< Salamo 10 >

1 Jehovah ô, nahoana no mijanona eny lavitra eny Hianao ka miery amin’ ny andro fahoriana?
Why standest thou afar off, O LORD? Why hidest thou thyself in times of trouble?
2 Noho ny fireharehan’ ny ratsy fanahy dia enjehina mafy ny malahelo; azon’ ny fahendrena nataony izy ireny.
Through the haughtiness of the wicked the poor are in distress; They are caught in the wiles which are contrived for them.
3 Ny ratsy fanahy mandoka izay irin’ ny fony; ary ny mpierina mahafoy sy manamavo an’ i Jehovah.
The wicked boasteth of his heart's desire; The rapacious renounceth and contemneth Jehovah.
4 Ny ratsy fanahy mirehareha hoe: Tsy hanadina Izy; eny, “Tsy misy Andriamanitra” no tontalin-keviny.
The wicked [[saith]] in his haughtiness, “He careth not!” All his thoughts are, “There is no God.”
5 Tanteraka mandrakariva ny alehany; any amin’ ny avo lavitra azy ny fitsarànao; ny mpandrafy azy rehetra dia ataony hoe: zinona ireny?
His course is always prosperous; Far in the heights are thy judgments from him; As for all his enemies, he puffeth at them.
6 Hoy izy am-pony: tsy hangozohozo aho, tsy ho azon-doza mandrakizay doria aho.
He saith in his heart, “I shall never fall; I shall never be in adversity.”
7 Feno ozona sy fitaka ary fanaovana an-keriny ny vavany; ao ambanin’ ny lelany dia misy fampahoriana sy faharatsiana.
His mouth is full of perjury, deceit, and oppression; Mischief and injustice are upon his tongue.
8 Mamitsaka amin’ ny fanotrehana ao an-tanàna izy, ao an-katakonana no amonoany ny marina; ny masony mikendry ny mahantra.
He sitteth in the lurking-places of the villages; In secret places doth he murder the innocent; His eyes are secretly fixed upon the poor.
9 Manotrika ao an-katakonana tahaka ny liona ao amin’ ny famitsahany izy; manotrika hisambotra ny malahelo izy; fandrihany amin’ ny haratony no fisambony ny malahelo.
He secretly lieth in wait, like a lion in a thicket; He lieth in wait to seize upon the helpless; He catcheth the poor, drawing him into his net.
10 Torotoro sy mitanondrika ny mahantra ka lavo amin’ ny herin’ ny ratsy fanahy.
He croucheth, and lowereth himself, And the wretched fall into his paws.
11 Hoy izy anakampony: efa nanadino Andriamanitra, efa nanafina ny tavany Izy ka tsy hahita mandrakizay.
He saith in his heart, “God doth forget; He hideth his face; he doth never see it.”
12 Mitsangàna, Jehovah ô; Andriamanitra ô, atsangano ny tananao, aza manadino ny ory.
Arise, O LORD! O God, lift up thine hand: Forget not the distressed!
13 Nahoana no mamingavinga an’ Andriamanitra ny ratsy fanahy ka manao anakampo hoe: Tsy hanadina Hianao?
Wherefore doth the wicked contemn God, And say in his heart, “He careth not for it”?
14 Efa nahita ihany Hianao, satria mijery fahoriana sy alahelo, mba hovalian’ ny tananao. Hianao no iononan’ ny mahantra; Hianao no Mpamonjy ny kamboty.
Thou dost see it; yea, thou beholdest malice and oppression, And markest it upon thy hand! The poor committeth himself to thee; Thou art the helper of the fatherless.
15 Torotoroy ny sandrin’ ny ratsy fanahy; ary adino ny heloky ny mpanao ratsy mandra-paha-tsy hisy hitanao intsony.
Break thou the arm of the unjust and wicked man; Seek out his wickedness, till thou canst find none!
16 Jehovah no Mpanjaka mandrakizay doria; voafongotra tsy ho amin’ ny taniny intsony ny jentilisa.
Jehovah is king for ever and ever; The gentiles shall perish out of his land.
17 Efa nohenoinao, Jehovah ô, ny irin’ ny mpandefitra; mampiomana ny fony Hianao sady mampihaino ny sofinao,
Thou, O LORD! wilt hear the desires of the distressed; Thou wilt strengthen their hearts; Thou wilt lend a listening ear!
18 Hanomezanao rariny ny kamboty sy ny mahantra, mba tsy handroso hampitahotra intsony ny zanak’ olombelona etỳ an-tany.
Thou wilt maintain the cause of the fatherless and the oppressed, That henceforth none may be driven from the land.

< Salamo 10 >