< 1 Hamuera 3 >

1 Na i te minita te tamaiti, a Hamuera, ki a Ihowa i te aroaro o Eri. A he taonga momohanga te kupu a Ihowa i aua ra; kahore he whakakitenga nui.
The child Samuel ministered to YHWH before Eli. The word of YHWH was rare in those days; there was no frequent vision.
2 Na i taua wa kei te takoto a Eri i tona wahi, kua timata hoki ona kanohi te atarua, kahore hoki i ata kite:
It happened at that time, when Eli was lying down in his place (now his eyes had begun to grow dim, so that he could not see),
3 Na kahore ano te rama a te Atua kia pirau noa, a i te takoto a Hamuera, he moe, i roto i te temepara o Ihowa, i te wahi i tu ai te aaka a te Atua;
and the lamp of God hadn't yet gone out, and Samuel was lying down in YHWH's temple, where the ark of God was;
4 Na ka karanga a Ihowa ki a Hamuera; ka mea tera, Tenei ahau.
that YHWH called, "Samuel. Samuel." And he said, "Here I am."
5 Na ka rere ia ki a Eri, ka mea, Tenei ahau; i karanga ake na hoki koe ki ahau. Na ka mea tera, Kihai ahau i karanga; hoki atu ki te takoto. Na haere ana ia, takoto ana.
He ran to Eli, and said, "Here I am; for you called me." He said, "I did not call; lie down again." He went and lay down.
6 Na ka karanga ano hoki a Ihowa, E Hamuera. A ka whakatika a Hamuera, haere ana ki a Eri, ka mea, Tenei ahau; i karanga ake na hoki koe ki ahau. Na ka mea tera, Kihai ahau i karanga, e taku tamaiti: hoki atu ki te takoto.
YHWHG called yet again, "Samuel. Samuel." And he got up and went to Eli, and said, "Here I am; for you called me." He answered, "I did not call, my son; lie down again."
7 Na kahore a Hamuera i mohio noa ki a Ihowa, kahore ano hoki te kupu a Ihowa i whakapuakina noatia ki a ia.
Now Samuel did not yet know God, neither was the word of YHWH yet revealed to him.
8 Na ka karanga ano a Ihowa i a Hamuera, ko te tuatoru o nga karangatanga. A ka whakatika ia, ka haere ki a Eri, ka mea, Tenei ahau: i karanga ake na hoki koe ki ahau. Na ka mohio a Eri ko Ihowa tera i karanga ra ki te tamaiti.
Then YHWH called Samuel again the third time, and he got up and went to Eli, and said, "Here I am, for you called me." Then Eli realized that YHWH had called the child.
9 Na ka mea a Eri ki a Hamuera, Haere ki te takoto: a ki te karanga ia ki a koe, ka mea ake koe, Korero e Ihowa; e whakarongo ana hoki tau pononga. Heoi, haere ana a Hamuera, a takoto ana i tona wahi.
So he said, "Go, lie down, and if he calls you, reply, 'Speak, for your servant is listening.'" Then Samuel went and lay down in his place.
10 Na ka haere mai a Ihowa, ka tu, ka karanga, ka pera me era karangatanga, E Hamuera, e Hamuera. Katahi ka mea a Hamuera, Korero; e whakarongo ana hoki tau pononga.
And YHWH came and stood, and called as at other times. Then Samuel said, "Speak, for your servant is listening."
11 Na ka mea a Ihowa ki a Hamuera, Nana, ka mahia e ahau he mahi i roto i a Iharaira, e paorooro ai nga taringa e rua o te hunga katoa e rangona ai.
YHWH said to Samuel, "Look, I will do a thing in Israel, at which both the ears of everyone who hears it shall tingle.
12 Ko te rangi tena e puta ake ai i ahau mo Eri nga mea katoa i korerotia e ahau mo tona whare: i te timatanga a ki te mutunga.
In that day I will perform against Eli all that I have spoken concerning his house, from the beginning even to the end.
13 Kua mea atu na hoki ahau ki a ia, ka whakawakia tona whare e ahau a ake ake, mo te kino i mohiotia na e ia; mo ta ana tama i mea ai, i tau ai he kanga ki a raua, a kihai ia i pehi i a raua.
For I have told him that I will judge his house forever, for the iniquity which he knew, because his sons were cursing God, and he did not restrain them.
14 Na reira kua oati ahau mo te whare o Eri, E kore e tau te patunga tapu, te whakahere totokore ranei, hei pure mo te kino o te whare o Eri a ake ake.
Therefore I have sworn to the house of Eli, that the iniquity of Eli's house shall not be removed with sacrifice nor offering forever."
15 Na takoto tonu a Hamuera a tae noa ki te ata, na uakina ana e ia nga tatau o te whare o Ihowa. A i wehi a Hamuera ki te whakaatu ki a Eri i te mea i whakakitea mai ki a ia.
And Samuel lay there until the morning, and in the morning he got up and opened the doors of the house of YHWH. And Samuel was afraid to tell Eli the vision.
16 Na ka karanga a Eri ki a Hamuera, ka mea, E Hamuera, e taku tamaiti; a ka mea tera, Tenei ahau.
Then Eli called Samuel, and said, "Samuel, my son." He said, "Here I am."
17 Na ka mea ia, Tena koa te kupu i korerotia e Ihowa ki a koe? Kaua ra e huna ki ahau: kia meatia tenei e te Atua ki a koe, etahi atu mea ano hoki, ki te huna e koe i ahau tetahi o nga kupu katoa i korerotia e ia ki a koe.
He said, "What is the thing that he has spoken to you? Please do not hide it from me. God do so to you, and more also, if you hide anything from me of all the things that he spoke to you in your ears."
18 Na ka korerotia nga kupu katoa e Hamuera ki a ia, kihai hoki i huna tetahi mea i a ia. Na ka mea tera, Na Ihowa ra hoki: mana e mea ta tona whakaaro i pai ai.
And Samuel told him everything, and did not hide anything from him. And he said, "It is YHWH. Let him do what seems good to him."
19 Nawai a ka kaumatua a Hamuera, a noho ana a Ihowa ki a ia, kihai hoki tetahi o ana kupu i tukua e ia kia taka ki te whenua.
Samuel grew, and YHWH was with him, and let none of his words fall to the ground.
20 A i mohi a Iharaira katoa, o Rana a tae noa ki Peerehepa, kua whakapumautia a Hamuera hei poropiti ma Ihowa.
All Israel from Dan even to Beersheba knew that Samuel was established to be a prophet of YHWH.
21 A i puta mai ano a Ihowa i Hiro: i whakaatu ano hoki a Ihowa i a ia ki a Hamuera i Hiro, he mea korero mai na Ihowa.
YHWH appeared again in Shiloh; for YHWH revealed himself to Samuel in Shiloh by the word of YHWH.

< 1 Hamuera 3 >