< Ezra 2 >

1 Aa le zao o ana’ i borizà nionjoñe boak’ am-pandrohizañeio, amo nasese mb’eoo, amo nasese’ i Nebokadne­tsare mpanjaka’ i Bavele mb’e Bavele mb’eo, ze nimpoly mb’e Ierosalaime naho Iehodào, songa mb’an-drova’e mb’eo;
King Nebuchadnezzar’s [soldiers] had captured many [Israeli] people and taken them to Babylonia. [Many years later, ] some Israeli people returned to Judah. Some returned to Jerusalem, and some returned to [other places in] Judah. They went to the towns where their ancestors had lived. This is a list of the groups who returned.
2 le o nimb’eo nindre amy Zerobabeleo: Iesoa, i Nekemià, i Seraià, i Reelaià, i Mordekay, i Bilsane, i Mispare, i Bigvay, i Rekome, i Baanà. Ty ia’ o nte-Israeleo:
The leaders of those groups were Zerubbabel, Jeshua, Nehemiah, Seraiah, Reelaiah, Mordecai, Bilshan, Mispar, Bigvai, Rehum, and Baanah. There were:
3 O ana’ i Paroseo, ro-arivo-tsi-zato-tsi-fitompolo-ro’amby.
2,172 descendants of Parosh
4 O ana’ i Sefatiào, telon-jato-tsi-fitom-polo-ro’amby.
372 descendants of Shephatiah
5 O ana’ i Arakeo, fiton-jato-tsi-fitompolo-lim’ amby.
775 descendants of Arah
6 O ana’ i Pakate-moabeo, amo ana’ Iesoà naho Ioabeo, ro’arivo-tsi-valon-jato-tsi-folo-ro’amby.
2,812 descendants of Pahath-Moab, from the families of Jeshua and Joab
7 O ana’ i Elameo, arivo-tsi-roanjato-tsi-limampolo-efats’ amby.
1,254 descendants of Elam
8 O ana’ i Zatòo, sivanjato-tsi-efapolo-lime amby.
945 descendants of Zattu
9 O ana’ i Zakaio, fitonjato-tsi-enempolo.
760 descendants of Zaccai
10 O ana’ i Banio, enenjato-tsi-efapolo-ro’amby.
642 descendants of Bani
11 O ana’ i Bebaio, enenjato-tsi-roapolo-telo’ amby.
623 descendants of Bebai
12 O ana’ i Azgadeo, arivo-tsi-roanjato-tsi-roapolo-ro’ amby.
1,222 descendants of Azgad
13 O ana’ i Adonikameo, enenjato-tsi-enempolo-eneñ’ amby.
666 descendants of Adonikam
14 O ana’ i Bigvaio, ro’arivo-tsi-limampolo-eneñ’ amby.
2,056 descendants of Bigvai
15 O ana’ i Adineo, efajato-tsi-limampolo-efats’ amby.
454 descendants of Adin
16 O ana’ i Atere nte-Kezekiào, sivampolo-valo’ amby.
98 descendants of Ater, whose other name was Hezekiah
17 O ana’ i Betsaio, telonjato-tsi-roapolo-telo’ amby.
323 descendants of Bezai
18 O ana’ Iorào, zato-tsi-folo-ro’ amby.
112 descendants of Jorah
19 O ana’ i Kasomeo, roanjato-tsi-roapolo-telo’amby.
223 descendants of Hashum
20 O ana’ i Gibareo, sivampolo-lim’ amby,
95 descendants of Gibbar. [People whose ancestors had lived in these towns in Judah: ]
21 O ana’ i Betlekhemeo, zato-tsi-roapolo-telo’ amby.
123 from Bethlehem
22 O nte-Netofao, limampolo-eneñ’ amby.
56 from Netophah
23 O nte-Anatoteo, zato-tsi-roapolo-valo’ amby.
128 from Anathoth
24 O ana’ i Azmaveteo, efapolo-ro’ amby.
42 from Azmaveth
25 O ana’ i Kiriate-arimeo, i Kefirè naho i Bierote, fiton-jato-tsi-efapolo-telo’ amby.
743 from Kiriath-Jearim, Kephirah, and Beeroth
26 O ana’ i Rama naho i Gabao, enen-jato-tsi-roapolo-raik’ amby.
621 from Ramah and Geba
27 O nte-Mikmase, zato-tsi-roapolo-ro’ amby.
122 from Micmash
28 O nte-Betele naho Aio, roanjato-tsi-roapolo-telo’ amby.
223 from Bethel and Ai
29 O ana’ i Neboo, limampolo-ro’ amby.
52 from Nebo
30 O ana’ i Magbi­seo, zato-tsi-limampolo-eneñ’ amby.
156 from Magbish
31 O ana’ i Elame raikeo, arivo-tsi-roanjato-tsi-limampolo-efats’ amby.
1,254 from Elam
32 O ana’ i Karimeo, telonjato-tsi-roapolo.
320 from Harim
33 O ana’ i Lodeo, Kadide naho i Ono, fitonjato-tsi-roapolo lim’ amby.
725 from Lod, Hadid, and Ono
34 O ana’ Ierikoo, telonjato-tsi-efapolo’ lim’ amby.
345 from Jericho
35 O ana’ i Senào, telo-arivo-tsi-enenjato-tsi-telopolo.
3,630 from Senaah.
36 O mpisoroñeo: o ana’ Iedaià, amy anjomba’ Iesoàio, sivanjato-tsi-fitom-polo-telo’ amby.
Priests who returned: 973 descendants of Jedaiah (that is, those from the family of Jeshua)
37 O ana’ Imereo, arivo-tsi-limampolo-ro’amby.
1,052 descendants of Immer
38 O ana’ i Pasoreo, arivo-tsi-roanjato-tsi-efapolo-fito’ amby.
1,247 descendants of Pashhur
39 O ana’ i Karimoo, arivo-tsi-folo-fito’ amby.
1,017 descendants of Harim. The ones from the [rest of the] tribe of Levi who returned were:
40 O nte-Levio: o ana’ Iesoa naho i Kadmiele, amo ana’ i Hodaviàoo, fitom-polo-efats’ amby.
74 descendants of Jeshua and Kadmiel, who were from the family of Hodaviah
41 O mpisaboo: o ana’ i Asafeo, zato-tsi-roapolo-valo’ amby.
128 singers who were descendants of Asaph
42 O ana’ o mpañambeñeoo; o ana’ i Salomeo, o ana’ i Ate­reo, o ana’ i Talmoneo, o ana’ i Akobeo, o ana’ i Hatitào, o ana’ i Sobaio; ie iaby izay zato-tsi-telopolo-sive amby.
139 (gatekeepers/men who guarded the gates of the temple) who were descendants of Shallum, Ater, Talmon, Akkub, Hatita, and Shobai.
43 O mpitoroñe añ’ anjomban’ Añahareo: o ana’ i Tsikhào, o ana’ i Hasofao, o ana’ i Tabaoteo,
The (temple workers/men who would work in the temple) who were descendants of these men: Ziha, Hasupha, Tabbaoth,
44 o ana’ i Keroseo, o ana’ i Siahao, o ana’ i Padoneo,
Keros, Siaha, Padon,
45 o ana’ i Le­ba­nao, o ana’ i Kagabào, o ana’ i Akobeo,
Lebanah, Hagabah, Akkub,
46 o ana’ i Kagabeo, o ana’ i Salmaeo, o ana’ i Kanàneo,
Hagab, Shalmai, Hanan,
47 o ana’ i Gideleo, o ana’ i Gahareo, o ana’ i Reaiào,
Giddel, Gahar, Reaiah,
48 o ana’ i Re­tsineo, o ana’ i Nekodao, o ana’ i Gazameo,
Rezin, Nekoda, Gazzam,
49 o ana’ i Ozao, o ana’ i Pa­seào, o ana’ i Besaio,
Uzza, Paseah, Besai,
50 o ana’ i Asnào, o ana’ i Mehonimeo, o ana’ i Nefosimeo,
Asnah, Meunim, Nephusim,
51 o ana’ i Bakbokeo, o Kahofào, o ana’ i Karkoreo,
Bakbuk, Hakupha, Harhur,
52 o ana’ i Bats­loteo, o ana’ i Mehidao, o ana’ i Karsào,
Bazluth, Mehida, Harsha,
53 o ana’ i Barkoseo, o ana’ i Siserao, o ana’ i Tamakeo,
Barkos, Sisera, Temah,
54 o ana’ i Netsiakeo, o ana’ i Katifao.
Neziah, and Hatipha.
55 O anam-pitoro’ i Selomoo: o ana’ i Sotaio, o ana’ i Sofereteo, o ana’ i Perodao,
These descendants of [King] Solomon’s servants [returned]: Sotai, Hassophereth, Peruda,
56 o ana’ Iaalào, o ana’ i Darkoneo, o ana’ i Gideleo,
Jaalah, Darkon, Giddel,
57 o ana’ i Sefatiào, o ana’ i Hatileo, o ana’ i Pokerete nte-Tsebaimeo, o ana’ i Amio.
Shephatiah, Hattil, Pokereth-Hazzebaim, and Ami.
58 O mpitoro’ i kibohoy iabio naho o anam-pitoro’ i Se­lo­moo: telon-jato-tsi-sivampolo-ro’amby.
Altogether, there were 392 temple workers and descendants of Solomon’s servants who returned.
59 Inao o nionjoñe boak’e Tel-melà, i Tel-harsà, i Kerobe, i Adane vaho Imereo; f’ie tsy nahafiantoñoñe ty anjomban-droae’e naho ty maha-tarira’ Israele iareo.
There was another group who returned [to Judah] from Tel-Melah, Tel-Harsha, Kerub, Addan, and Immer [towns in Babylonia]. But they could not prove that they were descendants of [people who previously lived in] Israel.
60 O ana’ i Delaiào, o ana’ i Tobiào, o ana’ i Nekodao, enen-jato-tsi-limampolo-ro’amby.
This group included 652 people who were descendants of Delaiah, Tobiah, and Nekoda.
61 Naho amo anam-pisoroñeo: o ana’ i Kabaiào, o ana’ i Kozeo, o ana’ i Barzilaio; ie nañenga valy amo anak’ ampela’ i Barzilay nte-Giladeo vaho nitokaveñe amy tahina’ iareoy.
Hobaiah’s clan, Hakkoz’s clan, and Barzillai’s clan also returned. Barzillai had married a woman who was a descendant of Barzillai from [the] Gilead [region], and he had taken for himself the name of his father-in-law’s clan.
62 Pinai’ iareo o famoliliam-piantoño’ iareoo, fe tsy nahaisake; aa le natao ho maleotse vaho nafahañe tsy hitolon-ko mpisoroñe.
The people in that group searched in the documents that had the names of the ancestors of all the clans, but these men’s names were not found. So they were not permitted do the work that priests did.
63 Le nanao ty hoe am’iereo t’i Tirsatà: Tsy mete mikama amo raha niava-do’eo iereo ampara’ te miongake ty mpisoroñe reketse orime naho tomime.
The governor told them that they would need to ask a priest to consult Yahweh by [(casting/throwing] the sacred lots/stones [that had been marked]), to determine if those men were truly Israelis. When the priests did that, [if the stones showed that those men were Israelis], they would be permitted to eat the shares of the sacrifices that were given to the priests.
64 I valobohòke zay le efats’ ale-tsi-ro’ arivo-tsi-telonjato-tsi-enempolo,
Altogether 42,360 Israeli people who returned to Judah.
65 mbe tovo’ izay o mpitoro’eo naho o anak’ ampata’eo, ie nitontoñe ho fito-arivo-tsi-telonjato-tsi-telopolo-fito’ amby; vaho am’iereo ao ty lahilahy mpi­sabo naho rakemba mpisabo roanjato.
There were also 7,337 servants and 200 musicians, both men and women, who returned.
66 O soavala’ iareoo: fitonjato-tsi-telopolo-eneñ’ amby; o borìke-vosi’ iareoo: roanjato-tsi-efapolo-lim’ amby;
The Israelis brought with them [from Babylonia] 736 horses, 245 mules,
67 o rameva’ iareoo: efajato-tsi-telopolo-lim’ amby, o borìke iareoo: eneñ’ arivo-tsi-fitonjato-tsi-roapolo.
435 camels, and 6,720 donkeys.
68 Tamo talèn-droae niheo mb’añ anjomba’ Iehovà e Ierosalaimeo, ty nanolotse an-tsatrin’ arofo, hampitroarañe i anjomban’ Añaharey an-toe’e eo;
When they arrived at the temple of Yahweh in Jerusalem, some of the clan leaders gave money [for the supplies needed] to rebuild the temple at the place where the temple had been previously.
69 tinolo’iereo amy fanontoñam-pitoloñañey an-kalefeañe ty volamena bogady eneñ’ ale-tsi-arivo naho volafoty minà lime-arivo naho sarìmbom-pisoroñe, zato.
They all gave as much money as they were able to give. Altogether they gave 61,000 gold coins, (6,250 pounds/3,000 kg.) of silver, and 100 robes for the priests.
70 Aa le nimoneñe amo rova’ iareoo ty ila’ o mpisoroñeo naho o nte-Levio naho ondatio naho o mpi­saboo naho o mpañambeñeo naho o mpitoron-kivohoo; le songa nimoneñe amy rova’ey t’Israele.
Then the priests, the [other] descendants of Levi, the musicians, the temple guards, and some of the [other] people started to live in the towns and villages [near Jerusalem]. The rest of the people went to the other places in Israel where their ancestors had lived.

< Ezra 2 >