< Salamo 81 >

1 Misaboa aman’Añahare haozarantika; mipazaha an-drebeke aman’Añahare’ Iakobe.
For the leader. On the gittith. Of Asaph. Sing aloud to God our strength, shout for joy to the God of Jacob.
2 Araho an-tsabo! Pehopeho ty kantsàñe; titiho ty jejo mamy-feo reketse marovany.
Raise a song, sound the timbrel, sweet lyre and harp.
3 Tiofo amy jiri-bolañey ty antsiva, amy pea-bolam- pamantañan-tikañey.
On the new moon blow the horn, at the full moon, the day of our festival.
4 Fañè ho a i Israele; fepèn’ Andrianañahare’ Iakobe.
For this is a statute for Israel, a ruling of the God of Jacob,
5 Noriza’e am’Iehosefe ho taroñe, ie niavotse le nanitsike ty tane’ i Mitsraime; naho tsinanoko ty saontsy tsy napotako.
a witness he set up in Joseph, when he marched against Egypt’s land, where he heard an unknown voice say:
6 Nahahako an-tsoro’e eo i kilankañey, navotsotse amy lietsey o fità’eo.
“I removed from your shoulder the burden, and freed your hands from the basket.
7 Kinanji’o t’ie niampoheke, le rinombako; nanoiñe azo am-pikafi­ran’ ampiñe ao; nitsoheako an-drano Meriba añe. Selà
At your call of distress I delivered you, from the thundercloud I answered you. At Meribah’s waters I tested you. (Selah)
8 Janjiño ry ondatiko, le ho toroako, ry Israele, (hera) ho haoñe’areo.
“Listen, my people, to my warning, O Israel, if you would but listen!
9 Tsy ho ama’ndrahare hafa irehe, tsy hitalaho amo saren-drahare ila’eo.
There must not be a strange god among you, you must bow to no foreign god.
10 Izaho Iehovà Andrianañahare’o ninday azo boak’an-tane’ Mitsraime añe. atañatañao ty falie’o, le hetsaheko.
I am the Lord your God who brought you up out of Egypt. Open your mouth, that I fill it.
11 Fe ­nihiritsiritse amako ondatikoo vaho nanjehats’ ahy t’Israele.
“But my people did not listen to my voice, Israel would have none of me.
12 Aa le napoko horihe’ iereo ty hagàn’ arofo’ iareo, homb’am-pisafiri’ iareo avao.
So to their own hard hearts I left them, to follow their own devices.
13 Aa naho nijanjiñe ahy ondatikoo! naho nañavelo amo lalakoo t’Israele,
O that my people would listen, that Israel would walk in my ways.
14 le ho nampitsolofiñeko aniany o malaiñe iareoo; vaho ho natoliko ty tañako hiatreatre o rafelahi’ iareoo!
Soon would I humble their enemies, and turn my hand on their foes.
15 Nioniñe te tsy to añatrefa’ Iehovà o malaiñe azeo, fe ho nainai’e eo t’Israele.
Those who hate the Lord would cringe before him in everlasting terror.
16 Le hanjotsoa’e ampemba soa iereo, naho hanjañeko an-tantele boak’am-bato ao.
But you would I feed with the richest wheat, and with honey from the rock to your heart’s desire.”

< Salamo 81 >