< Matio 23 >
1 Ary tamin’ izany Jesosy dia niteny tamin’ ny vahoaka sy tamin’ ny mpianany ka nanao hoe:
Then Jesus addressed the people and his disciples,
2 Eo amin’ ny fipetrahan’ i Mosesy no ipetrahan’ ny mpanora-dalàna sy ny Fariseo;
saying, The Scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses' chair;
3 koa amin’ izany, izay rehetra lazainy dia ataovy ka tandremo; fa aza mba manao araka ny asany, satria miteny ihany izy, nefa tsy manao.
therefore observe and do whatsoever they enjoin you; nevertheless, follow not their example; for they say and do not.
4 Eny, mamehy entana sady mavesatra no sarotra entina izy ka manaingina izany eo amin’ ny soroky ny olona, nefa ny tenany tsy mety manetsika izany na dia amin’ ny rantsan-tànany anankiray asa.
Heavy and intolerable burdens they prepare for other men's shoulders, burdens to which they themselves will not put a finger.
5 Ary ny asany rehetra dia ataony mba ho hitan’ ny olona; fa ataony lehibe ny fylakiterany, ary ataony vaventy ny somotraviaviny.
But whatever they do they do to be observed by men. For this they wear broader phylacteries than others, and larger tufts on their mantles;
6 Ary tia ny fitoerana aloha eo amin’ ny fanasana izy, sy ny fipetrahana aloha eo amin’ ny synagoga
and love the uppermost places at entertainments, and the principal seats in the synagogues,
7 sy ny hoharabain’ ny olona eny an-tsena ary ny hataon’ ny olona hoe: Raby ô!
and salutations in public places; and to hear men addressing them, cry, Rabbi, Rabbi.
8 Fa ianareo kosa aza mba mety hatao hoe: Raby ô; fa iray ihany no mpampianatra anareo, ary ianareo rehetra dia mpirahalahy avokoa.
But as for you, assume not the title of Rabbi; for you have only one teacher;
9 Ary aza milaza olona etỳ an-tany ho rainareo; fa iray ihany no Rainareo, dia Izay any an-danitra.
and style no man on earth your father, for he alone is your Father, who is in heaven; and all you are brothers.
10 Ary aza mba mety hatao hoe mpitarika ianareo; fa iray ihany no Mpitarika anareo, dia Kristy.
Neither assume the title of leaders, for you have only one leader--who is the Messiah.
11 Fa izay lehibe aminareo no ho mpanompo anareo.
The greatest of you, on the contrary, shall be your servant;
12 Fa izay manandra-tena no haetry; ary izay manetry tena no hasandratra.
for whosoever will exalt himself, shall be humbled; and whosoever will humble himself, shall be exalted.
13 Fa lozanareo, mpanora-dalàna sy Fariseo, mpihatsaravelatsihy! fa arindrinareo eo anoloan’ ny olona ny fanjakan’ ny lanitra; fa ianareo tsy miditra, ary izay miditra dia tsy avelanareo hiditra.
But alas for you, Scribes and Pharisees! hypocrites! because you shut the kingdom of heaven against men; and will neither enter yourselves, nor permit others that would, to enter.
14 (Lozanareo mpanora-dalàna sy Fariseo, mpihatsaravelatsihy! Fa laninareo ny tranon’ ny mpitondratena, ary dia manao vavaka lavareny ho fiolahana ianareo; koa izany no hahazoanareo fahamelohana mafimafy kokoa.)
Alas for you, Scribes and Pharisees! hypocrite! because you devour the families of widows; and use long prayers for a disguise. This will but aggravate your punishment.
15 Lozanareo, mpanora-dalàna sy Fariseo, mpihatsaravelatsihy! fa mandeha mitety ny ranomasina sy ny tany maina ianareo mba hahazoanareo na dia iray ihany aza ho proselyta; ary rehefa azonareo izy, dia ataonareo zanaky ny helo mihoatra indroa noho ianareo aza. (Geenna )
Alas for you, Scribes and Pharisees! hypocrites! because you traverse sea and land to make one proselyte; and when he is gained, you make him a son of hell doubly more than yourselves. (Geenna )
16 Lozanareo, mpitarika jamba izay manao hoe: Raha misy mianiana amin’ ny tempoly, dia tsy mampaninona izany; fa raha misy mianiana amin’ ny volamena amin’ ny tempoly, dia haningo-tena izy.
Alas for you, blind guides, who say, To swear by the temple binds not, but swear by the gold of the temple is binding.
17 Ry adala sy jamba! iza no lehibe, ny volamena va, sa ny tempoly izay nahamasina ny volamena?
Foolish and blind! which is more sacred, the gold, or the temple that consecrates the gold?
18 Ary koa: Raha misy mianiana amin’ ny alitara, dia tsy mampaninona izany; fa raha misy mianiana amin’ ny fanatitra eo amboniny, dia haningo-tena izy.
and, to swear by the altar, binds not, but to swear by the offering that is upon it is binding.
19 Ry jamba! iza no lehibe, ny fanatitra, sa ny alitara izay mahamasina ny fanatitra?
Foolish and blind! which is more sacred, the offering, or the altar that consecrates the offering?
20 Koa amin’ izany, izay mianiana amin’ ny alitara, dia mianiana aminy mbamin’ ny zavatra rehetra izay eo amboniny.
Whoever, therefore, swears by the altar, swears by it, and by everything on it.
21 Ary izay mianiana amin’ ny tempoly dia mianiana aminy mbamin’ izay mitoetra ao anatiny.
And whoever swears by the temple, swears by it, and by Him who dwells in it;
22 Ary izay mianiana amin’ ny lanitra dia mianiana amin’ ny seza fiandrianan’ Andriamanitra mbamin’ izay mipetraka eo amboniny.
and whoever swears by heaven, swears by the throne of God, and by Him who sits on it.
23 Lozanareo, mpanora-dalàna sy Fariseo, mpihatsaravelatsihy! fa mandoa ny fahafolon’ ny solila sy ny aneta ary ny komina ianareo, nefa navelanareo izay lehibe amin’ ny lalàna, dia ny rariny sy ny famindram-po ary ny finoana; ireto tokony ho nataonareo, nefa tsy tokony havelanareo ireroana.
Alas for you, Scribes and Pharisees! hypocrites! because you pay the tithe of mint, dill, and cummin, and omit the more important articles of the law, justice, humanity, and fidelity. These you ought to have practiced without omitting those.
24 Ry mpitarika jamba! tantavaninareo ny moka, nefa atelinareo ny rameva.
Blind guides! you are skimming off the gnat, and swallowing the camel.
25 Lozanareo, mpanora-dalàna sy Fariseo, mpihatsaravelatsihy! fa diovinareo ny vohon’ ny kapoaka sy ny lovia, nefa ny ao anatiny dia feno rombaka sy tsi-fahononana.
Alas for you, Scribes and Pharisees! hypocrites! because you cleanse the outside of those cups and platters, which within are laid with rapine and iniquity.
26 Ry Fariseo jamba! diovy aloha ny atin’ ny kapoaka sy ny lovia, mba ho madio koa ny vohony.
Blind Pharisee! begin with cleansing the inside of the cup, and of the platter, if you would make even the outside clean.
27 Lozanareo, mpanora-dalàna sy Fariseo, mpihatsaravelatsihy! fa ianareo dia tahaka ny fasana voalalotra fotsy, izay miseho tsara tarehy eo ivelany, nefa ny ao anatiny dia feno taolan’ ny maty mbamin’ ny fahalotoana rehetra.
Alas for you, Scribes and Pharisees! hypocrites! because you resemble whitened sepulchers, which without indeed, are beautiful, but within are full of corruption, and of dead men's bones.
28 Dia tahaka izany koa ianareo: raha amin’ ny eo ivelany dia miseho amin’ ny olona ho marina, nefa ny ao anatinareo dia feno fihatsaram-belatsihy sy tsi-fankatoavan-dalàna.
Thus you outwardly appear righteous to men; but are inwardly fraught with subtlety and injustice.
29 Lozanareo, mpanora-dalàna sy Fariseo, mpihatsaravelatsihy! fa manao ny fasan’ ny mpaminany ianareo sady manisy haingony ny rarivatom-pasan’ ny olona marina,
Alas for you, Scribes and Pharisees! hypocrites! because you build the sepulchers of the prophets, and adorn the monuments of the righteous,
30 ka hoy ianareo: Raha niara-belona tamin’ ny razanay izahay, dia tsy mba nikambana taminy handatsa-drà ny mpaminany.
and say, Had we lived in the days of our fathers, we would not have been their accomplices in the slaughter of the prophets.
31 Ka dia miampanga tena ianareo fa zanak’ izay namono ny mpaminany.
Thus you testify against yourself, that you are the sons of those who murdered the prophets.
32 Ary ianareo koa dia mamenoa ny famaran’ ny razanareo.
Fill you up, then, the measure of your fathers.
33 Ry bibilava, taranaky ny menarana, hataonareo ahoana no fandositra ny fanamelohana ho any amin’ ny helo? (Geenna )
Ah! serpents, offspring of vipers! how can you escape the punishment of hell? (Geenna )
34 Ary noho izany, indro, Izaho maniraka mpaminany sy olon-kendry ary mpanora-dalàna ho atỳ aminareo; koa ny sasany hovonoinareo sy hohomboanareo amin’ ny hazo fijaliana, ary ny sasany hokapohinareo ao amin’ ny synagoganareo sy henjehinareo mitety vohitra, ―
Therefore, I send you prophets, and wise men, and scribes. Some of them you will kill and crucify; others you will scourge in your synagogues, and banish from city to city;
35 mba hanody anareo ny rà marina rehetra, izay nalatsaka tambonin’ ny tany, hatramin’ ny ran’ i Abela marina ka hatramin’ ny ran’ i Zakaria, zanak’ i Barakia, izay novonoinareo teo anelanelan’ ny tempoly sy ny alitara.
so that all the innocent blood shed upon the earth shall be charged upon you, from the blood of righteous Abel, to the blood of Zachariah, son of Barachiah, whom you slew between the altar and the sanctuary.
36 Lazaiko aminareo marina tokoa: Hanody ity taranaka ity izany rehetra izany.
Indeed, I say to you, all shall be charged upon this generation.
37 Ry Jerosalema, ry Jerosalema, izay mamono ny mpaminany sy mitora-bato izay irahina ho aminao, impiry Aho no ta-hanangona ny zanakao, tahaka ny fanomban’ ny akoho ny zanany ao ambanin’ ny elany, fa tsy nety ianareo!
O Jerusalem, Jerusalem! who killest the prophets, and stonest them whom God sends to you, how often would I have gathered your children together, as a hen gathers her chickens under her wings, but you would not!
38 Indro, avela ho lao ho anareo ny tranonareo.
Soon shall your habitation be turned into a desert;
39 Fa lazaiko aminareo: Hatramin’ izao dia tsy hahita Ahy tokoa ianareo mandra-pilazanareo hoe: Isaorana anie Izay avy amin’ ny anaran’ i Jehovah.
for know, that you shall not henceforth see me, until you say, Blessed be He, who comes in the name of the Lord.