< Hosea 7 >

1 Ie ho nanàha Israele iraho, le niafa-takoñe ty hakeo’ i Efraime, naho ty halò-tsere’ i Somerone; fa nitolom-pamañahiañe; mimoak’ ao ty mpikizo vaho mitavañe alafe eo ty malaso mpifañosoñe.
When I was about to deliver my people from captivity, When I would have healed Israel, Then the iniquity of Ephraim was discovered, And the wickedness of Samaria; For they practise fraud, And the thief entereth in, And the band of robbers spoileth without.
2 Toe tsy tsakoré’ iareo añ’arofo ao te hene tiahiko ty halò-tsere’ iareo; miarikoboñe iareo ty sata’ iareo, aolo’ ty tareheko eo.
And they think not in their hearts, That I remember all their wickedness. Now shall their doings encompass them; They are before my face.
3 Ampifalea’ iareo i mpanjakay amo sata-rati’ iareoo, naho o roandriañeo amo fandañira’eo.
With their wickedness they gladden the king, And with their falsehoods the princes; All of them are adulterers;
4 Fonga mpañarapilo manahake ty toñake finana’ i mpanoñakey ie tsy nasoro’e sikal’ami’ty fibokobokoan-kòba ampara’ ty fiboenara’e.
They are as an oven heated by the baker; He ceaseth to stir the fire, Until the dough which he hath kneaded be leavened.
5 Tañ’ andro’ i mpanjakan-tikañey, nisilofe’ ty hamaen-divay o roandriañeo, ie nañoho-pitañe amo mpandrabioñeo.
On the feast-day of our king, the princes are sick with the heat of wine, And he stretcheth out his hand with revilers.
6 Fa hinalankañe hoe toñake ty arofo’ iareo, ie mirekak’ avao te haleñe ie mirotse avao i mpanoñakey; le ie maraindray, miforehetse hoe afo milebaleba.
For they make ready their heart like an oven, while they lie in wait; All night the baker sleepeth; In the morning it gloweth like a flaming fire.
7 Manao hamaen-toñake iaby, fa finorototo’ iareo o mpizaka’eo; le fonga nihotrake o mpanjaka’eo; leo raike tsy mikanjy ahy.
They all glow as an oven; They have devoured their judges; All their kings have fallen; And none among them calleth upon me.
8 Efraime: mpitraok’ amo ambahinio, hoe mokary tsy navalike t’i Efraime.
Ephraim hath mixed himself with the nations; Ephraim is a cake not turned.
9 Nabotse’ o ambahinio ty haozara’e, fe amoea’e; eka etia naho atia ama’e ty maròy foty, fe tsy rendre’e.
Strangers have devoured his strength, And he knoweth it not; Yea, gray hairs are sprinkled upon him, Yet he knoweth it not.
10 Mitalily an-dahara’e ty fisengea’ Israele, fe mboe tsy nimpoly am’ Iehovà Andrianañahare’e, vaho mb’e mboe tsy mipay Aze iereo amy hoe zay iaby.
The pride of Israel testifieth to his face; Yet do not they return to Jehovah their God, Nor seek him, for all this.
11 Manahake deho minè t’i Efraime, tsy mahafohiñe; koihe’ iereo ty Mitsraime vaho mionjomb’e Asore mb’eo.
Ephraim is like a silly dove, without understanding; They call upon Egypt; they go to Assyria.
12 Handafihako harato iereo te mañavelo; ho tariheko mañambane manahake o voron-dikerañeo; ho liloveko iereo amy nitalilieñe amy fivori’ iareoy.
When they go, I will spread my net over them; As birds of heaven will I bring them down. I will chastise them, as hath been proclaimed in their congregation.
13 Hankàñe ama’e! fa nandripàke amako; firotsahañe am’ iereo fa niola amako! Ho nijebañeko f’ie nifosa vande.
Woe to them, for they have wandered from me! Destruction upon them, for they have rebelled against me! Though I myself would redeem them, they speak falsely to me.
14 Mboe tsy nitoreo amako boak’añ’arofo iereo, ndra t’ie mangolalaik’ am-pandreañ’ao; nifanontoñe ty amy ampembay naho i divay vaoy, fe iambohoa’ iareo iraho.
They cry not to me from their heart, But howl upon their beds; For corn and wine they assemble themselves; They rebel against me.
15 Ndra t’ie naòko, naho nampifatrareko o sira’ iareoo, mbe ikinia’ iareo haratiañe avao.
I have chastened them; I have also strengthened their arms; Yet do they devise evil against me.
16 Nibalike iereo, fe tsy mañambone hoe fale am-pañahy; ho tsingoroem-pibara o roandria’eo ami’ty firengevoham-pamele’ iareo, izay ty ho fandrambioñañe iareo an-tane Mitsraime añe.
They return, but not to the Most High; They are like a deceitful bow; Their princes shall fall by the sword for the haughtiness of their tongues; This shall be their reproach in the land of Egypt.

< Hosea 7 >