tetahi, he rawakore tetahi.
Then the Lord sent Nathan vnto Dauid, who came to him, and sayd vnto him, There were two men in one citie, the one riche, and the other poore.
2 He tini noa iho nga hipi, nga kau a te tangata taonga:
The rich man had exceeding many sheepe and oxen:
3 Hore rawa ia he mea a te rawakore; heoi ano he reme uha kotahi nei, he mea nohinohi nana i hoki mai i whangai haere; a i tupu tahi ake ratou me ana tamariki: i kai tana ake taro, i inu hoki i roto i tana ake kapu, i takoto ki tona uma; a i rite t onu he tamahine ki a ia.
But the poore had none at all, saue one litle sheepe which he had bought, and nourished vp: and it grew vp with him, and with his children also, and did eate of his owne morsels, and dranke of his owne cup, and slept in his bosome, and was vnto him as his daughter.
4 Na ka tea he pahi ki te tangata taonga, a ka manawapa tera ki te tango i tetahi o ana hipi, o ana kau, kia taka ma te manuhuri i haere mai ki a ia; heoi tangohia ana e ia te reme a te tangata rawakore, taka ana e ia ma te tangata i haere nei ki a ia.
Now there came a stranger vnto the rich man, who refused to take of his owne sheepe, and of his owne oxen to dresse for the stranger that was come vnto him, but tooke the poore mans sheepe, and dressed it for the man that was come to him.
5 Ko te tino muranga o te riri o Rawiri ki taua tangata, ka mea ki a Natana, E ora ana a Ihowa, e tika ana kia mate te tangata nana tenei mahi.
Then Dauid was exceeding wroth with the man, and sayde to Nathan, As the Lord liueth, the man that hath done this thing, shall surely dye,
6 Ko te reme hoki, kia wha ana e hoatu ai hei utu; mona i mea i tenei mea, mona hoki kihai i aroha.
And he shall restore the lambe foure folde, because he did this thing, and had no pitie thereof.
7 Na ka mea a Natana ki a Rawiri, Ko taua tangata ra, ko koe. Ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa, a te Atua o Iharaira, Naku koe i whakawahi hei kingi mo Iharaira, naku hoki koe i whakaora i te ringa o Haora;
Then Nathan sayd to Dauid, Thou art the man. Thus sayth the Lord God of Israel, I anoynted thee King ouer Israel, and deliuered thee out of the hand of Saul,
8 A hoatu ana e ahau te whare o tou ariki ki a koe, me nga wahine a tou ariki ki tou uma: i hoatu ano e ahau te whare o Iharaira raua ko Hura ki a koe; a mehemea i iti tenei, kua tapiritia atu e ahau mau era atu mea ano.
And gaue thee thy lordes house, and thy lords wiues into thy bosome, and gaue thee the house of Israel, and of Iudah, and would moreouer (if that had bene too litle) haue giuen thee such and such things.
9 He aha koe i whakahawea ai ki te kupu a Ihowa? i mea ai i tenei kino i tana tirohanga? Ko Uria Hiti i patua e koe ki te hoari, a tangohia ana tana wahine hei wahine mau; ko ia hoki tukitukia ana e koe ki te hoari a nga tama a Amona.
Wherefore hast thou despised the commandement of the Lord, to doe euill in his sight? thou hast killed Vriah the Hittite with ye sworde, and hast taken his wife to be thy wife, and hast slaine him with the sworde of the children of Ammon.
10 Na reira e kore te hoari e whakakorea atu aianei i roto i tou whare a ake ake, mou i whakahawea ki ahau, i tango hoki i te wahine a Uria Hiti hei wahine mau.
Now therefore the sworde shall neuer depart from thine house, because thou hast despised me, and taken the wife of Vriah the Hittite to be thy wife.
11 Ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa, Nana, ka whakaara ahau i te kino mou i roto i tou whare, a ka tango i au wahine i tau tirohanga, ka hoatu ki tou hoa, na ka takotoria e ia au wahine i te tirohanga a te ra i runga nei.
Thus sayth the Lord, Behold, I will rayse vp euil against thee out of thine owne house, and will take thy wiues before thine eyes, and giue them vnto thy neighbour, and he shall lie with thy wiues in the sight of this sunne.
12 I meatia pukutia hoki tenei mea e koe: ko ahau ia ka mea i tenei mea ki mua i a Iharaira katoa, ki mua ano i te ra.
For thou diddest it secretly: but I will doe this thing before all Israel, and before the sunne.
13 Na ka mea a Rawiri ki a Natana, Kua hara ahau ki a Ihowa. A ka mea a Natana ki a Rawiri, Kua kauparea atu ano tou hara e Ihowa; e kore koe e mate.
Then Dauid sayde vnto Nathan, I haue sinned against the Lord. And Nathan sayde vnto Dauid, The Lord also hath put away thy sinne, thou shalt not die.
14 Otira, i te mea na tenei mahi au i whai take nui ai nga hoariri o Ihowa ki te kohukohu, he pono ka mate te tamaiti ka whanau nei ki a koe.
Howbeit because by this deede thou hast caused the enemies of the Lord to blaspheme, the childe that is borne vnto thee shall surely die.
15 Na haere ana a Natana ki tona whare. A ka pakia e Ihowa te tamaiti a Rawiri i whanau nei i te wahine a Uria: he nui hoki te mate.
So Nathan departed vnto his house: and the Lord stroke the childe that Vriahs wife bare vnto Dauid, and it was sicke.
16 Na ka inoi a Rawiri ki te Atua mo te tamaiti; a nohopuku ana a Rawiri, haere ana ki roto, pau noa taua po e takoto ana i te whenua.
Dauid therefore besought God for the childe, and fasted and went in, and lay all night vpon the earth.
17 Na ka whakatika nga kaumatua o tona whare ki a ia, ki te whakaara i a ia i te whenua: heoi kihai ia i pai, kihai hoki i kai tahi i ta ratou taro.
Then the Elders of his house arose to come vnto him, and to cause him to rise from the groud: but he would not, neither did he eate meate with them.
18 Na i te whitu o nga ra ka mate te tamaiti. A ka wehi nga tangata a Rawiri ki te mea ki a ia kua mate te tamaiti: i mea hoki ratou, Na i te mea e ora ana te tamaiti, i korero tatou ki a ia, a kihai ia i whakarongo ki to tatou reo: na, tera noa ak e te kino e mea ai ia ki a ia ano ki te korerotia e tatou ki a ia te matenga o te tamaiti.
So on the seuenth day the child dyed: and the seruants of Dauid feared to tell him that the childe was dead: for they sayde, Beholde, while the childe was aliue, we spake vnto him, and he woulde not hearken vnto our voyce: how then shall we say vnto him, The childe is dead, to vexe him more?
19 Otiia i kite a Rawiri i ana tangata e kowhetewhete ana ki a ratou ano, a ka mohio a Rawiri ki ana tangata, Kua mate ranei te tamaiti? A ka mea ratou, Kua mate.
But when Dauid sawe that his seruantes whispered, Dauid perceiued that the childe was dead: therefore Dauid sayde vnto his seruants, Is the childe dead? And they sayd, He is dead.
20 Katahi a Rawiri ka whakatika i te whenua, ka horoi i a ia, ka whakawahi i a ia, ka tango i etahi kakahu ke mona; a haere ana ki te whare o Ihowa ki te koropiko. Katahi ka haere ia ki tona whare. Na ka tonoa e ia, a ka whakatakotoria he taro mana, a kai ana ia.
Then Dauid arose from the earth, and washed and anoynted himselfe, and changed his apparell, and came into the house of the Lord, and worshipped, and afterward came to his owne house, and bade that they should set bread before him, and he did eate.
21 Katahi ka mea ana tangata ki a ia, He aha tenei mea i mea nei koe? I nohopuku koe, i tangi ki te tamaiti i a ia e ora ana: no te matenga ia o te tamaiti, na whakatika ana koe ki te kai taro.
Then saide his seruants vnto him, What thing is this, that thou hast done? thou diddest fast and weepe for the childe while it was aliue, but when the childe was dead, thou diddest rise vp, and eate meate.
22 Ano ra ko ia, I te tamaiti e ora ana ano, i nohopuku ahau, i tangi: i mea hoki, Ko wai ka tohu, tera pea a Ihowa ka aroha ki ahau, a ka ora te tamaiti?
And he sayde, While the childe was yet aliue, I fasted, and wept: for I sayde, Who can tell whether God will haue mercy on me, that the childe may liue?
23 Ko tenei, ka mate nei ia, kia nohopuku ahau hei aha? E taea ranei ia e ahau te whakahoki mai? Ko ahau e haere ki a ia, e kore ia e hoki mai ki ahau.
But now being dead, wherefore shoulde I now fast? Can I bring him againe any more? I shall goe to him, but he shall not returne to me.
24 Na ka whakamarie a Rawiri i tana wahine, i a Patehepa, a haere ana ki roto, ki a ia, a takoto tahi ana raua; a ka whanau ano ia, he tama, huaina iho tona ingoa ko Horomona; i arohaina ia e Ihowa;
And Dauid comforted Bath-sheba his wife, and went in vnto her, and lay with her, and she bare a sonne, and he called his name Salomon: also the Lord loued him.
25 I tono hoki ia na te ringa o Natana poropiti, a nana i hua tona ingoa ko Teriria; he whakaaro hoki ki a Ihowa.
For the Lord had sent by Nathan the Prophet: therefore he called his name Iedidiah, because the Lord loued him.
26 A, i whawhai ano a Ioapa ki Rapa o nga tamariki a Amona; a horo ana i a ia te pa kingi.
Then Ioab fought against Rabbah of the children of Ammon, and tooke the citie of the kingdome.
27 Na ka tono tangata a Ioapa ki a Rawiri, ka mea, Kua tauria a Rapa e ahau, ae ra, kua horo i ahau te pa o nga wai.
Therefore Ioab sent messengers to Dauid, saying, I haue fought against Rabbah, and haue taken the citie of waters.
28 Na, tena, huihuia te nuinga o te iwi ki te whakapae i te pa, kia riro ai i a koe: kei riro mai te pa i ahau, a noku te ingoa e huaina ki reira.
Now therefore gather the rest of the people together, and besiege the city, that thou mayest take it, lest the victorie be attributed to me.
29 Na huihuia ana te iwi katoa e Rawiri, a haere ana ki Rapa; na tauria ana a reira e ia, a riro ana i a ia.
So Dauid gathered al the people together, and went against Rabbah, and besieged it, and tooke it.
30 Tangohia ana e ia te karauna o to ratou kingi i tona matenga, ko tona taimaha kotahi taranata koura, a i roto nga kohatu utu nui; a potaea iho ki te matenga o Rawiri. A i whakaputaina e ia nga taonga o te pa, tona tini.
And he tooke their Kings crowne from his head, (which weighed a talent of golde, with precious stones) and it was set on Dauids head: and he brought away the spoyle of the citie in exceeding great abundance.
31 Na, ko nga tangata i roto, whakaputaina ana e ia ki waho, a whakamahia ana ki nga kani, ki nga harou rino, ki nga toki rino; i meinga ano ratou kia tika na roto i te tahunga pereki. Ko tana hoki tenei i mea ai ki nga pa katoa o nga tamariki a Am ona. Na hoki ana a Rawiri te iwi katoa ki Hiruharama.
And he carryed away the people that was therein, and put them vnder sawes, and vnder yron harowes, and vnder axes of yron, and cast them into the tyle kylne: euen thus did he with all the cities of the children of Ammon. Then Dauid and all the people returned vnto Ierusalem.

< 2 Hamuera 12 >