< Eksodosy 8 >
1 le nitsara amy Mosè t’Iehovà, Akia miheova mb’ amy Parò mb’eo vaho ano ty hoe ama’e, Hoe ty tsinara’ Iehovà: Ampiavoto ondatikoo, hitoroñe ahiko.
Afterward the Lord sayde vnto Moses, Goe vnto Pharaoh, and tell him, Thus saith the Lord, Let my people goe, that they may serue me:
2 Aa ie mitoky, tsy hampienga, le inao, ho tsitsifeko sahoñe o tane’oo.
And if thou wilt not let them goe, beholde, I will smite all thy countrey with frogges:
3 Hifamorohotse amy Nailey o sahoñeo. Hiakatse boak’ao hizilik’ añ’ anjomba’o ao naho an-traño firota’o ao naho am-pandrea’o ao naho añ’ anjomba’ o mpitoro’oo naho amo ondati’oo naho amo fanokona’oo vaho amo finga fitroboan-kobao.
And the riuer shall scral ful of frogges, which shall goe vp and come into thine house, and into thy chamber, where thou sleepest, and vpon thy bed, and into the house of thy seruants, and vpon thy people, and into thine ouens, and into thy kneading troughes.
4 Hanganik’ ama’o naho am’ondati’oo vaho amo mpitoro’oo o sahoñeo.
Yea, the frogges shall climbe vp vpon thee, and on thy people, and vpon all thy seruants.
5 Le hoe t’Iehovà amy Mosè, Saontsio t’i Aharone, Ahitio ambone’ o torahañeo naho o talahao vaho o antarao ty fità’o rekets’ i kobai’oy hampiakatse o sahoñeo mb’an-tane Mitsraime mb’eo.
Also the Lord said vnto Moses, Say thou vnto Aaron, Stretch out thine hande with thy rod vpon the streames, vpon the riuers, and vpon the ponds, and cause frogs to come vp vpon the land of Egypt.
6 Aa le natora-kitsi’ i Aharone ambone’ o rano’ i Mitsraimeo ty fità’e vaho nitroatse mb’an-tamboho mb’eo o sahoñeo nanafotse ty tane Mitsraime.
Then Aaron stretched out his hand vpon the waters of Egypt, and the frogges came vp, and couered the land of Egypt.
7 Fe tsinikombe’ o ambiasao amo sahà’ iareoo, le nañakatse sahoñe an-tane Mitsraime ka.
And the sorcerers did likewise with their sorceries, and brought frogges vp vpon the land of Egypt.
8 Nikanjie’ i Parò t’i Mosè naho i Aharone le nanao ty hoe: Mihalalia am’Iehovà te hakareñe amako naho am’ ondatikoo o sahoñeo vaho hengako homb’eo ondatio hisoroñe am’ Iehovà.
Then Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron, and said, Pray ye vnto the Lord, that hee may take away the frogges from mee, and from my people, and I will let the people goe, that they may doe sacrifice vnto the Lord.
9 Hoe ty Mosè amy Parò, Inao ty engeñe atoloko azo: Ombia ty hihalaliako ho azo naho o mpitoro’oo naho ondati’oo te hasoike ama’ areo vaho añ’ anjomba’ areo o sahoñeo, hampipoke iareo amy sàkay avao?
And Moses said vnto Pharaoh, Concerning me, euen command when I shall pray for thee, and for thy seruants, and for thy people, to destroy the frogges from thee and from thine houses, that they may remaine in the riuer only.
10 Le hoe re, Hamaray. Hoe t’i Mosè, Ie o sinaontsi’oo! Hahafohina’o te tsy amam-pañirinkiriñe aze t’Iehovà Andrianañahare’ay.
Then he said, To morowe. And he answered, Be it as thou hast said, that thou maiest know, that there is none like vnto the Lord our God.
11 Ie misitak’azo naho o anjomba’oo naho o mpitoro’oo naho ondati’oo, le hidok’ amy sàkay avao.
So the frogges shall depart from thee, and from thine houses, and from thy seruantes, and from thy people: onely they shall remaine in the riuer.
12 Nienga i Parò amy zao t’i Mosè naho i Aharone vaho nikaike Iehovà t’i Mosè ty amo sahoñe nitsobore’ i Paròo.
Then Moses and Aaron went out from Pharaoh: and Moses cryed vnto the Lord concerning the frogges, which hee had sent vnto Pharaoh.
13 Le nanoe’ Iehovà i nihalalie’ i Mosèy, nimate añ’ anjomba ao o sahoñeo naho an-kiririsa ey naho an-tetek’ ao.
And the Lord did according to the saying of Moses: so the frogges died in the houses, in the townes, and in the fieldes.
14 Aa le natonto’ iareo an-kivotri-kivotry ampara’ te nitrotròtse i taney.
And they gathered the together by heaps, and the land stanke of them.
15 Aa naho nioni’ i Parò t’ie nikepake le nampientetse arofo, nihiritsiritse am’ iereo, amy nitsara’ Iehovày.
But when Pharaoh sawe that hee had rest giuen him, he hardened his heart, and hearkened not vnto them, as the Lord had said.
16 Le hoe t’Iehovà amy Mosè, Anò ty hoe amy Aharone, Ahitio o kobai’oo vaho paoho ty lembo’ o taneo, hanjaria’e boròm-pìhetse hanitsike ty tane’ i Mitsraime.
Againe the Lord sayd vnto Moses, Say vnto Aaron, Stretche out the rod, and smite the dust of the earth, that it may bee turned to lyce throughout all the land of Egypt.
17 Nanoe’ iereo; nahiti’ i Aharone ty fità’e reke-kobaiñe vaho pinao’e ty debo’ i taney, le nirodañe am’ ondatio naho amo hàreo ty boròm-pìhetse, ze atao debok’ an-tane eo fonga ninjare boròm-pìhetse nanitsike ty tane Mitsraime.
And they did so: for Aaron stretched out his hand with his rod, and smote the dust of the earth: and lyce came vpon man and vpon beast: all the dust of the earth was lyce throughout all the land of Egypt.
18 Nimanea’ o ambiasao ty hañakatse boròm-pìhetse amo sahà’ iareoo fe tsy nahalefe. Nipetak’ am’ondatio naho amo hareo o boròm-pìhetseo.
Nowe the enchanters assaied likewise with their enchantments to bring forth lyce, but they could not. So the lyce were vpon man and vpon beast.
19 Le hoe o ambiasao amy Parò, Rambom-pitàn’ Añahare toy! fe nihagàñe avao ty arofo’ i Parò le tsy nihaoña’e, izay ty nitsara’ Iehovà.
Then saide the enchanters vnto Pharaoh, This is the finger of God. But Pharaohs heart remained obstinate, and hee hearkened not vnto them, as the Lord had said.
20 Le hoe t’Iehovà amy Mosè, Mañaleñaleña le mijohaña añatrefa’ i Parò, t’ie miavotse mb’an-drano mb’eo vaho ano ty hoe, Hoe ty tsinara’ Iehovà: Angao hiavotse mb’eo ondatikoo hitalaho amako.
Moreouer the Lord sayd to Moses, Rise vp earely in the morning, and stand before Pharaoh (lo, hee will come forth vnto the water) and say vnto him, Thus saith the Lord, Let my people go, that they may serue me.
21 Aa hera tsy hengà’o homb’eo ondatikoo, le haropako ama’o ty laletse mifamorohotse naho amo mpitoro’oo naho am’ondati’oo naho añ’anjomba’ areo ao, le hifamorohotse añ’ anjomba’ o nte-Mitsraimeo o laletseo vaho an-tane ijohaña’ iareo.
Els, if thou wilt not let my people goe, behold, I will send swarmes of flies both vpon thee, and vpon thy seruants, and vpon thy people, and into thine houses: and the houses of the Egyptians shalbe full of swarmes of flies, and the ground also whereon they are.
22 Fe haviko amy andro zay ty tane Gosena imoneña’ ondatikoo, tsy hiropahan-daletse, hahafohina’o te añivo ty tane atoy iraho, Iehovà.
But ye land of Goshe, where my people are, wil I cause to be wonderfull in that day, so that no swarmes of flies shalbe there, that thou maiest know that I am the Lord in the middes of the earth.
23 Eka, hampijadoñako jebañe añivo’ ondatikoo naho ondati’oo. Hipoteake maray i viloñe zay.
And I will make a deliuerance of my people from thy people: to morowe shall this miracle be.
24 Nanoe’ Iehovà, le havasiañan-dale-dero ty nifoak’ añ’ anjomba’ i Parò naho añ’ anjomba’ o mpitoro’e iabio; vaho hene nampiantoe’ i fifamorohotan-daletsey ty tane Mitsraime.
And the Lord did so: for there came great swarmes of flies into the house of Pharaoh, and into his seruants houses, so that through all the lande of Egypt, the earth was corrupt by the swarmes of flies.
25 Kinoi’ i Parò amy zao t’i Mosè naho i Aharone le nanao ty hoe, Akia, misoroña aman’ Añahare’ areo an-tane atoy.
Then Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron, and saide, Goe, doe sacrifice vnto your God in this lande.
26 Aa hoe t’i Mosè, Tsy mete t’ie hanoe’ay fa sirika amo nte-Mitsraimeo o fisoroña’ay am’ Iehovà Andrianañahare’aio. Aa naho isoroña’ay am-pahaisaha’ o nte-Mitsraimeo ty raha tiva, tsy ho fetsahe’ iareo vato hao?
But Moses answered, It is not meete to do so: for then we shoulde offer vnto the Lord our God that, which is an abomination vnto the Egyptians. Loe, can we sacrifice the abomination of the Egyptians before their eyes, and they not stone vs?
27 Hañavelo telo andro mb’ am-patrambey añe zahay, hisoroñe am’ Iehovà Andrianañahare’ay, amy ze hitsarae’e ama’ay.
Let vs go three dayes iourney in the desert, and sacrifice vnto the Lord our God, as he hath commanded vs.
28 Aa le hoe t’i Parò, Hengako hiavotse mb’ am-patrambey ao nahareo hisoroñe am’ Iehovà Andrianañahare’ areo naho tsy loho lavitse ty añaveloa’ areo. Mihalalia ho ahiko.
And Pharaoh said, I will let you go, that ye may sacrifice vnto the Lord your God in the wildernesse: but goe not farre away, pray for me.
29 Le hoe t’i Mosè, Vata’e mienga azo iraho le hihalaly am’ Iehovà te hasitake amy Parò naho amo mpitoro’eo vaho am’ondati’eo hamaray o laletse mifamorohotseo le asoao tsy ho fañahie’ i Parò avao, tsy hampienga’e hisoroñe am’ Iehovà ondatio.
And Moses said, Behold, I will go out from thee, and pray vnto the Lord, that the swarmes of flies may depart from Pharaoh, from his seruants, and from his people to morowe: but let Pharaoh from hencefoorth deceiue no more, in not suffering the people to sacrifice vnto the Lord.
30 Aa le nienga i Parò t’i Mosè vaho nihalaly am’ Iehovà.
So Moses went out from Pharaoh and prayed vnto the Lord.
31 Le nanoe’ Iehovà i nihalalie’ey: nafaha’e amy Parò naho amo mpitoro’eo naho am’ ondati’eo o laletse nifamorohotseo, leo raike tsy napoke.
And the Lord did according to the saying of Moses, and the swarmes of flies departed from Pharaoh, from his seruants, and from his people, and there remained not one.
32 Le mbe nampientere’ i Parò ty arofo’e henane zay, tsy nenga’e hiavotse ondatio.
Yet Pharaoh hardened his heart at this time also, and did not let the people goe.