< 2 Mpanjaka 8 >

1 Ie amy zao nisaontsy ty hoe amy rakemba amañ-anadahy nam­pisotrafe’e t’i Elisà: Miavota, le mañaveloa rekets’ o añ’an­jom­ba’oo le mitaveaña amy ze mete itaveaña’o, fa nikaike san-kerè t’Iehovà; vaho hivo­trak’ an-tane atoy fito taoñe izay.
And Elisha he spoke to the woman whom he had restored to life son her saying arise and go (you *Q(K)*) and household your and sojourn in where you will sojourn for he has called Yahweh for famine and also it will come to the land seven years.
2 Aa le niongake i rakembay ty amy saontsi’ indatin’ Añahareiy vaho nienga rekets’ o añanjomba’eo nitaveañe fito taoñe an-tane’ o nte-Pelistio.
And she arose the woman and she did according to [the] word of [the] man of God and she went she and household her and she sojourned in [the] land of [the] Philistines seven years.
3 Ie nimodo i fito taoñey le nimpoly boak’ an-tane’ o nte-Pelistio i rakembay; naho nimb’eo hitoreo i anjomba naho tane’ey amy mpanjakay.
And it was from [the] end of seven years and she returned the woman from [the] land of [the] Philistines and she went out to cry out to the king concerning house her and concerning field her.
4 Ie amy zao, nisaontsy amy Gekazý mpitoro’ indatin’ Añaharey i mpanjakay, ami’ty hoe: Ehe, atalilio amako, ze he’e ra’elahy nanoe’ i Elisà.
And the king [was] speaking to Gehazi [the] servant of [the] man of God saying recount! please to me all the great [things] which he has done Elisha.
5 Natalili’e amy mpanjakay amy zao ty nampihereña’e ho veloñe i nivetrakey, vaho ingo i rakemba nampisotrafeñe i ana-dahi’eiy, hitoreo i anjomba’e naho i tane’ey amy mpanjakay. Le hoe t’i Gekazý: O ry talèko mpanjaka, intoy i rakembay, ingo i ana-dahi’e nampihereñe’ i Elisà ho veloñey.
And he was he recounting to the king this: he had restored to life the dead [one] and there! the woman whom he had restored to life son her [was] crying out for help to the king on house her and on field her and he said Gehazi O lord my the king this [is] the woman and this [is] son her whom he restored to life Elisha.
6 Aa ie nañontane i rakembay i mpanjakay, le nitalilia’e. Aa le tinendre’ i mpanjakay ty mpifehe, ami’ty hoe: Hene ampolio ama’e o niazeo, naho ty voka’ i tete’ey sikal’ amy andro nienga’e i taney am-para henane.
And he asked the king the woman and she recounted to him and he assigned to her the king a court-official one saying restore all that [belonged] to her and all [the] produce of the field from [the] day [when] she left the land and until now.
7 Nivotrake e Damesèke t’i Elisà, ie nisiloke t’i Benehadade mpanjaka’ i Arame, le natalily ama’e ty hoe: Fa pok’ eo indatin’Añaharey.
And he went Elisha Damascus and Ben Hadad [the] king of Aram [was] sick and it was told to him saying he has come [the] man of God to here.
8 Le hoe i mpanjakay amy Kazaele; endeso ravo­ravo am-pità’o le akia mifañaoña amy ‘ndatin’Añaharey, vaho ampañontaneo aze t’Iehovà, ty hoe: Hibodañe ami’ ty areteko toy hao iraho?
And he said the king to Hazael take in hand your a gift and go to meet [the] man of God and you will consult Yahweh from him saying ¿ will I live from sickness this.
9 Aa le nimb’eo t’i Kazaele hifañaoña’e reketse ravoravo am-pita’e naho ze hene raha soa’ i Damesèke, kilankan-drameva efapolo, vaho nimb’eo re nijohañe añatrefa’e, nanao ty hoe: Nañirak’ ahy i ana’o Benehadade mpanjaka’ i Aramey hanao ty hoe: Ho jangañe hao iraho amo arete­koo?
And he went Hazael to meet him and he took a gift in hand his and every good thing of Damascus [the] load of forty camel[s] and he came and he stood before him and he said son your Ben Hadad [the] king of Aram he has sent me to you saying ¿ will I live from sickness this.
10 Le hoe t’i Elisà tama’e, Akia, isaontsio: Toe hibodan-drehe; fe nitoroa’ Iehovà t’ie toe hihomake.
And he said to him Elisha go say (to him *Q(K)*) certainly you will live and he has shown me Yahweh that certainly he will die.
11 Le nampifahara’e fiatreke aze ty lahara’e am-para’ t’ie nisalatse; vaho nirovetse indatin’ Añaharey.
And he set face his and he set until was ashamed and he wept [the] man of God.
12 Le hoe t’i Kazaele: Ino o iroveta’oo ry talèko? le hoe ty natoi’e: Amy te apotako ty hankàñe hanoe’o amo ana’ Israeleo; ho forototoe’o o rova’ iareoo, ho lafae’o am-pibara o ajalahi’eo, ha­dasi’o ho demoke o keleia’eo vaho ho riate’o o rakemba mivesatseo.
And he said Hazael why? [is] lord my weeping and he said for I know this: you will do to [the] people of Israel harm fortifications their you will send in fire and young men their with the sword you will kill and children their you will dash in pieces and pregnant [women] their you will rip open.
13 Fa hoe t’i Kazaele: Ino ty mpitoro’o? amboa hao t’ie hanao o halosorañe zao? le hoe t’i Elisà: Fa natoro’ Iehovà amako te ihe ty ho mpanjaka’ i Arame.
And he said Hazael that what? [is] servant your the dog that he will do the thing great this and he said Elisha he has shown me Yahweh you king over Aram.
14 Aa le nienga i Elisà re, niheo amy talè’ey mb’eo vaho hoe re ama’e: Ino ty asa’ i Elisà tama’o? Le hoe ty natoi’e: Tinaro’e amako t’ie toe hibodañe.
And he went - from with Elisha and he came to master his and he said to him what? did he say to you Elisha and he said he said to me certainly you will live.
15 Ie te loak’ andro, nandrambe lamba mateveñe, le nalo’e an-drano ao, naho nalama’e an-tarehe’e nametrek’ aze vaho nifehe nandimbe aze t’i Kazaele.
And it was from [the] next day and he took the coverlet and he dipped [it] in water and he spread [it] out over face his and he died and he became king Hazael in place of him.
16 Ie tan-taom-paha-lime’ Iorame ana’ i Akabe mpanjaka’ Israele, le niorotse nifehe t’Iehorame ana’ Iehosafate mpanjaka’ Iehodà.
And in year five of Joram [the] son of Ahab [the] king of Israel and Jehoshaphat [was] [the] king of Judah he became king Jehoram [the] son of Jehoshaphat [the] king of Judah.
17 Ie niajalahy telopolo taoñe roe amby te niorotse nifehe; le nifehe valo taoñe e Ierosalaime ao.
A son of thirty and two year[s] he was when became king he and eight (years *Q(K)*) he reigned in Jerusalem.
18 Nañavelo an-tsata’ o mpanjaka’ Israeleo re, manahake ty nanoe’ i anjomba’ i Akabey; amy te nitañanjomba’e ty anak’ ampela’ i Akabe vaho nanao haloloañe am-piva­zohoa’ Iehovà.
And he walked in [the] way of - [the] kings of Israel just as they did [the] house of Ahab for [the] daughter of Ahab she became of him a wife and he did the evil in [the] eyes of Yahweh.
19 Fe tsy naro­tsa’ Iehovà t’Iehodà, ty amy mpitoro’e Davidey, fa nafè’e ama’e te hitoroa’e failo hirehetse nainai’e amo tarira’eo.
And not he was willing Yahweh to destroy Judah for [the] sake of David servant his just as he had said to him to give to him a lamp to sons his all the days.
20 Niola ambanem-pità’ Iehodà tañ’ andro’e t’i Edome vaho nañorem-panjaka hifehe iareo.
In days his it rebelled Edom from under [the] hand of Judah and they made king over themselves a king.
21 Aa le nits­ake mb’e Tsaire mb’eo t’Iorame rekets’ o sarete’e iabio; le nitroatse haleñe naho zinevo’e o nte-Edome niarikoboñe azeo naho o mpifehe sareteo vaho nitriban-day mb’ an-kiboho’e mb’eo ondatio.
And he passed over Joram Zair towards and all the chariotry [was] with him and it was he he arose night and he struck down Edom which was surrounding him and [the] commanders of the chariotry and it fled the people to tents its.
22 Fe mbe niola ambanem-pità’ Iehoda pak’ androany t’i Edome. Niola ka t’i Libnà henane zay.
And it has rebelled Edom from under [the] hand of Judah until the day this then it rebelled Libnah at the time that.
23 Aa naho o fitoloña’ Iorameo naho o raha nanoe’e iabio; tsy fa sinokitse am-bokem-pamoliliañe o mpanjaka’ Iehodao hao?
And [the] rest of [the] matters of Joram and all that he did ¿ not [are] they written on [the] scroll of [the] matters of the days of [the] kings of Judah.
24 Nitrao-piròtse aman-droae’e t’Iorame, le nalentek’ aman-droae’e an-drova’ i Davide ao; vaho nandimbe aze ho mpifehe t’i Ahkazià ana’e.
And he lay down Joram with ancestors his and he was buried with ancestors his in [the] city of David and he became king Ahaziah son his in place of him.
25 Tamy taom-paha-folo-ro’ ambi’ Iorame ana’ i Akabe mpanjaka’ Israeley le niorotse nifehe t’i Ahkazià ana’ Iehorame mpanjaka’ Iehodà.
In year two [plus] ten year of Joram [the] son of Ahab [the] king of Israel he became king Ahaziah [the] son of Jehoram [the] king of Judah.
26 Roapolo-ro’amby taoñe t’i Ahkazià te namototse nifehe; le nifehe rai-taoñe e Ierosalaime ao; Atalià, anak’ ampela’ i Omrý mpanjaka’ Israele, ty tahinan-drene’e.
[was] a son of Twenty and two year[s] Ahaziah when became king he and a year one he reigned in Jerusalem and [the] name of mother his [was] Athaliah [the] daughter of Omri [the] king of Israel.
27 Nañavelo an-tsatan’ anjomba’ i Aka­be re, nanao haloloañe am-pivazohoa’ Iehovà, manahake ty nanoe’ i anjomba’ i Akabey, amy t’ie vinanton’ anjomba’ i Akabe.
And he walked in [the] way of [the] house of Ahab and he did the evil in [the] eyes of Yahweh like [the] house of Ahab for [was] [the] son-in-law of [the] house of Ahab he.
28 Ie nindre am’ Iorame ana’ i Aka­be hialy amy Kazaele mpanjaka’ i Arame e Ramote-gilade añe; le nahafere Iorame o nte-Arameo.
And he went with Joram [the] son of Ahab for battle with Hazael [the] king of Aram at Ramoth Gilead and they wounded [the] Arameans Joram.
29 Nimpoly mb’e Iezreele ao t’Iorame mpanjaka, himelaña’e amo fere natolo’ o nte-Arameo aze e Ramà añeo, ie nialy amy Kazaele mpanjaka’ i Arame. Le nizotso mb’eo hitilike Iehorame ana’ i Akabe e Iezreele ao amy hasilo’ey t’i Ahkazià ana’ Iehorame mpanjaka’ Iehodà.
And he returned Joram the king to get himself healed in Jezreel from the wounds which they wounded him [the] Arameans at Ramah when fought he with Hazael [the] king of Aram and Ahaziah [the] son of Jehoram [the] king of Judah he went down to see Joram [the] son of Ahab in Jezreel for [was] sick he.

< 2 Mpanjaka 8 >