< 1 Timoty 2 >

1 Ty añosihako valoha’e le te hanoeñe ho a ondaty iabio ty fihalaliañe, filolohañe, fañalañalañañe naho fañandriañañe,
I exhort, then, first of all, there be made supplications, prayers, intercessions, thanksgivings, for all men—
2 naho amo mpanjakao naho o fonga mpifeheo, hiveloman-tika am-pianjiñañe naho fanintsiñañe, mañambeñe Hake vaho migahiñe.
for kings, and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all piety and gravity,
3 Fa izay ty soa naho mete am-pivazohoan’ Añahare Mpan­drombak’ antika,
for this [is] right and acceptable before God our Savior,
4 ie satri’e te ho hene tra-drombake ondatio hahatendreke ty faharendrehañe ty hatò.
who wills all men to be saved, and to come to the full knowledge of the truth;
5 Raike t’i Andrianañahare, naho raike ty Mpañalañalañe añivon’ Añahare naho ondatio, indaty atao Iesoà Norizañey,
for [there is] one God, also one mediator of God and of men—the man Christ Jesus,
6 i nanolotse ty fañòva’e ho vilin’ ai’ ze he’ey, ho fitaliliañe an-tsa do’e.
who gave Himself [as] a ransom for all—the testimony in its own times—
7 Izay ty nanendreañe ahy ho mpitaroñe naho Firàheñe—mivolan-katò iraho fa tsy mandañitse—ho mpañoke to naho migahiñe amo kilakila’ ndatio.
in regard to which I was set a preacher and apostle—truth I say in Christ, I do not lie—a teacher of nations, in faith and truth.
8 Aa le salalàeko te hene hitalaho ondatio ndra aia’ aia am-pañonjoñam-pitàñe miavake, tsy an-kaboseke ndra lietse.
I intend, therefore, that men pray in every place, lifting up holy hands, apart from anger and deliberation;
9 Manahake izay, te hisaroñe ami’ty eva’e o rakembao, ho hendre naho tsò-po, tsy a-maròy mirandrañe tsy am-bolamena ndra hange, vaho tsy misikin-damba marerarera,
also the women in like manner, in orderly apparel, to adorn themselves with modesty and sobriety, not in braided hair, or gold, or pearls, or clothing of great price,
10 fa mitolon-tsoa mañeva o rakemba manao ho mpitalaho aman’ Añahareo.
but—which becomes women professing godly piety—through good works.
11 Ehe te hianjiñe naho hiandaly o rakembao t’ie mioke.
Let a woman learn in quietness in all subjection,
12 Tsy meiko hañòke ndra hanan-dily ami’ty lahilahy ty rakemba, fa hianjiñe.
and I do not allow a woman to teach, nor to rule a husband, but to be in quietness,
13 Amy te namboareñe hey t’i Dame, vaho izay i Haova.
for Adam was formed first, then Eve,
14 Le tsy i Dame ty ni-fañahieñe, fa i rakembay ty finitake vaho nikorovoke an-kakeo.
and Adam was not deceived, but the woman, having been deceived, came into transgression,
15 Ie amy zao, ho rombahen-dre amo fisamahañeo, ie milozoke am-patokisañe naho fikokoañe vaho fiavahañe mitrao-pilieram-batañe.
and she will be saved through the childbearing, if they remain in faith, and love, and sanctification, with sobriety.

< 1 Timoty 2 >