< 1 Tantara 28 >
1 Le natonto’ i Davide e Ierosalaime ao o mpiaolo’ Israele iabio, o talèm-pifokoañeo naho o mpiaolom-pirimboñañe nifandimbe am-pitoroñañe i mpanjakaio naho o mpifelek’ arivoo naho o mpifehe zatoo naho o mpamandroñe ze hene vara naho hare’ i mpanjakaio naho o ana’eo, rekets’ o roandriañeo naho o fanalolahio vaho o fonga lahitsiàio.
And David assembled all the chief [men] of Israel, the chief of the judges, and all the chief [men] of the courses [of attendance] on the person of the king, and the captains of thousands and hundreds, and the treasurers, and the lords of his substance, and of all the king's property, and of his sons, together with the eunuchs, and the mighty men, and the warriors of the army, at Jerusalem.
2 Le niongak’ am-pandia’e amy zao t’i Davide mpanjaka, nanao ty hoe: Mijanjiña ry longo naho ondatikoo; Tan-troko ao ty handranjy anjomba fitofàñe ho a i vatam-pañina’ Iehovày ho atimpahe’ i Andrianañaharentikañey vaho nihentseñeko i fandranjiañey.
And David stood in the midst of the assembly, and said, Hear me, my brethren, and my people: it was in my heart to build a house of rest for the ark of the covenant of the Lord, and a place for the feet of our Lord, and I prepared [materials] suitable for the building:
3 Fa hoe ka t’i Andrianañahare amako, Tsy ihe ty hamboatse anjomba ho ami’ty añarako, amy t’ie ondatin’ aly nampiori-dio.
but God said, You shall not build me a house to call my name upon it, for you are a man of war, and have shed blood.
4 Fe jinobo’ Iehovà Andrianañahare’ Israele iraho aolo’ ty anjomban-draeko iaby ho mpanjaka’ Israele nainai’e amy te jinobo’e ho mpifehe t’Iehodà; le amy anjomba’ Iehoda, anjomban-draekoy, naho amo anan-draekoo, izaho ty nitea’e hanoeñe mpanjaka’ Israele;
Yet the Lord God of Israel chose me out of the whole house of my father to be king over Israel for ever; and he chose Juda as the kingly [house], and out of the house of Juda [he chose] the house of my father; and amongst the sons of my father he preferred me, that I should be king over all Israel.
5 le amo hene ana-dahikoo (kanao maro ty ana-dahy natolo’ Iehovà), i Selomò anakoy ty jinobo’e hiambesatse amy fiambesam-pifehea’ Iehovày hifehe Israele.
And of all my sons, (for the Lord has given me many sons, ) he has chosen Solomon my son, to set him on the throne of the kingdom of the Lord over Israel.
6 Le hoe re tamako: i Selomò ana’oy ty handranjy i akibakoy naho o kiririsakoo, amy te ie ty jinoboko ho anako vaho izaho ho rae’e.
And God said to me, Solomon your son shall build my house and my court: for I have chosen him to be my son, and I will be to him a father.
7 Mbore horizako ho nainai’e donia i fifehea’ey naho ifahara’e orike o fepèkoo naho o lilikoo manahake henaneo.
And I will establish his kingdom for ever, if he continue to keep my commandments, and my judgements, as [at] this day.
8 Ie amy zao, ampahaisaha’ Israele iaby, ty valobohò’ Iehovà naho am-pijanjiñan’ Añaharen-tika, vontitiro vaho hotsohotsò iaby o lili’ Iehovà Andrianañahare’ areoo, soa te ho fanaña’ areo ty tane fanjàka toy, hampandova’ areo o ana’ areo handimbe nainai’eo.
And now [I charge you] before the whole assembly of the Lord, and in the audience of our God, keep and seek all the commandments of the Lord our God, that you may inherit the good land, and leave it for your sons to inherit after you for ever.
9 Le ihe Selomò anako mahafohina an’ Andrianañaharen-drae’o naho toroño an-kaampon’ arofo naho an-kazavan-troke, amy te tsikarahe’ Iehovà ze kila arofo vaho arofoana’e iaby ze ereñerem-betsevetse. Ie paia’o, le ho tendrek’ azo; f’ie farie’o le ho sasà’e zafezanake.
And now, [my] son Solomon, know the God of your fathers, and serve him with a perfect heart and willing soul: for the Lord searches all hearts, and knows every thought: if you seek him, he will be found of you; but if you should forsake him, he will forsake you for ever.
10 Mitomira henane zao, fa jinobo’ Iehovà irehe hamboatse ty anjomba ho a i toetse masiñey; aa le mifatrara vaho mifanehafa.
See now, for the Lord has chosen you to build him a house for a sanctuary, be strong and do [it].
11 Le natolo’ i Davide amy Selomò ty sare’ o lavaranga’eo naho o traño’eo naho o fañajam-bara’eo naho o efetse amboneo naho o efetse añate’eo vaho ty traño’ i toem-pijebañañey.
And David gave Solomon his son the plan of the temple, and its buildings, and its treasuries, and its upper chambers, and the inner store-rooms, and the place of the atonement,
12 Le ty sare’ ze he’e nahaja’e añ’arofo ao, o kiririsan’ anjomba’ Iehovào naho o traño mañohok’ aze iabio, o fañajam-bara’ i anjomban’ Añahareio naho o fañajàn-engao;
and the plan which he had in his mind of the courts of the house of the Lord, and of all the chambers round about, [designed] for the treasuries of the house of God, and of the treasuries of the holy things, and of the chambers for resting:
13 naho o firimboñam-pisoroñe naho nte-Levio naho o fifanehafañe am-pitoroñañe añ’anjomba’ Iehovào naho o fàna-pitoroñañe añ’anjomba’ Iehovào;
and [the plan] of the courses of the priests and Levites, for all the work of the service of the house of the Lord, and of the stores of vessels for ministration of the service of the house of the Lord.
14 le i volamenay, ty lanjam-bolamena amo fànake ho amy ze hene karaza-pitoroñañeo; le i volafotiy, ho amo fonga fanake volafoty ty amy lanja’eio, le ho amo fanake iaby amy ze hene karazam-pitoroñañeo;
And [he gave him] the account of their weight, both of gold and silver [vessels].
15 le ty amy lanja’ o mpitan-jiro volamenao naho o jiro’e volamenao, ty amy lanja’ ze hene fitàn-jiro rekets’ o jiro’eo; naho o fitàn-jiro volafotio, ty lanja’ o fonga fitàn-jiro rekets’ o jiro’eo, ty amy asa’ ze hene fitàn-jiroo;
He gave him the weight of the candlesticks, and of the lamps.
16 naho ty lanjam-bolamena amy rairai-mofo-piatrekey naho amy ze latabatse iaby; naho ty volafoty amo latabatse volafotio;
He gave him likewise the weight of the tables of show bread, of each table of gold, and likewise of the [tables of] silver:
17 naho volamena ki’e amo fikavitseo naho o koveteo naho o sajoao naho o fitovy volamena songa fitovy ami’ty lanja’e; naho o fitovy volafotio, sindre fitovy ami’ ty lanja’e;
also of the flesh hooks, and vessels for drink-offering, and golden bowls: and the weight of the gold and silver [articles], and censers, [and] bowls, according to the weight of each.
18 naho amy kitrelim-pañembohañey, volamena natranak’ an-danja; naho volamena amo saren-tsareteo naho amo kerobe mpamelatse o ela’eo mpañohoñe i vatam-pañina’ Iehovàio.
And he showed him the weight [of the utensils] of the altar of incense, [which was] of pure gold, and the plan of the chariot of the cherubs that spread out their wings, and overshadowed the ark of the covenant of the Lord.
19 Le hene nampahafohina’ Iehovà ahiko an-tsokitse am-pità’e amako, ze pilipito’e amo sareo.
David gave all to Solomon in the Lord's handwriting, according to the knowledge given him of the work of the pattern.
20 Le hoe t’i Davide amy Selomò ana’ey: Mihaozara naho mahasibeha vaho mitoloña; ko hembañe naho ko miotsòtse, fa ama’o t’Iehovà Andrianañahare, Andrianañahareko; Ie tsy hilesa ama’o, tsy haforintse’e, ampara’ te fonga fonitse ty fitoloñañe amy fitoroñañe i anjomba’ Iehovàiy.
And David said to Solomon his son, Be strong, and play the man, and do: fear not, neither be terrified; for the Lord my God [is] with you; he will not forsake you, and will not fail you, until you have finished all the work of the service of the house of the Lord. And behold the pattern of the temple, even his house, and its treasury, and the upper chambers, and the inner store-rooms, and the place of propitiation, and the plan of the house of the Lord.
21 Ingo ka o firimboñam-pisoroñe naho nte-Levio ho amo hene fitoroñañe añ’ anjomban’ Añahareo; le hindre ama’o amy ze fitoloñañe iaby, songa ondaty mazoto-troke naho mahimbañe amy ze hene fitoroñañe; vaho ho ambanem-pandilia’o o mpifeheo naho ze kila ondaty.
And see, [here are] the courses of the priests and Levites for all the service of the house of the Lord, and [there shall be] with you [men] for every workmanship, and every one of ready skill in every are: also the chief men and all the people, [ready] for all your commands.