< Ohabolana 25 >

1 Izao koa no ohabolan’ i Solomona, izay nangonin’ ny olon’ i Hezekia, mpanjakan’ ny Joda:
Here are more wise sayings/words that Solomon [wrote]. Some men who worked for Hezekiah, the king of Judah, copied them [from a scroll that Solomon had written].
2 Voninahitr’ Andriamanitra ny manafin-javatra; Fa voninahitry ny mpanjaka kosa ny mamanta-javatra.
[We consider] God to be great because he (acts in mysterious ways/does things that we cannot understand); [we consider] kings to be great because they explain things.
3 Ny hahavon’ ny lanitra sy ny halalin’ ny tany Ary ny fon’ ny mpanjaka dia samy tsy azo fantarina avokoa.
[It is not possible for anyone to measure] how high the sky is or how deep the earth/ocean is; likewise [SIM], it is not possible for us to know [all] that kings are thinking.
4 Esory ny taim-bolafotsy, Dia hisy fanaka ho an’ ny mpanao an-idina.
[If workers] burn out the impure bits that are in silver, a man who makes things from silver can make something beautiful from the silver.
5 Esory ny ratsy fanahy tsy ho eo anatrehan’ ny mpanjaka, Dia hampitoerina amin’ ny fahamarinana ny seza fiandrianany.
[Similarly, if] wicked [advisors] are taken away from a king, his government will remain secure, because [the king will be able to] act justly.
6 Aza manandra-tena eo anatrehan’ ny mpanjaka, Ary aza mitoetra eo amin’ ny fitoeran’ ny lehibe;
When you stand in front of a king, do not try to (impress him/honor yourself) and do not (act like you are important/ask to sit where important people sit; )
7 Fa aleo ianao hantsoina hoe: Miakara atỳ, Toy izay hatambotsotra eo imason’ ny manan-kaja izay hitan’ ny masonao.
it is better if someone tells you to sit closer [to the king] than for [someone to tell you], while the king is listening, to sit further away in order that someone who is more important [may sit closer to the king].
8 Aza maika handeha hiady, Fandrao tsy ho fantatrao izay hataonao amin’ ny farany, Rehefa omen’ ny namanao henatra ianao.
Do not quickly go to a court [to tell the judge about] something that you have seen, because another witness may later [say something that proves that you are wrong, and as a result] you will be disgraced/ashamed. If that happens, (what will you do?/you will not know what to do.) [RHQ]
9 Miadia ihany ny adinao amin’ ny namanao, Kanefa aza aseho izay tsy tian’ ny sasany holazaina,
If you and someone else think differently about some matter, settle it between yourselves, and do not tell others any secret [that he has told you].
10 Fandrao izay mandre hanondro maso anao, Ka tsy ho afaka aminao ny laza ratsy.
If others find out that you have told secrets, you will be ashamed, and from that time on, (you will have a bad reputation/people will think badly about you).
11 Ny teny atao amin’ ny antony dia poma volamena ao anaty vilia volafotsy tsara soratra.
Something that is said that is [very] appropriate is [as delightful as seeing] [SIM] gold apples/ornaments in a silver bowl.
12 Kavim-bolamena sy firavaka volamena tsara Ny mpananatra hendry, raha amin’ ny sofina mihaino.
When a wise person rebukes/warns someone [SYN] who is willing to listen, that is [as valuable as] [SIM] a gold ring or a gold chain.
13 Toy ny hatsiaky ny oram-panala amin’ ny taom-pijinjana, Dia toy izany ny iraka mahatoky amin’ izay naniraka azy, Fa mamelombelona ny fon’ ny tompony izy.
A messenger who (is reliable/tells someone else exactly what he was told to say) refreshes [the spirits of] his bosses who sent him like [SIM] (snow/cold water) refreshes [the ground] at the time that [people] harvest crops.
14 Toy ny rahona sy ny rivotra tsy misy orana Ny olona izay mirehaka amin’ ny fizaram-bava.
When someone promises to give a gift to us but never gives it, [that disappoints us] as much as [SIM] clouds and wind that come but do not bring any rain.
15 Ny fahari-po no ahazoana mampanaiky ny mpitsara, Ary ny vava malefaka mahatapa-taolana.
If someone keeps requesting a ruler long enough to do something, he will [often] agree to do it; similarly, by speaking [MTY] gently we can [often] convince [others that what we say is right] [IDM].
16 Mahita tantely va ianao? Hano izay antonona anao, Fandrao voky loatra ianao ka handoa azy.
If you find some honey, do not eat a lot of it, because doing that may cause you to vomit.
17 Aza miditra matetika ao an-tranon’ ny namanao, Fandrao tofoka anao izy, ka ho halany ianao.
Do not go to your neighbor’s house very often [to talk with him]; if you go [very] often, he will get tired of listening to you and start to hate you.
18 Langilangy sy sabatra ary zana-tsipìka maranitra Ny olona izay mitsangana ho vavolombelona mandainga hanameloka ny namany.
To falsely accuse others [in court] is like [SIM] [attacking them with] a war-club or a sword or a sharp arrow.
19 Toy ny nify nahasimatsimahana sy ny tongotra mangozohozo Ny fahatokiana ny mpamitaka amin’ ny andro fahoriana.
Depending on unreliable people when you have troubles is [as bad] as [trying to eat when] you have a bad/hurting tooth or [trying to walk when] your foot is crippled.
20 Toy ny miala lamba amin’ ny hatsiaka, Ary toy ny vinaingitra amin’ ny sirahazo, Dia toy izany ny mikalo amin’ ny malahelo am-po.
Singing to someone who is depressed [just causes him to feel worse]; it is like [SIM] taking off clothes on a very cold day or like putting vinegar on a wound.
21 Raha noana ny fahavalonao, omeo hanina izy; Ary raha mangetaheta izy, omeo rano hosotroiny;
If your enemies are hungry, give them something to eat; if they are thirsty, give them something to drink;
22 Fa raha manao izany ianao, dia hanambatra vainafo ho eo an-dohany, Ary Jehovah no hamaly soa anao.
doing that will cause them to feel ashamed [IDM], and Yahweh will reward you for doing that.
23 Ny rivotra avy any avaratra mahatonga ranonorana, Dia toy izany, ny lelan’ ny mpifosa mampahavinitra endrika.
When wind blows from the right direction, it will rain; [similarly] [SIM], if we gossip about others, that causes them to look at us very angrily.
24 Aleo mitoetra eo an-joron’ ny tampontrano Toy izay miray trano amin’ ny vehivavy tia ady.
It is better to live ([alone/by yourself]) in the corner of an attic/housetop than to live inside the house with a wife who is [always] nagging.
25 Rano mangatsiaka amin’ ny fanahy reraka Ny filazana soa avy any an-tany lavitra.
Receiving good news from a country far away refreshes our spirits like [SIM] cold water refreshes us when we are very thirsty.
26 Loharano voahosihosy sy fantsakana simba Ny marina izay mikoy ny ratsy fanahy,
When a righteous/good person (gives in/yields) to wicked [people], that is [as bad] as [SIM] a spring that becomes muddied or a fountain that becomes polluted.
27 Tsy tsara raha mahery homana tantely; Fa ny fitadiavan’ ny olona ny voninahiny dia tsy voninahitra.
It is not good to eat too much honey, and trying to get people to praise you is also not good.
28 Tanàna rava tsy misy manda Ny lehilahy izay tsy mahatsindry ny fanahiny.
People who (cannot control their tempers/quickly become very angry) [are unable to defend their behavior]; that is like [having] a city without a wall around it, [with the result that no one can defend it].

< Ohabolana 25 >