< 2 Whakapapa 35 >

1 Na ka mahia e Hohia te kapenga ki Hiruharama hei mea ki a Ihowa; patua ana e ratou te kapenga i te tekau ma wha o te marama tuatahi.
Moreouer Iosiah kept a Passeouer vnto the Lord in Ierusalem, and they slewe the Passeouer in the fourtenth day of the first moneth.
2 I whakaturia ano e ia nga tohunga ki ta ratou mahi, i whakatenatena ano i a ratou ki nga mahi o te whare o Ihowa.
And he appointed the Priestes to their charges, and incouraged them to the seruice of the house of the Lord,
3 A i mea ia ki nga Riwaiti, ki nga kaiwhakaako o Iharaira katoa, ara ki te hunga i tapu ki a Ihowa, Whakatakotoria te aaka tapu ki te whare i hanga e Horomona tama a Rawiri, kingi o Iharaira: a kore ake e tau he pikaunga ki runga ki o koutou pokoh iwi; me mahi koutou aianei ki a Ihowa, ki to koutou Atua, ki tana iwi ano, ki a Iharaira.
And he sayd vnto the Leuites that taught all Israel and were sanctified vnto the Lord, Put the holy Arke in the house which Salomon the sonne of Dauid King of Israel did build: it shalbe no more a burden vpon your shoulders: serue now the Lord your God and his people Israel,
4 Kia ata rite koutou, tenei whare, tenei whare o o koutou matua, i o koutou wehenga, kia rite ki te mea i tuhituhia e Rawiri kingi o Iharaira, ki te mea ano i tuhituhia e tana tama, e Horomona.
And prepare your selues by the houses of your fathers according to your courses, as Dauid the King of Israel hath written, and according to the writing of Salomon his sonne,
5 Me tu hoki ki te wahi tapu; kia rite ano nga wehenga o nga whare o nga matua o o koutou tuakana, teina, o nga tama a te iwi, a ma tenei, ma tenei, he wehenga o tetahi o nga whare matua o nga Riwaiti.
And stande in the Sanctuarie according to the deuision of the families of your brethren the children of the people, and after the deuision of the familie of the Leuites:
6 Ka patu ai i te kapenga, ka whakatapu ai i a koutou, ka whakapai ano i o koutou tuakana, teina, kia rite ai ta ratou mahi ki ta Ihowa kupu, i korerotia ra e Mohi.
So kill the Passeouer and sanctifie your selues, and prepare your brethren that they may doe according to the worde of the Lord by the hand of Moses.
7 I homai ano e Hohia ki nga tama a te iwi etahi reme, etahi kuao koati i te kahui, enei katoa mo nga kapenga, hei mea ma te hunga katoa i reira, e toru tekau mano te maha, e toru mano nga puru: no nga taonga enei a te kingi.
Iosiah also gaue to the people sheepe, lambs and kiddes, all for the Passeouer, euen to all that were present, to the nomber of thirtie thousand, and three thousande bullocks: these were of the Kings substance.
8 I homai ano e ana rangatira, he mea tapae noa ki te iwi, ki nga tohunga, ki nga Riwaiti. I homai e Hirikia, e Hakaraia, e Tehiere, ara e nga rangatira o te whare o te Atua ki nga tohunga etahi kararehe hei mea kapenga, e rua mano e ono rau, he pu ru hoki e toru rau.
And his princes offred willingly vnto the people, to the Priests and to the Leuites: Hilkiah, and Zechariah, and Iehiel, rulers of the house of God, gaue vnto the Priests for the Passeouer, euen two thousand and sixe hundreth sheepe, and three hundreth bullockes.
9 Na, ko ona teina, ko Konania, ko Hemaia, ko Netaneere, me nga rangatira o nga riwaiti, me Hahapia, ratou ko Teiere, ko Iotapara, homai ana e ratou ki nga Riwaiti hei mea kapenga, e rima mano o etahi kararehe ano, e rima rau nga puru.
Conaniah also and Shemaiah and Nethaneel his brethren, and Hashabiah and Ieiel, and Iozabad, chiefe of the Leuites gaue vnto the Leuites for the Passeouer, fiue thousand sheepe, and fiue hundreth bullockes.
10 Heoi kua rite nga mea mo te mahi, a kau tu nga tohunga ki o ratou turanga, me nga Riwaiti, tenei wehenga, tenei wehenga o ratou, ko ta te kingi hoki i whakahau ai.
Thus the seruice was prepared, and the Priests stoode in their places, also the Leuites in their orders, according to the Kings commandement:
11 Na ka patua te kapenga, tauhuihia ana e nga tohunga te toto i homai nei ki o ratou ringa, a na nga Riwaiti i tihore.
And they slewe the Passeouer, and the Priests sprinkled the blood with their handes, and the Leuites flayed them.
12 I wehea hoki e ratou nga tahunga tinana, hei hoatu ki nga wehenga o nga whare o nga matua o te iwi, hei whakahere ki a Ihowa, kia rite ai ki te mea i tuhituhia ki te pukapuka a Mohi: pena ana ano ratou ki nga kau.
And they tooke away from the burnt offering to giue it according to the deuisions of the families of the children of the people, to offer vnto the Lord, as it is written in the booke of Moses, and so of the bullockes.
13 A tunua ana e ratou te kapenga ki te ahi, rite tonu ta ratou ki te tikanga. Ko era atu mea tapu ia i kohuatia ki te kohua, ki te pata, ki te hopane, a, hohoro tonu te tuwha ma te iwi katoa.
And they rosted the Passeouer with fire, according to ye custome, but the sanctified things they sod in pots, pannes, and cauldrons, and distributed them quickely to all the people.
14 A muri iho ka taka ma ratou ake ko nga tohunga; i te mahi tonu hoki nga tohunga, nga tama a Arona, i te whakaeke i nga tahunga tinana, i te ngako a po noa; no reira ko nga Riwaiti hei taka ma ratou ko nga tohunga, ko nga tama a Arona.
Afterwarde also they prepared for them selues and for the Priestes: for the Priestes the sonnes of Aaron were occupied in offering of burnt offrings, and the fat vntill night: therefore the Leuites prepared for them selues, and for the Priests the sonnes of Aaron.
15 Na, ko nga kaiwaiata, ko nga tama a Ahapa i to ratou na turanga, ko ta Rawiri hoki ia i whakahau ai, ratou ko Ahapa, ko Hemana, ko Ierutunu matakite a te kingi. Na, ko nga kaitiaki kuwaha i tenei kuwaha, i tenei kuwaha ratou; kahore he tikanga k ia mahua ta ratou mahi, ko o ratou tuakana hoki, ko nga Riwaiti, hei taka ma ratou.
And the singers the sonnes of Asaph stoode in their standing according to the commandement of Dauid, and Asaph, and Heman, and Ieduthun the Kings Seer: and the porters at euery gate, who might not depart from their seruice: therefore their brethren the Leuites prepared for them.
16 Heoi oti ake te mahi katoa ki a Ihowa i taua ra ano, ara te mahi i te kapenga, me te whakaeke ano i nga tahunga tinana ki runga ki te aata a Ihowa, ko ta Kingi Hohia hoki i whakahau ai.
So all the seruice of the Lord was prepared the same day, to keepe the Passeouer, and to offer burnt offerings vpon the altar of the Lord, according to the commandement of King Iosiah.
17 Na i mahia i taua wa e nga tama a Iharaira i kitea ki reira te kapenga me te hakari taro rewenakore, e whitu ra:
And the children of Israel that were present, kept the Passeouer the same time, and the feast of the vnleauened bread seuen dayes.
18 Kahore hoki he kapenga hei rite mo tera i mahia i roto i a Iharaira, no nga ra ano o Hamuera poropiti: kahore hoki he kapenga i mahia e nga kingi katoa o Iharaira hei rite mo ta Hohia i mahi ai, ratou ko nga tohunga, ko nga Riwaiti, ko Hura kato a, me te hunga o Iharaira i reira, me nga tangata ano o Hiruharama.
And there was no Passeouer kept like that, in Israel, from the dayes of Samuel the Prophet: neyther did all the Kings of Israel keepe such a Passeouer as Iosiah kept, and the Priestes and the Leuites, and all Iudah, and Israel that were present, and the inhabitants of Ierusalem.
19 No te tekau ma waru o nga tau o te kingitanga o Hohia i mahia ai tenei kapenga.
This Passeouer was kept in the eighteenth yeere of the reigne of Iosiah.
20 I muri i tenei katoa, i te mea ka oti i a Hohia te temepara te whakapai ka haere a Neko kingi o Ihipa ki te tatau ki Karakemihi ki te taha o Uparati, a puta ana a Hohia ki te tu i a ia.
After all this, when Iosiah had prepared the Temple, Necho King of Egypt came vp to fight against Carchemish by Perath, and Iosiah went out against him.
21 Otiia ka tono tangata mai tera ki a ia, hei mea, Ko te aha ta taua, e te kingi o Hura? ehara taku inaianei i te mea ki a koe; engari ki te whare ka whawhaitia nei e ahau; kua mea nei hoki te Atua ki ahau kia hohoro taku. Kei pokanoa koe ki ta te Atua; kei ahau hoki ia, kei whakangaro ia i a koe.
But he sent messengers to him, saying, What haue I to doe with thee, thou King of Iudah? I come not against thee this day, but against the house of mine enemie, and God commanded me to make haste: leaue of to come against God, which is with me, least he destroy thee.
22 Kihai ia te mata o Hohia i tahuri atu i a ia. Whakaahua ke ana ia i a ia, he mea kia whawhai raua; kihai ano i rongo ki nga kupu a Neko, no te mangai o te Atua; a haere ana ki te whawhai ki te raorao i Mekiro.
But Iosiah would not turne his face from him, but changed his apparel to fight with him, and hearkened not vnto the wordes of Necho, which were of the mouth of God, but came to fight in the valley of Megiddo.
23 Na ka kopere nga kaikopere ki a Kingi Hohia. A ka mea te kingi ki ana tangata, Kawea atu ahau; he nui rawa hoki toku tunga.
And the shooters shot at king Iosiah: then the King saide to his seruants, Cary me away, for I am very sicke.
24 Na ka tangohia ia e ana tangata i te hariata, a utaina ana ki te tuarua o ana hariata, kawea atu ana ki Hiruharama, a mate iho ia; na tanumia ana ia ki nga urupa o ona matua. A tangihia ana a Hohia e Hura katoa, e Hiruharama.
So his seruants tooke him out of that charet, and put him in the seconde charet which he had, and when they had brought him to Ierusalem, he dyed, and was buryed in the sepulchres of his fathers: and all Iudah and Ierusalem mourned for Iosiah.
25 A i waiatatia ano e Heremaia he apakura mo Hohia; i korerotia ano a Hohia e nga kaiwaiata, e nga tane, e nga wahine, i a ratou apakura, a taea noatia tenei ra; a waiho iho e ratou hei tikanga ma Iharaira. Nana, kei roto na i nga waiata tangi.
And Ieremiah lamented Iosiah, and al singing men and singing women mourned for Iosiah in their lamentations to this day, and made the same for an ordinance vnto Israel: and beholde, they be written in the lamentations.
26 Na, ko era atu meatanga a Hohia, me ana mahi atawhai, rite tonu ki nga mea i tuhituhia ki te ture a Ihowa,
Concerning the rest of the actes of Iosiah and his goodnesse, doing as it was written in the Lawe of the Lord,
27 Ko ana meatanga o mua, o muri, nana, kei te tuhituhi i te pukapuka o nga kingi o Iharaira, o Hura.
And his deedes, first and last, behold, they are written in the booke of the Kings of Israel and Iudah.

< 2 Whakapapa 35 >