< Nehemia 5 >

1 Ary nitaraina mafy ny lehilahy sy ny vadiny ny amin’ ny Jiosy rahalahiny.
Then came there to be a great outcry of the people and their wives, —against their brethren the Jews.
2 Fa nisy nanao hoe: Maro izahay mbamin’ ny zanakai-lahy sy ny zanakai-vavy; koa ta-hahazo vary izahay mba hohaninay hivelomanay.
And there were some who were saying, Our sons and our daughters, are we pledging, —that we may obtain corn, and eat, and keep ourselves alive.
3 Ary nisy koa nanao hoe: Ny taninay sy ny tanim-boalobokay ary ny tranonay dia efa nataonay antoka, koa ta-hahazo vary izahay noho ny mosary.
And there were some who were saying, Our fields and our vineyards and our houses, are we pledging, —that we may obtain corn in the dearth.
4 Ary nisy koa indray nanao hoe: Efa nisambo-bola izahay handoavanay ny hetran’ ny mpanjaka, ary ny taninay sy ny tanim-boalobokay no nataonay antoka.
And there were others who were saying, We have borrowed silver, for the king’s tribute, —[upon] our lands and our vineyards.
5 Kanefa mba tahaka ny nofon’ ny rahalahinay ihany ny nofonay, ary tahaka ny zanany ihany ny zanakay; fa na dia izany aza, indreo izahay manetry ny zanakai-lahy sy ny zanakai-vavy ho andevo, ary ny sasany amin’ ny zanakai-vavy dia efa andevo rahateo; nefa tsy manan-ko enti-manavotra azy izahay, satria lasan’ ny sasany ny taninay sy ny tanim-boalobokay.
Now, therefore, as is the flesh of our brethren, so is our flesh, as are their children, so are our children. Yet lo! we are putting in subjection our sons and our daughters, for bondservants, yea there are some of our daughters already trodden down, and we are powerless, and, our fields and our vineyards, belong to others.
6 Dia tezitra indrindra aho, raha nahare ny fitarainany sy izany teny izany.
And it angered me greatly, —when I heard their outcry, and these words.
7 Ary nihevitra tao am-poko aho, ka dia nananatra mafy ny manan-kaja sy ny mpanapaka ka nanao taminy hoe: Samy mampanàna zavatra amin’ ny rahalahinareo avy ianareo. Dia nanendry fiangonan-dehibe aho hitsarana azy.
So my heart took counsel unto me and I contended with the nobles and with the deputies, and said to them, A loan on interest—every man to his brother, are ye making, —So I appointed over them a great assembly;
8 Ary hoy izaho taminy: Izahay araka izay tratry ny nanananay dia efa nanavotra ny Jiosy rahalahinay, izay efa namidy tamin’ ny jentilisa; fa ianareo kosa moa hivarotra ny rahalahinareo va, ka hamidy aminay va izy? Dia sina izy, fa tsy hitany izay havaliny.
and I said unto them, We, have bought our brethren the Jews, who had sold themselves unto the nations, according to our ability, and will, ye, even sell your brethren, or shall they sell themselves unto us? And they were silent, and found no answer.
9 Ary hoy koa aho: Tsy tsara izao ataonareo izao; moa tsy tokony handeha amin’ ny fahatahorana an’ Andriamanitsika va ianareo noho ny fanaratsian’ ny jentilisa fahavalontsika?
Then said I, Not good, is the thing which ye are doing, —ought ye not, in the fear of God, to walk, because of the reproach of the nations, our enemies?
10 Izaho sy ny rahalahiko ary ny zatovoko efa nampanàna vola sy vary taminy; koa masìna ianareo, aoka re hafointsika izany trosa izany;
I too, then, my brethren and my young men, might be lending unto them on interest silver and corn! I pray you, let us leave off this lending on interest!
11 eny, masìna ianareo, ampodio aminy anio ihany ny taniny sy ny tanim-boalobony sy ny tanin’ olivany sy ny tranony sy ny ampahazaton’ ny vola sy ny vary ary ny divay sy ny diloilo izay nampisamborinareo azy.
Restore, I pray you, unto them this very day, their fields, their vineyards, their oliveyards, and their houses, —also the hundredth of silver and corn, new wine and oil, for which ye have been lending to them.
12 Dia hoy ireo: Eny, hampodinay izany, ka tsy haka na inona na inona aminy izahay, fa hanao araka izay lazainao. Dia niantso ny mpisorona aho ka nampianiana ireo hanao araka izany teny izany,
And they said, We will restore them, and, from them, will we require nothing, so, will we do, as thou, art saying. Then called I the priests, and put them on oath, to do according to this promise.
13 sady nanakopaka ny lambako teo am-pofoako aho ka nanao hoe: Ho tahaka izany anie no hanakopahan’ Andriamanitra ny olona rehetra izay tsy mahantanteraka izany teny izany hiala amin’ ny tranony sy ny vokatry ny asany; eny, hakopaka ka hofoanana tahaka izany anie izy. Ary ny fiangonana rehetra nanao hoe: Amena; sady nidera an’ i Jehovah izy. Ary dia nanao araka izany teny izany ny olona.
Also, my lap, shook I out, and said—Thus and thus, may God shake out every man who shall not confirm this promise, out of his house and out of his labour, yea, thus and thus, let him be shaken out and empty, —And all the convocation said, Amen! and praised Yahweh, and the people did according to this promise.
14 Ary koa, hatramin’ ny andro nanendrena ahy ho governora amin’ ny tany Joda, dia hatramin’ ny taona faharoa-polo ka hatramin’ ny taona faharoa amby telo-polo nanjakan’ i Artaksersesy, dia roa ambin’ ny folo taona izay, izaho sy ny raha! ahiko tsy mba nihinana izay anjara-fiveloman’ ny governora.
Moreover, from the day I was commanded to become their pasha in the land of Judah, from the twentieth year, even unto the thirty-second year of Artaxerxes the king, twelve years, I and my brethren, pasha’s bread, have not eaten;
15 Fa ireo governora fahiny izay teo alohako ireo dia nahavaky tratra ny olona ka nampandoa azy hanina sy divay ary sekely volafotsy efa-polo koa; eny, na dia ny zatovony aza dia nisetrasetra tamin’ ny olona; fa izaho tsy mba nanao izany noho ny fahatahorako an’ Andriamanitra.
whereas, the former pashas, who were before me, suffered themselves to be a burden upon the people, and took from them in bread and wine, besides forty shekels of silver, even, their young men, bare rule over the people, —but, I, did not so, because of the fear of God.
16 Eny, izaho naharitra nanao io manda io ihany, sady tsy nividy tany izahay; ary ny zatovoko rehetra dia voangona hanao ny asa.
Moreover also, in this work of the wall, I repaired, and, no field, did we buy, —though, all my young men, were gathered thither unto the work.
17 Ary teo amin’ ny latabatro nisy Jiosy sy mpanapaka dimam-polo amby zato afa-tsy izay nankeo aminay avy tamin’ ny firenena manodidina anay.
And, Jews and deputies, a hundred and fifty men, and they who were coming in unto us from among the nations which were round about us, [depended] upon my table.
18 Ary ny namboarina ho ahy isan’ andro dia omby iray sy ondry matavy enina ary vorona koa, ary indray mandeha isan-kafoloana dia nasiana divay samy hafa betsaka; nefa na dia izany aza, ny anjara-fiveloman’ ny governora dia tsy mba nilaiko, satria nahavesatra ny olona ny fanompoana.
Now, that which was prepared for a single day, was—one ox, six choice sheep, also, fowls, were prepared for me, and, apportioned unto ten days, of every sort of wine, in abundance, —yet, in spite of this, the bread of the pasha, demanded I not, because heavy was the bondage upon this people.
19 Tsarovy aho ka hasoavy, ry Andriamanitro ô, araka izay rehetra nataoko ho an’ ity firenena ity.
Remember unto me, O my God, for good, —all that I have done for this people.

< Nehemia 5 >