< Ohabolana 1 >

1 Ny Ohabolan’ i Solomona, zanak’ i Davida, mpanjakan’ ny Isiraely:
The Proverbs of Solomon son of David, who reigned in Israel;
2 Hahalalana fahendrena sy fananarana, Ary hahafantarana ny tenin’ ny fahalalana;
to know wisdom and instruction, and to perceive words of understanding;
3 Hahazoana fananarana mampahahendry, Dia fahamarinana sy rariny ary fahitsiana;
to receive also hard saying, and to understand true justice, and [how] to direct judgment;
4 Hanomezam-pahendrena ho an’ ny kely saina, Ary fahalalana sy fisainana mazava ho an’ ny zatovo.
that he might give subtlety to the simple, and to the young man discernment and understanding.
5 Aoka ny hendry hihaino ka hitombo saina; Ary aoka ny manam-panahy hahazo fitarihana tsara;
For by the hearing of these a wise man will be wiser, and man of understanding will gain direction;
6 Hahafantarana ohabolana sy fanoharana, Ary ny tenin’ ny hendry sy ny teny saro-pantarina ataony.
and will understand a parable, and a dark speech; the saying of the wise also, and riddles.
7 Ny fahatahorana an’ i Jehovah no fiandoham-pahalalana; Fa ny adala manamavo ny fahendrena sy ny famaizana. Fananarana tsy hikambana amin’ ny mpanao ratsy.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; and [there is] good understanding to all that practise it: and piety toward God is the beginning of discernment; but the ungodly will set at nothing wisdom and instruction.
8 Anaka, mihainoa ny ana-drainao, Ary aza mahafoy ny lalàn-dreninao;
Hear, [my] son, the instruction of your father, and reject not the rules of your mother.
9 Fa fehiloha tsara tarehy amin’ ny lohanao izany, Ary rado amin’ ny vozonao.
For you shall receive for your head a crown of graces, and a chain of gold round your neck.
10 Anaka, raha taomin’ ny mpanota ianao, Aza manaiky.
[My] son, let not ungodly men lead you astray, neither consent you [to them].
11 Raha hoy izy: Andeha hiaraka isika, Aoka isika hanotrika handatsa-drà; Andeha hamitsahantsika tsy ahoan-tsy ahoana ny tsy manan-tsiny;
If they should exhort you, saying, Come with us, partake in blood, and let us unjustly hide the just man in the earth:
12 Aoka isika hitelina azy velona tahaka ny fitelin’ ny fiainan-tsi-hita Ary hanao azy teli-moka toy ny latsaka any an-davaka; (Sheol h7585)
and let us swallow him alive, as Hades [would], and remove the memorial of him from the earth: (Sheol h7585)
13 Dia ho azontsika ny fananana sarobidy rehetra, Ka hofenointsika babo ny tranontsika;
let us seize on his valuable property, and let us fill our houses with spoils:
14 Avia mba hiara-miloka eto aminay; Aoka ho iray ihany ny kitapom-bolantsika rehetra:
but do you cast in your lot with us, and let us all provide a common purse, and let us have one pouch:
15 Anaka, aza miara-dalana aminy ianao; Arovy ny tongotrao tsy hankamin’ ny alehany;
go not in the way with them, but turn aside your foot from their paths:
16 Fa ny tongony mihazakazaka ho amin’ ny ratsy Sady faingana handatsa-drà.
[For their feet run to do evil, and are swift to shed blood. ]
17 Fa velarim-poana ny fandrika, Raha hitan’ ny vorona.
for nets are not without cause spread for birds.
18 Fa ireny dia manotrika handatsaka ny ran’ ny tenany ihany; Mamitsaka hahafaty ny tenany ihany izy.
For they that are concerned in murder store up evils for themselves; and the overthrow of transgressors is evil.
19 Toy izany no iafaran’ izay rehetra fatra-pila harena; Fa hipaoka ny ain’ izay fatra-pila azy izany.
These are the ways of all that perform lawless deeds; for by ungodliness they destroy their own life.
20 Ny fahendrena miantso mafy eny ivelany; Manandratra ny feony eny an-kalalahana izy;
Wisdom sings aloud in passages, and in the broad places speaks boldly.
21 Mitory ao amin’ izay fivorian’ ny maro be mireondreona izy; Eo anoloan’ ny vavahady sy ao an-tanàna no ilazany ny teniny hoe:
And she makes proclamation on the top of the walls, and sits by the gates of princes; and at the gates of the city boldly says,
22 Ry kely saina, mandra-pahoviana no hitiavanareo ny fahadalana, Sy hifalian’ ny mpaniratsira amin’ ny faniratsirana, Ary hankahalan’ ny adala ny fahalalana?
So long as the simple cleave to justice, they shall not be ashamed: but the foolish being lovers of haughtiness, having become ungodly have hated knowledge, and are become subject to reproofs.
23 Miverena ianareo hihaino ny fananarako; Indro, haidiko aminareo ny fanahiko, Ary hampahafantariko anareo ny teniko.
Behold, I will bring forth to you the utterance of my breath, and I will instruct you in my speech.
24 Satria efa niantso Aho, fa nandà ianareo; Efa naninjitra ny tanako Aho, fa tsy nisy nitandrina;
Since I called, and you did not listen; and I spoke at length, and you gave no heed;
25 Fa nolavinareo ny saina rehetra natolotro, Sady tsy nety nanaiky ny anatro ianareo:
but you set at nothing my counsels, and disregarded my reproofs;
26 Izaho kosa hihomehy, raha tonga ny fandringanana anareo; Handatsa Aho, raha tonga ny mahatahotra anareo.
therefore I also will laugh at your destruction; and I will rejoice against [you] when ruin comes upon you:
27 Raha tonga ny zava-mahatahotra anareo tahaka ny rivo-doza Ary ny fandringanana anareo toy ny tadio, Ka manjo anareo ny fahoriana sy ny fangirifiriana,
yes when dismay suddenly comes upon you, and [your] overthrow shall arrive like a tempest; and when tribulation and distress shall come upon you, or when ruin shall come upon you.
28 Dia vao hiantso Ahy izy, fa tsy hamaly Aho; Dia vao hitady Ahy fatratra izy, fa tsy ho hitany Aho.
For it shall be that when you call upon me, I will not listen to you: wicked men shall seek me, but shall not find [me].
29 Satria nankahala ny fahalalana izy Ary tsy nifidy ny fahatahorana an’ i Jehovah,
For they hated wisdom, and did not choose the word of the Lord:
30 Tsy nekeny ny saina natolotro, Notsiratsirainy avokoa ny anatro rehetra,
neither would they attend to my counsels, but derided my reproofs.
31 Dia hihinana ny vokatry ny alehany izy Ka ho voky ny fihendreny.
Therefore shall they eat the fruits of their own way, and shall be filled with their own ungodliness.
32 Fa ny fihemoran’ ny kely saina hahafaty azy, Ary ny fiadanan’ ny adala handringana azy.
For because they wronged the simple, they shall be slain; and an inquisition shall ruin the ungodly.
33 Fa izay mihaino Ahy kosa hitoetra tsy manana ahiahy, Eny, handry fahizay izy ka tsy hatahotra ny ratsy.
But he that hearkens to me shall dwell in confidence, and shall rest securely from all evil.

< Ohabolana 1 >