< Luke 1 >

1 Nungsijaraba Theophilus: Eikhoigi irakta thunghanbikhraba thoudoksing adugi paodam adubu inanaba mioi kaya amana kanna hotnakhi.
Inasmuch as many undertook to draw up a narration concerning the accomplished among us things,
2 Ahoubadagi houna thoudoksing asibu mamitmakna uhoubasing amasung Mapugi waheigi thougal toubasing aduna eikhoida phongdokpirambasing adu makhoina ikhi.
even as delivered [them] to us those from [the] beginning eyewitnesses and servants having been of the word,
3 Aduga, he ikai khumnaraba Theophilus, pumnamaksing adu eihakna ahoubadagi houna changkhonna thijillaba maramna, thoudoksing adu mathang manao naina nahakki naphamda iba phagani haina eihaknasu ningle.
it seemed good also to me also to me having been acquainted from the first with all things carefully with method to you to write, most excellent Theophilus,
4 Nangonda tambikhraba pumnamaksing adugi mapungphaba achumba adu nahakna khangnanaba eina masi naphamda ibani.
so that you may know concerning which you were instructed [of the] things the certainty.
5 Herod-na Judea leibakki ningthou oina pallingei matamda, Abijah-gi purohit kanglupta Zechariah kouba purohit ama leirammmi. Mahakki nupigi maming Elijabeth kou-i; aduga Elizabeth-su purohit Aaron-gi charon suron oirammi.
There was in the days of Herod (*k*) king of Judea a priest certain named Zechariah of [the] division of Abijah, and (the *k*) wife (of him *N(k)O*) of the daughters of Aaron and the name of her Elizabeth.
6 Makhoi animakna Mapu Ibungogi yathangsing amadi pathap pumnamaksing mapungphana ngakchaduna Tengban Mapugi mityengda chumna chatchaba punsi mahing amada hinglammi.
They were now righteous both (in front of *N(k)O*) God walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless.
7 Adubu makhoi macha amata leiramde maramdi Elizabeth chaboktabi oirammi aduga makhoi animak ahalsu yamna oirammi.
And no there was to them child, inasmuch as was Elizabeth barren and both having advanced in the years of them were.
8 Nongmagi numitta Zechariah-gi purohit kangbuna thougal toubagi palli taraduna mahakna Mapugi Sanglenda purohit ama oina Tengban Mapugi thougal tourammi.
It came to pass now in the priestly serving of him in the order of the division of him before God,
9 Aduga latnapungda mengkruk thanaba purohitsinggi chatnabi matung inna changyengnabada mangonda tare. Maram aduna mahakna Mapu Ibungogi sanglen manungda changle.
according to the custom of the priesthood the lot picked [him as] the [one] to burn incense entering into the temple of the Lord;
10 Amasung mengkruk chukhatpagi pungpham aduda tilliba miyam aduna mapanda haija nijaduna leirammi.
And all the multitude were of the people praying outside at the hour of the incense.
11 Adudagi Mapu Ibungogi dut amana mengkruk thariba iratpung adugi yet thangbada leptuna mangonda uhanbirammi.
Appeared then to him an angel of [the] Lord already standing at [the] right of the altar of the incense;
12 Zechariah-na mahakpu ubada masada thukatpa amadi akiba phaorammi.
And was troubled Zechariah having seen [him], and fear fell upon him.
13 Adubu swarga dut aduna mangonda hairak-i, “Kiganu, Zechariah! Nahakna haijaba adu Tengban Mapuna tabire. Nahakki nupi Elizabeth-na nachanupa ama poklagani aduga nahakna mahakki maming John haina thongadabani.
Said then to him the angel; Not do fear Zechariah; because has been heard the prayer of you, and the wife of You Elizabeth will bear a son to you, and you will call the name of him John.
14 Mahak pokpa matamda nahakna kayada haraoba amadi nungaiba oigadaba! Amasung mi kayana kayada harao nungaiba oigadaba!
And he will be joy to you and gladness, and many at the (birth *N(k)O*) of him will rejoice.
15 Maramdi Mapu Ibungogi mityengda mahak matik chaogani. Mahakna yu amadi mayai kaba mahi amata thakloi, aduga mama puknungdagi houna mahak Thawai Asengbana than-gani.
He will be for great before the Lord, and wine and strong drink certainly not shall he drink, and [of the] Spirit Holy he will be filled even from [the] womb of [the] mother of him.
16 Amasung mahakna Israel macha kayabu makhoigi Tengban Mapu, Mapu Ibungoda hallak-han-gani.
And many of the sons of Israel he will turn to [the] Lord the God of them,
17 Mahakna Tengban Mapugi wa phongdokpa maichou Elijah-gi machat amadi matikka loinana Ibungogi mang thana chatkani. Mahakna misingbu Ibungona lenglakkadaba adugidamak thourang langhannaba mapasingbu machasingga amuk yasinnahangani amasung haiba indabasingbu achumba chatpasinggi lousing aduda hongdokpigani.”
And he himself will go forth before Him in [the] spirit and power of Elijah to turn [the] hearts of [the] fathers to [the] children and [the] disobedient to [the] wisdom of [the] righteous, to make ready for [the] Lord a people prepared.
18 Adudagi Zechariah-na dut aduda hairak-i, “Masi soidana thokkani haibasi eihakna kamdouna khanggadage? Eidi ahal oiraba mini aduga eigi nupisu ahal oire.”
And said Zechariah to the angel; By what will I know this? I myself for am an old man, and the wife of mine having advanced in the years of her.
19 Maduda dut aduna khumlak-i, “Ei Grabriel-ni. Nangonda wa hainanaba amasung aphaba pao asibu tamnanaba eibu thabirakpa Tengban Mapugi mangda eina lepli.
And answering the angel said to him; I myself am Gabriel the [one] standing before God and I was sent to speak to you and to bring glad tidings to you these.
20 Adubu achaba matamda soidanamak thoklagadaba eigi wasing asi nahakna thajade. Aduga nahakna thajadabagi maramna eina nangonda haikhibasing asi thoktriba numit adu phaoba nahak wa ngangba thokloi aduga wa amata ngangdana tumminna leigani.”
And behold you will be silent and not able to speak until that day may happen these things, in return for that not you did believe in the words of mine which will be fulfilled in the season of them.
21 Cheirak aduda mising aduna Zechariah-bu mapanda ngaiduna leirammi amasung mahakna karigi Mapugi Sanglen manungda matam asuk kuina leiribano haina makhoi ngaklammi.
And were the people expecting Zechariah and they were wondering at the delaying in the temple of him.
22 Amasung mahakna mapanda thorakpa matamda, mahakna makhoida wa ngangba ngamkhide. Aduga mahakna Mapugi Sanglen manungda uhanbiba ama ukhre haiba makhoina khanglammi, maramdi mahakna makhoida ingit touduna nganglammi adubu wa ngangbadi adumak ngamkhide.
Having come out then not he was able to speak to them; and they recognized that a vision he has seen in the temple. And he himself was making signs to them and was remaining mute.
23 Aduga Mapugi Sanglenda mahakki thougal toubagi numitsing adu loirabada Zachariah mayumda amuk halaklammi.
And it came to pass when were fulfilled the days of the service of him, he departed to the home of him.
24 Matam kharagi matungda Elizabeth mironlaklammi aduga mahakna tha manga yumdagi mapan thoklamde.
After then these days conceived Elizabeth the wife of him and was hiding herself months five saying
25 Mahakna haikhi, “Houjik mameithangda Mapu Ibungona eibu pangbire. Miyam mangda eina ikaiba nanglamba adu Ibungona louthokpire!”
that Thus to me has done (the *k*) Lord in [the] days in which He looked upon [me] to take away (the *k*) disgrace of mine among men.
26 Elizabeth-na mironba tha taruk surakpada Tengban Mapuna swargadut Grabriel-bu Nazareth kouba Galilee-gi khungangda tharakle.
In now the month sixth was sent the angel Gabriel (by *N(k)O*) God to a city of Galilee whose name [was] Nazareth
27 Mahakna Mary haina koubi, David ningthougi chada-naoda oiriba Joseph kouba nupa amada luhongnaba waroinakhrabi leisabi asengbi amagi pao puduna laklammi.
to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name [was] Joseph of [the] house of David, and the name of the virgin [was] Mary.
28 Aduga dut aduna mangonda laktuna hairak-i, “Khurumjari, thoujal phanglabi! Mapu Ibungona nahakpu loinabiri; nupisinggi maraktagi nahakti yaipahabini.”
And having come (*ko*) (angel *KO*) to her he said; Greetings! you graciously favored; The Lord [is] with you. (blessed [are] you yourself among women. *KO*)
29 Maryna dut adugi wahei aduda yamna cha-ngaknarammi amasung mahakki waheising aduna kari phongdoklibano haiduna khallammi.
And (having seen [him] *K*) at the statement she was troubled (of him *k*) and was pondering what kind would be salutation this.
30 Maduda dut aduna hairak-i, “Kiganu Mary, Tengban Mapudagi nahakna thoujal phangjare.
And said the angel to her; Not do fear Mary, you have found for favor with God.
31 Nahakna mironduna nacha nupa ama pokkani aduga nahakna mahakki maming Jisu thongadabani.
and behold you will conceive in womb and will bring forth a son and you will call the name of Him Jesus.
32 Mahak matik chaogani aduga Wangthoiraba Mapu Ibungogi machanupa kougani. Mapu Ibungo Tengban Mapuna mangonda mapa David-ki phambal adu pibigani,
He will be great and Son of [the] Most High He will be called, and will give to Him [the] Lord God the throne of David of the father of Him,
33 Aduga mahakna Jacob-ki chada-naodasinggi ningthou oina matam pumbagi oina pan-gani, amadi mahakki leibak adu lomba nairoi.” (aiōn g165)
and He will reign over the house of Jacob to the ages, and of the kingdom of Him not there will be an end! (aiōn g165)
34 Adudagi Mary-na dut aduda hairak-i, “Eihakti luhongdribi leisabini, adu oirabadi masi kamdouna oithokkadouribano?”
Said then Mary to the angel; How will be this since a man not I know?
35 Dut aduna khumlak-i, “Thawai Asengbana nahakki nathakta lengthabirakkani aduga Wangthoiraba Ibungo adugi panggalna nahakpu lumsinbigani. Maram asina pokkadouriba asengba angang adubu Tengban Mapugi Machanupa kougani.
And answering the angel said to her; [the] Spirit Holy will come upon you and power of [the] Most High will overshadow you; therefore also the [one] being born Holy [One] will be called [the] Son of God.
36 Yengu, nahakki mari mata Elizabeth-su ahal oiraklaba matamsida macha ama phangjagadoure, chaboktabi hainarambi mahakna houjikti tha tarukki angang naopure.
And behold Elizabeth the (relative *N(k)O*) of you also she (has conceived *N(k)O*) a son in old age of her, and this month [the] sixth is to her who [was] called barren
37 Maramdi Tengban Mapugi maphamda oithoktaba kari amata leite.”
For not will be impossible with (God *N(k)O*) every declaration.
38 Maduda Mary-na hairak-i, “Eihak Mapu Ibungogi manainupini; nahakna haikhibagum masi eingongda thokpa oirasanu.” Adudagi dut adu mahakpu thadoktuna chatkhre.
Said then Mary; Behold the handmaid of [the] Lord; Would [that] it happen to me according to the declaration of you. And departed from her the angel.
39 Madugi matung ikui kuidana Mary-na thourang touraduna chinggi lamdamda leiba, Judea-gi apikpa sahar amada thuna chatlammi.
Having risen up then Mary in days these she went into the hill country with haste to a town of Judah
40 Amasung mahakna Zechariah-gi yumda changduna Elizabeth-pu khurumjarammi.
and she entered into the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth.
41 Aduga Mary-na khurumjabagi khonjel adu Elizabeth-na tabada mahakki pibuknungda angang aduna chonglammi. Amasung Elizabeth Thawai Asengbana thallammi.
And it came to pass as heard the greeting of Mary Elizabeth, leaped the baby in the womb of her, and was filled with [the] Spirit Holy Elizabeth
42 Aduga mahakna khonjel wangna hairak-i, “Nupilaktagi nahakti khwaidagi henna yaiphabini, amasung nahakna naopugadouriba angang adu yaiphabani!
and she cried out (in a shout *N(k)O*) loud and said; Blessed [are] you yourself among women, and blessed [is] the fruit of the womb of you.
43 Eigi Ibungogi imana eigi inakta lengbiraktuna eibu asuk ekai khumnabiriba asi karamnano?
And from where to me this that may come the mother of the Lord of mine to me myself?
44 Maramdi nahakna khurumjabagi khonjel adu eina hek tabaga eigi pibuknunggi angang asina haraoduna chongkhatli.
Behold for as came the voice of the greeting of you into the ears of mine, leaped in exultation the baby in the womb of mine.
45 Mapu Ibungona mahakki maphamda haikhrabasing adu thunghanbigani haina thajaribi mahak adu yaiphabini!”
And blessed [is] the [one] having believed that there will be a fulfillment to the [things] spoken to her from [the] Lord.
46 Maduda Maryna hairak-i, “Eigi thawaina Mapu Ibungobu thagatchei,
And said Mary: Magnifies the soul of Mine the Lord,
47 Eigi thawaina eigi Kanbiba Mapu, Tengban Mapuda haraojei,
and rejoices the spirit of mine in God the Savior of mine,
48 Maramdi mahakna tollabi manainupi eihakpu ningsingbire! Houjiktagi houduna miron khudingna kougani eibu yaiphabi;
For He has looked upon the humiliation of the handmaiden of Him. Behold for from henceforth will count blessed me all the generations
49 Maramdi toubire Pangallaba mahakna, eigidamak achouba thabak kaya. Ibungo mahakki minglendi asengbani;
For has done to me (great [things] *N(k)O*) the Mighty One; And holy [is] the name of Him;
50 Mahakpu kina chatchabasingda, utpi mahakna chanbiba; miron miron khudingda.
And the mercy of Him [is] to generations (and *no*) (generations *N(k)O*) to those fearing Him;
51 Toubire mahakki pambomna, matik leiba thabak kaya; aduga chaikhaire mahakna, mathamoida napal touba misingbu.
He has shown strength with [the] arm of Him; He has scattered [the] proud in [the] thought of heart of them;
52 Chingthakhi mahakna matik leiba ningthousingbu makhoigi ningthou phambaldagi, aduga thanggatpikhi mahakna nollukpasingbu.
He has brought down rulers from thrones and exalted [the] humble;
53 Thalhanbikhi mahakna aram-khourangbasingbu aphabana, adubu thakhi inakhunbasingbu khut hangna.
[Those] hungering He has filled with good things and [those] being rich He has sent away empty;
54 Ngakkhi mahakna sakkhiba washaktu, eikhoigi ipa-ipusingda, aduga lakkhi pangbinaba mahakki manai Israel-bu.
He has helped Israel [the] servant of Him remembering mercy,
55 Ningsingbikhi mahakna, matam pumnamakta chanbiba utpigani haibadu, Abraham amadi mahakki charon suronsingda!” (aiōn g165)
even as He spoke to the fathers of us, to Abraham and to the descendants of him to the age. (aiōn g165)
56 Adudagi Mary-na tha ahummuk Elizabeth-ka leiminnaramlaga mayumda hankhirammi.
Dwelt then Mary with her (about *N(k)O*) months three and returned to the home of her.
57 Elizabeth-ki angang unabagi matam oiraklabada, mahakna machanupa ama pokkhi.
Now Elizabeth was fulfilled the time to give birth for her and she bore a son.
58 Aduga mahakki keirol-leikaisingna amadi mari-matasingna Mapu Ibungona mahakpu kayada chanbibage haibadu tare amasung makhoi pumnamakna mahakka loinana haraominare.
And heard the neighbours and the relatives of her that magnified [the] Lord the mercy of Him with her, and they were rejoicing with her.
59 Angang aduna numit nipanni subada makhoina mahakpu un kakpa lakle, amasung makhoina angang adubu mapagi maming louduna Zechariah thonnaba tourammi.
And it came to pass on day the eighth they came to circumcise the child and were calling it after the name of the father of him Zechariah.
60 Adubu Elizabeth-na makhoida haikhi, “Natte, mahakki maming John haina thongadabani.”
And answering the mother of him said; No, but he will be called John.
61 Maduda makhoina mangonda hairak-i, “Nakhoigi sagei natei marakta ming adu kouba mi amatasu yaode.”
And they said to her that No [one] is (among the relatives *N(k)O*) of you who is called the name by this.
62 Adudagi makhoina angang adugi mapa Zechariah-da ingit touduna, mahakna angang adugi maming kari thonba pambage haiduna hanglammi.
They were making signs then to the father of him the what maybe he would wish to be called (him. *N(k)O*)
63 Maduda mahakna mangonda inanaba korbak ama pinaba hairammi, aduga maduda mahakna “Mahakki maming John kou-i” haina ire. Maduda makhoi pumnamak pumngak ngakle.
And having asked for a writing tablet he wrote saying; John is (the *ko*) name of him. And they marveled all.
64 Khudak adumaktada Zechariah amuk hanna wa ngangba ngamle aduga mahakna Tengban Mapubu thagatchaba houre.
Was opened then the mouth of him immediately and the tongue of him and he was speaking blessing God.
65 Aduga thokkhibasing asina maram oiduna mahakki keirol-leikai pumnamak akibana thallammi, amasung thoudok pumnamak asigi paona Judah-gi chinggi lamdam adu sinba thungna sandokkhirammi.
And came upon all fear those dwelling around them; and in all the hill country of Judea were being talked about all declarations these,
66 Amasung pao adu taba mi khudingmakna, madugi maramda wakhal touraduna hanglak-i, “Angang asina kari oirakkadaba?” Maramdi Mapu Ibungogi pangalna mahakki mathakta lei haiba makhoina khanglammi.
And laid [them] up all those having heard in the heart of them saying; What then child this will be? And (for *no*) [the] hand of [the] Lord was with him.
67 Amasung John-gi mapa Zechariah Thawai Asengbana thallammi aduga mahakna Tengban Mapugi wa phongdoktuna hairak-i:
And Zechariah the father of him was filled with [the] Spirit Holy and prophesied saying;
68 “Eikhoina Israel-gi Tengban Mapu, Mapu Ibungobu thagatlasi! Mahakna mahakki misingbu pangbinaba lakle amasung makhoibu handokpire!
Blessed [be] [the] Lord the God of Israel, because He has visited and He has performed redemption [on] the people of Him,
69 Mahakna mahakki manai David-ki charon surondagi, Pinabire eikhoigidamak matik leiba Kanbiba Mapu ama.
and has raised up a horn of salvation for us in (the *k*) house of David (the *k*) servant of Him,
70 Mahakna mamangngeida mahakki wa phongdokpiba asengba maichousingi mapanna washakpikhi, (aiōn g165)
even as He spoke through [the] mouth of the holy (of the *k*) of [old] age prophets of Him; (aiōn g165)
71 Kanbigani haina Mahakna, eikhoibu eikhoigi yeknabasingdagi, amadi eikhoibu yengthiba pumnamakki makhuttagi.
salvation from [the] enemies of us and from [the] hand of all those hating us,
72 Haibikhi mahakna eikhoigi ipa ipusingda, chanbiba utpigani haina, aduga mahakki asengba warepnaba adu mahakna ningsingbikhi.
to fulfill mercy toward the fathers of us, and to remember [the] covenant holy of Him,
73 Wasakpikhi mahakna Ipa Abraham-da,
[the] oath that He swore to Abraham the father of us,
74 Kanbigani haina Mahakna eikhoibu yeknabasingi makhuttagi aduga ngamhanbigani haina eikhoibu akiba leitana mahakpu thouganjaba,
to grant us without fear from [the] hand (of the *k*) enemies (of us *k*) having been saved to serve Him
75 Punsi chuppa eikhoina Mahakki mangda asengba amadi achumba chatpa oinaba.
in holiness and righteousness before Him (all the days *N(k)O*) (of the life *k*) of us.
76 Aduga, eigi ichanupa, nahakpu wangthoiraba Tengban Mapugi wa phongdokpiba maichou haina kougani; Ibungogi lambi thourang tounaba, Chatkani nahakna Ibungogi mang thaduna.
And you yourself (now, *no*) child, prophet of [the] Most High will be called; you will go for (in front of *N(k)O*) ([the] face of *ko*) [the] Lord to prepare ways of Him,
77 Ibungogi misingda hainanaba, makhoigi papsingdu kokpibagi mapanna, Makhoibu kanbigani haina.
to give knowledge of salvation to the people of Him in forgiveness of [the] sins of them
78 Maramdi eikhoigi Tengban Mapudi chanbiheibani amadi nungsiheibani. Thok-hanbigani Mahakna, aran-khubamgi langlaba ayukki korou mangal adu eikhoida.
through [the] affections of compassion of God of us in which (will visit *N(k)O*) us [the] Sunrise from on high,
79 Ngalhannanaba korouthaktagi, asibagi mamlaba mamida leiriba pumnamakki mathakta. Chingbinanaba eikhoigi khongthangbu, ingthabagi lambida.”
to shine upon those in darkness and in [the] shadow of death sitting, to direct the feet of us into [the] way of peace.
80 Adudagi angang adu hakchang amadi thawaida chaokhatlaklammi. Aduga mahakna masabu Israel-gi miyamda phongdoktringeigi matam adu phaoba lamjao lamhangda leirammi.
And the child was continuing to grow and he was strengthened in spirit and he was in the deserted places until [the] day of appearance of him to Israel.

< Luke 1 >