< Nomery 30 >
1 Le nanao ty hoe amo talèm-pifokoa’ o ana’ Israeleoo t’i Mosè: Zao ty nandilia’ Iehovà:
And he said to the princes of the tribes of the children of Israel: This is the word that the Lord hath commanded:
2 Naho mifanta am’ Iehovà t’indaty, ndra mitangèñe hifahara’ ty arofo’e ami’ty lahatse, le tsy hivalik’ amy saontsi’ey re, fa hanoe’e ze hene miakatse am-palie’e.
If any man make a vow to the Lord, or bind himself by an oath: he shall not make his word void but shall fulfill all that he promised.
3 Aa naho mifanta am’ Iehovà ty ampela, ke mitan-ty vata’e aman-titike, ie añ’anjomban-drae’e ao naho mbe somondrara,
If a woman vow any thing, and bind herself by an oath, being in her father’s house, and but yet a girl in age: if her father knew the vow that she hath promised, and the oath wherewith she hath bound her soul, and held his peace, she shall be bound by the vow:
4 fa naho mahajanjiñe i nifantà’ey ty rae’e naho i titike namahora’e ty tro’ey vaho mianjiñe avao ty rae’e, le fonga hijadoñe o nifantà’eo, le hifahatse ze titike namahora’e troke.
Whatsoever she promised and swore, she shall fulfill in deed.
5 F’ie lieren-drae’e amy andro nahajanjiña’e azey, le tsy hijadoñe i nifantà’ey ndra ze titike namahora’e troke vaho hapo’ Iehovà ty aze, ty amy lien-drae’ey.
But if her father, immediately as soon as he heard it, gainsaid it, both her vows and her oaths shall be void, neither shall she be bound to what she promised, because her father hath gainsaid it.
6 Aa ie nengaen-dahy te vahoram-panta, ke t’ie finehe’ ze volañe naakan-tsoñi’e tsy nisatrie’e,
If she have a husband, and shall vow any thing, and the word once going out of her mouth shall bind her soul by an oath:
7 le ie janji’ ty vali’e fe tsy mañaoñe amy andro nijanjiña’e azey, le hijadoñe i nifantà’ey vaho hifahatse ze titike namahora’e troke.
The day that her husband shall hear it, and not gainsay it, she shall be bound to the vow, and shall give whatsoever she promised.
8 F’ie liere’ ty vali’e amy andro nijanjiña’e azey le hapo’e i fanta nifehe azey, ndra i volan-tsoñi’e tsy nisatrie’e namahora’e trokey; toe hado’ Iehovà.
But if as soon as he heareth he gainsay it, and make her promises and the words wherewith she had bound her soul of no effect: the Lord will forgive her.
9 (Fe ze nifantà’ ty vantotse ndra ty nariam-baly, ie namahotse ty arofo’e, le hijadoñe hifehe aze izay.)
The widow, and she that is divorced, shall fulfill whatsoever they vow.
10 Aa naho nifanta añ’anjombam-bali’e ao, ke namaho-batañe aman-titike
If the wife in the house of her husband, hath bound herself by vow and by oath,
11 naho nahajanjiñe aze i vali’ey ie tsy nandietse, le hijadoñe iaby o nifantà’eo vaho hifahatse ama’e ze titike namahora’e arofo.
If her husband hear, and hold his peace, and doth not disallow the promise, she shall accomplish whatsoever she had promised.
12 F’ie avali’ ty vali’e amy andro nahajanjiña’ey, le tsy hijadoñe ndra inoñ’ inoñe niakats’ an-tsoñi’e amo nifantà’eo ndra amy titike namahora’e trokey; fa navali’ ty vali’e, le hapo’ Iehovà re ty ama’e.
But if forthwith he gainsay it, she shall not be bound by the promise: because her husband gainsaid it, and the Lord will be merciful to her.
13 Ze fanta ndra titike famahoram-batañe, le azo ty vali’e ajadoñe ndra faoheñe.
If she vow and bind herself by oath, to afflict her soul by fasting, or abstinence from other things, it shall depend on the will of her husband, whether she shall do it, or not do it.
14 Fe naho tsy mañaoñe aze handro am-pohatse i vali’ey, le hene hampijadoñe’e o nifantà’eo, naho ze mamahotse ty tro’e; toe niventese’e, kanao tsy nisaontsie’e amy andro nahajanjiña’e azey.
But if the husband hearing it hold his peace, and defer the declaring his mind till another day: whatsoever she had vowed and promised, she shall fulfill: because immediately as he heard it, he held his peace.
15 Aa naho avali’e t’ie añe i nijanjiña’e azey le hivave i tahi’ey i lahilahiy.
But if he gainsay it after that he knew it, he shall bear her iniquity.
16 Ie o fañè linili’ Iehovà añamy Mosèo amy t’indaty naho i vali’ey, naho aman-drae naho ty anak’ ampela’e mbe kede añ’ anjomban-drae’e ao.
These are the laws which the Lord appointed to Moses between the husband and the wife, between the father and the daughter that is as yet but a girl in age, or that abideth in her father’s house.