< 1 Whakapapa 19 >

1 Na i muri i tenei ka mate a Nahaha kingi o nga tama a Amona, a ko tana tama te kingi i muri i a ia.
After this also Nahash the King of the children of Ammon dyed, and his sonne reigned in his stead.
2 Na ka mea a Rawiri, Ka puta toku aroha ki a Hanunu tama a Nahaha; i puta hoki te aroha o tona papa ki ahau. Na ka unga e Rawiri etahi tangata ki te whakamarie i a ia mo tona papa. Na kua tae nga tangata a Rawiri ki te whenua o nga tama a Amona ki a Hanunu, ki te whakamarie i a ia.
And Dauid said, I will shew kindnesse vnto Hanun the sonne of Nahash, because his father shewed kindnesse vnto me. And Dauid sent messengers to comfort him for his father. So the seruants of Dauid came into the lande of the children of Ammon to Hanun to comfort him.
3 Otiia ka mea nga rangatira o nga tama a Amona ki a Hanunu, Ki tou whakaaro he whakahonore na Rawiri i tou papa i tonoa mai ai e ia nga kaiwhakamarie ki a koe? he teka ianei he titiro, he whakangaro, he tutei i te whenua te mea i haere mai ai ana tangata ki a koe?
And the princes of the children of Ammon said to Hanun, Thinkest thou that Dauid doeth honour thy father, that he hath sent comforters vnto thee? Are not his seruants come to thee to search, to seeke and to spie out the land?
4 Heoi ka mau a Hanunu ki nga tangata a Rawiri, heua ana e ia, tapahia ana o ratou kakahu ki waenga, i te ritenga iho o o ratou papa, a tonoa atu ana ratou.
Wherefore Hanun tooke Dauids seruants, and shaued them, and cut off their garments by the halfe vnto the buttocks, and sent them away.
5 Katahi ka haere etahi, ka korero ki a Rawiri i te meatanga ki aua tangata. Na ka tono tangata ia ki te whakatau i a ratou; he nui hoki te whakama o aua tangata. A ka mea te kingi, Hei Heriko koutou noho ai, kia tupu ra ano o koutou pahau, ko reir a hoki mai ai.
And there went certaine and tolde Dauid concerning the men: and he sent to meete them (for the men were exceedingly ashamed) and the King saide, Tarie at Iericho, vntill your beardes be growen: then returne.
6 A, no te kitenga o nga tama a Amona e piro ana ratou ki a Rawiri, ka hoatu e Hanunu ratou ko nga tama a Amona etahi taranata hiriwa kotahi mano kia kawea hei utu hariata, kaieke hoiho, i Mehopotamia, i Aramamaaka, i Topa.
When the children of Ammon saw that they stanke in the sight of Dauid, then sent Hanun and the children of Ammon a thousande talents of siluer to hire them charets and horsemen out of Aram Naharaim and out of Aram Maachah, and out of Zobah.
7 Heoi e toru tekau ma rua mano hariata i utua e ratou, me te kingi ano o Maaka ratou ko ana tangata; a haere mai ana ratou, noho ana ki mua i Merepa. Na ka huihui nga tama a Amona i o ratou pa, haere ana mai ki te whawhai.
And they hired them two and thirty thousande charets, and the King of Maachah and his people, which came and pitched before Medeba: and the children of Ammon gathered themselues together from their cities, and came to the battell.
8 A, i te rongonga o Rawiri, ka tonoa e ia a Ioapa ratou ko te ope katoa, ara nga marohirohi.
And when Dauid heard, he sent Ioab and all the hoste of the valiant men.
9 Na ka puta nga tama a Amona ki waho, a whakatakotoria ana o ratou ngohi ki te kuwaha o te pa. Na, ko nga kingi i haere nei, he mea motu ke ratou i te parae.
And the children of Ammon came out, and set their battell in aray at the gate of the citie. And the Kings that were come, were by them selues in the fielde.
10 A, no te kitenga o Ioapa e akina ana a mua, a muri ona e te hoariri, ka whiriwhiria e ia etahi i roto i te hunga whiriwhiri katoa o Iharaira, a whakaritea ana e ia hei tu i nga Hiriani:
When Ioab saw that the front of the battel was against him before and behinde, then he chose out of all the choyse of Israel, and set him selfe in aray to meete the Aramites.
11 Ko te nuinga atu hoki o te iwi i tukua e ia ki te ringa o Apihai, o tona teina, a ka whakatikaia ratou e ratou hei tu i nga tama a Amona.
And the rest of the people he deliuered vnto the hande of Abishai his brother, and they put them selues in aray against the children of Ammon.
12 I mea ano ia, Ki te kaha nga Hiriani i ahau, me awhina mai ahau e koe; ki te kaha ia nga tama a Amona i a koe, na maku koe e awhina atu.
And he saide, If Aram be too strong for me, then thou shalt succour me: and if the children of Ammon preuaile against thee, then I wil succour thee.
13 Kia maia, kia whakatane tatou; me whakaaro ki to tatou iwi, ki nga pa o to tatou Atua, a ma Ihowa e mea te mea e pai ana ki tana titiro.
Be strong, and let vs shewe our selues valiant for our people, and for the cities of our God, and let the Lord doe that which is good in his owne sight.
14 Heoi, ko te whakatatanga o Ioapa ratou ko tona nuinga ki te whawhai ki nga Hiriani, na, rere ana ratou i tona aroaro.
So Ioab and the people that was with him, came neere before the Aramites vnto the battel, and they fled before him.
15 A, no te kitenga o nga tama a Amona kua rere nga Hiriani, na, ka rere ano ratou i te aroaro o tona teina, o Apihai, a haere ana ki roto ki te pa. Katahi ka haere a Ioapa ki Hiruharama.
And when the children of Ammon sawe that the Aramites fled, they fled also before Abishai his brother, and entred into the citie: so Ioab came to Ierusalem.
16 A, no te kitenga o nga Hiriani kua patua ratou e Iharaira, ka tono tangata a ka tikina atu nga Hiriani i tawahi o te awa: a ko Topaka rangatira o te ope a Hararetere ki mua i a ratou.
And when the Aramites sawe that they were discomfited before Israel, they sent messengers and caused the Aramites to come forth that were beyond the riuer: and Shophach the captaine of the hoste of Hadarezer went before them.
17 Na ka korerotia ki a Rawiri, a ka huihuia e ia a Iharaira katoa, a whiti ana ki tawahi o Horano, whakaekea ana e ia, whakatikaia ana e ia nga ngohi hei tu i a ratou. Na, ka oti nga ngohi te whakatika e Rawiri hei tu i nga Hiriani, ka whawhai rat ou ki a ia.
And when it was shewed Dauid, he gathered all Israel, and went ouer Iorden, and came vnto them, and put him selfe in aray against them: And when Dauid had put him selfe in battel aray to meete the Aramites, they fought with him.
18 Na ka rere nga Hiriani i te aroaro o Iharaira; a patua iho o nga Hiriani e Rawiri nga tangata o nga hariata e whitu mano, e wha tekau mano nga tangata haere i raro; i patua ano e ia a Topaka te rangatira ope.
But the Aramites fled before Israel, and Dauid destroyed of the Aramites seuen thousand charets, and fourtie thousand footemen, and killed Shophach the captaine of the hoste.
19 A, i te kitenga o nga tangata a Hararetere kua mate ratou i a Iharaira, ka houhia e ratou te rongo ki a Rawiri, a ka meinga ratou te rongo ki a Rawiri, a ka meinga ratou hei tangata mana: kihai hoki nga Hiriani i pai ki te awhina i nga tama a Am ona i muri atu.
And when the seruants of Hadarezer sawe that they fell before Israel, they made peace with Dauid, and serued him. And the Aramites would no more succour the children of Ammon.

< 1 Whakapapa 19 >