< Galatia 2 >
1 Chahi taramarigi matungda eina Barnabas-ka loinana Titus-pu puraduna Jerusalem-da amuk chatlammi.
Later still, after an interval of fourteen years, I again went up to Jerusalem in company with Barnabas, taking Titus also with me.
2 Madu Tengban Mapuna eingonda chatlu haina phongdokpibagi maramna chatpani. Aduga luchingbasing aduga lanai tonganna unaduna eina atoppa phurupsingda sandokpa aphaba pao adugi maramda makhoida sandokna tamle. Madu eina houkhibada toukhiba amadi houjik touriba thabaksing adu arembada tahanba pamdabagini.
I went up in obedience to a revelation of God's will; and I explained to them the Good News which I proclaim among the Gentiles. To the leaders of the Church this explanation was made in private, lest by any means I should be running, or should already have run, in vain.
3 Aduga, eigi mapang oiriba Titus-na Greek macha oidunasu mangonda un kaknanaba namlamde.
But although my companion Titus was a Greek they did not insist upon even his being circumcised.
4 Adubu makhoi kharanadi madu pangthok-hanba pamkhi. Christta Jisuga amata oiminnabagi mapanna eikhoida leiriba ningtamba adu khangdoknabagidamak mising asina thajaba mi sasinnaduna lonna lanjaba amagum eikhoigi irakta changlakkhi. Makhoina eikhoibu minai oihanba pamkhi.
Yet there was danger of this through the false brethren secretly introduced into the Church, who had stolen in to spy out the freedom which is ours in Christ Jesus, in order to rob us of it.
5 Adubu Aphaba Paogi achumba adu nakhoigidamak mang-handana thamnabagidamak makhoida eikhoina mikup ama phaoba pikhide.
But not for an hour did we give way and submit to them; in order that the Good News might continue with you in its integrity.
6 Aduga maruoiba luchingbasingni haina lounariba makhoising adugi oinadi, (eina masi haibagi maramdi makhoina kari kari oirabasu eingonda karisu khetnaba leihande; Tengban Mapudi mapanthonggi oiba aduna wayende), eina sandokliba pao aduda makhoina karisu hapchinningai leikhide.
From those leaders I gained nothing new. Whether they were men of importance or not, matters nothing to me--God recognizes no external distinctions. To me, at any rate, the leaders imparted nothing new.
7 Madugi onnabada, Jihudisingda aphaba pao sandoknabagidamak Tengban Mapuna Peter-da thoudang pinabibagum Jihudi nattaba phurupsingda aphaba pao sandoknaba Tengban Mapuna iphamda thoudang pinabiba adu makhoina ukhi.
Indeed, when they saw that I was entrusted with the preaching of the Good News to the Gentiles as Peter had been with that to the Jews--
8 Maramdi Peter-bu Jihudisinggidamak pakhonchatpa oihanbikhiba adugumna Tengban Mapugi panggalna eihakpusu atoppa phurupsinggidamak pakhonchatpa oihanbire.
for He who had been at work within Peter with a view to his Apostleship to the Jews had also been at work within me with a view to my Apostleship to the Gentiles--
9 Tengban Mapuna akhannaba thabak asi eingonda pinabire haina singlupki yumbini haina ikaikhumnariba Jacob, Peter amadi John-na khanglabada eikhoi pumnamak thougal touminnabasingni haibagi khudam oina Barnabas amadi eigi khut sokpire. Aduga Barnabas amasung eina Jihudi nattaba phurupsingda aduga makhoina Jihudisingda thougal touba haina eikhoina yanakhi.
and when they perceived the mission which was graciously entrusted to me, they (that is to say, James, Peter, and John, who were considered to be the pillars of the Church) welcomed Barnabas and me to their fellowship on the understanding that we were to go to the Gentiles and they to the Jews.
10 Amasung makhoigi marakta leiriba laira-anangsingbu eikhoina ningsingbiyu haina makhoina hairammi. Masimak eina touningbana ikhoulangliba thabak adumakni.
Only they urged that we should remember their poor--a thing which was uppermost in my own mind.
11 Adubu Peter-na Antioch-ta lakpa matamda, miyam mangda eina mahakki maiyokta lepkhi. Maramdi mahak sengna lallammi.
Now when Peter visited Antioch, I remonstrated with him to his face, because he had incurred just censure.
12 Maramdi Jacob-na tharakpa mising aduna mapham aduda thungladringei mamangda Peter-na Jihudi nattaba atoppa phurupki thajabasing aduga chamin-thakminnarammi. Adubu makhoina thunglarabada mahakna Jihudi nattabasing adudagi lapthoraklammi amasung chamin-thaminnaramde, maramdi makhoibu un kakpa pamba makhoising adubu mahakna kirammi.
For until certain persons came from James he had been accustomed to eat with Gentiles; but as soon as these persons came, he withdrew and separated himself for fear of the Circumcision party.
13 Aduga atoppa Jihudigi maraktagi thajabasing adunasu Peter-gi pangdaba matou adugumna touba houraklammi. Madudi makhoigi pangdaba matou aduna Barnabas phaoba lanna lamjinglammi.
And along with him the other Jews also concealed their real opinions, so that even Barnabas was carried away by their lack of straightforwardness.
14 Makhoina Aphaba Pao adugi achumba adugi matung-inna chumna chattre haiba urabada, makhoi pumnamakki mamangda eina Peter-da haikhi, “Nahak Jihudi amani, adumakpu nahakna Jihudi amagumna nattaduna atoppa phurupki mi amagi matougum hingli. Adu oiragadi kamdouna nahakna atoppa phurupki misingda Jihudigi chatnabising adu illu haina namlibano?”
As soon as I saw that they were not walking uprightly in the spirit of the Good News, I said to Peter, before them all, "If you, though you are a Jew, live as a Gentile does, and not as a Jew, how can you make the Gentiles follow Jewish customs?
15 Eikhoidi pokpadagi Jihudisingni, aduga atoppa phurupsinggumna papchenbasing natte.
You and I, though we are Jews by birth and not Gentile sinners,
16 Adumakpu mi amabu wayel yathanggi thabakki mapanna keidounungda Tengban Mapugi mangda chumhanbiba natte adubu Jisu Christtada thajabakhaktagi mapanna chumhanbibani haiba adu eikhoi khang-i. Maram aduna eikhoinasu, wayel yathanggi thabakki mapanna nattana Christtada thajabagi mapanna eikhoibu Tengban Mapugi mangda chumhanbinanaba Christta Jisuda eikhoina thajare. Maramdi wayel yathanggi thabakki mapanna mi kana amatabu chumhanbide.
know that it is not through obedience to Law that a man can be declared free from guilt, but only through faith in Jesus Christ. We have therefore believed in Christ Jesus, for the purpose of being declared free from guilt, through faith in Christ and not through obedience to Law. For through obedience to Law no human being shall be declared free from guilt.
17 Adubu eikhoina Christtagi mapanna Tengban Mapugi mangda chumhanbinaba thibada, eikhoibu atoppa phurupsinggumna papchenba oina phanglabadi pap touhannabagidamak Christtana thougal tou-i hairibra? Madu suknat natte.
But if while we are seeking in Christ acquittal from guilt we ourselves are convicted of sin, Christ then encourages us to sin! No, indeed.
18 Eina thugaikhraba wayel yathanggi pathap adubu eina amuk hanna sagatlabadi eihak wayel yathang thugaiba amani haiba isana utchabani.
Why, if I am now rebuilding that structure of sin which I had demolished, I am thereby constituting myself a transgressor;
19 Maramdi eina Tengban Mapugidamak hingjanaba eina wayel yathanggi mapanna wayel yathangda sire.
for it is by the Law that I have died to the Law, in order that I may live to God.
20 Eina Christtaga loinana cross-ta siminnare aduga hingliba asi ei natte, adubu Christtana eingonda hingbibani. Eina houjik hingjariba punsi asi eibu nungsibiriba amadi eihakkidamak masagi punsi katthokpikhraba Tengban Mapugi Machanupa adu thajabagi mapannani.
I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I that live, but Christ that lives in me; and the life which I now live in the body I live through faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself up to death on my behalf.
21 Tengban Mapugi thoujal adu eina kakthatpa toude. Maramdi wayel yathanggi mapanna mi amabu Tengban Mapugi mangda chumhanbiba oiramlabadi, Christtana sibiba adu aremba oihalle.
I do not nullify the grace of God; for if acquittal from guilt is obtainable through the Law, then Christ has died in vain."