< Phongdokpiba 21 >

1 Adudagi eina anouba swarga anouba malem ama ure. Ahanbagi swarga amadi malem adu mangkhre aduga samudra amuk leitre.
And I saw a heaven new and an earth new. for the first heaven and the first earth (had passed away, *N(k)O*) and the sea not is any longer.
2 Aduga Asengba Sahar, anouba Jerusalem aduna mahakki mapuroibagidamak ningthina set chaduna thourang tourabi keinya amagum Tengban Mapugi swargadagi kumtharakpa eina ure.
And (I myself John *K*) the city holy Jerusalem new I saw coming down out of heaven from God prepared as a bride adorned for the husband of her.
3 Amasung phambal adudagi ahouba khonjel amana asumna hairakpa eina tare, “Yeng-u! Tengban Mapugi leipham adu houjikti misinggi marakta leirare, aduga Ibungo mahakna makhoiga leiminnagani. Makhoi Ibungo magi mising oigani, aduga Tengban Mapu masamakna makhoiga leiminnagani aduga mahak makhoigi Tengban Mapu oigani.
And I heard a voice great from the (throne *N(K)O*) saying: Behold the tabernacle of God [is] with men, and He will tabernacle with them. and they themselves (peoples *NK(o)*) of Him will be, and Himself God with them will be [as] their God.
4 Ibungo mahakna makhoigi mittagi pirang pumba teithokpigani. Amuk hanna siba, awaba, kappa amadi naba leiraroi, maramdi ariba potsing lanthokkhre.”
And He will wipe away (the God *K*) every tear (from *N(k)O*) the eyes of them, and death not will be any longer nor mourning nor crying nor pain not they will be any longer; because the former things have passed away.
5 Adudagi phambal aduda phamliba Ibungona haikhi, “Aduga houjik eina pot pumnamak inou nouna semle!” Aduga mahakna asimasu eingonda hairak-i, “Masi isillu, maramdi masigi waheising asi achumbani amadi thajaba yabani.”
And said the [One] sitting on (the throne; *N(k)O*) Behold new I make all things. And He says (to me: *KO*) do write [this] because these the words faithful and true are.
6 Aduga mahakna eingonda hairak-i, “Pumnamak loire! Eidi Alpha amasung Omega, ahouba amasung aroiba aduni. Eina khouranglaba mahak aduda hingbagi ising iphut adudagi ising eina lemna pigani.
And He said to me; (It has been done! *N(k)O*) I myself (am *NK(o)*) the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. I myself to the [one] thirsting I will give of the spring of the water of life freely.
7 Langamlaba makhoising aduna masi eingondagi phangjagani: Eina makhoigi Tengban Mapu oigani aduga makhoina eigi ichasing oigani.
The [one] overcoming he will inherit (these [things], *N(k)O*) and I will be to him God, and he himself will be My (*k*) son.
8 Adubu pangdabasing, thajadabasing, tukkachaningai oibasing, mihatpasing, nupa nupi lannabasing, hidam yaidambagi thabak toubasing, lai murti latpasing amasung chinthiba pumnamakki panthungdi achakpa kantrukki meigi pat aduda oigani. Masi anisuba siba aduni.” (Limnē Pyr g3041 g4442)
(*no*) But to [the] cowardly and to [the] unbelieving (and to sinners *O*) and having made themselves abominable and to murderers and to the sexually immoral and (to sorcerers *N(k)O*) and to idolaters and to all liars, the portion of them [is] in the lake which is burning with fire and with brimstone, which is the death second. (Limnē Pyr g3041 g4442)
9 Aduga akonbagi awa ana taretna thanba tenggot taret paiba swargadut taret adugi maraktagi amana inakta laktuna hairak-i, “Lak-u, Yaomacha adugi nupi, keinya adu ei nangonda uhange.”
And came (to me *K*) one of the seven angels who are having the seven bowls (which are being full *N(k)O*) of the seven plagues last and spoke with me saying; Come here, I will show you the bride the wife of the Lamb.
10 Thawai aduna eibu khudum challaduna, swargadut aduna yamna wangkhraba chingjao amagi matonda eibu pukhatle. Aduga Tengban Mapugi swargadagi kumtharakpa, Asengba Sahar Jerusalem-bu mahakna eingonda uhalle.
And he carried away me in [the] Spirit to a mountain great and high and he showed me the city (great *K*) holy Jerusalem descending out of heaven from God,
11 Madu Tengban Mapugi matik mangalna ngallammi. Sahar adu mamal yamba nung, liklaigumna senglaba jasper nungum ngallammi.
having the glory of God. (and *k*) The radiance of it [was] like as a stone most precious like as a stone jasper being clear as crystal
12 Sahar adugi achouba, awangba chekpal amadi changpham thongjao taranithoi leirammi, aduga panthongsing adubu pannaba swargadut taranithoisu leirammi. Aduga panthongsing aduda Israel machasinggi salai taranithoigi mingsing irammi.
having (then *k*) a wall great and high, (having *N(k)O*) gates twelve and at (the gates *NK(o)*) angels twelve, and names inscribed, which are the names of the twelve tribes (of the *k*) of [the] sons of Israel;
13 Maikei khudingda panthong ahum ahum: nongpokta ahum, khada ahum, awangda ahum amadi nongchupta ahum leirammi.
On ([the] east *NK(o)*) [were] gates three, (and *no*) on [the] north gates three, (and *no*) on [the] south gates three, and on [the] west gates three.
14 Aduga sahargi chekpal adugi yumpham taranithoi leirammi, amasung maduda Yaomacha adugi pakhonchatpa taranithoigi maming leirammi.
And the wall of the city (had *N(k)O*) foundations twelve and (on them *N(k)O*) (twelve *no*) names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.
15 Sahar adu amadi madugi panthong amasung chekpal adu onnaba sanagi lam-on chei ama eingonda wa ngangkhiba swargadut aduda leirammi.
And the [one] speaking with me he had (a measuring *NO*) reed golden so that he may measure the city and the gates of it and the wall of it.
16 Sahar adu marak mayung animakta mapungphana chithek nairammi. Swargadut aduna mahakki lam-on chei aduna onthokle: Madu kilometre 2,400 sang-i aduga marak mayung amasung awangba adu chap mannana sang-i.
And the city foursquare lies, and the length of it (so great is *K*) [the] same as also the width. And he measured the city with the reed at (stadia *NK(o)*) twelve thousand (twelve [was] *O*) the length and the breadth and the height of it equal are.
17 Swargadut aduna chekpal adubusu mioibagi lam onbagi chang sijinnaduna ollammi, aduga madu metre humphu tharammi.
And he measured the wall of it (one hundred forty four *NK(o)*) cubits, [the] measure of man that is of the angel.
18 Chekpal adu Jasper nungna sabani, aduga sahar adumakna mingselgumna senglaba asengba sanana sabani.
And (was *ko*) the structure of the wall of it [was] jasper, and the city gold pure (like *N(k)O*) as glass clear.
19 Sahargi chekpalgi yumpham adu mamal tanglaba makhal pumnamakki nungna leitenglammi. Ahanbagi yumbi makhong adu jasper nungni, anisuba aduna sapphire, ahumsuba aduna agate, marisuba aduna emerald,
(and *ko*) the foundations of the wall of the city with every stone precious adorned. the foundation first jasper, the second sapphire, the third chalcedony, the fourth emerald,
20 mangasuba aduna onyx, taruksuba aduna carnelian, taretsuba aduna hangammapal machugi quartz, nipalsuba aduna beryl, mapalsuba aduna topaz, tarasuba aduna chalcedony, taramathoisuba aduna turquoise, aduga taranithoisuba aduna amethyst-ni.
the fifth sardonyx, the sixth (sardius, *N(k)O*) the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth chrysoprase, the eleventh jacinth, the twelfth amethyst.
21 Panthong taranithoi aduna mani mukta taranithoi oirammi, panthong khudingmak mani mukta amamamna sembani. Sahar adugi lambi adu likligumna manung phaona uba asengba sanana oirammi.
And the twelve gates [were] twelve pearls. each one each of the gates was of one pearl. and the street of the city gold pure as glass (translucent. *N(k)O*)
22 Sahar aduda eina Mapugi sanglen uba phanglamde, maramdi sahar adugi Mapugi sanglen adu ingam ngamba Ibungo Tengban Mapu amadi Yaomacha aduna oirammi.
And temple not I saw in it; for the Lord God Almighty temple of it is and the Lamb.
23 Sahar aduda ngannanabagidamak numitsu thasu mathou taramde, maramdi Tengban Mapugi matik mangalna maduda ngallammi, aduga Yaomacha aduna madugi thaomei oirammi.
And the city no need has of the sun nor of the moon that they may shine (in *k*) in it; the for glory of God enlightened it, and the lamp of it [is] the Lamb.
24 Aduga kanbiba phangkhraba phurupsing aduna madugi mangalgi mapalna chatkani, aduga malemgi ningthousingna makhoigi matik mangal amadi ikaikhumnaba maduda purakkani.
And will walk the nations (those being saved *K*) (through the light *N(k)O*) of it and the kings of the earth bring (the *NK(O)*) glory (and the honor *K*) (of them *NK(O)*) into it.
25 Sahar adugi panthongsing adu numit chuppa hanggani, madu keidounungda thingloi, maramdi maduda ahing leiraroi.
And the gates of it certainly not may be shut by day; night for not will be there.
26 Aduga phurupsinggi matik mangal amadi ikaikhumnaba adu maduda purakkani.
And they will bring the glory and the honor of the nations into it.
27 Adubu sengdaba amata sahar aduda changloi, aduga ikainingai oiba thabak touba nattraga minamba ngangba kana amata maduda changloi, adubu Yaomacha adugi hingbagi lairikta maming isinkhraba makhoina sahar aduda changgani.
And certainly not may enter into it anything (unsanctified *N(k)O*) and (the [one] *no*) (practicing *N(k)O*) abomination and a lie only except those written in the book of life of the Lamb.

< Phongdokpiba 21 >