< Salamo 106 >
1 Treño t’Iehovà; andriaño t’Iehovà, amy te Ie ro soa; nainai’e ty fiferenaiña’e.
Let the Lord be praised. O give praise to the Lord, for he is good: for his mercy is unchanging for ever.
2 Ia ty mahatalily o sata fanjaka’ Iehovào? ndra hahafitsey o enge’e iabio?
Who is able to give an account of the great acts of the Lord, or to make clear all his praise?
3 Haha ze mahafiambeñe ty hatò, naho mitolom-panao ty fahiti’e.
Happy are they whose decisions are upright, and he who does righteousness at all times.
4 Tiahio iraho, ry Iehovà, naho isohe’o ondati’oo; itiliho amy fandrombaha’oy.
Keep me in mind, O Lord, when you are good to your people; O let your salvation come to me;
5 Hahatreavako ty firaoraoa’ o jinobo’oo, hirebeke ami’ty hafalea’ i fifehea’oy, hitrao-pitreñañe amy lova’oy.
So that I may see the well-being of the people of your selection, and have a part in the joy of your nation, and take pride in your heritage.
6 Nindre nandilatse amo roae’aio zahay; nanao hakeo, nitolon-karatiañe.
We are sinners like our fathers, we have done wrong, our acts are evil.
7 Tsy nihaoñe’ o rae’ay e Mitsraimeo o halatsà’oo; tsy nitiahi’ iereo o fiferenaiña’o vokatseo, te mone niola amy Abo Tiañe, an-dRiake Mena añe.
Our fathers did not give thought to your wonders in Egypt; they did not keep in memory the great number of your mercies, but gave you cause for wrath at the sea, even at the Red Sea.
8 Fe rinomba’e ty amy tahina’ey, hampaharofoana’e ty haozara’e.
But he was their saviour because of his name, so that men might see his great power.
9 Trinevo’e i Riake Menay, le nimaike, vaho niaoloa’e, nitoañe o lalekeo hoe te fatram-bey.
By his word the Red Sea was made dry: and he took them through the deep waters as through the waste land.
10 Le rinomba’e boak’an-taña’ i malaiñe iareoy, naho jineba’e am-pità’ i rafelahiy.
And he took them safely out of the hands of their haters, and kept them from the attacks of those who were against them.
11 Nopoe’ i ranoy o rafelahi’eo; tsy nanisàñe honka’e.
And the waters went over their haters; all of them came to an end.
12 Aa le natokisa’ iareo o tsara’eo, nisaboeñe ty enge’e.
Then they had faith in his words; they gave him songs of praise.
13 Fe nihaliño’ iereo anianike o sata’eo tsy nahaliñe o famerea’eo.
But their memory of his works was short; not waiting to be guided by him,
14 Le niazo’ ty hasiji-mena an-jerezere tane añe; nazizi’ iereo am-babangoañe ao t’i Andrianañahare.
They gave way to their evil desires in the waste land, and put God to the test in the dry places.
15 Aa le nitolora’e i nihalalie’ iereoy, fe nañiraha’e haborokàñe ty fiai’iereo.
And he gave them their request, but sent a wasting disease into their souls.
16 Ie nitsikirike i Mosè an-tobe ao, naho i Aharone navahe’ Iehovày,
They were full of envy against Moses among the tents, and against Aaron, the holy one of the Lord.
17 le nisokake i taney niteleñe i Datane; naho nandembeke ty fehe’ i Abirame.
The earth opening put an end to Dathan, covering up Abiram and his band.
18 Nisolebare’ ty afo añivo’ i rimboñey; niforototoe’ i firebarebàñey o tsivokatseo.
And a fire was lighted among their tents; the sinners were burned up by the flames.
19 Nitsene bania e Korebe añe iereo, naho nilokoloko amy sare trinanakey;
They made a young ox in Horeb, and gave worship to an image of gold.
20 aa le natakalo’ iereo sare bania mivazakota ahetse, ty engen’ Añahare.
And their glory was changed into the image of an ox, whose food is grass.
21 Nihaliño’ iereo t’i Andrianañahare mpandrombake iareo, I nanao raha fanjàka e Mitsraimey,
They had no memory of God their saviour, who had done great things in Egypt;
22 raha tsitantane an-tane’ i Kame vaho raha naharevendreveñe an-dRiake Mena añe.
Works of wonder in the land of Ham, and things of fear by the Red Sea.
23 Aa le nanao ty hoe t’ie harotsa’e: naho tsy te nijohañe an-jebañe añatrefa’e eo t’i Mosè jinobo’e, nampivioñe i haviñera’ey tsy hanjamana’e.
And he was purposing to put an end to them if Moses, his special servant, had not gone up before him, between him and his people, turning back his wrath, to keep them from destruction.
24 Niheje’ iereo amy zao i tane nirieñey; tsy natokisañe o tsara’eo,
They were disgusted with the good land; they had no belief in his word;
25 f’ie niñeoñeoñe an-kijà ao, tsy hinao’ iereo ty fiarañanaña’ Iehovà.
Talking against him secretly in their tents, they did not give ear to the voice of the Lord.
26 Aa le nifanta te hampikorovohe’e an-jerezere tane ao,
So he made an oath against them, to put an end to them in the waste land:
27 naho havarakai’e amo fifeheañeo ty tarira’ iareo vaho haparatsà’e amo taneo.
That their children might be mixed among the nations, and sent away into other lands.
28 Mbore nireketse amy Baale-Peore iereo vaho nampibotseke haneñe nisoroñañe an-dolo.
And they were joined to Baal-peor, and took part in the offerings to the dead.
29 Aa le nampiviñere’ iereo amo fitoloña’ iareoo, vaho natorotosi’e an-kiria.
So they made him angry by their behaviour; and he sent disease on them.
30 Niongak’ amy zao t’i Pinekase le nijebañe, vaho nisebañeñe i angorosiy.
Then Phinehas got up, and made prayer for them; and the disease went no farther.
31 Nivolilien-ko havañonañe ama’e zay. ho a ze hene tarira’e mifandimbeo.
And all the generations coming after him kept the memory of his righteousness for ever.
32 Nampiviñera’ iareo ka amo rano mpilie-drokoñeo, le niazom-boiñe ty am’iereo t’i Mosè;
They made God angry again at the waters of Meribah, so that Moses was troubled because of them;
33 amy t’ie nikai-jaka amy arofo’ey, le kamaike ty niakatse am-pivimbi’e ao.
For they made his spirit bitter, and he said unwise things.
34 Tsy nifongore’ iareo ondatio, amy nandilia’ Iehovà hanoeñey,
They did not put an end to the peoples, as the Lord had said;
35 Te mone nifañaoñe amo kilakila‘ndatio naho nizatse o sata’eo,
But they were joined to the nations, learning their works.
36 naho nitoroñe o saren-drahare’eo ze nanjare fandrik’ am’ iereo,
And they gave worship to images; which were a danger to them:
37 naho nasoro’ iereo amo kokolampao o anadahi’iareoo naho o anak’ ampela’iareoo,
They even made offerings of their sons and their daughters to evil spirits,
38 vaho nampiorike lio-maliñe, ty lion’ anadahy naho anak’ampela, ie nasoro’ iereo amo saren-drahare’ i Kanànao, vaho vinetan-dio i taney.
And gave the blood of their sons and their daughters who had done no wrong, offering them to the images of Canaan; and the land was made unclean with blood.
39 Aa le nihativa am-pitoloñañe, nañarapilo amo fisafiria’iareoo.
So they became unclean through their works, going after their evil desires.
40 Toly ndra niviañe am’ondatio ty haviñera’ Iehovà, vaho niheje’e i lova’ey.
Then the wrath of the Lord was burning against his people, and he was angry with his heritage.
41 Natolo’e am-pità’ o fifeheañeo iereo, hifehea’ o rafelahi’eo.
And he gave them into the hands of the nations; and they were ruled by their haters.
42 Niforekeke’ o nifankalaiñe am’iereoo le nareke ambane’ fità’iareo.
By them they were crushed, and made low under their hands.
43 Beteke rinomba’e, f’ie nizehatse an-tsafiry, vaho nilempotse an-kakeo.
Again and again he made them free; but their hearts were turned against his purpose, and they were overcome by their sins.
44 Ie nivazoho’e ty falovilovi’ iareo, naho jinanji’e o fitoreova’ iareoo,
But when their cry came to his ears, he had pity on their trouble:
45 le nitiahi’e ty am’ iereo i fañina’ey naho niselekaiñe, ty amo hene fiferenaiña’eo;
And kept in mind his agreement with them, and in his great mercy gave them forgiveness.
46 ie nampitretreze’e amo nanese iareo am-pandrohizañeo.
He put pity into the hearts of those who made them prisoners.
47 Rombaho zahay ry Iehovà Andrianañahare’ay, vaho atontono boak’ amo fifeheañeo, hañandriaña’ay ty tahina’o masiñe, vaho hitreñe amo enge’oo.
Be our saviour, O Lord our God, and let us come back together from among the nations, so that we may give honour to your holy name, and have glory in your praise.
48 Andriañeñe t’Iehovà, Andrianañahare’ Israele, boak’an-kaehae’e pak’an-kaehae’e; vaho hene hiredoñe ami’ty hoe ondatio: Ie Izay, Treño t’Ià.
Praise be to the Lord God of Israel for ever and for ever; and let all the people say, So be it. Give praise to the Lord.