< Salamo 104 >

1 Andriaño t’Iehovà, ry troko; ry Iehovà Andrianañahareko, jabahinake irehe, asiñe naho volonahetse ro misaroñ’ azo,
[I tell] myself that I should praise Yahweh. Yahweh, my God, you are very great! Like a king has on his royal robes [MET], you have honor and majesty/greatness all around you!
2 ihemiholonkon-kazavañe hoe sarimbo; velare’o hoe tèmetse o likerañeo.
You [created/caused] light to be like your robe [MET]. You spread out the sky like [a man sets up] a tent.
3 Ampandrè’e an-drano ao o faham-batsa’eo, anoe’e sarete’e o rahoñeo, draidraite’e añ’ ela’ o tiokeo.
You made/put your home [in heaven], above the rain clouds in the sky, [like a man puts the] rafters of his house in place [MET]. You made/caused the clouds to be like chariots [to carry you].
4 Anoe’e ira’e o tiokeo, mpitoro’e o afo mibelañeo.
You caused the winds to be [like] your messengers [MET], and flames of fire to be [like] your servants.
5 Naore’e amo faha’eo ty tane toy, soa tsy hasiotse nainai’e donia.
You placed the world firmly on its foundation so that it can never be moved/shaken.
6 Siniki’o hoe saroñe i lalekey; nijohañe ambone’ o vohitseo ty rano;
[Later], you covered the earth with a flood, like a blanket, with the water that covered the mountains.
7 Nibioñe iereo te trinevo’o, nibororoñe mb’eo ami’ty fivolan’ ampi’o;
[But] when you rebuked the water, the oceans receded; your voice spoke like thunder, and then the waters rushed away.
8 Nionjoñe o vohitseo, nilempotse o vavataneo, mb’amo toetse tinendre’o ho a iareoo
Mountains rose up [from the water], and the valleys sank down to the levels that you had determined for them.
9 Jinado’o efetse tsy hililara’e; tsy mone hibalike hañàmpo ty tane toy.
[Then] you set a boundary for the oceans, a boundary that they cannot cross; their water will never again cover the [whole] earth.
10 Añirahe’e rano migoangoañe o goledoñeo; mikararak’ añivo’ o vohitseo;
You make/cause springs to pour [water] into ravines; their [water] flows down between the mountains.
11 ampinome’ iereo rano o bibin-kivoke iabio; afa-karan-drano o borìke lìio.
Those [streams] provide water for all the animals [to drink]; the wild donkeys [drink the water and] are no longer thirsty.
12 Mimoneñe añ’olo’ iereo eo o voron-dikerañeo; mivolañe an-tsinga-katae ey.
Birds make their nests alongside [the streams], and they sing among the branches [of the trees].
13 Tondraha’e hirik’amo efe’e amboneo o vohitseo; mahaeneñe ty tane toy o vokam-pitoloña’eo.
From (your home in heaven/the sky) you send rain down on the mountains, and you fill the earth with many good things that you create.
14 Ampitiria’e ahetse o añombeo, vaho añañe, vale’ ty fitoloña’ ondatio, hampahavokare’e haneñe ty tane,
You make/cause grass to grow for the cattle [to eat], and you make/cause plants to grow for people. In that way [animals and people] get their food from [what grows in] the soil.
15 naho divay hampifale ty arofo’ ondaty, naho solike hañamendo ty lahara’e, vaho mahakama hahavaño ty arofo’e.
We get [grapes to make] [MTY] wine to [drink and] make us cheerful, and we get [olives to make] [MTY] olive oil to [put on our] skin and cause it to shine, and we get [grain to make] [MTY] bread to give us strength.
16 Enen-drano o hatae’ Iehovào, o mendorave’ i Lebanone nambolè’eo,
Yahweh, you [send plenty of rain to] water your trees, the cedar [trees] that you planted in Lebanon.
17 ama’e ao ro anoa’ o voroñeo traño; naho ty fañaoke, anakao ty akiba’e.
Birds make their nests in those [trees]; even storks make their nests in pine/fir trees.
18 Ho a o ose lì-o o vohitse aboo; fiampiram-panaloke o tevañeo.
High up in the mountains the wild goats live, and hyraxes/badgers live in the crags/crevices in the rocks.
19 Nanoe’e fifotoañañe i volañey; apota’ i àndroy ty toem-pitsofora’e.
[Yahweh], you made the moon to indicate the times for our festivals, and you made the sun that knows when to go down.
20 Tinendre’o i ieñey, mivotrake te haleñe ty fitinga­tingàña’ ze hene biby añ’ala ao.
You bring darkness, and it becomes night, when all the animals in the forest prowl around, [looking for food].
21 Mitreñe, mitsatsa hena o liona tora’eo, mipay ty hane’e aman’ Añahare.
At night the young lions roar as they seek their prey, [but] they depend on you to give them food.
22 Ie manjirike i àndroy, mipoliotse iereo vaho mandre an-dakato’e ao.
At dawn, they go back to their dens and lie down.
23 Miavotse mb’am-pitoloña’e mb’eo ondatio, ampara’ te haleñe.
And during the daytime, people go to their work; they work until it is evening.
24 O ry Iehovà, akore ty hamaro’ o fitoloña’oo! kila nanoe’o an-kihitse; manitsike ty tane toy o vara’oo.
Yahweh, you have made so many different kinds of things! You were [very] wise as you made them all. The earth is full of the creatures that you [made].
25 Indroke i riakey, jabajaba mihenehene, ifamorohotam-biby tsy hay iaheñe— ty kede naho ty bey.
[We see] the ocean which is very large [DOU]! It is full of many kinds of living creatures, big ones and little ones.
26 Ama’e ty ionjonan-dakam-bey, naho i fañaneñe nitsenè’o hihisa aoy.
We see the ships which sail along! We see the huge sea monster, which you made to (splash around/play) in the sea.
27 Songa mandiñ’ Azo hamahana’o haneñ’ an-tsa’e.
All of those creatures depend on you to give them the food that they need.
28 Anjotsoa’o, le atonto’ iareo, sokafe’o ty fità’o, vaho hene ànjan-draha soa.
When you give them the food that they need, they gather it. You give them what you have in your hand, and they [eat it and] are satisfied.
29 Aeta’o ty lahara’o, le lonjetse iereo; sintone’o ty kofò’e, le mihomake mimpoly an-debok’ ao.
[But] if you refuse to give food to them, they become terrified. And when you cause them to stop breathing, they die; their bodies [decay and] become soil again.
30 Irahe’o t’i Arofo’o, mioreñe iereo, vaho vaoe’o ty tarehe’ ty tane toy.
When you cause newborn creatures to begin to breathe, they start to live; you give new life to all the living creatures on the earth.
31 Tsy mb’ia ho modo ty enge’ Iehovà; ho rebehe’ Iehovà o fitoloña’eo,
I want the glory of Yahweh to last forever. I want him to rejoice about [all] the things that he has created.
32 Mampititititike ty tane toy te vazohoe’e, mahatoeñe o vohitseo te edrè’e.
He causes the earth to shake [just] by looking at it! By [merely] touching the mountains he makes/causes them to pour out fire and smoke!
33 Ho saboeko t’Iehovà kanao mbe velon-draho; ho rengèko an-tsabo t’i Andrianañahare katao mbe mahakofòke.
I will sing to Yahweh (as long as I live/throughout my entire life). I will praise my God until the day that I die.
34 Toe mamy t‘ie itsakoreakoo, ifaleako t’Iehovà.
I want Yahweh to be pleased by all those things that I have thought [about him], because I rejoice about [knowing] him.
35 Ho mongoreñe an-tane atoy o mpanan-tahiñeo le tsy ho eo o lo-tserekeo. Andriaño t’Iehovà, ry troko. Treño t’Ià.
[But] I desire that sinners will disappear from the earth, so that there will be no more wicked [people]! [But as for] me, I will praise Yahweh! (Praise him/Hallelujah)!

< Salamo 104 >