< Salamo 139 >

1 Ho an’ ny mpiventy hira. Salamo nataon’ i Davida.
For the end, a Psalm of David. O Lord, you have proved me, and known me.
2 Hianao no mahalala ny fipetrako sy ny fitsangako Sady mahafantatra ny hevitro eny lavitra eny.
You know my down-sitting and mine up-rising: you understand my thoughts long before.
3 Voadinikao ny toetro, na mandeha aho, na mandry; Ary fantatrao tsara ny alehako rehetra.
You have traced my path and my bed, and have foreseen all my ways.
4 Fa, indro, tsy misy teny tsy fantatrao eo amin’ ny lelako, Jehovah ô.
For there is no unrighteous word in my tongue: behold, O Lord, you have known all things,
5 Manodidina ahy eo ivohoko sy eo anatrehako Hianao, Ary apetrakao amiko ny tananao.
the last and the first: you have fashioned me, and laid your hand upon me.
6 Fahalalana mahagaga ahy loatra izany, Eny, avo loatra ka tsy tratro.
The knowledge of you is too wonderful for me; it is very difficult, I can’t [attain] to it.
7 Aiza no hialako amin’ ny Fanahinao? Aiza no handosirako tsy ho eo anatrehanao?
Whither shall I go from your Spirit? and whither shall I flee from my presence?
8 Na dia miakatra any an-danitra aza aho dia any Hianao; Ary na dia manao ny fiainan-tsi-hita ho fandriako aza aho, indro, any Hianao. (Sheol h7585)
If I should go up to heaven, you are there: if I should go down to hell, you are present. (Sheol h7585)
9 Na dia maka ny elatry ny maraina aza aho, Mba hitoetra any am-paran’ ny ranomasina,
If I should spread my wings [to fly] straight forward, and sojourn at the extremity of the sea, [it would be vain],
10 Dia mbola entin’ ny tananao ihany aho, na dia izany aza, Sy hazonin’ ny tananao ankavanana.
for even there your hand would guide me, and your right hand would hold me.
11 Ary na dia hoy izaho aza: Aoka ny maizina hanarona ahy, Ary aoka ny mazava manodidina ahy ho tonga alina,
When I said, Surely the darkness will cover me; even the night [was] light in my luxury.
12 Tsia, fa ny maizina aza tsy mahamaizina aminao; Fa ny alina dia mahazava toy ny andro ihany, Ka sahala ny mazava sy ny maizina.
For darkness will not be darkness with you; but night will be light as day: as its darkness, so shall its light [be to you].
13 Fa Hianao no nahary ny voako; Namolavola ahy tao an-kibon-dreniko Hianao.
For you, O Lord, have possessed my reins; you have helped me from my mother's womb.
14 Hidera Anao aho; fa mahatahotra sy mahatalanjona ny nanaovana ahy; Mahagaga ny asanao; Ary fantatry ny fanahiko marimarina izany.
I will give you thanks; for you are fearfully wondrous; wondrous are your works; and my soul knows [it] well.
15 Ny tenako tsy niafina taminao, Fony natao tao amin’ ny miafina aho, Ka noforoninao hisy endrika tany ambanin’ ny tany.
My bones, which you made in secret were not hidden from you, nor my substance, in the lowest parts of the earth.
16 Ny masonao efa nahita ahy na dia fony tsy mbola ary fady aza aho; Voasoratra teo amin’ ny bokinao avokoa ny andro voatendry, Fony tsy mbola nisy na dia iray akory aza.
Your eyes saw my unwrought [substance], and all [men] shall be written in your book; they shall be formed by day, though [there should for a time] be no one among them.
17 Endrey, zava-tsoa amiko indrindra ny hevitrao, Andriamanitra ô! Akory ny hamaron’ ny isany!
But your friends, O God, have been greatly honored by me; their rule has been greatly strengthened.
18 Raha hanisa azy aho, dia maro isa lavitra noho ny fasika izy; Raha mifoha aho, dia mbola aminao ihany.
I will number them, and they shall be multiplied beyond the sand; I awake, and am still with you.
19 Haringanao mihitsy ny ratsy fanahy, Andriamanitra ô, Ary mialà amiko, ianareo mpandatsa-drà.
Oh that you would kill the wicked, O God; depart from me, you men of blood.
20 Dia izay manonona Anao ho enti-mamitaka, Jehovah ô, Eny, ny fahavalonao izay manonona Anao foana.
For you will say concerning [their] thought, [that] they shall take your cities in vain.
21 Tsy hankahala izay mankahala Anao va aho, Jehovah ô, Sy ho tezitra amin’ izay mitsangana hanohitra Anao?
Have I not hated them, O Lord, that hate you? and wasted away because of your enemies?
22 Halako dia halako marina tokoa ireny; Efa fahavaloko ireny.
I have hated them with perfect hatred; they were counted my enemies.
23 Diniho aho, Andriamanitra ô, ary fantaro ny foko; Izahao toetra aho, ary fantaro ny eritreritro;
Prove me, O God, and know my heart; examine me, and know my paths;
24 Ary izahao na misy lalana mampahory ato anatiko, Dia tariho amin’ ny lalana mandrakizay aho.
and see if [there is any] way of iniquity in me, and lead me in an everlasting way.

< Salamo 139 >