< Deotoronomia 4 >

1 Ie amy zao ry Israele, janjiño o fañè naho fepètse añòhako anahareo hanoeñeo, soa t’ie ho veloñe hahafimoake vaho handova i tane atolo’ Iehovà Andrianañaharen-droae’ areo ama’areoy.
And now, Israel, hear the ordinances and judgments, all that I teach you this day to do: that you may live, and be multiplied, and that you may go in and inherit the land, which the Lord God of your fathers gives you.
2 Ko tovoña’ areo o tsara liliekoo naho ko añafahañe, vaho ambeno o lili’ Iehovà Andrianañahare’ areo afantoko ama’ areoo.
You shall not add to the word which I command you, and you shall not take from it: keep the commandments of the Lord our God, all that I command you this day.
3 Niisam-pihaino’areo ty nanoe’ Iehovà amy Baale-Peore, ty amo fonga ondaty nañorike i Baale-Peoreo; fa narotsa’ Iehovà Andria­na­ñahare’o ama’areo irezay—indaty nañorike i Baal-peore rey,
Your eyes have seen all that the Lord our God did in [the case of] Beel-phegor; for every man that went after Beel-phegor, the Lord your God has utterly destroyed him from among you.
4 f’ie nifahatse am’ Iehovà Andrianañahare’ areo, le songa veloñe androany.
But you that kept close to the Lord your God are all alive today.
5 Ingo te nanareko o fañè naho fepetse nafanto’ Iehovà Andria­nañahareko amakoo hañoriha’ areo an-tane himoaha’ areo ho lovae’ areo henaneo.
Behold, I have shown you ordinances and judgments as the Lord commanded me, that you should do so in the land into which you go to inherit it.
6 Aa le oriho naho anò, fa izay ty hihi’ areo naho ty hilala’ areo am-pahaisaha’ ondatio, le ie mahajanjiñe o hene fañèo ro hanao ty hoe: Toe ondaty mahihitse naho mahilala ty foko ra’elahy tiañe.
And you shall keep and do them: for this is your wisdom and understanding before all nations, as many as shall hear all these ordinances; and they shall say, Behold, this great nation [is] a wise and understanding people.
7 Fa ia ty foko aman-drahare hañirinkiriñe Iehovà Andrianañaharen-tika, mpanoiñe ndra mbia’ mbia ikanjiantika.
For what manner of nation [is so] great, which has God so near to them as the Lord our God [is] in all things in whatever we may call upon him?
8 Ia ka ty foko amam-pañè naho fepètse vantañe manahake i Hake fonitse taroñeko ama’ areo androaniy.
And what manner of nation [is so] great, which has righteous ordinances and judgments according to all this law, which I set before you this day?
9 Aa le mitomira, vontitiro añ’ arofo tsy mone handikofa’ areo o raha ni­isam-pihaino’ areoo vaho ko anga’ areo himolaotse am-pitsa­koreañe amo hene andro hiveloma’ areoo; fe ampaharen­dreho o ana’ areoo naho o afe’ areoo,
Take heed to yourself, and keep your heart diligently: forget not any of the things, which your eyes have seen, and let them not depart from your heart all the days of your life; and you shall teach your sons and your sons' sons,
10 mentsake i nijohaña’ areo añatrefa’ Iehovà Andrianañahare’ areo e Korebey, ie nanao ty hoe amako t’Iehovà, Atontono ondatio hijanjiñe o fivolakoo, hioha’ iareo ty hañeveñ’ amako amo hene andro hiveloma’ iareo an-tane atoio, vaho hanare’ iereo hanao izay ka o keleia’eo.
[even the things that happened in] the day in which you stood before the Lord our God in Choreb in the day of the assembly; for the Lord said to me, Gather the people to me, and let them hear my words, that they may learn to fear me all the days which they live upon the earth, and they shall teach their sons.
11 Aa ie nitotoke mb’eo le nijohañe ambane’ i vohitsey, naho nilebalebà’ ty afo naneñateña i likerañey i vohitsey ie nisaroñan-drahoñe nimoromoroñe.
And you drew near and stood under the mountain; and the mountain burned with fire up to heaven: [there was] darkness, blackness, [and] tempest.
12 Le nitsara ama’ areo boak’amy afoy t’Iehovà. Jinanji’ areo ty feo’ i tsaray, fe tsy niisa’ areo ty vinta’e, i fiarañanañañey avao.
And the Lord spoke to you out of the midst of the fire a voice of words, which you heard: and you saw no likeness, only [you heard] a voice.
13 Tsinei’e ama’ areo i fañina linili’e ama’ areo horiheñey: i tsara folo pinate’e am-bato roe rey.
And he announced to you his covenant, which he commanded you to keep, even the ten commandments; and he wrote them on two tables of stone.
14 Le nafanto’ Iehovà amako henane zay ty hañohako anahareo o fañè naho fepètse hañoriha’ areo an-tane hitsaha’ areo ho lovaeñeo.
And the Lord commanded me at that time, to teach you ordinances and judgments, that you should do them on the land, into which you go to inherit it.
15 Aa kanao tsy nahaonim-bintañe nahareo te nitsara ama’ areo e Korebe añe boak’añ’ afo ao t’Iehovà, le mitomira,
And take good heed to your hearts, for you saw no similitude in the day in which the Lord spoke to you in Choreb in the mountain out of the midst of the fire:
16 tsy mone hameta vatañe am-pitseneañe saren-draha ho anahareo ami’ty vintañ’ inoñ’ inoñe—ke lahy he ampela,
lest you transgress, and make to yourselves a carved image, any kind of figure, the likeness of male or female,
17 ke amam-bintam-bibi’ ty tane toy, he amam-bintam-boroñe aman’ elatse miti­liñe amo tiokeo,
the likeness of any beast of those that are on the earth, the likeness of any winged bird which flies under heaven,
18 ke amam-bintan-draha milalilaly an-tane, he amam-binta’ ze fiañe an-drano ambane’ tane ao.
the likeness of any reptile which creeps on the earth, the likeness of any fish of those which are in the waters under the earth;
19 Le he miandra mb’ andikerañey irehe mahaisake i àndroy, i volañey, naho o vasiañeo, naho i valobohòn-dikerañey, vaho mivik’ mb’a­ma’e naho mibabok’ ama’e hitoroñe irezay, o natolo’ Iehovà Andrianañahare’o amy ze kila ondaty ambanen-dikerañeo.
and lest having looked up to the sky, and having seen the sun and the moon and the stars, and all the heavenly bodies, you should go astray and worship them, and serve them, which the Lord your God has distributed to all the nations under heaven.
20 Fe rinambe’ Iehovà nahareo le hinaha’e amy fampi­tranaham-biy ao, boake Mitsraime añe, ho ondatim-panaña’e: le ie henaneo.
But God took you, and led you forth out of the land of Egypt, out of the iron furnace, out of Egypt, to be to him a people of inheritance, as at this day.
21 Ie amy zao niviñetse amako t’Iehovà ty ama’ areo, ie nametse te tsy hitsahako Iardeney vaho tsy himoahako i tane fanjaka atolo’ Iehovà Andrianañahare’o azo ho lovay;
And the Lord God was angry with me for the things said by you, and sware that I should not go over this Jordan, and that I should not enter into the land, which the Lord your God gives you for an inheritance.
22 f’ie hikenkañe an-tane atoy, tsy hitsake Iardeney; f’inahareo ro hitsake naho hitavañe i tane fanjakay.
For I am to die in this land, and shall not pass over this Jordan; but you are to pass over, and shall inherit this good land.
23 Aa le mitaoa tsy handikofa’ areo i fañina nanoe’ Iehovà Andrianañahare’ areo ama’ areoy ke hitsene sarem-bintañe, ke sareñ-inoñ’ inoñe nan­drara’ Iehovà Andrianañahare’o azo.
Take heed to yourselves, lest you forget the covenant of the Lord our God, which he made with you, and you transgress, and make to yourselves a graven image of any of the things concerning which the Lord your God commanded you.
24 Fa afo mahaforototo t’Iehovà Andriana­ñahare’o, Andrianañahare Mpamarahy.
For the Lord your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God.
25 Ie nahatoly anake naho afe naho fa nierañerañe ela an-tane ao, naho manao hakarapiloañe am-pitseneañe sarem-bintañe ke sareñ-inoñ’ inoñe vaho manao tiva am-pivazohoa’ Iehovà Andrianañahare’o, hikaiha’ areo ty haviñera’e,
And when you shall have begotten sons, and shall have sons' sons, and you shall have lived a long time on the land, and shall have transgressed, and made a graven image of any thing, and shall have done wickedly before the Lord your God to provoke him;
26 le ho koiheko henaneo i like­rañey naho ty tane toy hitalily ama’ areo t’ie kila hihomak’ aniany an-tane himoaha’ areo am-pitsa­hañe Iardeney, handova’ areo, le tsy ho lava-ohatse fa ho vata’e mon­goreñe.
I call heaven and earth this day to witness against you, that you shall surely perish from off the land, into which you go across Jordan to inherit it there; you shall not prolong your days upon it, but shall be utterly cut off.
27 Ie hampiparaitahe’ Iehovà am’ ondatio añe; toe tsy ampeampe ty ho sehanga’ areo amo kilakila ondaty handroaha’ Iehovà anahareoo.
And the Lord shall scatter you among all nations, and you shall be left few in number among all the nations, among which the Lord shall bring you.
28 Ho toroñe’ areo añe ty ‘ndrahare rinanjim-pità’ ondaty; hatae naho vato, songa tsy maha­trea, tsy mahatsanoñe, tsy maha-filintseñe vaho tsy maha-antsoñe.
And you shall there serve other gods, the works of the hands of men, wood and stones, which can’t see, nor can they hear, nor eat, nor smell.
29 Aa ie añe ro hipaia’ areo Iehovà Andria­nañahare’o, le ho oni’o naho tsoehe’o añ-kaampon’arofo naho an-kaliforam-pañova.
And there you shall seek the Lord your God, and you shall find him whenever you shall seek him with all your heart, and with all your soul in your affliction.
30 Ie ami’ty falovilovia’o, naho fa hene nifetsaha’ irezay amo andro añeo, le himpoly am’ Iehovà Andrianañahare’o vaho ho haoñe’o i fiarañanaña’ey;
And all these things shall come upon you in the last days, and you shall turn to the Lord your God, and shall listen to his voice.
31 Amy te Andrianañahare tretram-po t’Iehovà Andrianañahare’o, tsy haforintse’e, tsy hampimodoe’e; tsy ho haliño’e i fañina aman-droae’o nifantà’e am’ iereoy.
Because the Lord your God [is] a God of pity: he will not forsake you, nor destroy you; he will not forget the covenant of your fathers, which the Lord sware to them.
32 Ie amy zao añontaneo o sa haehaeo, o taolo’oo, ampara’ i andro nitsenen’ Añahare ondaty an-tane atoio; añontaneo boak’ añ’olon-dikerañ’ añe pak’ añ’olo’e ka; he teo ty nifetsahan-draha tsitantane hoe itiañe, ke eo ty nahajanjin-ty mañirinkiriñe aze?
Ask of the former days which were before you, from the day when God created man upon the earth, and [beginning] at the [one] end of heaven to the other end of heaven, if there has happened any thing like to this great event, if such a thing has been heard:
33 Aa vaho eo hao t’indaty nahajanjiñe ty fiarañanañan’ Añahare nitsara ama’e boak’ añ’afo ao, manahake i jinanji’oy, t’ie mbe veloñe?
if a nation have heard the voice of the living God speaking out of the midst of the fire, as you have heard and have lived;
34 Hera teo ty ‘ndrahare nimane hangalake foko ho am-bata’e boak’ amo kilakila’ ondatio am-pitsohañe naho am-biloñe naho an-draha tsitantane vaho añ’ aly, andela-pitàñe maozatse naho am-pitàñe natora-kitsy, am-pampiboahan-kao­zarañe mahalatsa manahake o hene nanoe’ Iehovà Andrianañahare’ areo ho anahareo e Mitsraime añe añatrefam-pihaino’oo?
if God has assayed to go and take to himself a nation out of the midst of [another] nation with trial, and with signs, and with wonders, and with war, and with a mighty hand, and with a high arm, and with great sights, according to all the things which the Lord our God did in Egypt in your sight.
35 Ie nampiboaheñe ama’o, hatokisa’o te toe Andrianañahare t’Iehovà; le tsy eo naho tsy ie avao.
So that you should know that the Lord your God he is God, and there is none beside him.
36 Nampijanjiñe’e azo boak’andikerañe ao ty fiarañanaña’e hanoroa’e azo, naho nampiboaha’e an-tane atoy ty afo’e jabajaba, vaho jinanji’o boak’ amy afoy o tsara’eo.
His voice was made audible from heaven to instruct you, and he showed you upon the earth his great fire, and you heard his words out of the midst of the fire.
37 Kanao nikokoa’e o roae’oo, le jinobo’e o tariratse nandimbe iareoo, naho nampi­engà’e i Mitsraime amy fiatrefa’e naho an-kaozara’e ra’elahy
Because he loved your fathers, he also chose you their seed after them, and he brought you himself with his great strength out of Egypt,
38 hanoe’e soik’ aolo’o eo o rofoko maozatse naho bey te ama’oo, hampihova’e azo ao, hitolora’e i tane’ iareoy ho lova’o, le ie henaneo.
to destroy nations great and stronger than you before your face, to bring you in, to give you their land to inherit, as you have it this day.
39 Aa le mahafohina androany vaho vontitiro añ’ arofo ao te Andrianañahare andikerañe ao naho an-tane am­bane’e atoy t’Iehovà, tsy aman-tovo’e.
An you shall know this day, and shall consider in your heart, that the Lord your God he [is] God in heaven above, and on the earth beneath, and there is none else but he.
40 Ambeno o fañè’eo naho o lili’eo; o andili­ako azo androanio hahasoa azo naho ty tariratse hanonjohy azo soa t’ie ho tamañe an-tane atolo’ Iehovà Andriana­ñahare’o azo ho nainai’e donia.
And keep you his commandments, and his ordinances, all that I command you this day; that it may be well with you, and with your sons after you, that you may be long-lived upon the earth, which the Lord your God gives you for ever.
41 Le navì’ i Mosè ty rova telo alafe’ Iardeney mb’am-panjiriha’ i àndroy mb’ atoy
Then Moses separated three cities beyond Jordan on the east,
42 hivoratsaha’ ty namono-ondaty, ie namono ondaty tsy an-tsatri’e, ie le lia’e tsy nimpirafelahy ama’e taolo, le mete hitriban-day mb’ami’ty raik’ amy rova fitsolohañe rey himoneña’e:
that the slayer might flee there, who should have slain his neighbor unintentionally, and should not have hated him in times past, and he shall flee to one of these cities and live:
43 i Betsere am-patrambey an-tane mira ho a’ o nte-Reòbeneo, i Ramote e Gileade ao ho a’ o nte-Gadeo, vaho i Golane e Basane ao ho a’ o nte-Menasèo.
Bosor in the wilderness, in the plain country of Ruben, and Ramoth in Galaad [belonging to] Gad, and Gaulon in Basan [belonging to] Manasse.
44 Zao ty Hake nitaroñe’ i Mosè amo ana’ Israeleo.
This [is] the law which Moses set before the children of Israel.
45 Zao o taroñe naho fañè naho fepètse nisaontsie’ i Mosè amo ana’ Israeleo, ie fa niavotse i Mitsraimeo,
These [are] the testimonies, and the ordinances, and the judgments, which Moses spoke to the sons of Israel, when they came out of the land of Egypt:
46 alafe’ Iardeney atoy am-bavatane tandrife i Bete-peore, an-tane’ i Sihone mpanjaka’ i Amore nimoneñe e Khesbone, i ginio’ i Mosè naho o ana’ Israeleo, ie fa nienga i Mitsraimey.
on the other side of Jordan, in the valley near the house of Phogor, in the land of Seon king of the Amorites, who lived in Esebon, whom Moses and the sons of Israel struck when they came out of the land of Egypt.
47 Nimoneña’ iereo i taney naho an-tane’ i Oge mpanjaka’ i Basane, ty mpanjaka roe’ o nte-Amoreo alafe’ Iardeney mb’ am-panjirihan’ andro atoañe,
And they inherited his land, and the land of Og king of Basan, two kings of the Amorites, who were beyond Jordan eastward.
48 mifototse e Aroere añ’olom-bavatane Arnone eo pak’ am-bohi-Sione añe (i Kermòne izay)
From Aroer, which is on the border of the brook Arnon, even to the mount of Seon, which is Aermon.
49 naho i ratraratra iaby atiñana’ Iardene añey pak’ an-dRiak’Arabà ampoton-kerakera’ i Pisgà eo.
All Araba beyond Jordan eastward under Asedoth hewn in the rock.

< Deotoronomia 4 >