< 1 Hamuera 8 >

1 Na, ka koroheketia a Hamuera, ka meinga e ia ana tama hei kaiwhakarite mo Iharaira.
When Samuel became old, he appointed his two sons, Joel and Abijah, to lead/rule the people of Israel.
2 Na ko te ingoa o tana matamua ko Hoere; ko Apia hoki te ingoa o tana tuarua. I whakarite raua ki Peerehepa.
They judged people’s disputes/cases in Beersheba [town].
3 Na kihai ana tama i tika i tona ara, engari peka ke ana raua ki te apo, i tango hoki i te moni whakapati, a whakapeaua ketia ake te whakawa.
But they were not like their father. They wanted only to get a lot of money. They accepted bribes, and they did not make honest decisions about people’s disputes/cases.
4 Katahi ka huihui nga kaumatua katoa o Iharaira, ka haere ki a Hamuera ki Rama.
Finally, the Israeli leaders met at Ramah [town to discuss the matter] with Samuel.
5 Ka mea ki a ia, Kua koroheketia koe, kahore hoki au tama e tika i ou huarahi; heoi whakaritea he kingi mo matou hei whakarite mo matou, hei pera ano me o nga iwi katoa
They said to him, “Listen! You are now old, and your sons are not like you. Appoint a king to rule over us, like the kings that other countries have!”
6 Otira i kino taua kupu ki a Hamuera, mo ratou i me, Homai he kingi ki a matou hei whakarite mo matu. Na ka inoi a Hamuera ki a Ihowa.
Samuel was very unhappy with them for requesting that, so he prayed to Yahweh about it.
7 Na ka mea a Ihowa ki a Hamuera, Whakarongo ki te reo o te iwi na, ki nga mea katoa i korerotia e ratou ki a koe; ehara hoki i te mea ko koe ta ratou i paopao ai, ko ahau ia ta ratou i paopao mai nga hei kingi mo ratou.
Yahweh replied, “Do what they have requested you to do. But ([do not think/the truth is not]) that you are the one whom they are really rejecting. I have been their king, and I am the one they are really rejecting.
8 E rite ana ki nga mea katoa i mea ai ratou, o te ra iho ano i kawea mai ai ratou e ahau i Ihipa a tae noa ki tenei ra; i whakarere hoki ratou i ahau, i mahi atu ki nga atua ke: ko ta ratou mahi hoki tena ki a koe.
Ever since I brought them out of Egypt, they have rejected me, and they have worshiped other gods. And now they are also rejecting you in the same way.
9 Heoi whakarongo aianei ki to ratou reo: otiia kia kaha te kauwhau ki a ratou, whakaaturia hoki nga tikanga o te kingi e whakakingitia mo ratou.
Do what they are asking you to do. But warn/tell them about how their kings will act toward them!”
10 Na ka korerotia e Hamuera nga kupu katoa a Ihowa ki te hunga i tono kingi nei i a ia;
So Samuel told those people what Yahweh had said.
11 Ka mea, Ko te tikanga tenei a te kingi e whakakingitia mo koutou: Ko a koutou tama ka tangohia e ia, ka meinga mana, mo ana hariata, hei tangata eke hoiho hoki mana, hei rere ano ki mua i ana hariata;
He said, “If a king rules over you, this is what he will do to you: He will force many of your sons to join the army. He will make [some of] them run in front of his chariots [to clear people out of his way].
12 Ka meinga hoki hei rangatira mano mana, hei rangatira mo nga rima tekau, hei parau i tana mara, hei kokoti i ana witi, hei hanga hoki i ana mea mo te whawhai, i ana mea mo ana hariata;
[Some of] them will be commanders of his soldiers, but others will work for him like slaves. He will force some of them to plow his fields and [then later] harvest his crops. He will force others to make his weapons and equipment for his chariots.
13 Ka tangohia hoki e ia a koutou tamahine hei mahi keke, hei taka kai, hei tunu taro.
The king will take [some of] your daughters [from you and force them] to make perfumes for him and cook food for him and bake [bread for him].
14 Me a koutou mara, a koutou kari waina, a koutou kari oriwa, ka tangohia e ia nga mea papai, a ka hoatu ki ana pononga.
He will take your best fields and vineyards and olive tree groves/orchards, and give them to his own officials.
15 Ka tangohia hoki e ia te whakatekau o a koutou purapura, o a koutou kari waina, a ka hoatu ki ana unaka, ki ana pononga.
He will take a tenth of your harvests and distribute it among the officers and servants [who work in] his [palace].
16 Ka tangohia ano e ia a koutou pononga tane, a koutou pononga wahine, a koutou taitamariki papai, me a koutou kaihe, a ka whakamahia ki tana mahi.
He will take from you your male and female servants, your best cattle and donkeys, and force them to work for him.
17 Ka tangohia ano e ia nga whakatekau o a koutou hipi: ka waiho ano hoki koutou hei pononga mana.
He will take one tenth of your sheep and goats. And you will become his slaves!
18 A ka tangi koutou i taua ra i ta koutou kingi i whiriwhiri ai mo koutou; e kore ano a Ihowa e rongo ki a koutou i taua ra.
When that time comes, you will complain loudly to the king, the king that you yourselves have chosen, but Yahweh will not (pay attention to/help) you.”
19 Otira kihai te iwi i pai kia whakarongo ki te reo o Hamuera. Na ka mea ratou, Kahore; engari me whai kingi matou;
But the people refused to pay attention to what Samuel said. They said, “We do not [care what you say]! We want a king!
20 Kia rite ai hoki matou ki nga iwi katoa; a ka whakarite to matou kingi mo matou, ka haere atu hoki i to matou aroaro, hei whawhai i a matou whawhai.
We want to be like the other nations. We want a king to rule us and to lead our soldiers when they go to fight.”
21 A ka rongo a Hamuera i nga kupu katoa a te iwi, korerotia ana e ia ki nga taringa o Ihowa.
When Samuel told Yahweh what the people had said,
22 A ka mea a Ihowa ki a Hamuera, Whakarongo atu ki to ratou reo, whakaritea hoki he kingi mo ratou. A ka mea a Hamuera ki nga tangata o Iharaira, Haere atu koutou ki tona pa, ki tona pa.
Yahweh replied, “Do what they are telling you to do. Give them a king!” [So Samuel agreed], and then he sent the people home.

< 1 Hamuera 8 >