< Rome 9 >

1 Eina achumba adu hairibani; eihak minamba ngangba natte, ei Christtagini. Thawai Asengbana panbiriba eigi achum aran khangba pukningnasu eihak minamde haibasi chummi haiba khanghalli
[The] truth I speak in Christ, Not I am lying, while is bearing witness with me the conscience of mine in [the] Spirit Holy,
2 madudi eigi thamoinungda awaba amadi tatpa leitana cheina phangli
that grief to me is great and unceasing sorrow in the heart of me.
3 madudi eigi mising oiriba eigi isagi ee-tong oiriba makhoigidamakni. Makhoigidamak eihak sirap phangba amadi Christtadagi khainarabadi haina eina khanjei.
was wishing for a curse to be [my]self I myself separated from Christ for the brothers of mine the kinsmen of mine according to [the] flesh;
4 Makhoi Israel-gi misingni. Tengban Mapuna makhoibu mahakki machasing oihanbire amadi mahakki matik mangal makhoida phongdokpire; Ibungona mahakki walepnaba adu makhoiga leple aduga makhoida Wayel Yathang adu pibire; achumba Tengban Mapubu khurumjaba adu makhoida lei; Tengban Mapugi wasakpibasing adu makhoina phangjare;
who are Israelites, whose [is] the divine adoption as sons and the glory and the covenants and the lawgiving and the service and the promises,
5 makhoising asi masak nairaba Hebrew ipa ipusinggi chada naodani; mioiba ama oina Christtasu makhoigi phuruptagini. Pumnamakki mathakta panbiriba Tengban Mapu mangonda lomba naidana thagatpa oisanu! Amen. (aiōn g165)
whose [are] the patriarchs and from whom [is] Christ according to the flesh, who is being over all God blessed to the ages, Amen. (aiōn g165)
6 Tengban Mapugi wasakpiba adu maithire haina eina haiba natte; Israel-gi mi pumnamak Tengban Mapugi mising oiba natte.
[It is] not as however that has failed the word of God. Not for all who [are] of Israel [are] these Israel;
7 Matou adugumna makhoi Abraham-gi charol surol oibagi maramna makhoi pumnamak adu Tengban Mapugi machasing oiba natte. Tengban Mapuna Abraham-da hai, “Isaac-ki mapanna eina nangonda wasakpikhiba charol surol adu phanggani.”
Nor because they are seed of Abraham [are] all children, rather In Isaac will be named to you offspring.
8 Amaromda hairabada, hakchanggi marida pokpa machasing adu Tengban Mapugi machasing natte, adubu Tengban Mapugi wasakpibagi mapanna pokpa machasing adu achumba charol surol oina singthanabire.
That is not the children of the flesh these [are] children of God, but the children of the promise are regarded as offspring.
9 Maramdi wasakpibagi wa adu asumna haikhi; “Achaba matamda eina hallakkhigani, aduga Sarah-na machanupa ama phangjagani.”
Of [the] promise for the word [is] this: At time this I will come and there will be to Sarah a son.
10 Adutasu natte. Rebecca-gi machasing adusu eikhoigi ipa ipu Isaac-ka pannaduna mironkhi.
Not only then, but also Rebecca by one conception having Isaac the father of us;
11 Adubu machanupa amabu khandokpiba asi mapung phana Tengban Mapu masagi maramnani haiba asi oinanaba Tengban Mapuna Rebecca-da haikhi, “Ahan aduna atomba adubu thougal tougani.” Masi makhoina poktringei nattraga aphaba nattraga phattaba kari amata toudringeida Ibungona masi haibani; maramdi Tengban Mapugi khandokpiba adu Ibungo mahakki koubibada yumpham oi amadi madu makhoina touba thabak amatada yumpham oide.
not yet not yet for having been born nor having done anything good or (evil, *N(k)O*) so that the according to election purpose of God may stand, not of works but of the [One] calling,
it was said to her that The older will serve the younger;
13 Masi Mapugi puyada ikhibagumnani, “Eina Jacob-pu nungsi adubu eina Esau-bu yengthire.”
(Even as *NK(o)*) it has been written: Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.
14 Adudi eikhoina kari haigani Tengban Mapudi michang mikhai naibra? Madu tasengnamak natte!
What then will we say? Not injustice with God [is there]? Never would it be!
15 Maramdi mahakna Moses-ta hai, “Eina chanbiningba mahak aduda eina chanbigani, aduga eina minungsi thamningba mahak aduda eina minungsi thamgani.”
To Moses for He says: I will show mercy to whom maybe I may show mercy and I will have compassion on whom maybe I may have compassion.
16 Adunadi pumnamak asi mioiba eikhoina pamba nattraga touba adugi makha pondre adubu Tengban Mapugi chanbiba adukhaktagi makha polli.
So then [it is] not of the [one who is] willing nor of the [one who is] running but of the [one who is] showing mercy of God.
17 Maramdi Mapugi puyana Pharaoh-da hai, “Eina nangonda eigi panggal utnaba amasung malem sinba thungna eigi ming laothoknaba eina nangbu ningthou oihanbani.”
Says for the Scripture to Pharaoh that For this very therefore I have raised up you so that I may show in you the power of Mine and that may be declared the name of Me in all the earth.
18 Maram aduna Tengban Mapuna chanbiningba mahakpu chanbi, mahakna pukning kalhanningba mahakpu pukning kalhalli.
So then to whom He wants He shows mercy, whom now He wants He hardens.
19 Adu oirabadi nakhoigi naraktagi kanagumba amana eingonda haigani, “Karigi Tengban Mapuna houjik phaoba eikhoida iral piribano? Tengban Mapugi aningbabu kanana thingba ngamgadage?”
You will say to me then: Why (then *NO*) still does He find fault? The for purpose of Him who has been resisting?
20 Adubu he mioiba Tengban Mapugi maiyokta khumgadaba nahak kanano? Semkhraba pot aduna sabiriba mangonda, “Nahakna eibu karigi asumna saribano” haina haigadra?
O man, but rather, you yourself who are who is answering against to God? Not will say the thing formed to the [One] having formed [it]; Why me did you make like this?
21 Nattraga leitan matum amatadagi kharana maru oiba thabakta sijinnaba aduga kharana icham chamba thabakta sijinnanaba chaphu sabana sabagi matik leiba natra?
Or not has authority the potter over the clay out of the same lump to make one indeed unto honor vessel one however unto dishonor?
22 Tengban Mapuna toukhiba asisu achumbani. Mahakna mahakki asaoba amadi mahakki panggal khanghanba mahakna pamle. Adubu mangtaklagadaba mahakki asaobagi patrasinggidamak mahakna kuina khaangheibaga loinana khaangbi.
What if now desiring God to show the wrath and to make known the power of Him bore with much patience [the] vessels of wrath fitted for destruction,
23 Masi matik mangalgidamakta mahakna hanna thourang toukhraba chanbibagi patrasing aduda mahakki marang kaiba matik mangal adu mahakna utnabani,
also that He may make known the riches of the glory of Him upon [the] vessels of mercy which He prepared beforehand for glory?
24 madu eikhoini, mahakna Jihudisinggita nattana atoppa phurupsingdagisu koubire.
whom even He has called us not only out from [the] Jews but also out from [the] Gentiles,
25 Hosea-gi lairiktasu Ibungona asumna hai, “Eigi mi oiramdabasing adu eina ‘Eigi mi’ kougani. Nungsibiramdaba phurup adubu eina ‘Eigi nungsirabi’ kougani.
As also in Hosea He says: I will call that which [is] not people of Mine people of Mine and her who not loved loved.
26 Aduga ‘Nakhoi eigi mi natte’ haina makhoida mapham khudingmakta hairamba adu makhoibu ahingba Tengban Mapugi machasing haina kougani.”
and It will happen that in the place where it was said to them; Not people of Mine [are] You yourselves, there they will be called sons of God [the] living.
27 Isaiah-na Israel-gi maramda asumna laokhi; “Israel machasinggi masingdu ipakki leingoimuk yamlabasu, makhoi khara khaktamak kanbigani;
Isaiah also cries out concerning Israel: Though shall be the number of the sons of Israel as the sand of the sea, [only] the (vestige *N(k)O*) will be saved;
28 maramdi MAPU IBUNGO-na malemda mahakki wayen-gadaba adu waroisin amaga loinana thuna pangthoklagani.”
[The] sentence for concluding and bringing swiftly (in righteousness for word brought swiftly *K*) will perform [the] Lord upon the earth.
29 Aduga Isaiah-na hanna haikhibagumna oigani, “Ingam-ngamba MAPU IBUNGO-na eikhoida charol surol thambiramdrabadi eikhoi Sodom-ga manaramgani, eikhoi Gomorrah-gum oiramgadabani.”
And even as has foretold Isaiah: only unless [the] Lord of Hosts had left us descendants, like Sodom then we should have become and like Gomorrah then would we have been made.
30 Adunadi eikhoina kari haisige? Achumba chatpa thidaba atoppa phurupsingna thajabagi mapanna achumba chatpa phangjare;
What then will we say? That Gentiles not pursuing righteousness have grasped righteousness, righteousness now that [is] by faith;
31 adubu Israel-gi misingnadi achumba chatpabu wayel yathanggi mapanna thijariba makhoinadi pandam adu phangdre.
Israel however pursuing a law of righteousness to [that] law (righteousness *k*) not did attain.
32 Madu karigi phangdribano? Maramdi thajabagi mapanna thidaduna makhoina touba thabakki mapanna thiba maramnani. Maram aduna “khudi thihanba nung” aduda makhoina khudi thire;
Because of why? Because [it was] not by faith but as by works (of law; *K*) They stumbled (for *k*) over the stone of stumbling
33 masi Mapugi puyada ikhibagumnani, “Yeng-u, eina Zion-da nung ama thamle maduna misingbu khudi thihan-gani, makhoibu tuhan-gadaba nungjaoni. Adubu Ibungo mahakpu thajaba mahak adu ikaiba nanghalloi.”
even as it has been written: Behold I lay in Zion a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense, and (everyone *K*) who is believing on Him never will be put to shame.

< Rome 9 >