< 1 Hamuera 4 >

1 Na puta mai ana te kupu a Hamuera ki a Iharaira katoa. Na ka haere a Iharaira ki te whawhai ki nga Pirihitini, a ka noho a puni ki Epeneetere; a i noho te puni o nga Pirihitini ki Apeke.
And it happened that, in those days, the Philistines assembled to fight. And Israel went out to meet the Philistines in battle, and he made camp beside the Stone of Assistance. But the Philistines went to Aphek,
2 Na ka whakaritea e nga Pirihitini a ratou ngohi hei whawhai ki a Iharaira: a ka horapa haere te whawhai, na ka patua a Iharaira e nga Pirihitini: e wha mano tangata o te ope i patua ki te parae.
and they positioned their troops against Israel. Then, when the conflict began, Israel turned his back to the Philistines. And they were cut down in that conflict, in various places in the fields, about four thousand men.
3 A, no te taenga o nga tangata ki te puni, ka mea nga kaumatua o Iharaira, He aha tatou i patua ai e Ihowa inaianei i te aroaro o nga Pirihitini? Me tiki atu ki a tatou te aaka o te kawenata a Ihowa i Hiro, kia tae mai ki roto i a tatou, hei whaka ora i a tatou i te ringa o o tatou hoariri.
And the people returned to the camp. And those greater by birth of Israel said: “Why has the Lord struck us today before the Philistines? Let us bring to ourselves the ark of the covenant of the Lord from Shiloh. And let it enter into our midst, so that it may save us from the hand of our enemies.”
4 Heoi ka tonoa e te iwi ki Hiro, a ka mauria mai i reira te aaka o te kawenata a Ihowa o nga mano e noho nei i runga i nga kerupima: i reira ano nga tama tokorua a Eri, a Hoponi raua ko Pinehaha, i te aaka o te kawenata a Ihowa.
Therefore, the people sent to Shiloh, and they brought from there the ark of the covenant of the Lord of hosts, sitting upon the cherubim. And the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, were with the ark of the covenant of God.
5 A, i te taenga mai o te aaka o te kawenata a Ihowa ki te puni, ka hamama a Iharaira katoa, he nui te hamama, a ngateri ana te whenua.
And when the ark of the covenant of the Lord had arrived in the camp, all of Israel shouted with a great clamor, and the land resounded.
6 A ka rongo nga Pirihitini i te reo e hamama ana, ka mea ratou, He reo aha tenei e nui nei te hamama i te puni o nga Hiperu? Na ka mohio ratou kua tae mai te aaka a Ihowa ki te puni.
And the Philistines heard the voice of the clamor, and they said, “What is this voice of a great clamor in the camp of the Hebrews?” And they realized that the ark of the Lord had arrived in the camp.
7 Na ka wehi nga Pirihitini; i mea hoki, Kua tae te Atua ki roto i te puni. Na ka mea ratou, Aue, te mate mo tatou! kahore hoki he mea penei me tenei i mua ake nei.
And the Philistines were afraid, saying, “God has entered into the camp.” And they groaned, saying:
8 Aue, te mate mo tatou! ma wai tatou e whakaora i roto i te ringa o enei atua nui? ko nga atua enei nana nga whakapanga mate katoa i patua ai nga Ihipiana i te koraha.
“Woe to us! For there was no such great exultation yesterday, or the day before. Woe to us! Who will save us from the hand of these sublime gods? These are the gods who struck Egypt with all the plagues, in the desert.”
9 Kia maia, whakatane i a koutou, e nga Pirihitini, kei whakataurerekatia koutou e nga Hiperu, kei peratia me ratou i whakataurerekatia na e koutou: na, me whakatane koutou, me whawhai.
“Be strengthened, and be manly, O Philistines! Otherwise, you may serve the Hebrews, as they also have served you. Be strengthened and wage war!”
10 Na ka whawhai nga Pirihitini, a patua ana a Iharaira, a rere ana ki tona teneti, ki tona teneti: he tino nui rawa te parekua; e toru tekau mano hoki o Iharaira i hinga, he hunga haere raro.
Therefore, the Philistines fought, and Israel was cut down, and each one fled to his own tent. And an exceedingly great slaughter occurred. And thirty thousand foot soldiers from Israel fell.
11 Na riro ana te aaka a te Atua; i mate hoki a Hoponi raua ko Pinehaha, nga tama tokorua a Eri.
And the ark of God was captured. Also, the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, died.
12 Na ka rere tetahi tangata o Pineamine i te ope, tae tonu atu ki Hiro i taua ra ano, he mea haehae ona kakahu, he oneone hoki i runga i tona matenga.
Now a man of Benjamin, rushing from the troops, arrived at Shiloh on the same day, with his clothing torn, and with his head sprinkled with dust.
13 A, no tona taenga, na e noho ana a Eri i runga i te nohoanga i te taha o te ara, e tutei atu ana: he pawera hoki no tona ngakau mo te aaka a te Atua. A ka tae taua tangata ki te pa, ka korero, na hamama katoa ana te pa.
And when he had arrived, Eli was sitting on a seat opposite the way, gazing out. For his heart was fearful on behalf of the ark of God. Then, after this man entered the city, he announced it to the city. And the entire city wailed.
14 A ka rongo a Eri i te reo e hamama ana, ka mea ia, He reo aha tenei e ngangau nei? Na hohoro tonu taua tangata, a kua tae, kua korero ki a Eri.
And Eli heard the sound of the outcry, and he said, “What is this sound, this tumult?” And the man hurried, and he went and announced it to Eli.
15 Na e iwa tekau ma waru nga tau o Eri; kua maro hoki ona kanohi, te ahei ia te kite.
Now Eli was ninety-eight years old, and his eyes had dimmed, so that he was not able to see.
16 Na ka mea taua tangata ki a Eri, Ko ahau tenei i puta mai i roto i te ope, i rere tonu mai inaianei i te ope. Ka mea tera, I pehea te mea ra, e taku tama?
And he said to Eli: “I am the one who came from the battle. And it is I who fled from the troops today.” And he said to him, “What has happened, my son?”
17 Na ka whakaatu a ia i kawea mai nei nga korero, ka mea, I rere a Iharaira i te aroaro o nga Pirihitini, he nui hoki te parekura o te iwi; a ko au tama tokorua, ko Hoponi, raua ko Pinehaha, kua mate; kua riro ano hoki te aaka a te Atua.
And responding, the man reported and said: “Israel has fled before the Philistines. And a great ruin has happened to the people. Moreover, your two sons, Hophni and Phinehas, also have died. And the ark of God has been captured.”
18 A, no tana whakahuatanga i te aaka a te Atua, hinga ana tera ki muri i runga i te nohoanga, ki te taha o te kuwaha, a whati iho tona kaki, mate ake: he koroheke hoki ia, he taimaha. Na e wha tekau nga tau i whakarite ai ia mo Iharaira.
And when he had named the ark of God, he fell from the seat backwards, toward the door, and, having broken his neck, he died. For he was an old man of great age. And he judged Israel for forty years.
19 Na e hapu ana tana hunaonga, te wahine a Pinehaha, meake whanau: a, no tona rongonga i te korero o te aaka a te Atua kua riro, o te matenga ano o tona hungawai raua ko tana tahu, ka piko iho ia, ka whanau; i pa whakarere mai hoki te mamae ki a i a.
Now his daughter-in-law, the wife of Phinehas, was pregnant, and her delivery was near. And upon hearing the news that the ark of God had been captured, and that her father-in-law and her husband had died, she bent down and went into labor. For her pains rushed upon her suddenly.
20 A i a ia e whakahemohemo ana, ka mea nga wahine e tu ana i tona taha, Kaua e wehi; he tane hoki tenei tamaiti au. Heoi kahore ana kupu i whakahoki ai, kihai ano hoki i anga mai tona ngakau.
Then, when she was near death, those who were standing around her said to her, “You should not be afraid, for you have given birth to a son.” But she did not respond to them, and she did not notice them.
21 Na huaina iho e ia te tama ko Ikaporo, i mea, Kua heke te kororia o Iharaira: no te mea kua riro te aaka a te Atua, mo tona hungawai hoki raua ko tana tahu.
And she called the boy Ichabod, saying, “The glory of Israel has been taken away,” because the ark of God was captured, and because of her father-in-law and her husband.
22 I mea ano ia, Kua heke te kororia o Iharaira; kua riro nei hoki te aaka a te Atua.
And she said, “The glory has been taken away from Israel,” because the ark of God had been captured.

< 1 Hamuera 4 >