< Ohabolana 8 >
1 Tsy mikoike hao ty hihitse, tsy mañonjom-piarañanañañe hao ty hilala?
Doth not wisedome crie? and vnderstanding vtter her voyce?
2 An-kaboañe ey, añ’olon-dalañe eo, am-pitsileañe eo ty ijohaña’e;
She standeth in the top of the high places by the way in the place of the paths.
3 añ’ilan-dalam-bein-tsariran-drova eo ami’ty fiziliha’ o lalam-beio ty ikoha’e ty hoe:
She cryeth besides the gates before the citie at the entrie of the doores,
4 Ry ondatio, ikanjiako, ty feoko mb’amo ana’ ondatio.
O men, I call vnto you, and vtter my voyce to the children of men.
5 Ry trentrañeo, mioha hakarafitoañe; naho, ry seretseo, mandrendreha an-troke.
O ye foolish men, vnderstand wisedome, and ye, O fooles, be wise in heart.
6 Mitsanoña hitaroñako raha aman-kasiñe; vaho hañakatse volam-bantañe kanao misokake o soñikoo;
Giue eare, for I will speake of excellent things, and the opening of my lippes, shall teache things that be right.
7 Hivolan-katò ty vavako; fa tiva amo soñikoo o haratiañeo.
For my mouth shall speake the trueth, and my lippes abhorre wickednesse.
8 Songa mahity o entam-bavakoo, tsy ama’e ty mikeloke ndra mengoke.
All the wordes of my mouth are righteous: there is no lewdenes, nor frowardnesse in them.
9 Ie vantañe amy mahihitsey vaho mahity ami’ty maha-onin-kilala.
They are all plaine to him that will vnderstande, and streight to them that woulde finde knowledge.
10 Rambeso o fañòhakoo, fa tsy volafoty; naho ty hilala fa tsy volamena nitsoheñe;
Receiue mine instruction, and not siluer, and knowledge rather then fine golde.
11 Fa lombolombo’ o hangeo ty hihitse, vaho tsy eo ty salalaeñe mañirinkiriñ’aze.
For wisdome is better then precious stones: and all pleasures are not to be compared vnto her.
12 Izaho, hihitse, ro miharo-toboke ami’ty filieram-batañe, vaho manjo hilala naho fitalifirañe.
I wisdome dwell with prudence, and I find foorth knowledge and counsels.
13 Malain-karatiañe ty fañeveñañe am’ Iehovà. hejeko ty firengeañe, ty fibohabohañe, ty satan-karatiañe, naho ty vava mitera.
The feare of the Lord is to hate euill as pride, and arrogancie, and the euill way: and a mouth that speaketh lewde things, I doe hate.
14 Amako ty fanoroañe, naho ty hihitse do’e, Izaho o hilalao; ahy o haozarañeo.
I haue counsell and wisedome: I am vnderstanding, and I haue strength.
15 Izaho ty ifehea’ o mpanjakao, naho anoa’ o mpifeheo lily vantañe.
By me, Kings reigne, and princes decree iustice.
16 Izaho ty ifeleha’ o mpifelekeo naho o roandriañeo, ze hene mpizaka-to.
By me princes rule and the nobles, and all the iudges of the earth.
17 Kokoako ze mikoko ahiko, naho handrèndrek’ ahy ze mitsoek’ ahy.
I loue them that loue me: and they that seeke me earely, shall finde me.
18 Rekets’ amako ty vara naho ty asiñe; hanàñañe tsy modo naho havañonañe.
Riches and honour are with me: euen durable riches and righteousnesse.
19 Soa te amo volamenao ty havokarako eka ndra volamena ki’e, vaho ambone’ ty volafoty jinoboñe o firegoregoakoo.
My fruite is better then golde, euen then fine golde, and my reuenues better then fine siluer.
20 Manjotik’ an-dalam-bantan-draho, añivo o oloñolon-kavantañañeo,
I cause to walke in the way of righteousnes, and in the middes of the paths of iudgement,
21 hampandovàko vara o mpikoko ahio, naho hatseheko o kipondi’ iareoo.
That I may cause them that loue me, to inherite substance, and I will fill their treasures.
22 Tsinene’ Iehovà raho ho fifotoran-dala’e, ty valoham-pitoloña’e haehae zay.
The Lord hath possessed me in the beginning of his way: I was before his workes of olde.
23 Tsietoimoneke izay ty nañorizañ’ ahiko, tam-baloha’ey, taolo te nioreñe ty tane toy.
I was set vp from euerlasting, from the beginning and before the earth.
24 Ie mboe tsy teo o lalekeo ty niterahañ’ ahy, ie mboe tsy nidoadoañan-drano o loharanoo.
When there were no depths, was I begotten, when there were no fountaines abounding with water.
25 Ie mboe tsy nipetake o vohitseo, taolo o tambohoo, te naterake;
Before the mountaines were setled: and before the hilles, was I begotten.
26 Ie mboe tsy niforoñe’e ty tane toy naho o hivokeo, ndra ty deboke valoha’ ty tane toy.
He had not yet made the earth, nor the open places, nor the height of the dust in the worlde.
27 Ie nampijadoñe o likerañeo, teo iraho, Ie nanokitse ty bontoly ami’ty tarehe’ i lalekey eñe,
When hee prepared the heauens, I was there, when he set the compasse vpon the deepe.
28 Ie natobe’e an-toe’e ey o likerañ’ amboneo, naho nampitosire’e o loha-rano’ i làlekeio.
When he established the cloudes aboue, when he confirmed the fountaines of the deepe,
29 Ie nifahera’e i riakey, tsy handilara’ o ranoo i nandilia’ey; ie tinendre’e o faha-ty tane toio,
When he gaue his decree to the Sea, that the waters shoulde not passe his commandement: when he appointed the foundations of the earth,
30 Le nirekets’ ama’e iraho fa natokisañe, naho nampifaleako lomoñandro, nainai’e nirebek’ aolo’e.
Then was I with him as a nourisher, and I was dayly his delight reioycing alway before him,
31 Nihisa an-tanem-pimoneña’e vaho nahaehak’ ahy o ana’ ondatio.
And tooke my solace in the compasse of his earth: and my delite is with the children of men.
32 Ie amy zao, ry anake, mitsendreña ahy: Haha ze mañorike o lalakoo.
Therefore nowe hearken, O children, vnto me: for blessed are they that keepe my wayes.
33 Mitsanoña fañòhañe naho mahihira, vaho ko mifoneñe.
Heare instruction, and be ye wise, and refuse it not:
34 Haha t’indaty mitsendreñe ahy, ty misary nainai’e an-dalam-beiko eo mandiñe an-dahin-dalako eo.
blessed is the man that heareth mee, watching dayly at my gates, and giuing attendance at the postes of my doores.
35 Ze tendrek’ ahiko tendre-kaveloñe, vaho tolora’ Iehovà fañisohañe;
For he that findeth me, findeth life, and shall obteine fauour of the Lord.
36 Fe ze losotse ahy mijoy vatañe; fonga mikoko havilasy ze malaiñe ahy.
But he that sinneth against me, hurteth his owne soule: and all that hate me, loue death.