< Jeremia 46 >

1 Niheo am’Iirmeà, mpitoky ty tsara’ Iehovà ty amo fifeheañeo;
These are messages that Yahweh gave to the prophet Jeremiah about [other] nations.
2 ty amy Mitsraime, i mpirai-lian-dahin-defo’ i Parò-Neko mpanjaka’ i Mitsraimey, ie añolo’ i Saka-Perate e Karkemise ao, le ginio’ i Nebokadnetsare mpanjaka’ i Bavele, amy taom-paha-efa’ Iehoiakime ana’ Iosià mpanjaka’ Iehodày.
After Jehoiakim, son of King Josiah, had been ruling Judah for almost four years, this message about Egypt was given [by Yahweh]. It was when the army of King Neco of Egypt was defeated by the army of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon along the Euphrates River. [This is what Yahweh said: “The officers of the army of Egypt are saying to their troops],
3 Ihentseño ty fañeba naho ty fikalan-defo, vaho itotoho i hotakotakey.
‘Prepare your shields and march out to fight the battle!
4 Aombeo laboridy o soavalao, naho miningira, ry mpiningi-tsoavalao; mijohaña eo reketse kalan-doha; fotìo o lefoñeo, aombeo o sarom-bìo.
Put harnesses on your horses, and get on their backs. (Get into your positions/Line up) [for the battle]; put on your helmets. Sharpen your spears, and put on your armor!’
5 Akore t’ie treako hoe lonjetse naho miamboho? Finofok’ ambane o fanalolahi’eo, fa nitriban-day mb’eo, vaho tsy nitolik’ am-boho, fa niarikatoha’ ty firevendreveñañe, hoe t’Iehovà.
But what [RHQ] do I see? I see that the soldiers of Egypt will be terrified and will be fleeing. [Even] the bravest of their soldiers will be running away, without [even] looking backward! [I, ] Yahweh, say that [their soldiers] will be terrified on all sides!
6 Tsy hahafiorotse ty masìka, tsy hahafivoratsake ty fanalolahy; mitsikapy vaho mikorovoke mb’avaratse añe iereo, marine i Saka-Peratey.
[Even] the fastest [runners] will try to run away, but [even the greatest of] their warriors will not escape. In the north, by the Euphrates [River], they will stumble and fall.
7 Ia ty hambañ’am’Ieore mitroatroakey, manahake o saka misorotombake hanginahina’eo?
What group is this that will be covering the land like the water of the Nile [River] covers the land when it floods?
8 Manahake Ieore t’i Mitsraime amy fitabatroaha’ o rano’eoy; ie manao ty hoe: Hitroatse iraho, hanginahina naho hampiopo ty tane toy, toe harotsako i rovay naho o mpimoneñe ama’eo.
[It is the army of] Egypt that will be covering the land like a surging/huge flood, and they will boast that they will cover the earth and will destroy cities and the people [who live in them].
9 Mionjona ry soavalao, mionara ry sareteo; ampivavaro mb’etoy o fanalolahio, o nte-Kose naho nte-Pote mahafitàm-pikalan-defoñeo, o nte-Lode mahatañe naho mahafibitsoke faleo.
You [riders of] horses, charge/rush [into the battle]! You [drivers of] chariots, drive furiously! [All] you warriors from Ethiopia and Libya who carry your shields, you warriors from Lydia who shoot arrows, you come!
10 Amy te hanañ’ androm-pañondroha’e t’i Talè Iehovà’ i Màroy, hamalea’e fate o rafelahi’eo, hampibotsehañe i fibaray ampara’ te etsake naho mamo ami’ty lio’ iareo; fa manao soroñe t’i Talè, Iehovà’ i Màroy, an-tane avaratse, marine’ i Saka-Peratey.
But, [you need to know that] this is the day when [I], Yahweh, the Commander of the armies of angels, will get revenge on my enemies. With my sword [PRS] I will kill [my enemies] until I am satisfied; my sword will [be like a monster that] [MET, PRS] drinks the blood [of the animals it kills] until it is no longer thirsty. [The enemy soldiers who will be killed] in the north beside the Euphrates River [will be like] [MET] a sacrifice to [me], the Commander of the armies of angels.
11 Mionjona mb’e Gilade mb’eo, mitohà fatevo ry anak’ ampela’ i Mitsraimeo; fonga tsy jefa’e o aoly anoe’oo, toe tsy eo ty hampijangañe azo.
You people [IDM] of Egypt, go up to the Gilead [region] to obtain medicine; but it will be useless to take all those medicines; you will not be healed.
12 Fa jinanji’ o kilakila’ ndatio ty fisalara’o, vaho manitsike ty tane toy ty fikoikoiha’o, fa nitsikapy amy maozatsey ty fanalolahy, sindre nihotrake.
[People in] the [other] nations will hear how you were humiliated. [People] all over the earth will hear you wailing. [Your mighty] warriors will stumble over each other and they will all fall down together.”
13 Ty tsara’ Iehovà am’ Iirmeà mpitoky, te hanao akore ty hionjona’ i Nebokadnetsare mpanjaka’ i Bavele mb’an-tane Mitsraime mb’eo handafa aze?
[Then] Yahweh gave me this message about King Nebuchadnezzar when he planned to attack Egypt [with his army]:
14 Tseizo’ areo e Mitsraime ao, koiho e Migdole, koiho-lava e Nofe naho e Tafanese, vaho ano ty hoe: Mijohaña vaho mihentseña fa hampibotsek’ añ’ariary azo i fibaray.
“Shout [this message] throughout Egypt! Proclaim it in Migdol, Memphis, and Tahpenes [cities]! ‘(Get into your positions/Line up) [for the battle]; Prepare to defend yourselves, because [everyone] around you will be killed.’ [PRS, MTY]
15 Akore te nafaoke añe o maoza’oo? Ie tsy nahafitroatse amy te tinindri’ Iehovà ambane.
Your god is a bull; Why does he fall down? He will not be able to stand up, because Yahweh will knock him down.
16 Maro ty tsinikapi’e; eka songa mifampikorovoke vaho manao ty hoe: Miongaha, antao himpoly mb’am’ondatin-tika mb’eo, mb’an-tane nahatoly an-tikañe añe, hienga ty fijoia’ i fibaray.
The soldiers from other countries will stumble and fall over each other, and [then] they will say to each other, ‘Let’s get up and go back to our own people, to our own land. Let’s get away from the swords of our enemies!’
17 Ty hoe ty nikoihe’ iereo añe: Koràk’ avao t’i Parò mpanjaka’ i Mitsraime; Napo’e hihelañe añe i ni-fantañañey.
There [in Egypt] they will say, ‘The king of Egypt talks loudly, but when our [army] had an opportunity [to defeat our enemies], they failed.’
18 Kanao velon-dRaho hoe i Mpanjakay, Iehovà’ i Màroy ty tahina’e, Toe hanahak’ i Tabore am-bohitsey naho i Karmele añ’olon-driake añe, Ty higodaña’e mb’etoy.
[I, ] the King, who am called the Commander of the armies of angels, say this: ‘As [surely as] I live, someone’s army will be coming [to fight against the army of Egypt]. They will be [extremely powerful], [as though they were as tall] as Tabor Hill, or [as high] as Carmel [Mountain] close to the [Mediterranean] Sea.
19 O ry anak’ampela mpimoneñe e Mitsraime ao, mivatia handenà’o mb’am-pandrohizañe añe, fa ho tanàn-taolo ty Nofe, hampangoakoaheñe tsy ho amam-pimoneñe.
[All] you people who live in Egypt, pack your possessions/clothes and prepare to be exiled. Memphis [city] will be destroyed; it will become a ruin, and no one will be living there.
20 Kiloa fanjaka t’i Mitsraime fe boak’ avaratse añe ty lale-boròñe hamongotse—toe ho avy.
Egypt is [like] [SIM] a beautiful young cow, but [the army of a powerful king] from the northeast will come to attack it [like] a horsefly [MET] [bites a cow].
21 Manahake ty sarak’ an-jolok’ ao, o lahin-defo mpikarama añivo’eo, fa nivalike ka iereo; niharo nibotatsake, tsy nahafijohañe, fa tondroke ty andron-kankà’ iareo, ty androm-pitilihañe iareo.
The (mercenaries/soldiers [from other countries] who have been hired) will become like [SIM] fat calves; but they also will turn around and run away; they will not stand [there and fight], because it will be a day when there will be a [great] disaster in Egypt, a day when their people will be [greatly] punished.
22 Hoe mereñe ty fikosasaha’e ie misoroke o lahindefo’eo, mikovovoke mb’am-pisorohañ’aze o lahindefoñeo, ie mitoañ’ aze am-pekoñe hoe mpañatsak’ ala.
[The soldiers of] Egypt will run away, as silently as a snake scurries/crawls away. [The army of] the enemy will advance; they will march along carrying their axes like [SIM] men who cut down trees.
23 Hinatsa’ iareo i alay, hoe t’Iehovà, fa tsy lefe volilieñe; amy t’ie maro te amo valalao, mitozantozañe.
[I, ] Yahweh, say that they will kill the soldiers [of Egypt] as though [SIM] they were a forest of trees, because the enemy soldiers will be as numerous as [a swarm of] locusts.
24 Nisalareñe ty anak’ ampela’ i Mitsraime; fa natolotse am-pità’ ondaty avaratse añe.
The people of Egypt will be humiliated; they will be conquered by people from the northeast.’
25 Hoe t’Iehovà’ i Màroy, t’i Andria­nañahare’ Israrele, Ho liloveko t’i Amone nte-No naho i Parò, naho i Mitsraime, rekets’ o ‘ndrahare’eo, naho o mpanjaka’eo; toe i Parò naho ze miato ama’e.
[I, ] the Commander of the armies of angels, the God whom the Israelis [worship], say, ‘I will punish Amon, [the god whom the people] of Thebes [city] worship, and [all] the [other] gods in Egypt. [I will punish] the King of Egypt and [all] those who trust in him.
26 Hatoloko am-pità’ o mipay ty fiai’eo naho am-pità’ i Nebokadnetsare mpanjaka’ i Bavele naho am-pità’ o mpitoro’eo; ie añe, le ho fimoneñañe indraike re manahake te taolo, hoe t’Iehovà.
I will cause them to be captured by those who want to kill them—Nebuchadnezzar the King of Babylon, and his army officers. But many years later, people will live in Egypt again. [That will surely happen because] I, Yahweh, have said it.’
27 Aa le ko hemban-drehe ry Iakobe mpitoroko, naho ko lonjetse ry Israele; fa ho rombaheko boake tsietoitane añe, naho ty tiri’o an-tanem-pandrohiza’ iareo; himpoly t’Iakobe, naho hierañerañe, le tsy eo ty hañembañe aze ka.
But you people of Israel who serve me, do not be at all dismayed [DOU] now, because some day I will bring you back from distant places; I will bring your descendants from the land to which they were exiled. [Then you] Israeli people will again live peacefully and safely, and there will not be any [nation] to cause you to be terrified.
28 Ko hemban-drehe ry Iakobe mpitoroko, hoe t’Iehovà, fa mpiama’o iraho; ho fonga mongoreko o fifeheañe nandroahako azoo, f’ihe tsy ho mongoreko; ho liloveko an-jaka-to, fe tsy hapoko tsy ho liloveñe.
[I, ] Yahweh, say to you people of Israel who serve me, ‘Do not be afraid, because I will be with you. I will completely destroy the nations among whom I have scattered you, but I will not completely get rid of you. I will punish you, but I will punish you only as severely as you deserve: It would be wrong if I did not punish you at all.’”

< Jeremia 46 >