< Nehemia 3 >

1 Dia nitsangana Eliasiba mpisoronabe sy ny mpisorona rahalahiny ka nandrafitra ny vavahadin’ ondry; dia nanamasina azy izy ka nandatsaka ny lela-vavahadiny; hatramin’ ny tilikambo Hamea ka hatramin’ ny tilikambo Hananela no nohamasininy.
Then Eliasub the high priest, and his brethren the priests, rose up, and built the sheep-gate; they sanctified it, and set up the doors of it; even to the tower of the hundred they sanctified [it], to the tower of Anameel.
2 Ary manarakaraka ireo dia nandrafitra koa ny mponina tany Jeriko. Ary manarakaraka ireo indray dia nandrafitra koa Zakora, zanak’ Imry.
And [they builded] by the side of the men of Jericho, and by the side of the sons of Zacchur, the son of Amari.
3 Ary ny vavahadin-kazandrano dia narafitry ny zanak’ i Hasena, izy no nandatsaka ny rairainy sy ny lela-vavahadiny mbamin’ ny hidiny sy ny vavombiny.
And the sons of Asana built the fish-gate; they roofed it, and covered in its doors, and bolts, and bars.
4 Ary manarakaraka ireo dia namboatra koa Meremota, zanak’ i Oria, zanak’ i Hakoza. Ary manarakaraka io dia namboatra koa Mesolama, zanak’ i Berekia, zanak’ i Mesezabela. Ary manarakaraka io dia namboatra koa Zadoka, zanak’ i Bana.
And next to them [the order] reached to Ramoth the son of Uria, the son of Accos, and next to them Mosollam son of Barachias the son of Mazebel took [his] place: and next to them Sadoc the son of Baana took [his] place.
5 Ary manarakaraka io dia namboatra koa ny Tekoïta; nefa ny olona ambonimbony teo aminy dia tsy nety nampiondrika ny vozony ho amin’ ny fanompoana ny Tompony.
And next to them the Thecoim took [their] place; but the Adorim applied not their neck to their service.
6 Ary ny vavahady taloha dia namboarin’ i Joiada, zanak’ i Pasea, sy Mesolama, zanak’ i Besodia; izy roa lahy no nandatsaka ny rairainy sy ny lela-vavahadiny mbamin’ ny hidiny sy ny vavombiny.
And Joida the son of Phasec, and Mesulam son of Basodia, repaired the old gate; they covered it in, and set up its doors, and its bolts, and its bars.
7 Ary manarakaraka ireo dia namboatra koa Melatia Gibeonita sy Jadona Meronotita mbamin’ ny mponina tany Gibeona sy Mizpa, hatramin’ ny seza fiandrianan’ ny governora etỳ an-dafin’ ny ony etỳ.
And next to them repaired Maltias the Gabaonite, and Evaron the Meronothite, the men of Gabaon and Maspha, to the throne of the governor on this side the river.
8 Manarakaraka ireo dia namboatra koa Oziela, zanak’ i Haraia, isan’ ny mpanefy volamena. Manarakaraka io dia namboatra koa Hanania, isan’ ny mpangaroharo zava-manitra; ary nanamafy an’ i Jerosalema izy hatramin’ ny mandà lehibe.
And next to him Oziel the son of Arachias of the smiths, carried on the repairs: and next to them Ananias the son of one of the apothecaries repaired, and they finished Jerusalem to the broad wall.
9 Ary manarakaraka io dia namboatra koa Refaia, zanak’ i Hora, komandin’ ny antsasaky ny fehin’ i Jerosalema.
And next to them repaired Raphaea the son of Sur, the ruler of half the district round about Jerusalem.
10 Ary manarakaraka io dia namboatra koa Jedaia, zanak’ i Haromafa, dia ny teo amin’ ny tandrifin’ ny tranony ihany. Ary manarakaraka io dia namboatra koa Hatosy, zanak’ i Hasabnia.
And next to them repaired Jedaia the son of Eromaph, and [that] in front of his house: and next to him repaired Attuth son of Asabania.
11 Ny sasany koa mbamin’ ny tilikambo misy ny fatana fandoroana dia namboarin’ i Malkia, zanak’ i Harima, sy Hasoba, zanak’ i Pahatamoaba.
And next [to him] repaired Melchias son of Heram, and Asub son of Phaat Moab, even to the tower of the furnaces.
12 Ary manarakaraka ireo dia namboatra koa Saloma, zanak’ i Halohesy, komandin’ ny antsasaky ny fehin’ i Jerosalema, dia izy sy ny zananivavy.
And next to him repaired Sallum the son of Alloes, the ruler of half the district round about Jerusalem, he and his daughters.
13 Ny vavahady mankamin’ ny lohasaha dia namboarin’ i Hanona sy ny mponina tany Zanoa; ireo no nandrafitra izany sy nandatsaka ny lela-vavahadiny mbamin’ ny hidiny sy ny vavombiny, ary narafiny koa ny arivo hakiho amin’ ny manda hatramin’ ny vavahadin-jezika.
Anun and the inhabitants of Zano repaired the gate of the valley: they built it, and set up its doors, and its bolts, and its bars, and a thousand cubits of the wall as far as the dung-gate.
14 Ary ny vavahadin-jezika dia namboarin’ i Malkia, zanak’ i Rekaba, komandin’ ny fehin’ i Beti-hakerema; izy no nandrafitra izany sy nandatsaka ny lela-vavahadiny mbamin’ ny hidiny sy ny vavombiny.
And Melchia the son of Rechab, the ruler of the district round about Beth-accharim, repaired the dung-gate, he and his sons; and they covered it, and set up its doors, and its bolts, and its bars.
15 Ary ny vavahadin-doharano dia namboarin’ i Saloma, zanak’ i Kola-hoze, komandin’ ny fehin’ i Mizpa; izy no nandrafitra sy nanafo izany ary nandatsaka ny lela-vavahadiny mbamin’ ny hidiny sy ny vavombiny, ary narafiny koa ny mandan’ ny farihy Siloa, teo anilan’ ny sahan’ ny mpanjaka, ka hatramin’ ny ambaratonga midìna avy any an-Tanànan’ i Davida.
But Solomon the son of Choleze repaired the gate of the fountain, the ruler of part of Maspha; he built it, and covered it, and set up its doors and its bars, and the wall of the pool of the skins by the meadow of the king, and as far as the steps that lead down from the city of David.
16 Ary manarakaraka io dia namboatra koa Nehemia, zanak’ i Azboka, komandin’ ny antsasaky ny fehin’ i Beti-zora, hatramin’ ny teo amin’ ny tandrifin’ ireo fasan’ i Davida ka hatramin’ ny farihy izay natao ary hatramin’ ny tranon’ ny lehilahy mahery.
After him repaired Neemias son of Azabuch, ruler of half the district round about Bethsur, as far as the garden of David's sepulchre, and as far as the artificial pool, and as far as the house of the mighty men.
17 Manarakaraka io dia namboatra koa ny Levita, dia Rehoma, zanak’ i Bany. Manarakaraka ireo dia namboatra koa Hasabia, komandin’ ny antsasaky ny fehin’ i Keila, ho an’ ny fehiny.
After him repaired the Levites, [even] Raum the son of Bani: next to him repaired Asabia, ruler of half the district round about Keila, in his district.
18 Manarakaraka io dia namboatra koa ireo rahalahiny, dia Bavay, zanak’ i Henadada, komandin’ ny antsasaky ny fehin’ i Keila.
And after him repaired his brethren, Benei son of Enadad, ruler of half the district round about Keila.
19 Ary manarakaraka lreo dia nisy namboarin’ i Ezera, zanak’ i Jesoa, komandin’ i Mizpa, teo amin’ ny tandrifin’ ny fiakarana ho any amin’ ny trano fitehirizam-piadiana eo amin’ ny fiolahana.
And next to him repaired Azur the son of Joshua, ruler of Masphai, another portion of the tower of ascent, where it meets the corner.
20 Manarakaraka io koa dia Baroka, zanak’ i Zabay, no nazoto namboatra ny sasany hatramin’ ny fiolahana ka hatramin’ ny varavaran’ ny tranon’ i Eliasiba mpisoronabe.
After him repaired Baruch the son of Zabu, a second portion, from the corner as far as the door of the house of Eliasub the high priest.
21 Manarakaraka io koa dia nisy namboarin’ i Meremota, zanak’ i Oria, zanak’ i Hakoza, hatramin’ ny varavaran’ ny tranon’ i Eliasiba ka hatramin’ ny faran’ ny tranon’ i Eliasiba.
After him repaired Meramoth the son of Uria the son of Accos, a second part from the door of the house of Eliasub, to the end of the house of Eliasub.
22 Ary manarakaraka io dia namboatra koa ny mpisorona, dia ireo avy tany amin’ ny tany lemaka.
And after him repaired the priests, the men of Ecchechar.
23 Manarakaraka ireo dia namboatra koa Benjamina sy Hasoba teo amin’ ny tandrifin’ ny tranony ihany. Manarakaraka ireo dia namboatra koa Azaria, zanak’ i Mahaseia, zanak’ i Anania, teo anilan’ ny tranony ihany.
And after him repaired Benjamin and Asub over against their house: and after him repaired Azarias son of Maasias the son of Ananias, [the parts] near to his house.
24 Manarakaraka io koa, dia nisy namboarin’ i Binoy, zanak’ i Henadada, hatramin’ ny tranon’ i Azaria ka hatramin’ ny fiolahana eo amin’ ny zorony.
After him repaired Bani the son of Adad, another portion from the house of Azaria as far as the corner and to the turning,
25 Ary Palala, zanak’ i Ozay, koa, dia ny teo amin’ ny tandrifin’ ny fiolahana sy izay mandroso eo amin’ ny tilikambo ambony, eo amin’ ny ranon’ ny mpanjaka, eo akaikin’ ny tokotanin’ ny trano-maizina. Manarakaraka io koa dia Pedaia, zanak’ i Parosy.
of Phalach the son of Uzai, opposite the corner, and [where is] also the tower that projects from the king's house, even the upper one of the prison-house: and after him [repaired] Phadaea the son of Phoros.
26 Ary ny Netinima dia nonina tany Ofela hatreo amin’ ny tandrifin’ ny vavahadin-drano atsinanana sy ny mandroso eo amin’ ny tilikambo.
And the Nathinim dwelt in Ophal, as far as the garden of the water-gate eastward, and [there is] the projecting tower.
27 Ary manarakaraka ireo koa dia nisy namboarin’ ny Tekoïta, teo amin’ ny tandrifin’ ny mandroso eo amin’ ny tilikambo lehibe ka hatramin’ ny mandan’ i Ofela.
And after them the Thecoim repaired, another portion opposite the great projecting tower, even as far as the wall of Ophla.
28 Hatreo ambonin’ ny vavahadin-tsoavaly dia namboarin’ ny mpisorona, dia samy ny teo amin’ ny tandrifin’ ny tranony avy.
The priests repaired above the horse-gate, [every] man over against his own house.
29 Manarakaraka ireo dia namboatra koa Zadoka, zanak’ Imera, dia ny teo amin’ ny tandrifin’ ny tranony ihany. Ary manarakaraka io dia namboatra koa Semaia, zanak’ i Sekania, mpiandry ny vavahady atsinanana.
And after him Sadduc the son of Emmer repaired opposite his own house: and after him repaired Samaea son of Sechenia, guard of the east-gate.
30 Manarakaraka io koa dia nisy namboarin’ i Hanania, zanak’ i Setemia, sy Hanona, fahenin’ ny zanak’ i Zalafa. Manarakaraka ireo dia namboatra koa Mesolama, zanak’ i Berekia, dia ny teo amin’ ny tandrifin’ ny efi-tranony ihany.
After him repaired Anania son of Selemia, and Anom, the sixth son of Seleph, another portion: after him Mesulam the son of Barachia repaired over against his treasury.
31 Manarakaraka io dia namboatra koa Malkia, isan’ ny mpanefy volamena, hatramin’ ny tranon’ ny Netinima sy ny mpandranto, dia ny teo amin’ ny tandrifin’ ny vavahady Mifikada ka hatramin’ ny trano ambony teo an-jorony.
After him repaired Melchia the son of Sarephi as far as the house of the Nathinim, and the chapmen over against the gate of Maphecad, and as far as the steps of the corner.
32 Ary ny teo anelanelan’ ny trano ambony teo an-jorony sy ny vavahadin’ ondry no namboarin’ ny mpanefy volamena sy ny mpandranto.
And between [that and] the sheep-gate the smiths and chapmen repaired.

< Nehemia 3 >