< Salamo 143 >
1 Sabo’ i Davide Ry Iehovà, janjiño ty filolohako, atokilaño mb’amo halalikoo ty ravembia’o ty amo figahiña’oo naho o havantaña’oo.
A Psalm. Of David. Let my prayer come to you, O Lord; give ear to my requests for your grace; keep faith with me, and give me an answer in your righteousness;
2 Ko ampanesefe’o an-jaka ty mpitoro’o; fa tsi-mbia tsy ho añatrefa’o ty veloñe.
Let not your servant come before you to be judged; for no man living is upright in your eyes.
3 Fa nampisòañe ty fiaiko o rafelahio, nigorè’e an-tane ty haveloko; nampitoboheñe añ’ieñe ao, manahake t’ie nilolo ela.
The evil man has gone after my soul; my life is crushed down to the earth: he has put me in the dark, like those who have long been dead.
4 Aa le mitsikorak’ amako ty troko; mioremeñe ty añovako ao.
Because of this my spirit is overcome; and my heart is full of fear.
5 Tiahiko o andro taoloo, niniheko iaby o fitoloña’oo tsakorèko o satam-pità’oo.
I keep in mind the early days of the past, giving thought to all your acts, even to the work of your hands.
6 Ahitiko mb’ama’o o tañakoo; limpoañe ty ama’o ty fiaiko hoe tane mivaràkivaràky. Selà
My hands are stretched out to you: my soul is turned to you, like a land in need of water. (Selah)
7 Toiño masìka ry Iehovà; fa mimoremoretse ty troko. ko aeta’o amako ty lahara’o (hera) hanahake o mizotso mb’an-kaly aoo.
Be quick in answering me, O Lord, for the strength of my spirit is gone: let me see your face, so that I may not be like those who go down into the underworld.
8 Ampitsanoño ahy ty fiferenaiña’o te maraiñe, amy te Ihe ro iatoako. ampandrendreho ty lala hombako, fa ama’o ty fañonjonañe ty fiaiko.
Let the story of your mercy come to me in the morning, for my hope is in you: give me knowledge of the way in which I am to go; for my soul is lifted up to you.
9 Ihahao amo rafelahikoo, ry Iehovà; Ihe ro fitsolohako.
O Lord, take me out of the hands of my haters; my soul is waiting for you.
10 Anaro ahy ty hanao o satri’oo, Ihe ro Andrianañahareko; le ampiaolò ahy an-tane mira ty Arofo’o soa.
Give me teaching so that I may do your pleasure; for you are my God: let your good Spirit be my guide into the land of righteousness.
11 Isotrafo amy tahina’oy, ry Iehovà, afaho amo hasosorañeo, ty amy havantaña’oy.
Give me life, O Lord, because of your name; in your righteousness take my soul out of trouble.
12 Aitò amako o rafelahikoo ty amy fiferenaiña’oy, vaho fonga rotsaho o mitsibore ty fiaikoo, fa mpitoro’o iraho.
And in your mercy put an end to my haters, and send destruction on all those who are against my soul; for I am your servant.