< Salamo 104 >

1 Misaora an’ i Jehovah, ry fanahiko. Jehovah Andriamanitro ô, lehibe indrindra Hianao, Famirapiratana sy voninahitra no fitafinao,
Let every part of me praise the Lord! Lord my God, you are so great, clothed with majesty and splendor!
2 Mitafy ny mazava tahaka ny lamba Izy Ary mamelatra ny lanitra tahaka ny lay,
You wear light as your clothing; you stretch out the fabric of the heavens.
3 Ary mametraka ny rairain-drihan’ ny tranony amin’ ny rano, Sady manao ny rahona matevina ho kalesiny ka mandeha amin’ ny elatry ny rivotra,
You place the roof-beams of your house in the rainclouds. You make the clouds your chariots. You ride on the wings of the wind.
4 Ary manao ny rivotra ho irany Sy ny lelafo ho mpanompony.
You make your angels winds, and your servants flames of fire.
5 Nanorina ny tany tambonin’ ny fanorenany Izy, Mba tsy hihetseha-ny mandrakizay doria.
You set the earth on its foundations; it will never be shaken.
6 Ny rano lalina no nasaronao azy tahaka ny lamba; Nandifotra ny tendrombohitra aza ireny.
It was clothed with ocean depths—the waters even covered the mountains—
7 Noho ny teny mafy nataonao dia nandositra ny tendrombohitra, Noho ny feon’ ny kotrokoranao dia nirifatra izy
but at your command the waters fled; at the sound of your thunder they rushed away.
8 Nisondrotra ny tendrombohitra, nietry ny lohasaha ho any amin’ izay namboarinao hitoerany.
The mountains rose up and the valleys sank down to where you had determined.
9 Efa nasianao fetra tsy hihoarany izy Mba tsy hiverina hanarona ny tany.
You set a boundary for the oceans so they would not come back and cover the earth.
10 Mampandeha loharano eny amin’ ny lohasaha Izy; Eny anelanelan’ ny tendrombohitra no alehan’ ireny,
You make springs flow into the streams, running down between the hills.
11 Ka isotroan’ ny bibi-dia rehetra, Sy analan’ ny boriki-dia ny hetahetany;
They provide water for all the wild animals, and wild donkeys quench their thirst.
12 Eo amboniny no itoeran’ ny voro-manidina; Ary eo amin’ ny ran-tsan-kazo no anenoany.
Birds build their nests in trees along the streams, singing from among the leaves.
13 Manondra-drano ny tendrombohitra avy amin’ ny tranony ambony Izy; Ny vokatry ny asanao no mahavoky ny tany.
You send down rain on the mountains from your home high above; you fill the earth with good things.
14 Mampaniry ahitra ho an’ ny biby fiompy Izy Sy anana hahasoa ny olona. Ary mamoaka hanina avy amin’ ny tany.
You make the grass grow for the cattle, and plants for people to eat—crops produced by the earth for food,
15 Ary divay izay mampifaly ny olona, ka mampinendonendo ny tavany mihoatra noho ny diloilo, Ary mofo hanohanana ny ain’ ny olona.
and wine to make them happy, olive oil to make their faces shine, and bread to make them strong.
16 Voky ny hazon’ i Jehovah, Dia ny sederan’ i Libanona, izay namboleny;
The Lord's trees are well-watered, the cedars of Lebanon that he planted.
17 Izay anaovan’ ny voron-kely ny akaniny; Ary ny vano, dia ao amin’ ny kypreso no anaovany ny tranony.
Sparrows make their nests there; herons make their homes in the tall trees.
18 Ny tendrombohitra avo dia ho an’ ny osi-dia; Ny harambato no fiarovana ho an’ ny hyraka.
Wild goats live high in the mountains; hyraxes hide among the rocks.
19 Nanao ny volana ho fotoana Izy, Ary ny masoandro mahalala ny filentehany.
You made the moon to mark the months, and the sun knows when to set.
20 Mahatonga aizina Hianao, dia tonga ny alina, Ka mivezivezy ny biby rehetra any an’ ala;
You make darkness fall and the night comes, the time when the forest animals come out to hunt.
21 Ny liona tanora mierona maniry toha Ka mitady ny haniny avy amin’ Andriamanitra.
The young lions roar as they seek their prey, looking for the food that God provides for them.
22 Miposaka ny masoandro, dia miverina ireny, Ary ao an-davany no amitsahany.
When the sun rises they return to their dens to rest.
23 Fa ny olona kosa mivoaka ho any amin’ ny taozavany, Sy ny asany mandra-paharivan’ ny andro.
Then people leave for work, working until the evening.
24 Endrey ny hamaroan’ ny asanao, Jehovah ô! Fahendrena no nanaovanao azy rehetra; Henika ny zavatra nataonao ny tany.
Lord, how many different things you have made—all of them wisely created! The earth is full of your creatures.
25 Indro ny ranomasina sady lehibe no malalaka, Any no misy zava-mihetsiketsika tsy tambo isaina, Dia zava-miaina, na kely na lehibe.
Consider the sea, deep and wide, full of all kinds of living things, large and small.
26 Any no alehan’ ny sambo Sy ny trozona, izay noforoninao hilaolao any.
Ships sail there, and Leviathan, that you made to play in it.
27 Ireo rehetra ireo miandry Anao, Mba homenao ny haniny amin’ ny fotoany.
All creatures look to you to give them food at the right time.
28 Manome Hianao, dia manangona izy; Manokatra ny tananao Hianao, dia voky ny soa izy;
When you provide it, they gather it up. You hand out food to them, and they are well-fed.
29 Manafina ny tavanao Hianao, dia raiki-tahotra izy; Alainao indray ny ainy, dia maty izy Ka mody any amin’ ny vovoka nanalana azy,
When you turn away from them, they're terrified; when you take away their breath, they die and return to dust.
30 Maniraka ny Fanahinao Hianao, dia ary izy, Ary manavao ny tarehin’ ny tany Hianao.
When you send your breath, they are created, and life covers the earth again.
31 Ho mandrakizay anie ny voninahitr’ i Jehovah; Aoka Jehovah hifaly amin’ ny asany.
May the Lord's glory last forever! The Lord is happy with all he has made.
32 Jereny ny tany, dia mihorohoro; Tendren’ ny tànany ny tendrombohitra, dia midonaka.
He only has to look at the earth and it trembles; mountains pour out smoke at his touch.
33 Hihira ho an’ i Jehovah aho, raha mbola velona koa; Hankalaza an’ Andriamanitro aho, raha mbola miaina.
I will sing to the Lord for as long as I live; I will sing praises to my God my whole life.
34 Ho maminy anie ny fisainako Azy; Izaho no hifaly amin’ i Jehovah.
May he be pleased with my thoughts because I am happy in the Lord.
35 Ho lany ringana tsy ho etỳ amin’ ny tany ny mpanota, Ary ny ratsy fanahy tsy ho etỳ intsony. Misaora an’ i Jehovah, ry fanahiko. Haleloia.
Let sinners be destroyed from the earth; let the wicked cease to exist. Let every part of me praise the Lord!

< Salamo 104 >