< Isaia 44 >

1 Aa le janjiño heike ry Iakobe mpitoroko, ry Israele jinoboko.
Yet now hear, O Jacob, my servant, And Israel, whom I have chosen;
2 Hoe t’Iehovà namboatse azo, i namoroñe azo an-koviñ’ aoy, Ie ty hañimb’azo: ko hemban-drehe ry Iakobe mpitoroko, naho ry Iesorone jinoboko.
Thus saith Jehovah, thy Creator, He that formed thee, and hath helped thee from thy birth, Fear not, O Jacob, my servant, O Jeshurun, whom I have chosen.
3 Fa hañiliñako rano i kirikintàñey, naho rano mitsiritsioke an-tane maike eo; hadoako amo tiri’oo ty Troko, naho amo tarira’oo ty fañanintsiko.
For I will pour water upon the thirsty land, And streams upon the dry ground. I will pour out my spirit on thy children, And my blessing on thine offspring;
4 Le hitiry añate ahetse ao iereo manahake ty sohihy añolon-tsaka ey.
And they shall grow up, as among grass; As willows by the water-brooks.
5 Hanao ty hoe ty raike: A Iehovà iraho, le hitoka ty añara’e ho Iakobe ty raike; ty ila’e hanokitse am-pità’e eo t’ie a Iehovà, vaho hatao’e Israele ty añaram-binta’e.
One shall say, “I belong to Jehovah”; Another shall call upon the name of Jacob; Another shall write upon his hand, Jehovah's! And praise the name of Israel.
6 Hoe t’Iehovà, Mpanjaka’ Israele naho ty Mpijeba’e, t’Iehovà’ i Màroy; Izaho ro valoha’e, Izaho ro figadoña’e, le tsy eo t’i Andrianañahare naho tsy Izaho avao.
Thus saith Jehovah, the King of Israel, His redeemer, Jehovah of hosts: I am the first, and I the last, And besides me there is no God.
7 Ia ty manahak’ ahy—angao ho koihe’e naho ho taroñe’e, hamolily amako— boak’ amy nampijadoñako o matoetoeo! He adono re hitoky o viloñe ho avio, o raha mbe tsy nifetsakeo.
Who like me hath proclaimed the future, —Let him declare it, and set it in order before me!— Since I established the people of old? Let them make known the future, even that which is to come!
8 Ko hemban-drehe, ko mahimahiñe, tsy fa nitaroñeko haehae hao? Mbore nikoihako? Inahareo ro valolombeloko: Ia t’i Andrianañahare añ’ilako? Ia ka ty Lamilamy? ie alik’ amako.
Fear ye not, neither be ye afraid! Have I not declared and made it known to you of old? Ye are my witnesses; Is there a God beside me? Yea, there is no other rock; I know not any.
9 Songa tsy manjofake o mpamo­roñe sare’ndrahareo, vaho tsy vara o mahasinda iareoo; tsy maharendreke o mpitalili’ iareoo, tsy mahafohiñe, hisalara’e.
They that make a graven image are all of them vanity, And their valued works are profitable for nothing; They are their own witnesses; They neither see nor understand, So that they may be ashamed.
10 Ia ty namoroñe ty ‘ndrahare, ndra nampitranake saren-draha tsy jefa’e?
Who hath formed a god, And cast a graven image, that is profitable for nothing?
11 Toe ho meñatse iaby o mpirimboñe ama’eo, mentsake ondaty nandranjy iareoo; angao hifanontone iereo, songa hijohañe ey hirevendreveñe, sindre hitrao-kasalarañe.
Behold, all his fellows shall be ashamed; The workmen are themselves mortal men; They shall all be assembled; they shall stand up; They shall tremble, and be put to shame together!
12 Manefe fekoñe ty mpanefe, tolone’e am-baen’ afo, foroñe’e ami’ty ana-bato, anoe’e an-tsirañe maozatse; miha-kerè re, milesa i haozara’ey; tsy minon-drano, midazidazìtse.
The smith prepareth an axe in the coals, And fashioneth it with hammers, And worketh it with his strong arm; He becometh hungry, and his strength faileth; He drinketh no water, and is faint.
13 Mamavatse taly ty mpandranjy; sokire’e am-penisily; lamae’e am-pandama, patere’e an-kompà, vaho tsene’e ho sarem-binta’ondaty an-katsomerentseren-dra-olombelo, hitoboha’e añ’anjomba ao.
The carpenter stretcheth out the line; He marketh out the form of it with the sharp tool; He formeth it with planes; He marketh it with the compass; He maketh it in the figure of a man, With the beauty of a man, To dwell in a house.
14 Firae’e ho aze ty mendoraveñe, rambese’e ty varo naho ty kobaiñe; beize’e ka ty hatae raike añ’ala ao, ambolè’e ty kintsy, vaho mamahañe aze i orañey.
He heweth him down cedars; He taketh the ilex and the oak; He chooseth for himself among the trees of the forest; He planteth the ash, and the rain matureth it;
15 Minjare raha mete oroa’ ondaty, aa le angala’e hamindroa’e; eka viañe’e naho anokona’e mahakama; mbore andranjia’e ndrahare, naho mitalaho ama’e, anokira’e hazomanga vaho midrakadrakak’ ama’e.
These are fuel for man; He taketh thereof and warmeth himself; He kindleth with it, and baketh bread; A god also he formeth of it, and worshippeth it; A graven image, and falleth down before it.
16 Olora’e añ’afo ao ty ila’e; ikama’e i henay ie mitono ty ila’ i henay, le anjañe, eka, amindroa’e le manao ty hoe: Hiry! Mafana iraho fa nitendrek’afo.
Half of it he burneth with fire; With half of it he eateth flesh; He roasteth meat, and satisfieth himself; He also warmeth himself, and saith, Aha! I am warm; I feel the fire.
17 Ty sisa’e amboare’e ‘ndrahare, toe sare’e; mibaboke re italahoa’e, naho ihalalia’e, manao ty hoe: Hahao iraho, fa ‘ndrahareko irehe?
Of the residue he maketh a god, even his graven image; He falleth down before it and worshippeth it, And prayeth to it, and saith, “Deliver me, for thou art my God!”
18 Tsy apota’e, tsy mahilala; fa nakipe’e ty maso’iareo, tsy hahaisake, naho ty tro’e tsy haharendreke.
They know not, neither understand; For their eyes are closed up, that they cannot see, And their hearts, that they cannot understand.
19 Tsy eo ty mitsakore an-troke te tsy ama’e ty hihitse ndra hilala hanoa’e ty hoe: Toe finorototoko añ’afo ao ty ila’e; eka fa nanokonako ahandro o vae’eo; fa nahandroako hena naho nihinañe; aa vaho handranjiako raha tiva ty sisa’e? Hibabohako hao ty foto-katae?
None considereth in his mind, Or hath knowledge and understanding to say: “Half of it I have burned with fire; I have also baked bread on the coals of it; I have roasted flesh and have eaten; And shall I make the remnant an abomination? Shall I fall down before the stock of a tree?”
20 Lavenoke ty itamboavokaha’e, nampivike aze ty tro’e finitake, tsy haharombaha’e aiñe, hanao ty hoe: Tsy vande hao ty an-tañan-kavanako toa?
He toileth for ashes; A deluded heart turneth him aside, So that he cannot deliver himself, and say “Is there not a lie in my right hand?”
21 Tiahio o raha zao ry Iakobe, naho ry Israele, amy te mpitoroko; Izaho ty nitsene azo, fetrek’oroko irehe; ry Israele, ehe ko andikofa’o.
Remember these things, O Jacob, O Israel, for thou art my servant! I formed thee; thou art my servant; O Israel, I will not forget thee.
22 Fa finaoko hoe rahoñe milodolodo o fiolà’oo, naho hoe mika-mikopoke o tahi’oo, mibaliha amako fa nijebañeko.
I have caused thy transgressions to vanish like a cloud, And thy sins like a mist; Return to me, for I have redeemed thee!
23 Misaboa ry likerañeo, fa nifonira’ Iehovà; mamantsiña, ry goledoñe lalekeo; mipoñafa sabo ry vohitseo, ry ala naho ze hatae ama’e ao; amy te jineba’ Iehovà t’Iakobe, vaho rengè’e t’Israele.
Sing, O ye heavens, for Jehovah hath done it; Shout, O ye depths of the earth! Break forth into song, ye mountains! Thou forest, and every tree therein! For Jehovah hath redeemed Jacob, And glorified himself in Israel.
24 Hoe t’Iehovà Mpijeba’o, i nitsene azo an-koviñe aoy. Izaho Iehovà Andrianamboatse ze he’e; I mandafike o likerañeoy, Izaho raike; I mamelatse ty tane toiy, Izaho avao.
Thus saith Jehovah, thy Redeemer, Even he that formed thee from the womb; I am Jehovah, who made all things; Who stretched out the heavens alone; Who spread out the earth by myself;
25 I mampijiañe ty sahà’ i remborakey, naho mahaboseke o mpisikilio; naho mampidisa-voly o mahihitseo, vaho mampigege o hilala’eoy;
Who frustrateth the signs of deceivers, And maketh the diviners mad; Who putteth the wise men to shame, And maketh their knowledge folly;
26 I mañatò ty saontsi’ i mpitoro’ey naho mañeneke ze atoro’ o ira’eoy; ie mitalily am’Ierosalaime ty hoe: Ho fimoneñañe; naho amo rova’ Iehodào: Hamboareñe, vaho hatroako o mangoakoake ama’eo.
Who establisheth the word of his servant, And performeth the purpose of his messengers; Who saith of Jerusalem, “She shall be inhabited,” And of the cities of Judah, “They shall be built,” And, “Her desolated places I will restore.”
27 Ie manao amy lalekey ty hoe: Maiha, vaho ho maiheko ka o saka’oo;
Who saith to the deep, “Be dry! I will dry up thy streams!”
28 Ie anoe’e ty hoe i Korese: Mpiarak’añondriko re, hanoe’e iaby ze mahafale ty troko; hanoe’e ty hoe t’Ierosalaime: Ho rafeteñe! naho i anjomban’ Añaharey: Haoreñe o mananta’oo.
Who saith of Cyrus, “He is my shepherd; He shall perform all my pleasure”; Who saith of Jerusalem, “She shall be built,” And of the temple, “Her foundation shall be laid.”

< Isaia 44 >