< Salamo 32 >

1 Nataon’ i Davida. Maskila.
A Psalme of David to give instruction. Blessed is he whose wickednes is forgiuen, and whose sinne is couered.
2 Sambatra ny olona izay tsy isain’ i Jehovah heloka, ary tsy misy fitaka ny fanahiny.
Blessed is the man, vnto whom the Lord imputeth not iniquitie, and in whose spirite there is no guile.
3 Raha nangina aho, dia nihalany ny taolako rehetra, noho ny fitarainako mandrakariva,
When I helde my tongue, my bones consumed, or when I roared all the day,
4 Fa efa navesatra tamiko andro aman’ alina ny tananao; niova ny fahatanjahako toy ny azon’ ny fahamainana amin’ ny lohataona. (Sela)
(For thine hand is heauie vpon me, day and night: and my moysture is turned into ye drought of summer. (Selah)
5 Ny fahotako nambarako taminao, ary ny heloko tsy mba nafeniko. Hoy izaho: hiaiky ny fahadisoako amin’ i Jehovah aho; ary Hianao dia namela ny heloky ny fahotako. (Sela)
Then I acknowledged my sinne vnto thee, neither hid I mine iniquitie: for I thought, I will confesse against my selfe my wickednesse vnto the Lord, and thou forgauest the punishment of my sinne. (Selah)
6 Izany no aoka hivavahan’ ny tsara tsara fanahy rehetra aminao amin’ izay andro hahitana Anao; eny tokoa, na dia tondraka aza ny rano be, tsy hahatratra azy izany.
Therefore shall euery one, that is godly, make his prayer vnto thee in a time, when thou mayest be founde: surely in the flood of great waters they shall not come neere him.
7 Hianao no fiereko, miaro ahy tsy ho azon’ ny fahoriana Hianao; fihobiam-pamonjena no ahodidinao ahy. (Sela)
Thou art my secret place: thou preseruest me from trouble: thou compassest me about with ioyfull deliuerance. (Selah)
8 Hanome saina anao sy hampianatra anao izay lalan-kalehanao Aho; hitsinjo anao ny masoko ka hanolo-tsaina anao Aho.
I will instruct thee, and teache thee in the way that thou shalt goe, and I will guide thee with mine eye.
9 Aza manahaka ny soavaly na ny ampondra tsy manan-tsaina; vy sy lamboridy no haingo hihazonana azy, fa tsy mety manakaiky anao izy.
Be ye not like an horse, or like a mule, which vnderstand not: whose mouthes thou doest binde with bit and bridle, least they come neere thee.
10 Be ny fanaintainan’ ny ratsy fanahy, fa izay matoky an’ i Jehovah kosa dia ho hodidinin’ ny famindram-po.
Many sorowes shall come to the wicked: but he, that trusteth in the Lord, mercie shall compasse him.
11 Mifalia amin’ i Jehovah, ary ravoravoa, ianareo olo-marina, ary mihobia, ianareo mahitsy fo rehetra.
Be glad ye righteous, and reioyce in the Lord, and be ioyfull all ye, that are vpright in heart.

< Salamo 32 >