< Salamo 66 >

1 Ho an’ ny mpiventy hira. Tonon-kira. Salamo.
For the end, a Song of Psalm of resurrection. Shout unto God, all the earth.
2 Mankalazà ny voninahitry ny anarany; omeo voninahitra Izy ho fiderana Azy.
O sing praises to his name; give glory to his praise.
3 Lazao amin’ Andriamanitra hoe: endrey, mahatahotra ny asanao! ny fahalehibiazan’ ny herinao no hikoizan’ ny fahavalonao Anao.
Say unto God, How awful are thy works! through the greatness of thy power thine enemies shall lie to thee.
4 Ny tany rehetra hiankohoka eo anatrehanao ka hankalaza Anao; eny, hankalaza ny anaranao izy. (Sela)
Let all the earth worship thee, and sing to thee; let them sing to thy name. (Pause)
5 Avia, ka jereo ny asan’ Andriamanitra, mahatahotra ny zavatra ataony amin’ ny zanak’ olombelona.
Come and behold the works of God; [he is] terrible in [his] counsels beyond the children of men.
6 Efa nampody ny ranomasina ho tany maina Izy; nandeha an-tongotra nita ny ony ny olona; tao no nifaliantsika tamin’ Andriamanitra.
Who turns the sea into dry land; they shall go through the river on foot; there shall we rejoice in him,
7 Manjaka mandrakizay amin’ ny heriny Izy, ary ny masony mandinika ny firenen-tsamy hafa; aoka tsy hanandra-tena ny maditra. (Sela)
who by his power is Lord over the age, his eyes look upon the nations; let not them that provoke [him] be exalted in themselves. (Pause)
8 Misaora an’ Andriamanitsika, ry firenena; ary asandrato ny feo fiderana Azy,
Bless our God, ye Gentiles, and make the voice of his praise to be heard;
9 Izay mampitoetra ny fanahintsika amin’ ny fiainana ka tsy mamela ny tongotsika hangozohozo.
who quickens my soul in life, and does not suffer my feet to be moved.
10 Fa efa nizaha toetra anay Hianao, Andriamanitra ô; efa nanadio anay Hianao, tahaka ny fanadio volafotsy amin’ ny memy.
For thou, O God, has proved us; thou hast tried us with fire as silver is tried.
11 Efa nampiditra anay tamin’ ny fandrika Hianao; efa nanisy enta-mavesatra teo am-balahanay Hianao.
Thou broughtest us into the snare; thou laidest afflictions on our back.
12 Efa nampandeha ny olona hanitsaka ny lohanay Hianao; nandeha namaky ny afo sy ny rano izahay; fa nitondra anay nivoaka ho amin’ ny fitahiana mahatretrika Hianao.
Thou didst mount men upon our heads; we went through the fire and water; but thou broughtest us out into [a place of] refreshment.
13 Hiditra ao an-tranonao mitondra fanatitra dorana aho; hefaiko aminao ny voadiko,
I will go into thine house with whole-burnt-offerings; I will pay thee my vows,
14 Izay notononin’ ny molotro sy naloaky ny vavako, fony aho azom-pahoriana.
which my lips framed, and my mouth uttered in my affliction.
15 Hateriko aminao ho fanatitra dorana ny matavy mbamin’ ny setroky ny ondrilahy; hanatitra omby sy osilahy aho. (Sela)
I will offer to thee whole-burnt-sacrifices full of marrow, with incense and rams; I will sacrifice to thee oxen with goats. (Pause)
16 Avia, mihainoa ianareo rehetra izay matahotra an’ Andriamanitra, fa holazaiko izay nataony ho an’ ny fanahiko.
Come, hear, and I will tell, all ye that fear God, how great things he has done for my soul.
17 Izy no nantsoin’ ny vavako; ary ny fanandratana Azy no teo ambanin’ ny lelako.
I cried to him with my mouth, and exalted him with my tongue.
18 Raha nankasitraka ota tao am-poko aho, dia tsy mba hihaino ny Tompo;
If I have regarded iniquity in my heart, let not the Lord hearken [to me].
19 Kanefa efa nihaino tokoa Andriamanitra; efa nihaino ny feon’ ny fivavako Izy.
Therefore God has hearkened to me; he has attended to the voice of my prayer.
20 Isorana anie Andriamanitra, izay tsy nandà ny fivavako, na nanaisotra ny famindram-pony tamiko.
Blessed be God, who has not turned away my prayer, nor his mercy from me.

< Salamo 66 >