< 2 Whakapapa 6 >

1 Na ka mea a Horomona, I mea a Ihowa, ka noho ia ki te pouri nui.
Then Solomon spoke, “The Lord said that he lives in deep darkness.
2 Otiia kua oti i ahau te hanga he whare hei nohoanga mou, he kainga pumau mou mo ake tonu atu.
However, I have built you a magnificent Temple, a place for you to live forever.”
3 Na ka tahuri te aroaro o te kingi a manaakitia ana e ia te huihui katoa o Iharaira, me te tu ano tera te huihui katoa o Iharaira.
Then the king turned and blessed the whole assembly of Israel, as they all stood.
4 I mea ia, Kia whakapaingia a Ihowa, te Atua o Iharaira, na tona mangai nei te kupu ki toku papa, ki a Rawiri, a kua rite nei i tona ringa; i mea hoki ia,
He said, “Praise the Lord God of Israel, who has kept the promise he made to my father David when he said,
5 Mai o te ra i whakaputaina mai ai e ahau taku iwi i te whenua o Ihipa, kihai i whiriwhiria e ahau he pa i roto i nga iwi katoa o Iharaira e hanga ai he whare hei waihotanga iho mo toku ingoa ki reira; kihai hoki i whiriwhiria e ahau tetahi tangat a hei rangatira mo taku iwi, mo Iharaira:
‘Ever since the day I brought my people out of the land of Egypt, I have not chosen a town from any tribe of Israel where a Temple could be built to honor me, and I have not chosen anyone to be ruler over my people Israel.
6 Otiia kua whiriwhiria nei e ahau a Hiruharama hei waihotanga iho mo toku ingoa; kua whiriwhiria ano e ahau a Rawiri hei rangatira mo taku iwi, mo Iharaira.
But now I have chosen Jerusalem so that I will be honored there, and I have chosen David to rule over my people Israel.’
7 Na i whai ngakau toku papa, a Rawiri, ki te hanga whare mo te ingoa o Ihowa, o te Atua o Iharaira.
My father David really wanted to build this Temple to honor the Lord, the God of Israel.
8 Otiia i mea a Ihowa ki a Rawiri, ki toku papa, I te mea i roto i tou ngakau kia hanga he whare mo toku ingoa, he pai tau, ara te whakaaro a tou ngakau:
But the Lord told my father David, ‘You really wanted to build me a Temple to honor me—and it was good for you to want to do this.
9 Otiia e kore taua whare e hanga e koe: engari tau tama e puta mai i tou hope, mana e hanga te whare mo toku ingoa.
But you are not going to build the Temple. Your son, one of your children, will build the Temple to honor me.’
10 Na kua mana nei i a Ihowa tana kupu i korero ai ia; a kua ara tenei ahau i muri i a Rawiri, i toku papa, a noho ana i runga i te torona o Iharaira, pera ana me ta Ihowa i korero ai, a hanga ana e ahau he whare mo te ingoa o Ihowa, o te Atua o Ih araira.
Now the Lord has kept the promise he made. For I have taken the place of my father, and I sit on the throne of Israel as the Lord said, and I have built the Temple to honor the Lord God of Israel.
11 Na kua whakatakotoria e ahau ki reira te aaka, kei roto nei ta Ihowa kawenata, i whakaritea e ia ki nga tama a Iharaira.
I have placed the Ark there, which has inside it the agreement the Lord made with the sons of Israel.”
12 Na ka tu ia ki mua i te aata a Ihowa, i te aroaro o te huihui katoa o Iharaira, a wherahia ana ona ringa:
Then Solomon stood in front of the altar of the Lord before the whole assembly of Israel and spread out his hands in prayer.
13 Kua hanga hoki e Horomona he turanga parahi, e rima whatianga te roa, e rima whatianga te whanui, e toru whatianga te tiketike, a kua whakaturia e ia ki waenganui o te marae; tu ana ia ki runga ki taua turanga, na kua tuturi ona turi i te aroaro o te whakaminenga katoa o Iharaira, wherahia ana ona ringa whaka te rangi:
Solomon had made a bronze platform five cubits long, five cubits wide, and three cubits high. He had set it in the middle of the courtyard, and he was standing on it. Then he knelt down before the whole assembly of Israel, and spread out his hands toward heaven.
14 Na ka mea ia, E Ihowa, e te Atua o Iharaira, kahore he Atua hei rite mou i te rangi, i te whenua; e pupuri nei i te kawenata, i te aroha ki au pononga, ina whakapaua o ratou ngakau ki te haere i tou aroaro:
He said, “Lord God of Israel, there is no god like you in heaven or on earth, keeping your agreement of trustworthy love with your servants who follow you with complete devotion.
15 I mau tonu ra i a koe nga mea i korerotia e koe ki tau pononga, ki toku papa, ki a Rawiri; ae ra, i korerotia e tou mangai, a kua rite nei i tou ringa; koia ano tenei inaianei
You have kept the promise you made to your servant, my father David. With your own mouth you made that promise, and with your own hands you have fulfilled it today.
16 Na kia mau, e Ihowa, e te Atua o Iharaira, aianei tau i korero ai ki tau pononga, ki toku papa, ki a Rawiri, i a koe i ki ra, E kore e whakakorea he tangata mau i toku aroaro hei noho ki te torona o Iharaira; ki te mahara raia au tama ki to rato u ara, ki te haere i runga i taku ture, ki te pera me koe i haere na i toku aroaro.
So now, Lord God of Israel, please keep the promise you made to your servant David, my father, when you told him, ‘If your descendants pay close attention to follow my way, and to keep my law as you have done, you will never fail to have one of them to sit on the throne of Israel.’
17 Na kia mana aianei, e Ihowa, e te Atua o Iharaira, au kupu i korero ai koe ki tau pononga, ki a Rawiri.
Now, Lord God of Israel, please fulfill this promise you made to your servant David.
18 Otiia he pono ranei, tera ranei te Atua e noho ki nga tangata, ki te whenua? nana, kahore e nui hei nohoanga mou te rangi me te rangi o nga rangi; a he aha ra tenei whare kua oti nei i ahau te hanga?
But will God really live here on earth among people? The heavens, even highest heaven, cannot contain you, much less this Temple I have built!
19 He ahakoa ra, kia anga mai koe ki te inoi a tau pononga, ki tana karanga, e Ihowa, e toku Atua, whakarongo ki te karanga, ki te inoi e inoi nei tau pononga ki tou aroaro:
Please listen to the prayer of your servant and his request, Lord my God. Please hear the appeals and the prayers that your servant is presenting before you.
20 Kia titiro mai ou kanohi ki tenei whare i te po, i te ao, ki te wahi i ki ai koe, ko reira hei waihotanga iho mo tou ingoa; whakarongo hoki ki te inoi e inoi ai tau pononga ki te ritenga mai o tenei wahi.
May you watch over this Temple day and night, caring for the place where you said you would be honored. May you hear the prayer your servant prays toward this place,
21 Kia rongo hoki koe ki nga karanga a tau pononga, a tau iwi hoki, a Iharaira, ina inoi ki te ritenga mai o tenei wahi; ae ra kia rongo koe i te wahi e noho na koe, ara i te rangi; a ka rongo, murua to ratou kino.
and hear the request of your servant and your people Israel when they pray toward this place. Please hear from heaven where you live. May you hear and forgive.
22 Ki te hara tetahi tangata ki tona hoa, a ka meinga he oati hei oati mana, a ka tae te oati ki mua i tou aata i tenei whare;
When someone sins against another and is required to take an oath declaring the truth before your altar in this Temple,
23 Na mau e whakarongo mai i te rangi, e mahi, e whakarite ta au pononga, mau e utu te tangata he, e mea iho tona ara ki runga ki tona mahunga; mau ano e whakatika ta te tika, e hoatu ki a ia nga mea e rite ana ki tona tika.
listen from heaven, act and judge your servants. Pay back the guilty; vindicate and reward those who do right.
24 A, ki te patua tau iwi, a Iharaira, e te hoariri, mo ratou i hara ki a koe, a ka hoki ki a koe, ka whakaae ki tou ingoa, ka inoi, ka karanga ki tou aroaro i roto i tenei whare:
When your people Israel are defeated by an enemy because they have sinned against you, and if they come back in repentance to you, praying for forgiveness in this Temple,
25 Na mau e whakarongo i nga rangi, e muru te hara o tau iwi, o Iharaira, e whakahoki mai ano ratou ki te whenua i homai e koe ki a ratou ko o ratou matua.
then hear from heaven and forgive the sin of your people Israel, and bring them back to the land you gave them and their forefathers.
26 Ki te tutakina te rangi, a kahore he ua, mo ratou i hara ki a koe; a ka inoi ratou ki te ritenga mai o tenei wahi, ka whakaae ki tou ingoa, ka tahuri ke i to ratou hara, no ratou ka whakawhuia e koe:
If the skies are closed shut and there is no rain because your people have sinned against you, if they pray toward this place and if they come back in repentance to you, turning away from their sin because you have punished them,
27 Na mau e whakarongo i te rangi, e muru te hara o au pononga, o tau iwi hoki, o Iharaira, ina whakaakona ratou e koe ki te ara pai e haere ai ratou; mau hoki e tuku mai he ua ki tou whenua i homai nei e koe hei kainga pumau mo tau iwi.
then hear from heaven and forgive the sin of your servants, your people Israel. Teach them the good way so that they can walk on it, and send rain on the earth that you have given to your people as their possession.
28 Ki te mea te matekai to te whenua, he mate uruta, ki te mea he ngingio, he koriri, he mawhitiwhiti ranei, he whe ranei; ki te whakapaea whenua o o ratou pa; ki te pa mai he whiu, he mate turoro ranei:
If there is famine in the land, or disease, or blight or mildew on the crops, or if there are locusts or caterpillars, or if an enemy comes to lay siege to the towns in the land—it can be whatever kind of plague or whatever kind of disease—
29 Ki te mea he inoi, he karanga ranei na tetahi tangata, na tau iwi katoa ranei, na Iharaira, ina mohio tenei, tenei, ki tona pouri, ki tona whiu, a ka wherahia ona ringa ki te ritenga mai o tenei whare:
then whatever kind of prayer or whatever kind of appeal is made by anyone or all your people Israel, in fact anyone who, knowing their problems and pains, prays toward this Temple,
30 Na mau e whakarongo i te rangi, i tou nohoanga, e muru te he, e hoatu ki nga tangata nga mea e rite ana ki nga huarahi katoa o tenei, o tenei; e mohio ana hoki koe ki tona ngakau; ko koe anake nei hoki te mohio ana ki nga ngakau o nga tama a te tangata:
then hear from heaven, the place where you live, and forgive. Give according to the way they live their lives, for you know what people are really like inside, and you alone know the true character of people.
31 Kia wehi ai ratou i a koe, kia haere ai i au ara i nga ra katoa e ora ai ratou i te whenua i homai nei e koe ki o matou matua.
Then they will respect you and follow your ways all the time they live in the land you gave to our forefathers.
32 Na, ko te tangata iwi ke, ehara nei i tau iwi i a Iharaira, a ka tae mai i te whenua mamao, he whakaaro, ki tou ingoa nui, ki tou ringa kaha, ki tou takakau maro, a ka haere mai, ka inoi ki te ritenga mai o tenei whare;
As for the foreigners who do not belong to your people Israel but who come from a distant land, having heard of your great nature and power and ability to help, when they come and pray toward this Temple,
33 Mau e whakarongo mai i nga rangi, i tou wahi e noho na koe, e mea nga mea katoa i karanga ai te tangata iwi ke ki a koe: kia mohio ai nga iwi katoa o te whenua ki tou ingoa, kia wehi ai i a koe, kia pera ai me tau iwi, me Iharaira; kia mohio ai hoki ka oti tou ingoa te karanga ki runga ki tenei whare kua oti nei i ahau te hanga.
then hear from heaven, the place where you live, and give them what they're asking. That way, everyone on earth will come to know and respect you, just as your own people Israel do. They will also know that this Temple I have built honors you.
34 Ki te haere tau iwi ki te whawhai ki ona hoariri i te ara e tonoa ai ratou e koe, a ka inoi ki a koe ki te ritenga mai o tenei pa kua whiriwhiria nei e koe, o te whare ano kua hanga nei e ahau mo tou ingoa:
When your people go to fight against their enemies, wherever you send them, and when they pray to you towards the city you have chosen and the house I have built to honor you,
35 Na mau e whakarongo mai i nga rangi ki ta ratou inoi, ki ta ratou karanga, e whakatika ta ratou,
then hear from heaven what they are praying and asking for, and support their cause.
36 Ki te hara ratou ki a koe, kahore hoki he tangata i hapa i te hara, a ka riri koe ki a ratou, ka tuku i a ratou ki te hoa whawhai, a ka whakaraua atu ratou hei whakarau ki tetahi whenua e mamao atu ana, e tata ana ranei;
If they sin against you—and there is nobody who does not sin—you may become angry with them and hand them over to an enemy who takes them away as prisoners to a foreign land, near or far.
37 Otira ki te hoki ake to ratou mahara i te whenua i whakaraua atu ai ratou, a ka ripeneta ratou, ka inoi ki a koe i te whenua i whakaraua atu ai, ka mea, Kua hara matou, kua parori ke ta matou mahi, kua mahi i te kino;
But if they think again in their land of captivity and repent and plead for mercy from you, saying, ‘We have sinned, we have done wrong, we have acted wickedly,’
38 Ki te tahuri o ratou ngakau katoa, o ratou wairua katoa, ki a koe i te whenua o to ratou whakaraunga i whakaraua atu ai ratou, a ka inoi ki te ritenga mai o to ratou nei whenua i homai e koe ki o ratou matua, o te pa ano i whiriwhiria nei e koe, o tenei whare ano i hanga nei e ahau mo tou ingoa:
and they come back to you with complete sincerity in their thoughts and attitudes there in their land of captivity; and they pray towards the land you gave their forefathers and the city you chose and the Temple I have built to honor you,
39 Na mau e whakarongo mai i nga rangi, i tou wahi e noho na koe, ki ta ratou inoi, ki ta ratou karanga, mau hoki e whakatika ta ratou; me muru hoki e koe te he o tau iwi i hara nei ki a koe.
then hear from heaven, the place where you live, respond and support their cause. Forgive your people who have sinned against you.
40 Na, e toku Atua, kia titiro mai ra ou kanohi, kia rongo ou taringa ki te inoi e inoia ana i tenei wahi.
Now my God, please open your eyes, and may your ears pay attention to the prayers offered in this place.
41 Na e ara, e Ihowa, e te Atua, ki tou okiokinga, a koe ano, me te aaka o tou kaha: kia whakakakahuria au tohunga, e Ihowa, e te Atua, ki te whakaoranga; a kia koa tau hunga tapu ki te pai.
‘Come, Lord, and enter your home, together with your Ark of power. May your priests wear salvation like clothing; may your faithful people shout for joy in your goodness.
42 E Ihowa, e te Atua, kaua e whakahokia te kanohi o tau i whakawahi ai; maharatia nga mahi atawhai i tau pononga, i a Rawiri.
Lord God, don't reject the king you have chosen. Remember your trustworthy love for your servant David.’”

< 2 Whakapapa 6 >