< 1 Kingi 9 >

1 A, ka oti i a Horomona te whare o Ihowa, me te whare o te kingi, me nga mea katoa i hiahia ai a Horomona, i pai ai kia mahia;
Now when Solomon came to the end of building the house of the Lord and the king's house, and all Solomon's desires, which he had in mind were effected;
2 Na ko te rua o nga putanga o Ihowa ki a Horomona, pera me tona putanga ki a ia ki Kipeono.
The Lord came to him again in a vision, as he had done at Gibeon;
3 Na ka mea a Ihowa ki a ia, Kua rongo ahau i tau inoi, i tau karanga i karanga ai koe i toku aroaro; kua oti i ahau te whakatapu tenei whare kua hanga nei e koe, hei waihotanga iho mo toku ingoa a ake ake; ka tau ano oku kanohi, me toku ngakau, ki reira i nga ra katoa.
And the Lord said to him, Your prayers and your requests for grace have come to my ears: I have made holy this house which you have made, and I have put my name there for ever; my eyes and my heart will be there at all times.
4 Na, ko koe, ki te rite tau haere i toku aroaro ki te haere a tou papa, a Rawiri, a ka tapatahi, ka tika te ngakau, ka mahi koe i nga mea katoa i whakahau ai ahau ki a koe, ka pupuri i aku tikanga, i aku whakaritenga;
As for you, if you will go on your way before me, as David your father did, uprightly and with a true heart, doing what I have given you orders to do, keeping my laws and my decisions;
5 Katahi ahau ka whakapumau i te torona o tou kingitanga ki a Iharaira a ake ake; ka pera me taku i korero ai ki tou papa, ki a Rawiri, i ahau i ki ra, E kore e whakakorea he tangata mau mo te torona o Iharaira.
Then I will make the seat of your rule over Israel certain for ever, as I gave my word to David your father, saying, You will never be without a man to be king in Israel.
6 Otiia ki te anga koutou ko a koutou tama, ki te tahuri ke, a kahore e whai i ahau, e pupuri i aku whakahau, i aku tikanga, i hoatu e ahau ki to koutou aroaro, a ka haere, ka mahi ki nga atua ke, ka koropiko ki a ratou,
But if you are turned from my ways, you or your children, and do not keep my orders and my laws which I have put before you, but go and make yourselves servants to other gods and give them worship:
7 Katahi ka hautopea atu e ahau a Iharaira i te mata o te whenua i hoatu e ahau ki a ratou; a koe tenei whare i whakatapua nei e ahau mo toku ingoa, ka akiritia atu e ahau i toku aroaro, a ka waiho a Iharaira hei whakatauki, hei taunutanga i roto i nga iwi katoa.
Then I will have Israel cut off from the land which I have given them; and this house, which I have made holy for myself, I will put away from before my eyes; and Israel will be a public example, and a word of shame among all peoples.
8 Na, ahakoa te tiketike o te whare nei, ka miharo ia nga tangata katoa e haere ana na konei, ka whakahi, ka mea, Na te aha tenei mahi a Ihowa ki tenei whenua, ki tenei whare?
And this house will become a mass of broken walls, and everyone who goes by will be overcome with wonder at it and make whistling sounds; and they will say, Why has the Lord done so to this land and to this house?
9 Na ka whakahoki ratou, Mo ratou i whakarere i a Ihowa, i to ratou Atua, i whakaputa mai nei i o ratou matua i te whenua o Ihipa, a ka tango ki nga atua ke, ka koropiko ki a ratou, ka mahi ki a ratou: no reira i homai ai e Ihowa tenei kino katoa k i runga ki a ratou.
And their answer will be, Because they were turned away from the Lord their God, who took their fathers out of the land of Egypt; they took for themselves other gods and gave them worship and became their servants: that is why the Lord has sent all this evil on them.
10 Na i te mutunga o nga tau e rua tekau, i te mea ka oti te hanga e Horomona nga whare e rua, te whare o Ihowa, me te whare o te kingi;
Now at the end of twenty years, in which time Solomon had put up the two houses, the house of the Lord and the king's house,
11 Na i homai e Hirama kingi o Taira he rakau hita ki a Horomona, he rakau kauri, he koura, ko ana katoa i pai ai; na hoatu ana e Kingi Horomona ki a Hirama e rua tekau nga pa i te whenua o Kariri.
(Hiram, king of Tyre, had given Solomon cedar-trees and cypress-trees and gold, as much as he had need of, ) King Solomon gave Hiram twenty towns in the land of Galilee.
12 A ka haere ake a Hirama i Taira kia kite i nga pa i hoatu nei e Horomona ki a ia, kihai i rite ki tana titiro.
But when Hiram came from Tyre to see the towns which Solomon had given him, he was not pleased with them.
13 Ka mea ia, He aha enei pa i homai nei e koe ki ahau, e toku tuakana? Na huaina iho e ia ko te whenua o Kapuru, koia tenei inaianei.
And he said, What sort of towns are these which you have given me, my brother? So they were named the land of Cabul, to this day.
14 Na tukua atu ana e Hirama ki te kingi kotahi rau e rua tekau nga taranata koura.
And Hiram sent the king a hundred and twenty talents of gold.
15 Na ko te putake tenei o te whakataka i whakataka ai e Horomona; hei hanga i te whare o Ihowa, i tona ake whare, i Miro, i te taiepa o Hiruharama, i Hatoro, i Mekiro, i Ketere.
Now, this was the way of Solomon's system of forced work for the building of the Lord's house and of the king's house, and the Millo and the wall of Jerusalem and Megiddo and Gezer. ...
16 I haere mai hoki a Parao kingi o Ihipa, a horo ana a Ketere i a ia, tahuna ana e ia ki te ahi, patua iho hoki nga Kanaani e noho ana i te pa, a homai ana hei kaipakuha ki tana tamahine, ki te wahine a Horomona.
Pharaoh, king of Egypt, came and took Gezer, burning it down and putting to death the Canaanites living in the town, and he gave it for a bride-offering to his daughter, Solomon's wife. ...
17 Na hanga ana e Horomona a Ketere me Petehorono ki raro,
... and Solomon was the builder of Gezer and Beth-horon the lower,
18 Me Paarata, me Taramoro i te koraha, i taua whenua,
And Baalath and Tamar in the waste land, in that land;
19 Me nga pa taonga katoa o Horomona, me nga pa mo nga hariata, me nga pa mo nga kaieke hoiho, me ta Horomona i hiahia ai kia hanga ki Hiruharama, ki Repanona, ki te whenua katoa hoki o tona kingitanga.
And all the store-towns and the towns which Solomon had for his war-carriages and for his horsemen, and everything which it was his pleasure to put up in Jerusalem and in Lebanon and in all the land under his rule.
20 Ko nga morehu katoa o nga Amori, o nga Hiti, o nga Perihi, o nga Hiwi, o nga Iepuhi ehara nei i nga tama a Iharaira;
As for the rest of the Amorites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites, who were not children of Israel;
21 Ko a ratou tamariki i mahue i muri i a ratou i te whenua, kihai nei i taea e nga tama a Iharaira te huna rawa, na whakatakohatia ana ratou e Horomona, he mahi te takoha, a tae noa ki tenei ra.
Their children who were still in the land, and whom the children of Israel had not been able to put to complete destruction, them did Solomon put to forced work, to this day.
22 Ko nga tama ia a Iharaira, kihai i meinga e Horomona hei kaimahi; ko ratou hoki hei tangata whawhai, hei tangata mana, hei rangatira mana, hei kaiwhakahauhau mana, hei rangatira ano mo ana hariata, mo ana kaieke hoiho.
But Solomon did not put the children of Israel to forced work; they were the men of war, his servants, his captains, and his chiefs, captains of his war-carriages and of his horsemen.
23 Ko nga rangatira enei o nga kaitohutohu, o nga rangatira o te mahi o Horomona, e rima rau e rima tekau, he rangatira, mo nga kaimahi i te mahi.
These were the chiefs of the overseers of Solomon's work, five hundred and fifty, in authority over the people who did the work.
24 Na, kua riro atu te tamahine a Parao i te pa o Rawiri ki runga, ki te whare i hanga e ia mona: katahi a Miro ka hanga e ia.
At that time Solomon made Pharaoh's daughter come up from the town of David to the house which he had made for her: then he made the Millo.
25 Na i te tau kotahi, e toru nga tapaenga a Horomona i nga tahunga tinana, i nga whakahere mo te pai ki runga ki te aata i hanga e ia ma Ihowa, i tahuna ano e ia te whakakakara ki tera i te aroaro o Ihowa. Heoi kua oti te whare i a ia.
Three times in the year it was Solomon's way to give burned offerings and peace-offerings on the altar he had made to the Lord, causing his fire-offering to go up on the altar before the Lord.
26 Na he maha nga kaipuke i hanga e Kingi Horomona ki Ehiono Kepere, ki tera i Eroto i te taha o te Moana Whero, i te whenua o Eroma.
And King Solomon made a sea-force of ships in Ezion-geber, by Eloth, on the Red Sea, in the land of Edom.
27 A tonoa ana e Hirama ana tangata ki runga ki nga kaipuke, he kaimahi kaipuke, he mohio ki te moana, hei hoa mo nga tangata a Horomona.
Hiram sent his servants, who were experienced seamen, in the sea-force with Solomon's men.
28 Na ka rere ratou ki Opira, a utaina ana he koura i reira, e wha rau e rua tekau taranata, a kawea ana ki a Kingi Horomona.
And they came to Ophir, where they got four hundred and twenty talents of gold, and took it back to King Solomon.

< 1 Kingi 9 >