< Ohabolana 13 >

1 Ny zanaka hendry mihaino ny fananaran-drainy; Fa ny mpaniratsira tsy mety mihaino, na dia anarina mafy aza.
A wise son [heareth] his father’s instruction: but a scorner heareth not rebuke.
2 Ny vokatry ny vavan’ ny olona no ahazoany soa; Fa ny hampidi-doza no mahafaly ny mpivadika.
A man shall eat good by the fruit of [his] mouth: but the soul of the transgressors [shall eat] violence.
3 Izay mahambim-bava no miaro ny ainy; Fa izay vavàna dia haringana.
He that keepeth his mouth keepeth his life: [but] he that openeth wide his lips shall have destruction.
4 Ny fanahin’ ny kamo maniry, fa tsy mba mahazo; Fa ny fanahin’ ny mazoto hohatavezina.
The soul of the sluggard desireth, and [hath] nothing: but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat.
5 Ny lainga dia halan’ ny marina; Fa ny ratsy fanahy manao izay maharikoriko sy mahamenatra.
A righteous [man] hateth lying: but a wicked [man] is loathsome, and cometh to shame.
6 Ny fahamarinana miaro izay mandeha tsy misy tsiny; Fa ny haratsiana mamotraka ny mpanota.
Righteousness keepeth [him that is] upright in the way: but wickedness overthroweth the sinner.
7 Misy mihambo ho manan-karena, nefa tsy manana na inona na inona; Misy kosa mody malahelo, nefa manana harena be.
There is that maketh himself rich, yet [hath] nothing: [there is] that maketh himself poor, yet [hath] great riches.
8 Ny haren’ ny olona dia avotry ny ainy; Fa ny levilevy tsy mampiraika ny malahelo akory.
The ransom of a man’s life [are] his riches: but the poor heareth not rebuke.
9 Ny fahazavan’ ny marina dia tsara firehitra; Fa ny jiron’ ny ratsy fanahy ho faty.
The light of the righteous rejoiceth: but the lamp of the wicked shall be put out.
10 Fifandirana ihany no vokatry ny fiavonavonana; Fa ao amin’ ny mino anatra no misy fahendrena.
Only by pride cometh contention: but with the well advised [is] wisdom.
11 Ny harena azoazo foana dia mihena lalandava; Fa izay mahavatra mitsimpona no mampitombo.
Wealth [gotten] by vanity shall be diminished: but he that gathereth by labour shall increase.
12 Ny fanantenana tsy azo vetivety dia mankarary am-bavafo; Fa hazon’ aina ny faniriana tanteraka.
Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but [when] the desire cometh, [it is] a tree of life.
13 Izay manamavo ny teny ho voasingony; Fa izay matahotra ny didy no hahazo valim-pitia.
Whoso despiseth the word shall be destroyed: but he that feareth the commandment shall be rewarded.
14 Ny fampianaran’ ny hendry dia loharanon’ aina Ka mampivily tsy ho ao amin’ ny fandriky ny fahafatesana.
The law of the wise [is] a fountain of life, to depart from the snares of death.
15 Ny fahendrena tsara dia ahazoam-pitia; Fa sarotra ny lalan’ ny mpivadika.
Good understanding giveth favour: but the way of transgressors [is] hard.
16 Ny mahira-tsaina, rehetra miasa amin’ ny fahalalana; Fa ny adala kosa mampiseho hadalana;
Every prudent [man] dealeth with knowledge: but a fool layeth open [his] folly.
17 Ny iraka ratsy fanahy idiran-doza; Fa ny iraka mahatoky dia famelombelomana.
A wicked messenger falleth into mischief: but a faithful ambassador [is] health.
18 Fahalahelovana sy henatra no ho an’ izay mandà famaizana; Fa izay manaiky anatra no homem-boninahitra.
Poverty and shame [shall be to] him that refuseth instruction: but he that regardeth reproof shall be honoured.
19 Mamin’ ny fo ny faniriana tanteraka; Fa fahavetavetana eo imason’ ny adala ny hiala amin’ ny ratsy.
The desire accomplished is sweet to the soul: but [it is] abomination to fools to depart from evil.
20 Izay miara-dia amin’ ny hendry dia ho hendry; Fa izay misakaiza amin’ ny adala dia hidiran-doza.
He that walketh with wise [men] shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.
21 Ny mpanota dia enjehin’ ny loza: Fa hovalian-tsoa ny marina.
Evil pursueth sinners: but to the righteous good shall be repayed.
22 Ny tsara fanahy mahenina lova ny zafiny, Fa ny haren’ ny mpanota kosa voatahiry ho an’ ny marina.
A good [man] leaveth an inheritance to his children’s children: and the wealth of the sinner [is] laid up for the just.
23 Ny tanin’ ny malahelo izay voasa dia ahazoana hanina be; Fa maro no ringana noho ny fanaovan’ izay tsy rariny.
Much food [is in] the tillage of the poor: but there is [that is] destroyed for want of judgment.
24 Izay mitsitsy ny tsorakazony dia tsy tia ny zanany; Fa izay tia zanaka dia manafay azy, raha mbola kely.
He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes.
25 Ny marina mihinana ka voky tsara; Fa noana ny kibon’ ny ratsy fanahy.
The righteous eateth to the satisfying of his soul: but the belly of the wicked shall want.

< Ohabolana 13 >