< Ezra 5 >
1 Aa le nitoky amo nte-Iehodà e Iehodà naho Ierosalaimeo amy zao o mpitokio; i Kagaý mpitoky naho i Zekarià, ana’ Idò, ie nitoky am’ iareo amy tahinan’ Añahare Israeley.
And prophesied have the prophets, (Haggai the prophet, and Zechariah son of Iddo) unto the Jews who [are] in Judah and in Jerusalem, in the name of the God of Israel — unto them.
2 Niongak’ amy zao t’i Zerobabele ana’ i Sealtiele naho Iesoà, ana’ Iotsadake niorotse namboatse i anjomban’ Añahare e Ierosalaimey; le nimpiam’ iareo nañimba, o mpitokin’ Añahareo,
Then have Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, and Jeshua son of Jozadak, risen, and begun to build the house of God, that [is] in Jerusalem, and with them are the prophets of God supporting them.
3 Pok’ eo amy zao t’i Tatenay, mpifehe alafe’ i Sakay añe naho i Setar-botsenay naho o rañe’eo, nanao ty hoe am’ iereo: Ia ty nanolo-dily anahareo handranjy o anjombao vaho ty hamonitse ty rafitse toy?
At that time come to them hath Tatnai, governor beyond the river, and Shethar-Boznai, and their companions, and thus they are saying to them, 'Who hath made for you a decree this house to build, and this wall to finish?'
4 naho ia o tahina’ ondaty mamboatse ty anjomba toio?
Then thus we have said to them, 'What [are] the names of the men who are building this building?'
5 Fa tamo mpiaolo’ o nte-Iehodaoo ty fihainon’ Añahare’ iareo, le tsy nazi’ iareo hitroatse, ampara’ te niheo amy Dareiavese i rahay vaho nimpoly am’ iereo an-taratasy ty vale’e.
And the eye of their God hath been upon the elders of the Jews, and they have not caused them to cease till the matter goeth to Darius, and then they send back a letter concerning this thing.
6 Itoy ty taratasy hambañe amy nampihitrife’ i Tatenay mpifelek’ alafe’ i Sakay atoiy naho i Setar-botsenay vaho o rañe’e nte-Afaresake alafe’ i Sakay atoio amy Dareiavese mpanjaka;
The copy of a letter that Tatnai, governor beyond the river, hath sent, and Shethar-Boznai and his companions, the Apharsachites who [are] beyond the river, unto Darius the king.
7 zao ty nisokitse amy taratasy nahitrikey: Ry Dariavese mpanjaka, hene hanintsiñe!
A letter they have sent unto him, and thus is it written in it:
8 Ampahafohinañe i mpanjakay te niheo mb’ an-tane’ Iehodà añe zahay, mb’amy anjomban’ Añahare jabahinakey mb’eo, ze amboareñe am-bato jabajaba naho bodan-katae amo rindri’eo, le ifanehafañe an-kahimbañañe i fitoloñañe zay vaho miraorao am-pità’ iareo.
'To Darius the king, all peace! be it known to the king that we have gone to the province of Judah, to the great house of God, and it is built [with] rolled stones, and wood is placed in the walls, and this work is done speedily, and prospering in their hand.
9 Aa le nañontanea’ay o mpiaoloo, ami’ty hoe: Ia ty nanolo-dily anahareo handranjy ty anjomba toy naho ty hamonitse o kijolio?
Then we have asked of these elders, thus we have said to them, Who hath made for you a decree this house to build, and this wall to finish?
10 Nañontanea’ay ka o tahina’ iareoo, ho taroñeñ’ ama’o, hanokira’ay ty tahina’ o mpiaolo’ iareoo.
And also their names we have asked of them, to let thee know, that we might write the names of the men who [are] at their head.
11 Le ty hoe ty navale’ iareo anay: Mpitoron’ Andrianañaharen-dikerañey naho ty tane toy zahay, le amboare’ay ty anjomba nifonitse taoñe maro taolo añe toy, i namboare’ ty mpanjaka ra’elahi’ Israele vaho nihenefe’ey.
'And thus they have returned us word, saying, We [are] servants of the God of heaven and earth, and are building the house that was built many years before this, that a great king of Israel built and finished:
12 Fe nampaviñeren-droae’ay t’i Andrianañaharen-dindiñe añe, le natolo’e am-pità’ i Nebokadnetsare, mpanjaka’ i Bavele, i nte-Kasdy nandrotsake ty anjomba toy vaho nanese ondatio mb’e Bavele mb’eoy.
but after that our fathers made the God of heaven angry, he gave them into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon the Chaldean, and this house he destroyed, and the people he removed to Babylon;
13 F’ie amy taom-baloha’ i Korese, mpanjaka’ i Baveley, le tsine’ i Korese mpanjaka te hamboareñe ty anjomban’ Añahare toy.
but in the first year of Cyrus king of Babylon, Cyrus the king made a decree to build this house of God,
14 Tovo’e: o fanake volamena naho volafoti’ i anjomban’ Añahare nakare’ i Nebokadnetsare boak’ añ’anjomba e Ierosalaime añe, ie nasese’e mb’ amy anjomba e Baveleio, le nakare’ i Korese boak’ amy anjomba’ i Baveley naho natolo’e amy atao Ses’ bazare nanoe’e mpifelekey;
and also, the vessels of the house of God, of gold and silver, that Nebuchadnezzar had taken forth out of the temple that [is] in Jerusalem, and brought them to the temple of Babylon, them hath Cyrus the king brought forth out of the temple of Babylon, and they have been given to [one], Sheshbazzar [is] his name, whom he made governor,
15 naho nanao ty hoe ama’e: Rambeso o fanake retoañe le akia apoho añ’anjomba’e e Ierosalaime ao vaho amboaro amy toe’e eo ty anjomban’ Añahare.
and said to him, These vessels lift up, go, put them down in the temple that [is] in Jerusalem, and the house of God is builded on its place.
16 Totsake eo amy zao t’i Sesbazare, le naore’e o mananta’ i anjomban’ Añahare e Ierosalaime aoio; le sikal’ amy andro zay pake henaneo t’ie namboareñe, fe mboe tsy fonitse.
Then hath this Sheshbazzar come — he hath laid the foundations of the house of God that [is] in Jerusalem, and from thence even till now it hath been building, and is not finished.
17 Ie amy zao naho mete añ’arofo’ i mpanjakay, te ho tsikaraheñe añ’ anjombam-panontona’ i mpanjaka e Baveley ty hatò’ te teo ze o tsey nanoe’ i Korese mpanjaka, hamboareñe i anjomban’ Añahare e Ierosalaimey zao, le ehe te hirahe’ i mpanjakay ama’ay ty satrin’ arofo’e amy rahay.
'And now, if to the king it be good, let search be made in the treasure-house of the king, that [is] there in Babylon, whether it be that of Cyrus the king there was made a decree to build this house of God in Jerusalem, and the will of the king concerning this thing he doth send unto us.'