< 1 Timothy 3 >

1 Wapham asi achumbani: Kanagumba mi amana singlup amagi luchingba ama oiba pamlabadi, mahakna aphaba thabak amabu pamlabani.
It is a faithful saying, If any one desires the episcopacy, he covets a beautiful work.
2 Singlupki luchingba ama haibasi mingchat thiningai oiba amakpa leitaba mi, mahakki nupida thajaba yaba oiba, ka hendaba, masa khudum chanjaba, ikai khumnabada matik chaba, lamlanbasingbu mayumda taramna okpa amadi tambiba ngamba mi ama oigadabani;
Therefore it behooves the bishop to be blameless, the husband of one wife, modest, prudent, orderly, hospitable, competent to teach,
3 mahak yuda luppa amadi tamthiba mi ama oiroidabani, adubu pukning tappa, khatnagandaba amadi sel pamgandaba mi ama oigadabani.
not given to wine, not a controvertist; but gentle, peaceable, not a money lover;
4 Mahakki imung manungbu ningthina yengsinba ama oigadabani aduga mahakki angangsingna mahakpu ikaikhumnabaga loinana mahakna haiba inba haibadu oihan-gadabani.
ruling his own house beautifully; having children in subordination with all gravity;
5 Maramdi kanagumbana masamakki imung manungbu karamna yengsin-gani haiba khangdrabadi mahakna karamna Tengban Mapugi singluppu ngak-sen-gadage?
but if any one does not know how to rule his own house, how will he take care of the church of God?
6 Mahak nouna thajarakpa mi ama oiroidabani, nattrabadi mahakna napan touduna chaothoklaklabadi Devil-da takhiba wayel adumak mahaksu taba yai.
not a novice, lest being puffed up he may fall into the condemnation of the devil.
7 Singlupki mi nattabasingna ikaikhumnaba misak ama oigadabani madu oirabadi mahak ikaiba nangduna Devil-gi langda taba haibadu oiraroi.
But it also behooves him indeed to have a beautiful testimony from the aliens, in order that he may not fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.
8 Adugumduna, singlupki thougal toubasingsu aphaba lichat chatpa amadi pukchel sengba mi oigadabani; makhoi yuda luppa nattraga selda karamba mi oiroidabani;
Likewise let the deacons be grave, not double tongued, not given to much wine, not fond of filthy lucre;
9 asengba achum aran khangba pukningga loinana phongdokpiraba thajabagi oiba achumba adubu makhoina chetna paiba oigadabani.
having the testimony of faith in a pure conscience.
10 Ahanbada makhoibu chang yenggadabani, maduda makhoina mai paklabadi makhoina singlupki thougal tousanu.
And let them also first be proven; then let them minister the office of deacon, being irreproachable.
11 Makhoigi nupisingsu adugumna aphaba lamchat chatpa amadi miwa ngangdaba oigadabani; ka hendaba amadi maram khudingda thajaba yabi oigadabani.
Likewise let their wives be grave, not tattlers, modest, faithful in all things.
12 Thougal toubasing adu nupi amakhaktagi mapuroiba oiba, machasing amasung imung manungbu ningthijana yengsinba ngamba mi oigadabani.
Let the deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children and their own houses beautifully.
13 Ningthina thougal toubasing aduna makhoi masagidamak aphaba mingchat phangjaduna Christta Jisuda leiba makhoigi thajaba adugi maramda thouna phana ngangba ngammi.
For those having ministered the office of a deacon beautifully procure to themselves beautiful progress, and much boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus.
14 Eina nahakki nanakta yamna thuna lakkani haiba asa tourabasu, eina nangonda waphamsing asi iri.
I write these things to you, hoping to come to you more speedily;
15 Adubu karigumba eihak thengtharaklabadi, Tengban Mapugi imung manung haibadi achumbagi yumbi amadi ngaklou oiriba ahingba Tengban Mapugi singlupta karamba machat chatkadage haibadu chithi asina nangonda khanghan-gani.
but if I tarry, in order that you may know how it behooves you to deport yourself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.
16 Eikhoigi laininggi athuppa asi kayada chaokhrabano haiba asi kana amatana yadaba ngamloi: Ibungo mahak asi mioiba amagi saktamda phongdokpire, Thawai aduna achumbani haiba utpire, swargadutsingnasu ujare. Ibungo mahakpu phurupsinggi marakta sandokle, taibangpan-gi mapham pumnamakta thajare, amasung swargada loukhatpikhre.
And assuredly great is the mystery of godliness; Who is manifested in the flesh, was justified in the spirit, was seen of angels, was preached among the Gentiles, was believed on in the world, was taken up in glory.

< 1 Timothy 3 >