< 2 Kingi 11 >

1 Na, i te kitenga o Ataria, whaea o Ahatia kua mate tana tama, whakatika ana ia, whakamotitia iho nga uri kingi katoa.
And Athaliah [is] mother of Ahaziah, and she hath seen that her son [is] dead, and she riseth, and destroyeth all the seed of the kingdom;
2 Otiia i mau a Iehohepa, tamahine a Kingi Iorama, tuahine o Ahatia ki a Ioaha tama a Ahatia, kahakina atu ana e ia i roto i nga tama a te kingi i whakamatea ra, raua ko tona kaihiki, a kawea ana ki te whare moenga; a huna ana ia e ratou i a Ataria, i kore ai ia e whakamatea.
and Jehosheba daughter of king Joram, sister of Ahaziah, taketh Joash son of Ahaziah, and stealeth him out of the midst of the sons of the king who are put to death, him and his nurse, in the inner part of the bed-chambers, and they hide him from the presence of Athaliah, and he hath not been put to death,
3 Na i taua wahine ia i roto i te whare o Ihowa e piri ana, e ono nga tau: a ko Ataria te kuini o te whenua.
and he is with her, in the house of Jehovah, hiding himself, six years, and Athaliah is reigning over the land.
4 Na, i te whitu o nga tau ka unga tangata a Iehoiara ki te tiki i nga rangatira rau, o nga Kariti, o nga kaitiaki kingi, a mauria ana mai ratou ki a ia ki roto ki te whare o Ihowa. Na ka whakarite kawenata ia ki a ratou, ka whakaoati i a ratou i r oto i te whare o Ihowa, a whakakitea ana e ia te tama a te kingi ki a ratou.
And in the seventh year hath Jehoiada sent and taketh the heads of the hundreds, of the executioners and of the runners, and bringeth them in unto him, to the house of Jehovah, and maketh with them a covenant, and causeth them to swear in the house of Jehovah, and sheweth them the son of the king,
5 Na ka whakahau ia i a ratou, ka mea, Ko tenei ta koutou mea e mea ai: ko te toru o nga wehenga o koutou, o te hunga e haere ki roto i te hapati, hei tiaki i te whare o te kingi;
and commandeth them, saying, 'This [is] the thing that ye do; The third of you [are] going in on the sabbath, and keepers of the charge of the house of the king,
6 Ko tetahi o nga wehenga e toru hei te kuwaha o Huru; a ko tetahi o nga wehenga hei te kuwaha i muri i nga kaitiaki kingi: ma tena koutou e tiaki ai i te whare, hei arai atu.
and the third [is] at the gate of Sur, and the third at the gate behind the runners, and ye have kept the charge of the house pulled down;
7 Na kia rua nga matua o koutou, ko te hunga e haere ana ki waho i te hapati, hei tiaki i te whare o Ihowa i waho ake o te kingi.
and two parts of you, all going out on the sabbath — they have kept the charge of the house of Jehovah about the king,
8 Na me karapoti e koutou te kingi a tawhio noa, ko nga patu a tena, a tena ki tona ringa; a, ko te tangata e haere mai ki roto i nga rarangi, me whakamate: a hei te taha tonu koutou o te kingi i tona haerenga atu, i tona haerenga mai.
and ye have compassed the king round about, each with his weapons in his hand, and he who is coming unto the ranges is put to death; and be ye with the king in his going out and in his coming in.'
9 Na ka meatia e nga rangatira rau nga mea katoa i whakahaua e Iehoiara tohunga: a ka mau ratou ki ana tangata, ki ana tangata, ki nga mea e haere ana ki roto i te hapati, ki te hunga hoki e haere ana ki waho i te hapati, a haere ana ki a Iehoiara tohunga.
And the heads of the hundreds do according to all that Jehoiada the priest commanded, and take each his men going in on the sabbath, with those going out on the sabbath, and come in unto Jehoiada the priest,
10 A i hoatu e te tohunga ki nga rangatira rau nga tao me nga whakapuru tao a Kingi Rawiri; i roto hoki aua mea i te whare o Ihowa.
and the priest giveth to the heads of the hundreds the spears and the shields that king David had, that [are] in the house of Jehovah.
11 Na tu ana nga kaitiaki kingi, me a ratou patu i te ringa o tenei, o tenei, i te koki ki matau o te whare, tae noa ki te koki ki maui o te whare, i nga taha o te aata, o te whare, a karapoti noa i te kingi.
And the runners stand, each with his weapons in his hand, from the right shoulder of the house unto the left shoulder of the house, by the altar and by the house, by the king round about;
12 Katahi ka whakaputaina mai e ia te tama a te kingi, potaea iho te karauna ki a ia, a hoatu ana ki a ia te whakaaturanga; na whakakingitia ana ia e ratou, whakawahia ana; na kei te pakipaki i o ratou ringa, me te karanga ano, Kia ora te kingi.
and he bringeth out the son of the king, and putteth on him the crown, and the testimony, and they make him king, and anoint him, and smite the hand, and say, 'Let the king live.'
13 A, i te rongonga o Ataria i te reo o nga kaitiaki ratou ko te iwi, ka haere ia ki te iwi ki te whare o Ihowa.
And Athaliah heareth the voice of the runners [and] of the people, and she cometh in unto the people, to the house of Jehovah,
14 Heoi ka titiro ia, na, ko te kingi e tu ana i te taha o te pou, ko te tikanga hoki tera, me nga rangatira ratou ko nga kaiwhakatangi tetere i te taha o te kingi: a, ko te iwi katoa o te whenua e koa ana, e whakatangi ana i nga tetere. Katahi a A taria ka haehae i ona kakahu, ka karanga, He he! he he, te whakatakotoria nei!
and looketh, and lo, the king is standing by the pillar, according to the ordinance, and the heads, and the trumpets, [are] by the king, and all the people of the land are rejoicing, and blowing with trumpets, and Athaliah rendeth her garments, and calleth, 'Conspiracy! conspiracy!'
15 Na ka whakahau a Iehoiara tohunga ki nga rangatira rau, ki nga kaitohutohu i te ope, ka mea ki a ratou, Kawea mai ia ki waenga i nga rarangi; ko te tangata hoki e haere ana i muri i a ia me patu ki te hoari: i ki hoki te tohunga, Kaua ia e whaka matea i roto i te whare o Ihowa.
And Jehoiada the priest commandeth the heads of the hundreds, inspectors of the force, and saith unto them, 'Bring her out unto the outside of the ranges, and him who is going after her, put to death by the sword:' for the priest had said, 'Let her not be put to death in the house of Jehovah.'
16 Heoi whakawateatia ana e ratou he ara mona; a haere ana ia i te huarahi e haere ai nga hoiho ki te whare o te kingi: a whakamatea iho ki reira.
And they make for her sides, and she entereth the way of the entering in of the horses to the house of the king, and is put to death there.
17 Na ka whakaritea e Iehoiara he kawenata, he mea na Ihowa, ki te kingi ratou ko te iwi, kia meinga ratou hei iwi ma Ihowa; he mea hoki na te kingi ki te iwi.
And Jehoiada maketh the covenant between Jehovah and the king and the people, to be for a people to Jehovah, and between the king and the people.
18 Na haere ana te iwi katoa o taua whenua ki te whare o Paara, wahia iho e ratou; ko ana aata, ko ona ahua i wahia e ratou, mongamonga noa, patua iho hoki e ratou a Matana tohunga o Paara ki te ritenga atu o nga aata. I whakaritea hoki e te tohung a he kaitirotiro mo te whare o Ihowa.
And all the people of the land go in to the house of Baal, and break it down, its altars and its images they have thoroughly broken, and Mattan priest of Baal they have slain before the altars; and the priest setteth inspectors over the house of Jehovah,
19 I mauria hoki e ia nga rangatira rau, ratou ko nga Kariti, ko nga kaitiaki kingi, me te iwi katoa o te whenua; na kawea iho ana e ratou te kingi ki raro i te whare o Ihowa, a haere ana na te huarahi ki te kuwaha o nga kaitiaki ki te whare o te k ingi. Na noho ana ia i runga i te torona o nga kingi.
and taketh the heads of the hundreds, and the executioners, and the runners, and all the people of the land, and they bring down the king from the house of Jehovah, and come by the way of the gate of the runners, to the house of the king, and he sitteth on the throne of the kings.
20 Heoi koa katoa ana te iwi o te whenua, a marie noa iho te pa: a whakamatea ana e ratou a Ataria ki te hoari i te whare o te kingi.
And all the people of the land rejoice, and the city [is] quiet, and Athaliah they have put to death by the sword in the house of the king;
21 E whitu nga tau o Iehoaha i a ia ka kingi nei.
a son of seven years is Jehoash in his reigning.

< 2 Kingi 11 >