< Philemon 1 >

1 Jisu Christtagi maramgidamak phadok oiriba Paul amadi eikhoigi ichil inao Timothy-na, eikhoigi achanba marup oiriba amasung eikhoiga thougal touminnariba philemon
Paul, the prisoner of Jesus Christ, and brother Timothy, to Philemon the beloved also our fellow-laborer,
2 amadi nahakki yumda tinnaba singlupki mising amasung eikhoigi ichan Apphia aduga eikhoiga lanmi oiminnaba Archippus-ki maphamda:
and to sister Apphia, and Archippus our fellow-soldier, and the church in your house.
3 Eikhoigi Ipa Ibungo Tengban Mapu amasung Mapu Ibungo Jisu Christtana nakhoida thoujal amadi ingthaba pibiba oirasanu.
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
4 Nahakna Tengban Mapugi mi pumnamakpu nungsijaba amadi Mapu Ibungo Jisugi maphamda leijaba nahakki thajaba adugi wa adu eina tabada eigi haijaba khudingmakta nahakpu ningsingduna eigi Tengban Mapubu tattana thagatchei.
I give thanks to my God always, making mention of you in my prayers,
hearing about your divine love, and the faith which you have toward the Lord Jesus, and all the saints;
6 Thajaba ama oina eikhoina nahakka tinnajaba asina Christta-ga loinajabana eikhoigi punsida phangba yaiphaba khudingmak adu henna ningthijana khangba adu pubiraknaba eina Tengban Mapugi maphamda haijei.
in order that the fellowship of your faith may be efficient in the perfect knowledge of every good thing which is in you toward Christ.
7 Nahakki nungsibana eingonda yamna haraoba amadi yamna thougatpiba pubirak-i! Aduga Tengban Mapugi mi pumnamakki thamoida nahakna haraoba pubirakle.
For I had much joy and consolation over your divine love, because the affections of the saints have been refreshed by you, O brother.
8 Maram asina Christtada ichil inao ama oina eina thouna phana nangonda nahakna tougadaba adu tounanaba yathang pirambasu yabani,
Therefore, having much boldness in Christ to command you to that which is appropriate,
9 adubu ahal oiraba aduga houjikna Christta Jisugidamak phadok amasu oiriba Paul eihakna nungsibagi maramna nangonda nonjabani.
on account of the divine love, I the more exhort you, being such as Paul the aged, and now also the prisoner of Jesus Christ.
10 Christtada ichanupa oiraba Onesimus-kidamak eina nangonda nolukna haijari: keisumsangda leina leina eihak mahakki thawaigi mapa oirakpani.
I exhort you concerning my son, whom I begat in my bonds, Onesimus,
11 Matam amadadi mahak asi nangonda karisu kanadaba ama oirambani, adubu houjikti nahakkidamak amadi eigidamaksu kanaba oire.
him at one time unprofitable to you, but now profitable both to you and to me: whom I have sent back to you,
12 Eigi thawaigumna khanjariba mahak asibu nangonda amuk halhankhibani.
him, that is my own heart.
13 Aphaba paogi maramgidamak eina phadok oiringei manung asida nahakki mahut sinduna eibu mateng pangbinaba mahakpu mapham asida eiga loinana thamba pambani.
Whom I did wish to have with me, in order that he might minister unto me in your stead in the bonds of the gospel:
14 Adubu eina nahakki ayaba yaodana kari amata touba pamde, nahakki pangbiba adu tangaiphadana toubagum nattaduna, touningna touba adu eina pamjei.
but without your consent I did not wish to do anything; in order that your good might not be by constraint, but by the free will:
15 Matam khara mahak nangondagi khainaramba asi nahakna mahakpu matam pumbagi oina phangjaba yananaba oiramba yai. (aiōnios g166)
for on this account he suddenly departed from you for an hour, that you might have him back forever; (aiōnios g166)
16 Houjikti mahak a-reiba minaigumna nattaduna, madudagi yamna henba haibadi Christtada achanba ichil inao oire. Mahak asi eigidamak achanba ama oire adubu nahakkidamakti mioiba masel ama oina amadi Mapu Ibungogi maphamda ichil inao ama oina henna achanba ama oire!
no longer as a slave, but more than a slave, a brother beloved, especially to me, and much more to you, both in the flesh and in the Lord:
17 Maram aduna eibu nahakki napang ama oina singthabirabadi, eihak isamak lousinbagumna mahakpu lousinbiyu.
if then you have me a comrade, receive him as myself.
18 Mahakna nahakki maphamda lankhiba nattraga karigumba tonkhiba leirabadi eina singnanaba eigi ithakta thambiyu.
If he has wronged you as to anything, or owes you anything, charge this to me.
19 Masi Paul eihakna ikhutmakna ijabani: madu eina nangonda han-gani; adubu nahak nasamak eingonda laman oina tolli haibasi eina nangonda haidrabani.
I Paul have written with my own hand, I will pay it: not that I may say to you that you even owe yourself to me.
20 Maram aduna, ichil inao, Mapu Ibungogi maramgidamak chanbiba thabak asi eigidamak toubiyu; Christtada ichil inao ama oina eigi pukning nungaihanbiyu.
Yea, brother, let me rejoice over you in the Lord: refresh my heart in Christ.
21 Eina haiba nahakna in-gani haiba thajaduna nangonda chithi asi i-bani, eina haiba asidagi henna nahakna tougani haiba eina khang-i
Having confidence in your obedience I have written to you, knowing that you will do even more than those things which I say.
22 Aduga amakhaksu haijari madudi nakhoigi haijabasing adugi paokhum phangduna eibu nakhoigi naphamda halhanbigani haibagi asa eingonda leibagi maramna eina thungnanaba ka ama thourang toubirammu.
And at the same time also prepare for me a lodging: for I hope that through your prayers I will be consigned unto you.
23 Epaphras, Christta Jisugi maramgidamak eiga phadok taminnariba mahakna nakhoibu khurumjabagi warol haijarakli.
Epaphras, my fellow-soldier in Christ Jesus;
24 Aduga eiga thougal touminnariba Mark, Aristarchus, Demas amasung Luke-nasu nakhoibu khurumjabagi warol hajarakli.
Mark, Aristarchus, Demas, Luke, my fellow-workers, salute you.
25 Mapu Ibungo Jisu Christtagi thoujal nakhoi pumnamakki maphamda leiba oirasanu.
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.

< Philemon 1 >