< 1 Teharonika 2 >

1 E matau ana hoki koutou, e oku teina, ki to matou haerenga atu ki a koutou, ehara i te mea i kore tikanga;
Yes, friends, you yourselves know that your reception of us was not without result.
2 Heoi mate ana matou i mua ra, tukinotia ana i Piripai, e matau na koutou, otira maia tonu matou i roto i to tatou Atua ki te korero i te rongopai o te Atua ki a koutou i roto i te uaua nui.
For, although we had experienced suffering and ill treatment, as you know, at Philippi, we had the courage, by the help of our God, to tell you God’s good news in spite of great opposition.
3 Ko ta matou whakahauhau na hoki, ehara i te mea na te tinihanga, na te poke ranei, ehara ano hoki i te mea hangareka.
Our appeal to you was not based on a delusion, nor was it made from unworthy motives, or with any intention of misleading you.
4 Engari, ka pai nei te Atua kia tukua ki a matou te rongopai, ka pera ta matou korero; ehara i te mea kia whakamanawarekatia te tangata, engari te Atua, e whakamatautau nei i o tatou ngakau.
But, having been found worthy by God to be entrusted with the good news, therefore we tell it; with a view to please, not people, but God who proves our hearts.
5 Kahore hoki matou i kitea e korero ana i te kupu whakapati, e matau na ano hoki koutou, e huna ana ranei i te ngakau apo; ko te Atua te kaititiro mai.
Never at any time, as you know, did we use the language of flattery, or make false professions in order to hide selfish aims. God will bear witness to that.
6 Kihai ano matou i rapu kororia i te tangata, i a koutou ranei, i era atu ranei, ahakoa i tika matou, he apotoro nei na te Karaiti, kia mea he tangata whai tikanga matou.
Nor did we seek to win honor from people, whether from you or from others, although, as apostles of Christ, we might have burdened you with our support.
7 Engari i ngawari matou i waenganui i a koutou, i rite ki te kaiatawhai e whakaahuru ana i ana tamariki ake.
But we lived among you with the simplicity of a child; we were like a woman nursing her own children.
8 Pera tonu to matou matenui ki a koutou, ehara i te mea ko te rongopai anake o te Atua ta matou i pai ai kia hoatu ki a koutou, engari ko o matou ake wairua, i te mea kua aroha nui matou ki a koutou.
In our strong affection for you, that seemed to us the best way of sharing with you, not only God’s good news, but our lives as well – so dear had you become to us.
9 E mahara ana hoki koutou, e oku teina, ki ta matou mahi, ki to matou mauiui: mahi ana matou i te po, i te ao, kei taimaha ki tetahi o koutou, kauwhautia ana hoki e matou te rongopai o te Atua ki a koutou.
You will not have forgotten, friends, our labor and toil. Night and day we used to work at our trades, so as not be a burden to any of you, while we proclaimed to you God’s good news.
10 Ko koutou nga kaititiro, ko te Atua hoki, ki te tapu, ki te tika, ki te kore he o ta matou whakahaere ki a koutou e whakapono na.
You will bear witness, and God also, that our relations with you who believed in Christ were pure, and upright, and beyond reproach.
11 A e matau ana ano koutou ki ta matou mahi ki tetahi, ki tetahi o koutou, pera i ta te matua ki ana tamariki ake, te whakahauhau, te whakahihiri i a koutou, te tohutohu,
Indeed, you know that, like a father with his own children, we used to encourage and comfort every one of you, and solemnly plead with you;
12 Mo ta koutou haere kia rite ki ta te Atua, nana nei koutou i karanga ki tona rangatiratanga, ki tona kororia.
so that you should make your daily lives worthy of God who is calling you into the glory of his kingdom.
13 Mo konei matou ka whakawhetai tonu nei ki te Atua, no te mea i to koutou tahuritanga ki te kupu a te Atua i rongo ra koutou ki a matou, ehara i te mea he tahuri no koutou ki te kupu tangata, engari ki te kupu a te Atua, ko ia pu na hoki ia e mah i na i roto i a koutou, i te hunga e whakapono na.
This, too, is a reason why we, on our part, are continually thanking God – because, in receiving the teaching that you had from us, you accepted it, not as the teaching of humans, but as what it really is – the teaching of God, which is even now doing its work within you who believe in Christ.
14 Kua whai na hoki koutou, e oku teina, i te tauria a nga hahi a te Atua i Huria i roto i a Karaiti Ihu: ko o koutou matenga hoki i nga tangata o to koutou ake iwi kua rite ki o era matenga i nga Hurai;
For you, friends, began to follow the example of the churches of God in Judea which are in union with Jesus Christ; you, in your turn, suffering at the hands of your fellow citizens, in the same way as those churches did at the hands of their people –
15 Na ratou hoki i whakamate te Ariki, a Ihu, me nga poropiti, a i pana matou ki waho; kahore a ratou whakamanawareka ki te Atua, a he hoariri ratou no nga tangata katoa.
who killed both the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and persecuted us also. They do not try to please God, and they are enemies to all humanity,
16 E arai mai ana i a matou kei korero ki nga tauiwi kia ora ai, he mea tenei e tutuki ai o ratou hara i nga wa katoa; otira ka whakapaua rawatia te riri ki a ratou.
for they try to prevent us from speaking to the Gentiles with a view to their salvation, and so are always filling up the measure of their iniquity. But the wrath of God has come upon them to the full!
17 Ko matou ia, e oku teina, he iti nei te wahi kua wehea mai nei matou i a koutou, ko nga tinana, kahore te ngakau, hira rawa to matou takare kia kite i to koutou kanohi, nui atu te hiahia.
As for ourselves, friends, our having been bereaved of you even for a short time – though in body only, and not in spirit – made us all the more eager to see your faces again; and the longing to do so was strong on us.
18 No reira, i te whai kia tae atu ki a koutou, ko ahau, ko Paora, i tuatahi, a i tuarua; heoi na Hatana matou i whakaware.
That was why we made up our minds to go and see you – at least I, Paul, did, more than once – but Satan put difficulties in our way.
19 He aha hoki ta matou e tumanako atu ai, e hari ai, he aha oti te karauna e whakamanamana ai matou? He teka ianei ko koutou i te aroaro o to tatou Ariki, o Ihu Karaiti, a tona taenga mai?
For what hope or joy will be ours, or what crown will we have to boast of, in the presence of our Lord Jesus, at his coming, if it isn’t you?
20 Ko koutou hoki to matou kororia, to matou hari.
You are our pride and our delight!

< 1 Teharonika 2 >