< Pakhonchatpa 14 >

1 Iconium-da Paul amadi Barnabas-na mahousagumna Synagogue-ta changlammi aduga makhoina matik leina wa ngangbadagi masing yamlaba Jihudising amadi Jihudi nattaba kaya amana thajarammi.
And it came to pass in Iconium at this time, they came together into the synagogue of the Jews, and spoke in such a manner, that a great multitude both of the Jews and Greeks believed.
2 Adubu thajadaba Jihudisingna Jihudi nattabasingbu thoujinduna thajabasing adugi maiyokta lepphallammi.
But the unbelieving Jews stirred up and poisoned the minds of the Gentiles against the brethren.
3 Pakhonchatpasing aduna thouna phana Mapu Ibungogi maramda nganglammi amadi mapham aduda matam kuina leirammi. Aduga Ibungona makhoida angakpa thabaksing amadi khudamsing tounanaba panggal pibiduna makhoina ngangliba Ibungogi thoujalgi paojel adu achumbani haiba utpirammi.
Then indeed preaching boldly in behalf of the Lord, witnessing to the word of His grace, giving signs and wonders to be wrought by their hands, they spent much time.
4 Sahar adugi miyam adu tokhai tokhai tanarammi; mi kharana Jihudisinggi maikeida aduga kharana pakhonchatpasinggi maikeida leirammi.
And the multitude of the city was divided: and some indeed were with the Jews, and some with the apostles.
5 Adudagi Jihudi nattabasing amadi Jihudising kharana makhoigi luchingbasingga loinana pakhonchatpasingbu thina tounaba amadi nungna thanaba lepnare.
And when there was a conspiracy of both Gentiles and Jews along with their leaders, to insult and stone them,
6 Adubu pakhonchatpasingna madu khanglabada makhoina Lycaonia-gi Lystra amasung Derbe saharsing amadi akoibada leiba maphamsingda chellammi.
recognizing it, they fled into the cities of Lycaonia, Lystra, and Derbe, and the surrounding country;
7 Aduga maphamsing aduda Aphaba Pao sandoklammi.
and there they preached the gospel.
8 Pokpadagi makhong soinairaklaba amadi mapunsida amukta chatpa ngamlaktriba nupa ama Lystra-da leirammi
And there was a certain man sitting there in Lystra, impotent in his feet, being lame from the womb of his mother, who never did walk about.
9 Mahakna mapham aduda phamduna Paul-na hairiba wa adu taduna leirammi. Mangonda anaba phahanbiba yaba thajaba lei haiba Paul-na ubada mangonda munna yenglaga
He heard Paul speaking, who fixing his attention on him, and seeing that he had faith to be saved,
10 khonjel houna hairak-i, “Nakhong chumna leppu!” Maduda mahakna chongkhattuna koichat chatpa hourammi.
said with a loud voice, Stand upright on thy feet. And he leaped and continued to walk around.
11 Miyam aduna Paul-na toukhiba adu ubada khonjel wangna Lycaonia-gi londa laorak-i, “Laisingna mioibagi sak-ong louduna eikhoigi inakta lakle!”
And the multitudes seeing what Paul did, lifted up their voice, in Lycaonic, saying, The gods having assumed the likeness of men have come down to us:
12 Makhoina Barnabas-pu Zeus aduga Paul-buna athoiba wangangloi oiba maramna Hermes haina kourammi.
and they were calling Barnabas, Jupiter; and Paul, Mercury, since he was the leader of the speech.
13 Sahar adugi wangmada leiba Zeus laigi laisang adugi purohit amadi miyam aduna pakhonchatpasingda iratnaba sallabasing amadi lei parengsing sahar adugi thongjaoda puraklammi.
And the priest of Jupiter, being in front of the city, having brought oxen and garlands to the gate, wished to offer sacrifices to them, along with the multitudes.
14 Makhoina touriba adu Barnabas amadi Paul-na tabada makhoina makhoigi maphi segaiduna miyam adugi marakta chensillaga laorak-i,
And the apostles, Barnabas and Paul, hearing, rending their garments, rushed into the crowd, crying out, and saying,
15 “Nakhoina madu karigi touribano? Eikhoisu nakhoigumna mioibani. Asigumba kanadraba thabaksing asidagi nakhoina namai onthoraktuna swarga, malem, ipak amadi madugi manungda leiba pumnamak adubu sembiba ahingba Tengban Mapu aduda namai onsillaknaba Aphaba Pao asi nakhoida puraknaba eikhoi mapham asida lakpani.
Men, why are you doing these things? We are also men of like suffering with you, preaching the gospel to you that you should turn from these vanities to the living God, who created the heaven, and the earth, and the sea, and all things which are in them:
16 Houkhraba mirolsingdadi phurup pumnamakna makhoigi aningbada chatpa Ibungo mahakna yabirammi.
who in bygone generations, suffered all nations to walk in their own ways;
17 Adum oinamak Ibungo mahakna toubiba aphaba thabaksing aduna Ibungo mahak lei haibasi matam pumbada utpi: Ibungo mahakna atiyadagi nong chuhanbiduna matam matamgi oiba mahei marong pibi; mahakna nakhoida chinjak pibi amadi nakhoigi thamoibu haraobana thalhanbi.”
indeed he did not leave himself without witnesses, doing good, giving to you the rains from heaven, and fruitful seasons, filling your hearts with food and gladness.
18 Makhoina wasing asi hairaba phaobada miyam aduna makhoida iratpot katnaba hotnaba adu makhoina yamna wana thinglammi.
And speaking these things they scarcely restrained the multitude from offering sacrifices to them.
19 Jihudi khara Antioch amadi Iconium-dagi laklammi. Makhoina miyam adubu insille aduga makhoina Paul-bu nungna thare aduga mahak sire khanduna sahar adugi mapanda chingthoklammi.
But the Jews came from Antioch and Iconium, and having persuaded the multitudes, stoned Paul, dragged him out of the city, thinking that he was dead;
20 Adubu thajabasing aduna mahakki akoibada koisillammi maduda mahak hougatlaktuna sahar aduda amuk changkhi. Mathanggi numitta mahak amadi Barnabas Derbe-da chatkhre.
but, the disciples having surrounded him, rising up, he came into the city. And on the following day he came with Barnabas into Derbe;
21 Paul amadi Barnabas-na Derbe-da Aphaba Pao sandoklammi amasung tung-inba mayam ama semlammi aduga makhoina Lystra, Iconium amadi Antioch-ta hallammi.
and preaching the gospel to that city, and making many disciples, they returned into Lystra, and into Iconium, and into Antioch,
22 Makhoina thajabasing adubu pukning chet-hallammi aduga thajabada chumna leinaba pukning thougatpirammi. “Eikhoina awa ana kaya khaangduna Tengban Mapugi ningthou leibak adu changba tai” haina makhoina tambirammi.
strengthening the souls of the disciples, exhorting them to abide in the faith, and it behooves them through many tribulations to enter into the kingdom of God.
23 Makhoina singlup khudingda ahal lamansing khanbirammi aduga chara henduna haijaraga makhoina thajariba Mapu Ibungogi maphamda makhoibu sinnarammi.
And electing elders for them in every church, praying with fasting, they commended them to the Lord, on whom they had believed.
24 Makhoina Pisidia-gi lam phaoraga Pamphylia-da laklammi.
And having come through Pisidia, they came into Pamphylia.
25 Makhoina Perga-da Tengban Mapugi wa sandoklaga Attalia-da chatlammi.
And having spoken the word in Perge, they came down into Attalia;
26 Adudagi makhoina houjik loisillaba thabak adugidamak makhoibu Tengban Mapugi thoujalda sinnakhiba mapham Antioch tanna hi tongduna Attalia-dagi hallammi.
and thence they sailed away into Antioch, whence they had been committed to the grace of God for the work which they fulfilled.
27 Adudagi makhoina Antioch-ta thunglabada makhoina singlup adugi misingbu khomjillaga Tengban Mapuna makhoigi mapanna toukhiba thabak pumnamak amasung Tengban Mapuna Jihudi nattabasingda thajabagi thong hangbiba adu makhoida tamlammi.
And arriving, and convening the church, they reported so many things as God did with them, and that He opened the door of faith to the Gentiles.
28 Aduga mapham aduda makhoina thajabasing aduga loinana kuina leirammi.
And they spent no small time with the disciples.

< Pakhonchatpa 14 >