< Salamo 143 >
1 Salamo nataon’ i Davida.
“A psalm of David.” Hear my prayer, O LORD! give ear to my supplications! In thy faithfulness, and in thy righteousness, answer me!
2 Ary aza dia mifandahatra amin’ ny mpanomponao eo am-pitsarana; Fa tsy misy olombelona ho marina eo anatrehanao.
Enter not into judgment with thy servant; For before thee no man living is righteous.
3 Fa nanenjika ny fanahiko ny fahavalo; Namely ny aiko ho lavo tamin’ ny tany izy: Nampitoeriny tao amin’ ny maizina aho, toy izay efa maty ela.
For the enemy pursueth my life; He hath smitten me to the ground; He hath made me dwell in darkness, As those that have been dead of old.
4 Dia reraka ny fanahiko ato anatiko; Fadiranovana ny foko ato anatiko.
My spirit is overwhelmed within me; My heart within me is desolate.
5 Mahatsiaro ny andro fahiny ho Ary misaina ny asanao rehetra; Ny asan’ ny tananao no eritreretiko.
I remember the days of old; I meditate on all thy works; I muse on the deeds of thy hands.
6 Mananty tanana aminao aho; Ny fanahiko dia tahaka ny tany mangetana eo anatrehanao. (Sela)
I stretch forth my hands unto thee; My soul thirsteth for thee, like a parched land.
7 Faingàna hamaly ahy, Jehovah ô, fa reraka ny fanahiko; Aza manafina ny tavanao amiko, Fandrao ho tahaka izay midìna any am-pasana aho.
Hear me speedily, O LORD! My spirit faileth; Hide not thy face from me. Lest I become like those who go down to the pit!
8 Ampandreneso ny famindram-ponao aho nony maraina, Fa Hianao no itokiako; Ampahalalao ahy izay lalana tokony halehako, Fa aminao no ananganako ny fanahiko.
Cause me so see thy loving-kindness speedily; For in thee do I trust! Make known to me the way which I should take; For to thee do I lift up my soul!
9 Jehovah ô, vonjeo amin’ ny fa-havaloko aho; Ao aminao no iereko.
Deliver me, O LORD! from mine enemies; For in thee do I seek refuge!
10 Ampianaro hanao ny sitraponao aho; Fa Hianao no Andriamanitro; Aoka ny Fanahinao tsara no hitarihanao ahy amin’ izay tany marina.
Teach me to do thy will; For thou art my God! Let thy good spirit lead me in a plain path!
11 Noho ny anaranao, Jehovah ô, velomy aho; Araka ny fahamarinanao avoahy ny fanahiko ho afaka amin’ ny fahoriana.
Revive me, O LORD! for thy name's sake! In thy righteousness, bring me out of my distress!
12 Ary araka ny famindram-ponao fongory ny fahavaloko, Ka aringano izay rehetra mampahory ny fanahiko; Fa mpanomponao aho.
And, in thy compassion, cut off mine enemies, And destroy all that distress me! For I am thy servant.