< 2 Whakapapa 3 >

1 Katahi ka timata a Horomona te hanga i te whare o Ihowa ki Hiruharama, ki Maunga Moria, ki te wahi i puta ai a Ihowa ki tona papa, ki a Rawiri, ki te wahi i whakapaia e Rawiri ki te patunga witi a Oronana Iepuhi.
Then began Solomon, to build the house of Yahweh, in Jerusalem, in Mount Moriah, where he had appeared unto David his father, —in the place which David had prepared, in the threshing-floor of Ornan the Jebusite.
2 No te rua o nga ra o te rua o nga marama i timata ai ia te hanga, no te wha o nga tau o tona kingitanga.
And he began to build, in the second month, on the second, in the fourth year of his reign.
3 Na ko nga turanga enei i whakatakotoria e Horomona mo te hanganga i te whare o te Atua. Ko te roa, i nga whatianga i muri o te ruri tuatahi, e ono tekau whatianga, a koe te whanui e rua tekau whatianga.
And, these, are the things wherein Solomon was grounded for the building of the house of God, —The length, by cubits, in the first measure, was sixty cubits, and, the breadth, twenty cubits.
4 A, ko te whakamahau i te aronga ki mua o te whare, ko tona roa i te ahua o te whanui o te whare e rua tekau whatianga, a ko te tiketike kotahi rau e rua tekau: a he mea whakakikorua e ia a roto ki te koura parakore.
And, the porch which was in front of the length, in front of the breadth of the house, was twenty cubits, and, the height thereof, was a hundred and twenty, —and he overlaid it, within, with pure gold.
5 Na, ko te whare nui, he mea hipoki nana ki te rakau, ki te kauri, whakakikoruatia ana e ia ki te koura pai, mahia iho hoki e ia ki runga he nikau, he mekameka.
And, the greater house, covered he with cypress wood, and overlaid it with fine gold, —and raised thereon palms, and wreathed garlands.
6 He mea whakapaipai hoki nana te whare ki te kohatu utu nui, kia ataahua ai. He koura hoki; no Parawaima te koura.
And he covered the house with precious stones, for beauty, —and, the gold, was gold of Parvaim.
7 I whakakikoruatia ano e ia te whare, nga kurupae, nga pou, ona taha, me ona tatau, ki te koura; i whakairoa ano he kerupima ki nga taha.
And he covered the house, the beams, the entrance-hall, and the walls thereof and the doors thereof, with gold, —and he carved cherubim upon the walls.
8 I hanga ano e ia te whare tapu rawa; ko te roa, ko te whanui o te whare, e rua tekau whatianga; ko tona whanui e rua tekau whatianga. Whakakikoruatia iho ki te koura pai, e ono rau taranata.
And he made the most holy house, the length whereof, was, according to the breadth of the house, twenty cubits, and, the breadth thereof, twenty cubits, —and he covered it with fine gold, to [the number of] six hundred talents;
9 Na, ko te taimaha o nga whao, e rima tekau hekere koura. A i whakakikoruatia nga uma o runga ki te koura.
and, the weight of the nails, amounted to fifty shekels of gold, —and, the upper chambers, covered he with gold.
10 I hanga ano e ia i roto i te whare tino tapu e rua nga kerupima, he mea whakairo; whakakikoruatia iho ki te koura.
And he made, in the most holy house, two cherubim, of carved work, —and covered them with gold.
11 Ko nga parirau hoki o nga kerupima, e rua tekau whatianga te roa: ko te parirau o tetahi, e rima whatianga, pa tonu ki te taha o te whare; ko tetahi parirau, e rima whatianga, pa tonu ki te parirau o tera kerupa.
And, as for the wings of the cherubim, the length of them, was twenty cubits, —the one wing, by the cubit was five, reaching to the wall of the house, and, the other wing, five cubits, reaching to the wing of the other cherub;
12 Na ko te parirau o tera kerupa, e rima whatianga, pa tonu ki te taha o te whare: ko tetahi parirau, e rima ano hoki whatianga, he mea ungutu ano ki te parirau o tera kerupa.
and, the wing of the other cherub, was five cubits, reaching to the wall of the house, —and, the other wing, was five cubits, cleaving to the wing of the other cherub:
13 Na roha tonu nga parirau o enei kerupima, e rua tekau whatianga. Tu ana o raua waewae ki runga; ko o raua kanohi i anga ki te whare.
the wings of these cherubim, outspread, were twenty cubits, —and, they themselves, were standing upon their feet, and, their faces, were inward.
14 I hanga ano e ia te arai ki te mea puru, papura, whero, ki te rinena pai; mahia iho hoki e ia ki te kerupa.
And he made a vail, of blue and purple, and crimson and byssus cloth, —and raised thereon cherubim.
15 I hanga ano e ia etahi pou e rua ki mua i te whare, e toru tekau ma rima whatianga te roa, e rima whatianga o te whakapaipai i runga i tetahi, i tetahi.
And he made, for the front of the house, two pillars, thirty five cubits in length, —and, the capital which was upon the top of each, was five cubits.
16 I hanga ano e ia he mekameka ki te ahurewa, whakanohoia iho ki nga pito ki runga o nga pou. I hanga ano e ia etahi pamekaranete kotahi rau, whakanohoia iho ki nga mekameka.
And he made wreathen chains in the shrine, and put them upon the top of the pillars, —and he made one hundred pomegranates, and put them in the chains,
17 Whakaturia ana e ia aua pou ki mua o te temepara, kotahi ki matau, kotahi ki maui, a huaina iho e ia te ingoa o tera ki matau ko Iakini, te ingoa hoki o tera ki maui ko Poaha.
And he reared up the pillars in front of the temple, one, on the right, and, one, on the left, —and called the name of that on the right hand, Jachin, and the name of that on the left, Boaz.

< 2 Whakapapa 3 >