< Eksodosy 3 >

1 Ie niarake ty lia-rai’ Iit’rò, rafoza’e, mpisoro’ i Midiane, t’i Mosè, le niaoloe’e mb’an-kalo’ i ratraratray mb’eo i lia-raikey vaho pok’ e Korèbe vohin’ Añahare eo.
Moses/I was taking care of the sheep that belonged to his/my father-in-law Jethro, the priest of the Midian [people]. He/I led the flock across the desert and came to Horeb, [the mountain that was later called Sinai], the (mountain that [had been dedicated to] God/taboo mountain).
2 Nisodehañe ama’e an-delan’afo an-drongoñe ao ty anjeli’ Iehovà; nisaria’e, le ndra te nirebarebaen’ afo i rongoñey tsy naha­tomontoñe aze.
[One day] Yahweh (appeared/revealed himself) to him/me, [looking like] an angel. The angel appeared in a flame of fire in the middle of a bush [that was burning]. Moses/I looked at it, and he/I was surprised that the bush was burning, but it was not burning up.
3 Le hoe t’i Mosè, Het! hitsile iraho hisamba o raha fanjaka eroan-koekeo, handrendreke ty tsy mahamae o rongoñeo.
Moses/I thought, “I will go closer and try to see this strange sight! Why is the bush not burning up?”
4 Nivazoho’ Iehovà t’ie nitsile mb’eo hisamba, le nikanjien’ Añahare boak’ amy rongoñey, ami’ty hoe: O Mosè, Mosè! Hoe re, Intoy iraho,
When Yahweh saw that he/I had come closer, he called to Moses/me from the middle of the bush, saying, “Moses! Moses!” He/I replied, “[Yes], here I am.”
5 Le hoe re, Ko mañarivo mb’etoañe, afaho hey o hana am-pandia’oo amy te masiñe o tane ijohaña’oo.
Yahweh said, “Do not come closer! [Because I am God], the ground on which you are standing is holy/taboo. So take off your sandals [to show respect to me].”
6 Tinovo’e ty hoe, Izaho t’i Andrianañaharen-droae’o, t’i Andrianañahare’ i Avrahame naho t’i Andrianañahare’ Ietsàke vaho t’i Andrianañahare’ Iakòbe. Le nanakon-daharañe t’i Mosè fa nihembañe tsy te hahaisak’ an’ Andrianañahare.
Then he said, “I am God, whom your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob [worshiped].” So Moses/I covered his/my face, because he/I was afraid [that God would kill him/me] if he/I looked at him.
7 Le hoe t’Iehovà, Toe nisarieko ty hasotria’ ondatiko e Mitsraimeo; le tsinanoko ty fitoreo’ iareo ty amo mpanao bozizy iareoo; toe apotako ty halovilovia’ iareo,
Then Yahweh said, “I have seen how cruelly [they are treating] my people in Egypt. I have heard them (wailing/crying out) [for help] because of what the slave-drivers [are forcing them to do]. I know how my people are suffering.
8 le nizotsoako handrombak’ iareo amo nte-Mitsraimeo, hañakatse iereo amy taney naho hendeseko mb’ am-patram-bey soa, mb’ an-tane orikorihen-dronono naho tantele, mb’ an-tane’ o nte-Kanàneo naho o nte-Kheteo naho o nte-Emoreo naho o nte-Peri­zeo naho o nte-Kiveo vaho o nte-Iebosìo.
So I have come down [from heaven] to rescue them from the Egyptians [SYN]. I have come to bring them up from that land [to the highlands in Canaan]. I will bring them to a land that is good/fertile and that has plenty of space. It will be very good for raising livestock and growing crops [MTY]. It is the land where the descendants of Canaan, Heth, Amor, Periz, Hiv, and Jebus [live].
9 Ie amy zao, inao! fa pok’ amako ty fibabababa’ o ana’ Israeleo; vaho nitreako ty famorekekea’ o nte-Mitsraime manindry iareoo.
Truly I have now heard my Israeli people crying [PRS]. I have seen how the Egyptians oppress them.
10 Akia, mamantok’ azo iraho homb’ amy Parò mb’eo hañavotse o ana’ Israele ondatikoo amy Mitsraime.
So you go [back] to Egypt. I am sending you to the king, in order that [he may permit] you to bring my people, the Israeli people, out of Egypt.”
11 Aa hoe t’i Mosè aman’ Añahare, Ia v-iraho te homb’ amy Parò hañakatse o ana’ Israeleo boake Mitsraime ao?
But Moses/I replied, “I am not a well-known person [RHQ]! (I cannot go to the king and [ask him to permit me] to bring the Israeli people out of Egypt!/How can I go to the king and [ask him to allow me to] bring the Israeli people out of Egypt?)” [RHQ]
12 Hoe re, Toe hindrezako; vaho zao ty haha­rendreha’o an-kató te Izaho ty nañirak’ azo: naho navota’o boake Mitsraime ao ondatio, le hitalaho aman’ Añahare ami’ty vohitse toy nahareo.
God replied, “I will be with you. And when you bring [my] people out of Egypt, all of you will worship me [right] here on this mountain. That will prove that I am the one who sent you [to them].”
13 Aa hoe t’i Mosè aman’ Añahare, Ingo, homb’ amo ana’ Israeleo mb’eo iraho hanao ty hoe, Nirahen’ Añaharen-droae’ areo homb’ ama’ areo mb’ etoan-draho, vaho hañontanea’ iereo ty hoe, Ia ty tahina’e? aa le inoñe ty havaleko?
Moses/I said to God, “If I go to the Israeli people and say to them, ‘God, the one your ancestors [worshiped], has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’, what shall I say to them?”
14 Hoe t’i Andrianañahare amy Mosè, Ehiè ze Ehiè, Le tinovo’e ty hoe, Hoe ty ho saontsie’o amo ana’ Israeleo, Ehiè, ty nañitrik’ ahy homb’ama’ areo mb’etoa.
God replied, “I AM who I AM.” And he said, “Tell the Israeli people that the one who is [named] ‘I AM’ has sent me to you.”
15 Hoe ka t’i Andrianañahare amy Mosè, Hoe ty hatao’o amo ana’ Israeleo, Iehovà, Andrianañaharen-droae’ areo, t’i Andrianañahare’ i Avrahame, i Andrianañahare’ Ietsàke naho i Andrianañahare’ Iakòbe ro nañirak’ ahy homb’ama’ areo mb’etoa. Izay ty añarako nainai’e, vaho izay ty fanoñonañe ahy nainai’e an-tsà an-tsà.
God also said to Moses/me, “Say this to the Israeli people: ‘Yahweh God, the one your ancestors [worshiped], the one that Abraham and Isaac and Jacob [worshiped], has sent me to you.’ This name, [Yahweh], will be my name forever. That is the name that [people in] all future generations [must use when they talk about/to] me.
16 Akia, atontono o androanavi’ Israeleo vaho ano ty hoe, Nisodehañe’ amako t’Iehovà Andrianañaharen-droae’ areo, t’i Andrianañahare’ i Avrahame naho Ietsàke vaho Iakòbey, nanao ty hoe: Toe nitilik’ anahareo iraho naho nitreako o anoañe e Mitsraimeo.
Go [to Egypt] and gather together the elders/leaders of the Israeli people, and say to them, ‘Yahweh God, the one your ancestors [worshiped], the one Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob [worshiped], appeared to me. He said to him/me, “I have been watching closely what the Egyptian people have done to you.
17 Le hoe iraho: havotako ami’ty halovilovia’ i Mitsraime nahareo, homb’ an-tane’ i nte-Kanàney naho i nte-Khetey naho i nte-Emorey naho i nte-Periziy naho i nte-Kivey vaho i nte-Iebosìy, mb’tane orikorihen-dronono naho tantele añe.
I promise that I will rescue you from being oppressed in Egypt, and [I will take you] to the land where the descendants of Canaan, Heth, Amor, Periz, Hiv, and Jebus [live]. It is a land good for raising livestock and growing crops [MTY].”’
18 Ho haoñe’ iareo ty fiarañanaña’o le hiheo mb’amy mpanjaka’ i Mitsraimey irehe rekets’ o androanavi’ Israeleo hanao ty hoe, Fa nifañaoñe ama’ay t’Iehovà Andrianañahare’ o nte-Evreo, aa le angao hañavelo lia telo andro am-patram­bey añe hañenga soroñe am’ Iehovà Andria­nañahare’ay.
My people will do what you say. Then you and their leaders must go to the king of Egypt, and you must say to him, ‘Yahweh, who is God, the one we Hebrews [worship], has revealed himself to us. So now we ask you to allow us to travel for three days to [a place in] the desert, in order that there we may offer sacrifices to Yahweh, our God.’
19 Toe fantako t’ie tsy hapo’ ty mpanjaka’ i Mitsraime hañavelo naho tsy am-pitàñe maozatse.
But I know that the king of Egypt will allow you to go only if he realizes I am [more] powerful [MTY] [than he is].
20 Aa le hahitiko ty tañako hipaoke i Mitsraime amy ze hene fitoloñañe mahalatsa hanoeko ao. Mandimbe izay t’ie hapo’e hienga.
So I will use my power [MTY] to strike/punish [the people of] Egypt [MTY] by performing many miracles there. Then he will allow you to leave.
21 Toe hampañisohako am-pihaino’ o nte-Mitsraimeo ondatio, aa ie mienga, le tsy hañavelo an-tañam-polo;
[When that happens], I will cause the people of Egypt to respect you. [The result will be that] when you leave Egypt, (you will not go empty-handed/they will give you many [valuable] things to take with you).
22 fa songa hihalaly fanake volafoty naho volamena naho saroñe amo mpiharo tanàñe ama’eo naho amy ze ambahiny añ’ anjomba’e ao ze rakemba vaho haombe’ areo amo ana-dahy naho anakampela’ areoo vaho ho volose’ areo o nte-Mitsraimeo.
[At that time], each [Israeli] woman will ask her [Egyptian] neighbors and each [Egyptian] woman who is living in her (OR, her neighbor’s) house to [give her] some silver and gold jewelry and some [nice] clothes. [Each Egyptian woman will give them some], and you will put them on your sons and daughters [to take with you]. In that way you will (take away/confiscate) the wealth of the Egyptian people.”

< Eksodosy 3 >