< Zakaria 9 >

1 Teny faminaniana avy tamin’ i Jehovah ny amin’ ny loza hanjo ny tany Hadraka, Ary Damaskosy no hiharany ― Fa ny mason’ i Jehovah mandinika ny olombelona Mbamin’ ny firenena rehetra amin’ ny Isiraely ―
The burden of the worde of the Lord in the land of Hadrach: and Damascus shalbe his rest: when the eyes of man, euen of all the tribes of Israel shalbe toward the Lord.
2 Sy Hamata koa, izay mifanolotra aminy, Ary Tyro sy Sidona koa, satria hendry izy.
And Hamath also shall border thereby: Tyrus also and Zidon, though they be very wise.
3 Ary Tyro nanao manda mafy ho azy Ka nanangona volafotsy hoatra ny vovoka Sy volamena tsara hoatra ny fotaka eny an-dalambe.
For Tyrus did build her selfe a strong holde, and heaped vp siluer as the dust, and golde as the myre of the streetes.
4 Indro, hofoanan’ ny Tompo ny fananany, Sady hasiany koa ny heriny ao amin’ ny ranomasina; Ary ny tenany ho levon’ ny afo.
Beholde, the Lord wil spoyle her, and he wil smite her power in the Sea, and she shalbe deuoured with fire.
5 Askelona hahita izany ka ho raiki-tahotra, Gaza koa, ka ho toran-kovitra indrindra, Ary Ekrona, fa ho tonga henatra ny fanantenany; Tsy hisy mpanjaka intsony ao Gaza, Ary Askelona tsy honenana.
Ashkelon shall see it, and feare, and Azzah also shalbe very sorowfull, and Ekron: for her countenance shalbe ashamed, and the King shall perish from Azzah, and Ashkelon shall not be inhabited.
6 Zazasary no ho mpanjaka ao Asdoda, Ary hofoanako ny reharehan’ ny Filistina.
And the stranger shall dwell in Ashdod, and I wil cut off the pride of the Philistims.
7 Hesoriko eny am-bavany ny ràny, Sy ny fahavetavetany tsy ho eny anelanelan’ ny nifiny; Ary izy koa ho sisa ho an’ Andriamanitsika Sy ho toy ny lohany amin’ ny firenen’ i Joda, Ary Ekrona ho toy ny Jebosita.
And I wil take away his blood out of his mouth, and his abominations from betweene his teeth: but he that remaineth, euen he shalbe for our God, and he shalbe as a prince in Iudah, but Ekron shalbe as a Iebusite.
8 Ary hitoby Aho hiaro ny tranoko noho ny miaramila betsaka, Dia noho izay mandroso sy miverina; Ary tsy hisy mpampahory handeha hamaky eo aminy intsony, Fa ankehitriny dia efa hitan’ ny masoko.
And I will campe about mine House against the armie, against him that passeth by, and against him that returneth, and no oppressour shall come vpon them any more: for now haue I seene with mine eyes.
9 Mifalia indrindra, ry Ziona zanakavavy; Manaova feo fifaliana, ry Jerosalema zanakavavy; Indro, ny Mpanjakanao avy ho anao; Marina Izy sady manam-pamonjena, Malemy fanahy sady mitaingina boriky Dia zana-boriky tanora.
Reioyce greatly, O daughter Zion: shoute for ioy, O daughter Ierusalem: beholde, thy King commeth vnto thee: he is iust and saued himselfe, poore and riding vpon an asse, and vpon a colt the foale of an asse.
10 Ary hofoanako tsy hisy kalesy intsony Efraima, Na soavaly any Jerosalema, Hofoanana koa ny tsipìka fiadiana, Ary hiteny fiadanana amin’ ny jentilisa Izy; Ny fanapahany dia hatramin’ ny ranomasina ka hatramin’ ny ranomasina Ary hatramin’ ny Ony ka hatramin’ ny faran’ ny tany.
And I wil cut off the charets from Ephraim, and the horse from Ierusalem: the bowe of the battel shalbe broken, and he shall speake peace vnto the heathen, and his dominion shalbe from sea vnto sea, and from the Riuer to the end of the land.
11 Ny aminao koa, noho ny ran’ ny fanekena taminao No efa namoahako ny mpifatotrao avy tao an-davaka tsy misy rano.
Thou also shalt be saued through the blood of thy couenant. I haue loosed thy prisoners out of the pit wherein is no water.
12 Miverena ho amin’ ny fiarovana mafy, ianareo mpifatotra manana ny fanantenana! Anio no hanambarako hoe: Hanonitra roa heny ho anao Aho.
Turne you to the strong holde, ye prisoners of hope: euen to day doe I declare, that I will render the double vnto thee.
13 Fa nohenjaniko ho Ahy Joda, Efraima nataoko zana-tsipìka; Ary hotairiko ny zanakao, ry Ziona, hiady amin’ ny zanakao, ry Grisia, Ary hataoko toy ny sabatry ny lehilahy mahery ianao,
For Iudah haue I bent as a bowe for me: Ephraims hand haue I filled, and I haue raised vp thy sonnes, O Zion, against thy sonnes, O Grecia, and haue made thee as a gyants sword.
14 Ary Jehovah hiseho ao aminy, Ka handeha toy ny helatra ny zana-tsipìkany, Jehovah Tompo hitsoka anjomara Ka handeha amin’ ny tafio-drivotra any atsimo.
And the Lord shalbe seene ouer them, and his arrowe shall go forth as the lightning: and the Lord God shall blowe the trumpet, and shall come forth with the whirlewindes of the South.
15 Ary Jehovah, Tompon’ ny maro, no hiaro ireny; Dia hihinana ireny ka hanitsakitsaka vaton’ antsamotady; Ary hisotro ireny ka hihorakoraka tahaka ny azon’ ny divay, Ary ho feno toy ny lovia famafazana ireny, dia toy ny zoron’ ny alitara.
The Lord of hostes shall defend them, and they shall deuoure them, and subdue them with sling stones, and they shall drinke, and make a noyse as thorowe wine, and they shalbe filled like bowles, and as the hornes of the altar.
16 Ary hovonjen’ i Jehovah Andriamaniny ireny amin’ izany andro izany Toy ny olona izay ondriny; Fa ho toy ny vaton-tsatro-boninahitra Mamirapiratra eny amin’ ny taniny ireny.
And the Lord their God shall deliuer them in that day as the flocke of his people: for they shall be as the stones of the crowne lifted up upon his land.
17 Fa akory ny hasoany! ary akory ny hatsaran-tarehiny! Vary no hampaharoroka ny zatovo, Ary ranom-boaloboka kosa ny zazavavy.
For howe great is his goodnesse! and howe great is his beautie! corne shall make the yong men cherefull, and newe wine the maides.

< Zakaria 9 >