< 1 Hamuera 15 >

1 Na ka mea a Hamuera ki a Haora, I tonoa mai ahau e Ihowa ki te whakawahi i a koe hei kingi mo tana iwi, mo Iharaira: na whakarongo mai ki te reo o nga kupu a Ihowa.
And Samuel said unto Saul, It was, me, Yahweh sent to anoint thee to be king over his people, over Israel, —now, therefore, hearken thou to the voice of Yahweh’s words.
2 Ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa o nga mano, E whakaaro ana ahau ki ta Amareke i mea ai ki a Iharaira, ki tana whanganga i a ia i te ara i tona haerenga mai i Ihipa.
Thus, saith Yahweh of hosts, I have well considered what Amalek did unto Israel—how he lay in wait for him in the way, when he came up out of Egypt.
3 Na tikina, patua a Amareke, whakangaromia rawatia a ratou mea katoa, kaua hoki ratou e tohungia; engari whakamatea ngatahitia te tane me te wahine, te potiki me te mea ngote u, te kau me te hipi, te kamera me te kaihe.
Now, go and smite Amalek, and devote ye to destruction all that he hath, and spare him not, —but thou shalt slay both man and woman, both child and suckling, both ox and sheep, both camel and ass.
4 Na ka huihuia te iwi e Haora, a taua ana e ia ki Teraimi, e rua rau mano, he hunga haere i raro, me nga tangata hoki o Hura, kotahi tekau mano.
So then Saul called together the people, and numbered them in Telaim, two hundred thousand footmen, —and ten thousand men of Judah.
5 Na ko te haerenga atu o Haora ki te pa o Amareke, a whakatakoto pehipehi ana i roto i te awaawa.
And Saul came as far as the city of Amalek, —and stirred up strife in the ravine.
6 I mea hoki a Haora ki nga Keni, Whakatika, mawehe atu, haere ki raro i roto i nga Amareki, kei huna tahitia koe e ahau me ratou; i puta hoki ta koutou atawhai ki nga tamariki katoa a Iharaira i to ratou haerenga mai i Ihipa. Heoi ka mawehe nga Ke ni i roto i a Amareki.
Then said Saul unto the Kenites—Go, depart, get you down out of the midst of the Amalekites, lest I destroy you with them, yet, ye, dealt in lovingkindness, with all the sons of Israel, when they came up out of Egypt. So the Kenites departed out of the midst of the Amalekites.
7 Na tukitukia ana e Haora nga Amareki i Hawira atu a tae noa koe ki Huru, ki te ritenga atu o Ihipa.
And Saul smote Amalek, —from Havilah, till thou enterest Shur, which is over against Egypt.
8 Hopukia oratia ana hoki e ia a Akaka kingi o Amareke, ko te iwi katoa hoki i whakangaromia rawatia e ia ki te mata o te hoari.
And he took Agag, king of Amalek, alive, —but, all the people, devoted he to destruction at the edge of the sword.
9 Otiia i tohungia e Haora ratou ko te iwi a Akaka, me nga mea papai o nga hipi, o nga kau, o nga mea momona hoki, me nga reme, me nga mea pai katoa, kihai hoki i aro ki te whakangaro i a ratou: engari nga mea e whakaparahakotia ana, e rukea ana, k o ena a ratou i whakangaro ai.
But Saul and the people spared Agag, and the best of the sheep and the oxen and the lambs, also the fatlings, and all that was good, and would not devote them to destruction, —but, all the cattle that was contemptible and diseased, that, devoted they to destruction.
10 Katahi ka puta te kupu a Ihowa ki a Hamuera, ka mea,
Then came the word of Yahweh unto Samuel, saying—
11 Kua puta ke oku whakaaro i meinga ai e ahau a Haora hei kingi; kua hoki atu hoki ia i te whai i ahau, a kihai hoki i whakamana i aku kupu. Na ka oho te riri a Hamuera; a pau katoa taua po i a ia e tangi ana ki a Ihowa.
I am grieved that I made Saul to be king, for he hath turned back from following me, and, my words, hath he not established. And it was vexing to Samuel, so that he made outcry unto Yahweh, all the night.
12 Na ka maranga wawe a Hamuera i te ata ki te whakatau i a Haora; a ka korerotia ki a Hamuera, ka meatia, I te mai a Haora ki Karamere, na whakaturia ana e ia he tohu mana, a haere awhio atu ana, kua pahemo atu, kua riro ki raro, ki Kirikara.
And Samuel rose early to meet Saul, in the morning, and it was told Samuel, saying—Saul having come to Carmel, and lo! having set him up a sign, hath gone round, and passed over, and descended to Gilgal.
13 Na ka tae atu a Hamuera ki a Haora, a ka mea a Haora ki a ia, Kia manaakitia koe e Ihowa, kua whakamana e ahau te kupu a Ihowa.
And Samuel came unto Saul, —and Saul said unto him—Blessed, be thou by Yahweh: I have established the word of Yahweh.
14 Na ka mea a Hamuera, He aha koia tenei tangi o nga hipi i roto nei i oku taringa, me te tangi o nga kau e rongo nei ahau?
And Samuel said, What then is this bleating of sheep, in mine ears, —and the lowing of oxen, which I can hear?
15 Ano ra ko Haora, He mea mau mai e ratou i nga Amareki: i tohungia hoki e te iwi nga mea papai o nga hipi, o nga kau, hei mea patunga tapu ki a Ihowa, ki tou Atua; a ko te toenga, whakangaromia iho e matou.
Then said Saul—From the Amalekites, have they brought them in; in that the people spared the best of the sheep, and of the oxen, to sacrifice unto Yahweh thy God, —but, the rest, have we devoted to destruction.
16 Katahi ka mea a Hamuera ki a Haora, Kati, kia korerotia e ahau ki a koe ta Ihowa i mea ai ki ahau i tenei po. Ano ra ko tera, Korero.
Then said Samuel unto Saul, Stay, and let me tell thee, that which Yahweh hath spoken unto me, this night. And he said to him—Speak.
17 A ka mea a Hamuera, I a koe e iti ana ki tou whakaaro, kihai ianei koe i meinga hei upoko mo nga iwi o Iharaira, i whakawahia e Ihowa hei kingi mo Iharaira?
And Samuel said, Was it not, when, little, thou wast in thine own eyes, that thou wast made, head of the tribes of Israel, —and that Yahweh anointed thee to be king over Israel?
18 Na ka tono a Ihowa i a koe kia haere, ka mea, Tikina, whakangaromia te hunga hara, nga Amareki, whawhai hoki ki a ratou a poto noa ratou.
So then Yahweh sent thee on a journey, —and said—Go, and devastate to destruction, the sinners—the Amalekites, and make war against them, until they have consumed them.
19 He aha koe te whakarongo ai ki te reo o Ihowa, i aurara atu ai ki nga taonga parakete, i mahi ai i te kino i te tirohanga a Ihowa?
Wherefore, then, didst thou not hearken unto the voice of Yahweh, —but didst rush upon the spoil, and do that which was wrong in the sight of Yahweh?
20 Na ka mea a Haora ki a Hamuera, Ina, i whakarongo ano ahau ki te reo o Ihowa, i haere i te ara i tonoa ai ahau e Ihowa, kua kawea mai ano hoki e ahau a Akaka kingi o Amareke; ko nga Amareki ano hoki, whakangaromia iho e ahau.
And Saul said unto Samuel—As indeed I have hearkened unto the voice of Yahweh, and have been on the journey on which Yahweh sent me, —and have brought in Agag, king of Amalek, and, the Amalekites, have I devoted to destruction.
21 Na te iwi hoki i tango etahi o nga taonga, o nga hipi, o nga kau, nga mea tino papai o nga mea e whakangaromia ana hei mea patunga tapu ki a Ihowa, ki tou Atua, ki Kirikara.
And the people took, of the spoil, sheep and oxen, the chief of the things so devoted, —to sacrifice unto Yahweh thy God, in Gilgal.
22 Ano ra ko Hamuera, Ki ta Ihowa, he pera ranei te ahuareka o nga tahunga tinana, o nga patunga tapu, me te whakarongo ki te reo o Ihowa? Nana, pai atu te whakarongo i te patunga tapu, te ngakau mahara i te ngako o nga hipi toa.
Then said Samuel—Doth that which is pleasing unto Yahweh consist in ascending-offerings and sacrifices, So much as in hearkening unto the voice of Yahweh? Lo! to hearken, is, better, than, sacrifice. And, to give heed, than, the fat of rams;
23 Rite tonu hoki te tutu ki te hara makutu; te whakatuturi ki te kino, ki te karakia whakapakoko. He whakaparahako nau ki te kupu a Ihowa, ka whakaparahako hoki ia ki a koe hei kingi.
For, as the sin of divination, is, rebelliousness, —and, as transgression with household gods, is, stubbornness, —Because thou hast rejected the word of Yahweh, therefore hath he rejected thee from being king.
24 Na ka ki a Haora ki a Hamuera, Kua hara ahau, i ahau i takahi nei i te kupu a Ihowa, i au kupu ano hoki: i wehi hoki ahau i te iwi, i whakarongo ki to ratou reo.
Then said Saul unto Samuel—I have sinned; for I have transgressed the bidding of Yahweh, and thy words, —for I feared the people, and hearkened unto their voice.
25 Tena ra, whakarerea noatia iho toku hara, kia hoki atu taua, kia koropiko ai ahau ki a Ihowa.
Now, therefore, I pray thee, pardon my sin, —and turn again with me, that I may bow down unto Yahweh.
26 Ano ra ko Hamuera ki a Haora, E kore ahau e hoki tahi taua; he mea hoki kua whakaparahako koe ki te kupu a Ihowa, a kua whakaparahako a Ihowa ki a koe hei kingi mo Iharaira.
And Samuel said unto Saul, I will not turn again with thee, —Because thou hast rejected the word of Yahweh, therefore hath Yahweh rejected thee from being king over Israel.
27 A, i te tahuritanga o Hamuera ki te haere, ka mau tera ki te pito o tona kakahu, a kua pakaru.
And, when Samuel turned about to go away, then laid he hold of the skirt of his robe, and it was rent.
28 Na ka mea a Hamuera ki a ia, Kua haea mai e Ihowa inaianei tou kingitanga i roto i a Iharaira, kua hoatu ki tou hoa e pai atu ana i a koe.
And Samuel said unto him, Yahweh hath rent the kingdom of Israel from off thee, to-day, —and will give it unto a neighbour of thine, who is better than thou.
29 E kore ano hoki te Kaha o Iharaira e teka; e kore ano hoki e puta ke ona whakaaro; no te mea ehara ia i te tangata e puta ke ai ona whakaaro.
Moreover also, the Eminence of Israel, will not lie, neither will he repent, —For no, iron of earth, is, he, to repent!
30 Ano ra ko tera, Kua hara ahau: otiia whakahonoretia ahau aianei i te aroaro o nga kaumatua o toku iwi, i te aroaro o Iharaira, kia hoki tahi taua, kia koropiko ai ahau ki a Ihowa, ki tou Atua.
Then he said: I have sinned, Now, honour me, I pray thee, before the elders of my people, and before Israel, —and turn again with me, then will I bow down unto Yahweh thy God.
31 Heoi hoki ana a Hamuera i muri i a Haora, a karakia ana a Haora ki a Ihowa.
So then Samuel turned again, after Saul—and Saul bowed down unto Yahweh.
32 Katahi a Hamuera ka mea, Kawea mai ki ahau a Akaka kingi o Amareke. Na ka ata hikoi a Akaka ki a ia. A ka mea a Akaka, He pono kua pahemo ke te ngau kino a te mate.
Then said Samuel—Bring ye near unto me—Agag, king of Amalek, And Agag came unto him, in fetters. Then said Agag, Surely, terrible, is the bitterness of death!
33 Ano ra ko Hamuera, Na tau hoari i kore ai nga uri o nga wahine, ka pena ano tou whaea te urikore i roto i nga wahine. Na haua iho a Akaka e Hamuera i te aroaro o Ihowa i Kirikara.
And Samuel said, As women have been made childless by thy sword, So, childless among women, shall be, thine own mother. And Samuel cut Agag asunder before Yahweh, in Gilgal.
34 Katahi ka haere a Hamuera ki Rama; ko Haora ia i haere ki runga ki tona whare, ki Kipea o Haora.
Then Samuel departed unto Ramah, —but, Saul, went up unto his own house, at Gibeah of Saul.
35 Kihai hoki a Haora i tirotirohia e Hamuera i muri iho a taea noatia te ra i mate ai ia: heoi tangihia ana a Haora e Hamuera: i puta ke ano hoki nga whakaaro o Ihowa i meinga ai e ia a Haora hei kingi mo Iharaira.
And Samuel did no more see Saul, until the day of his death, for Samuel pined for Saul, —but, Yahweh, was grieved that he had made Saul king over Israel.

< 1 Hamuera 15 >