< 1 Tesaloniana 2 >

1 Inahareo, ry longo, ro toe mahafohiñe te tsy nianto i fitiliha’aiy.
For you have known, brothers, that our entrance to you has not been in vain,
2 Rendre’ areo ka t’ie nalovilovy naho nonjireñe e Filipy añe; fe nirearea aman’ Añaharen-tika nitaroñe i talili-soan’ Añaharey ama’areo ndra te niindra’ i fanjeharañey.
but having both suffered before, and having been mistreated (as you have known) in Philippi, we were bold in our God to speak to you the good news of God in much conflict,
3 Toe tsy mifototse am-pandilarañe ndra haleorañe ndra famañahiañe ty fañosiha’ay;
for our exhortation [is] not out of deceit, nor out of uncleanness, nor in guile,
4 fe ninòn’ Añahare ty fanolo­rañ’ anay i talili-soay; aa ie taroñe’ay le tsy t’ie hahaehake ondaty fa ho an’ Andrianañahare mpitsoke o tro’aio.
but as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the good news, so we speak, not as pleasing men, but God, who is proving our hearts,
5 Fa fohi’ areo te le-lia tsy nanao kabeake an-drehake naho tsy nibatrake hanakona’ay fatitiañe (valolombeloñe t’i Andrianañahare),
for at no time did we come with speech of flattery (as you have known), nor in a pretext for covetousness (God [is] witness),
6 mbore tsy nipay lomboke am’ondatio, ndra ama’ areo ndra amo ila’eo. Toe mete ho nañeva anay, kanao Firàhe’ i Norizañey ty nampivave anahareo,
nor seeking glory from men, neither from you nor from others, being able to be burdensome, as Christ’s apostles.
7 te mone notroñe’ay hoe rakemba mampinono naho manombosombo i ana’ey.
But we became gentle in your midst, as a nurse may nurture her own children,
8 Akore ty fikokoa’ay anahareo kanao nahaehake anay te tsy vaho handiva i talili-soan’ Añaharey fa hamoe-ay ami’ty fañisoha’ay.
so being desirous of you, we are well-pleased to impart to you not only the good news of God, but also our own souls, because you have become beloved to us,
9 Mete tiahi’ areo ry longo ty fitromaha’ay naho ty fifanehafa’ay; ie nitoloñe handro an-kaleñe tsy hiloetse ama’ ia’ia, nitaroñe i talili-soan’ Añaharey.
for you remember, brothers, our labor and travail, for working night and day not to be a burden on any of you, we preached the good news of God to you;
10 Valolombeloñe nahareo naho i Andrianañahare te niavake naho vañoñe vaho nalio-tahiñe ty fañaveloa’ay ama’areo mpiato.
you [are] witnesses—God also—how piously and righteously and blamelessly we became to you who believe,
11 Fohi’ areo ka t’ie nañosike naho nañohò vaho nandrisike anahareo kiraikiraike hambañe ami’ty rae amo ana’eo,
even as you have known how we are exhorting each one of you, as a father his own children, and comforting, and testifying,
12 hañaveloa’ areo hañeva an’ Andrianañahare mpikanjy anahareo ho am-pifehea’e naho añ’enge’e ao.
for your walking worthily of God, who is calling you to His own kingdom and glory.
13 Ie amy zao, tsy apo’ay ty mañandriañe an’ Andria­nañahare nainai’e, amy te rinambe’ areo i tsaran’ Añahare nitaroña’aiy le tsy nandrambe aze ho tsara’ ondaty, fa ami’ty vente’e t’ie tsaran’ Añahare mpifanehake ama’areo mpiato.
And because of this we also continually give thanks to God, that, having received the word of God [by] your hearing from us, you accepted, not the word of men, but as it truly is, the word of God, who also works in you who believe;
14 Vaho nitsikombe’ areo ry longo, o Fivorin’ Añahare am’ Iesoà Norizañey e Iehodào, ie nifeake fampisoàñañe am-pità’ o mpitrao-borizàñe ama’eo toe o Tehodao,
for you became imitators, brothers, of the assemblies of God that are in Judea in Christ Jesus, because you suffered such things, even you, from your own countrymen, as they also from the Jews,
15 ie songa vinono’ iareo t’Iesoà Talè naho o mpitokio, naho nandroake anay ka; ie tsy non’ Añahare vaho fonga mifandiets’ ama’ondaty,
who put to death both the Lord Jesus and their own prophets, and persecuted us, and they are not pleasing God, and [are] contrary to all men,
16 ami’ty fisebaña’ iareo anay tsy hitaroñe amo kilakila ondatio handrombake iareo, ie manovon-kakeo nainai’e, fa ho takaren-kaviñerañe am-para’e.
forbidding us to speak to the nations that they might be saved, so as to always fill up their sins, but [God’s] anger came on them—to the end!
17 Fe zahay, ry longo, naho fa nasitake ama’ areo hey, an-tsandriñe fa tsy añ’ arofo, le àntsake t’ie nirototse naho nisalala fatratse te hahaoniñe o lahara’ areoo,
And we, brothers, having been taken from you for the space of an hour—in presence, not in heart—hurried more abundantly to see your face in much desire;
18 fa sinda homb’ ama’ areo mb’eo; izaho Paoly mandikoatse te indraike, fe sineba’ i mpañìnjey.
for this reason we wished to come to you (I, indeed, Paul), both once and again, and Satan hindered us;
19 Ia ty ho fitamà’ay, ty haèha’ay, ty kobay hiriñariñà’ay añatrefa’ Iesoà Talèntika amy fito­tsaha’ey? tsy inahareo hao?
for what [is] our hope, or joy, or garland of rejoicing? Are not even you before our Lord Jesus Christ at His coming?
20 Eka, inahareo ro enge’ay naho haeha’ay.
For you are our glory and joy.

< 1 Tesaloniana 2 >